Manage sites

Microsoft Defender for IoT in the Microsoft Defender portal includes the Site security page, which allows you to see the up-to-date security state of your production sites. Learn more about the site security benefits and use cases or the Site security page.

When you manage a site, you might need to edit or delete the site information listed in the Site security page.


This article discusses Microsoft Defender for IoT in the Defender portal (Preview).

If you're an existing customer working on the classic Defender for IoT portal (Azure portal), see the Defender for IoT on Azure documentation.

Learn more about the Defender for IoT management portals.

Some information in this article relates to a prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

Manually update device site association

Security admininstrators can manually assign or modify the site location for a device. Manually assigning a site overrides the automatic site association created when making the site.

To quickly update a group of devices, select multiple devices from the inventory and set the site for all of the selected devices simulataneously.

To change the site associated with a device:

  1. Select Assets -> Devices to open the Device Inventory.

  2. Select the device, or group of devices, to update. A list of action buttons appear at the top of the Device Inventory table.

  3. Select Set site. The Set site pane opens.

    Screenshot of the set site button in the device inventory table for changing the site location setting

  4. In Set site manually, open the Select site drop down list and select the site to associate with this device. If you want to leave a device unassociated with a specific site, select Unassigned.

    Screenshot of the set site manually drop down list for changing the site location setting

  5. Select Save and close.

  6. The Set site confirmation box appears. Select Confirm to finalize the change. Finalizing the change prevents automatic site reassignment based on existing site security rules. This change remains until the device is reset manually.


For managing an entire site, instead of manually changing each individual device to a new site, it is recommended to go to Site security and use the Edit site wizard to more efficiently manage the site and the devices associated to it. For more information, see Site security.

Edit or delete a site

To edit or delete a site:

  1. In the Microsoft Defender portal menu, select Operational technology > Site security.

  2. Select the ellipsis ( ) to the right of the site name.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Select Edit site to open the Site details pane, where you can make changes to the site. For more information, see Site details.
    • Select Delete site to remove a site from the site list. This deletes all site-related information for the associated devices.

Add device group

You can create a device group based on a site location to restrict access to a specific site or group of sites, and verify that the correct users have access to your site.

You can set up a device group at different stages:

To get the full benefit of the device group, you might need to create roles and permission settings. For more information, see: