Interceptor OnEvent Element

The OnEvent element describes one real event that is mapped to the enclosing BAM activity.


The OnEvent element contains child elements that specify an event filter, the correlation ID and optionally which data to update, reference data, and a continuation token.


Attribute name Description
Name User-defined name for this event.
Source Name of the event source as it appears in an EventSource element.
IsBegin Boolean value indicating whether the event is the beginning of a new BAM activity (true) or not (false).
IsEnd Boolean value indicating whether the event is the end of a BAM activity (true) or not (false).

Child Elements

Execution status Description
Filter Provides a way to limit the event to specific criteria.
CorrelationID Specifies the correlation ID (the activity instance ID).
ContinuationToken Specifies the continuation token, a correlation ID that is used by future events that will contribute to the same activity instance.
Update Specifies the data to extract from the event and import into the BAM activity.
Reference Adds a relationship to a BAM activity.



The following example shows a typical OnEvent block for WF:

<ic:OnEvent Name="BeginAct" IsBegin="true" Source="ResWF">  
      <wf:Operation Name="GetActivityName"/>  
      <ic:Operation Name="Constant">  
      <ic:Operation Name="Equals"/>  
      <wf:Operation Name="GetActivityEvent"/>  
      <ic:Operation Name="Constant">  
      <ic:Operation Name="Equals"/>  
      <ic:Operation Name="And"/>  
      <wf:Operation Name="GetContextProperty">  
  <ic:Update DataItemName="StartOrderProcessing" Type="DATETIME">  
      <wf:Operation Name="GetContextProperty">  
  <ic:Update DataItemName="FoodItem" Type="NVARCHAR">  
      <wf:Operation Name="GetWorkflowProperty">  

This example shows a typical OnEvent block for WCF service:

<ic:OnEvent IsBegin="true" IsEnd ="false" Name ="AuthorizationRequestService" Source="ESCreditCardService">  
      <wcf:Operation Name="GetServiceContractCallPoint"/>  
      <ic:Operation Name ="Constant">  
      <ic:Operation Name ="Equals"/>  
      <wcf:Operation Name="GetOperationName" />  
      <ic:Operation Name="Constant">  
      <ic:Operation Name ="Equals" />  
      <ic:Operation Name ="And" />  
      <ic:Operation Name="Constant">  
  <ic:Update DataItemName="Name" Type="NVARCHAR">  
      <wcf:Operation Name="XPath">  
      <wcf:Operation Name="XPath">  
      <ic:Operation Name ="Concatenate"/>  

In This Section

See Also

Structure of an Interceptor Configuration File