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PageModel Class


Abstract class representing a Page

public ref class PageModel abstract
public ref class PageModel abstract : Microsoft::AspNetCore::Mvc::Filters::IAsyncPageFilter, Microsoft::AspNetCore::Mvc::Filters::IFilterMetadata, Microsoft::AspNetCore::Mvc::Filters::IPageFilter
public abstract class PageModel
public abstract class PageModel : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters.IAsyncPageFilter, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters.IFilterMetadata, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters.IPageFilter
type PageModel = class
type PageModel = class
    interface IAsyncPageFilter
    interface IFilterMetadata
    interface IPageFilter
Public MustInherit Class PageModel
Public MustInherit Class PageModel
Implements IAsyncPageFilter, IFilterMetadata, IPageFilter





Gets the HttpContext.


Gets or sets the IModelMetadataProvider.


Gets the ModelStateDictionary.


Gets the PageContext.


Gets the HttpRequest.


Gets the HttpResponse.


Gets the RouteData for the executing action.


Gets or sets ITempDataDictionary used by PageResult.


Gets or sets the IUrlHelper.


Gets the ClaimsPrincipal for user associated with the executing action.


Gets the ViewDataDictionary.



Creates a BadRequestResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.


Creates a BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.


Creates a BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.


Creates a ChallengeResult.

Challenge(AuthenticationProperties, String[])

Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified authentication schemes and properties.


Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified properties.


Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified authentication schemes.

Content(String, MediaTypeHeaderValue)

Creates a ContentResult object with Status200OK by specifying a content string and a contentType.

Content(String, String, Encoding)

Creates a ContentResult object with Status200OK by specifying a content string, a contentType, and contentEncoding.

Content(String, String)

Creates a ContentResult object with Status200OK by specifying a content string and a content type.


Creates a ContentResult object with Status200OK by specifying a content string.

File(Byte[], String, String)

Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.

File(Byte[], String)

Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK) and the specified contentType as the Content-Type.

File(Stream, String, String)

Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.

File(Stream, String)

Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type.

File(String, String, String)

Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.

File(String, String)

Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type.


Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default).

Forbid(AuthenticationProperties, String[])

Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the specified authentication schemes and properties.


Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the specified properties.


Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the specified authentication schemes.


Creates a LocalRedirectResult object that redirects (Status302Found) to the specified local localUrl.


Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to true (Status301MovedPermanently) using the specified localUrl.


Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true (Status308PermanentRedirect) using the specified localUrl.


Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true (Status307TemporaryRedirect) using the specified localUrl.


Creates an NotFoundResult that produces a Status404NotFound response.


Creates an NotFoundObjectResult that produces a Status404NotFound response.


Called after the handler method executes, before the action result executes.


Called before the handler method executes, after model binding is complete.

OnPageHandlerExecutionAsync(PageHandlerExecutingContext, PageHandlerExecutionDelegate)

Called asynchronously before the handler method is invoked, after model binding is complete.


Called after a handler method has been selected, but before model binding occurs.


Called asynchronously after the handler method has been selected, but before model binding occurs.


Creates a PageResult object that renders the page.

Partial(String, Object)

Creates a PartialViewResult by specifying the name of a partial to render and the model object.


Creates a PartialViewResult by specifying the name of a partial to render.

PhysicalFile(String, String, String)

Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name.

PhysicalFile(String, String)

Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type.


Creates a RedirectResult object that redirects (Status302Found) to the specified url.


Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to true (Status301MovedPermanently) using the specified url.


Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true (Status308PermanentRedirect) using the specified url.


Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true (Status307TemporaryRedirect) using the specified url.

RedirectToAction(String, Object)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the actionName and routeValues.

RedirectToAction(String, String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.

RedirectToAction(String, String, Object)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified actionName, controllerName, and routeValues.

RedirectToAction(String, String, String)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified actionName, controllerName, and fragment.

RedirectToAction(String, String)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the actionName and the controllerName.


Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the actionName.

RedirectToActionPermanent(String, Object)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName and routeValues.

RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.

RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, Object)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName, controllerName, and routeValues.

RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, String)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName, controllerName, and fragment.

RedirectToActionPermanent(String, String)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName and controllerName.


Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName.

RedirectToActionPermanentPreserveMethod(String, String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified action with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.

RedirectToActionPreserveMethod(String, String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified action with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.


Redirects (Status302Found) to the current page.


Redirects (Status302Found) to the current page with the specified routeValues.

RedirectToPage(String, Object)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues.

RedirectToPage(String, String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues and fragment.

RedirectToPage(String, String, Object)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified pageHandler and routeValues.

RedirectToPage(String, String, String)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified fragment.

RedirectToPage(String, String)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified pageHandler.


Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName.

RedirectToPagePermanent(String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified fragment.

RedirectToPagePermanent(String, Object)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues.

RedirectToPagePermanent(String, String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues and fragment.

RedirectToPagePermanent(String, String, Object)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues.

RedirectToPagePermanent(String, String, String)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified fragment.

RedirectToPagePermanent(String, String)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName.


Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName.

RedirectToPagePermanentPreserveMethod(String, String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified route with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified pageName, routeValues, and fragment.

RedirectToPagePreserveMethod(String, String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified page with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified pageName, routeValues, and fragment.


Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeValues.

RedirectToRoute(String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.

RedirectToRoute(String, Object)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName and routeValues.

RedirectToRoute(String, String)

Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName and fragment.


Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName.


Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeValues.

RedirectToRoutePermanent(String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.

RedirectToRoutePermanent(String, Object)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName and routeValues.

RedirectToRoutePermanent(String, String)

Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName and fragment.


Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName.

RedirectToRoutePermanentPreserveMethod(String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified route with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.

RedirectToRoutePreserveMethod(String, Object, String)

Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified route with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.

SignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, AuthenticationProperties, String)

Creates a SignInResult with the specified authentication scheme and properties.

SignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, String)

Creates a SignInResult with the specified authentication scheme.

SignOut(AuthenticationProperties, String[])

Creates a SignOutResult with the specified authentication schemes and properties.


Creates a SignOutResult with the specified authentication schemes.

StatusCode(Int32, Object)

Creates a ObjectResult object by specifying a statusCode and value


Creates a StatusCodeResult object by specifying a statusCode.

TryUpdateModelAsync(Object, Type, String, IValueProvider, Func<ModelMetadata,Boolean>)

Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a name.

TryUpdateModelAsync(Object, Type, String)

Updates the specified model instance using values from the PageModel's current IValueProvider and a name.

TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String, Expression<Func<TModel,Object>>[])

Updates the specified model instance using values from the PageModel's current IValueProvider and a name.

TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String, Func<ModelMetadata,Boolean>)

Updates the specified model instance using values from the PageModel's current IValueProvider and a name.

TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String, IValueProvider, Expression<Func<TModel,Object>>[])

Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a name.

TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String, IValueProvider, Func<ModelMetadata,Boolean>)

Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a name.

TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String, IValueProvider)

Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a name.

TryUpdateModelAsync<TModel>(TModel, String)

Updates the specified model instance using values from the PageModel's current IValueProvider.


Updates the specified model instance using values from the PageModel's current IValueProvider.

TryValidateModel(Object, String)

Validates the specified model instance.


Validates the specified model instance.


Creates an UnauthorizedResult that produces an Status401Unauthorized response.

ViewComponent(String, Object)

Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the name of a view component to render.


Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the name of a view component to render.

ViewComponent(Type, Object)

Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the Type of a view component to render.


Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the Type of a view component to render.

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