
The CorrelationID element is used to specify a correlation ID for a message.


The CorrelationID element consists of an Expression element that uses one or more Operation elements to specify the string to use as the correlation ID.

    <!-- Operations -->  


The following common operations are not allowed in correlation ID expressions:

  • And

  • Equals


The following Workflow Foundation (WF) interceptor sample configuration block uses "OrderNum" to establish a correlation ID. Using the WF and common operations, you can build sophisticated expressions to construct an appropriate correlation ID for your workflow.

    <wf:Operation Name="GetWorkflowProperty">  

For Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications, you can use WCF-specific and common operations to construct a correlation ID. The following sample uses the XPath operation and XPath to retrieve a credit card number from a message for use as a correlation ID:

    <wcf:Operation Name ="XPath">  

See Also

Interceptor OnEvent Element