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ICdnProfile Interface


An immutable client-side representation of an Azure CDN profile.

public interface ICdnProfile : Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.IGroupableResource<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Cdn.Fluent.ICdnManager,Microsoft.Azure.Management.Cdn.Fluent.Models.ProfileInner>, Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.IHasInner<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Cdn.Fluent.Models.ProfileInner>, Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.IHasManager<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Cdn.Fluent.ICdnManager>, Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.ResourceActions.IRefreshable<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Cdn.Fluent.ICdnProfile>, Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.ResourceActions.IUpdatable<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Cdn.Fluent.CdnProfile.Update.IUpdate>
type ICdnProfile = interface
    interface IGroupableResource<ICdnManager, ProfileInner>
    interface IResource
    interface IIndexable
    interface IHasId
    interface IHasName
    interface IHasResourceGroup
    interface IHasManager<ICdnManager>
    interface IHasInner<ProfileInner>
    interface IRefreshable<ICdnProfile>
    interface IUpdatable<IUpdate>
Public Interface ICdnProfile
Implements IGroupableResource(Of ICdnManager, ProfileInner), IHasInner(Of ProfileInner), IHasManager(Of ICdnManager), IRefreshable(Of ICdnProfile), IUpdatable(Of IUpdate)



Gets endpoints in the CDN manager profile, indexed by name.


Gets the resource id string

(Inherited from IHasId)
Inner (Inherited from IHasInner<T>)

Gets true if this CDN profile's SKU is of Premium Verizon, else false.

Key (Inherited from IIndexable)

Gets the manager client type of this resource type.

(Inherited from IHasManager<ManagerT>)

Gets the name of the resource

(Inherited from IHasName)
Region (Inherited from IResource)
RegionName (Inherited from IResource)
ResourceGroupName (Inherited from IHasResourceGroup)

Gets CDN profile state.


Gets the SKU of the CDN profile.

Tags (Inherited from IResource)
Type (Inherited from IResource)



Checks the availability of an endpoint name without creating the CDN endpoint.

CheckEndpointNameAvailabilityAsync(String, CancellationToken)

Checks the availability of an endpoint name without creating the CDN endpoint asynchronously.


Generates a dynamic SSO URI used to sign in to the CDN supplemental portal used for advanced management tasks.


Asynchronously generates a dynamic SSO URI used to sign into the CDN supplemental portal used for advanced management tasks.

LoadEndpointContent(String, ISet<String>)

Forcibly pre-loads CDN endpoint content in the CDN profile. Note, this is Available for Verizon Profiles only.

LoadEndpointContentAsync(String, ISet<String>, CancellationToken)

Forcibly pre-loads CDN endpoint content in the CDN profile asynchronously. Note, this is Available for Verizon Profiles only.

PurgeEndpointContent(String, ISet<String>)

Forcibly purges CDN endpoint content in the CDN profile.

PurgeEndpointContentAsync(String, ISet<String>, CancellationToken)

Forcibly purges CDN endpoint content in the CDN profile asynchronously.


Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.

(Inherited from IRefreshable<T>)

Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.

(Inherited from IRefreshable<T>)

Starts a stopped CDN endpoint.

StartEndpointAsync(String, CancellationToken)

Starts a stopped CDN endpoint asynchronously.


Stops a running CDN endpoint.

StopEndpointAsync(String, CancellationToken)

Stops a running CDN endpoint asynchronously.

Update() (Inherited from IUpdatable<T>)
ValidateEndpointCustomDomain(String, String)

Validates a custom domain mapping to ensure it maps to the correct CNAME in DNS in current profile.

ValidateEndpointCustomDomainAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

Validates a custom domain mapping to ensure it maps to the correct CNAME in DNS in current profile asynchronously.

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