Microsoft.Web managedHostingEnvironments
Bicep resource definition
The managedHostingEnvironments resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.Web/managedHostingEnvironments resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Web/managedHostingEnvironments@2015-08-01' = {
kind: 'string'
location: 'string'
name: 'string'
properties: {
allowedMultiSizes: 'string'
allowedWorkerSizes: 'string'
apiManagementAccountId: 'string'
clusterSettings: [
name: 'string'
value: 'string'
databaseEdition: 'string'
databaseServiceObjective: 'string'
dnsSuffix: 'string'
environmentCapacities: [
availableCapacity: int
computeMode: 'string'
excludeFromCapacityAllocation: bool
isApplicableForAllComputeModes: bool
name: 'string'
siteMode: 'string'
totalCapacity: int
unit: 'string'
workerSize: 'string'
workerSizeId: int
environmentIsHealthy: bool
environmentStatus: 'string'
internalLoadBalancingMode: 'string'
ipsslAddressCount: int
lastAction: 'string'
lastActionResult: 'string'
location: 'string'
maximumNumberOfMachines: int
multiRoleCount: int
multiSize: 'string'
name: 'string'
networkAccessControlList: [
action: 'string'
description: 'string'
order: int
remoteSubnet: 'string'
provisioningState: 'string'
resourceGroup: 'string'
status: 'string'
subscriptionId: 'string'
suspended: bool
upgradeDomains: int
vipMappings: [
internalHttpPort: int
internalHttpsPort: int
inUse: bool
virtualIP: 'string'
virtualNetwork: {
id: 'string'
name: 'string'
subnet: 'string'
type: 'string'
vnetName: 'string'
vnetResourceGroupName: 'string'
vnetSubnetName: 'string'
workerPools: [
id: 'string'
kind: 'string'
location: 'string'
name: 'string'
properties: {
computeMode: 'string'
instanceNames: [
workerCount: int
workerSize: 'string'
workerSizeId: int
sku: {
capacity: int
family: 'string'
name: 'string'
size: 'string'
tier: 'string'
tags: {
{customized property}: 'string'
type: 'string'
tags: {
{customized property}: 'string'
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
allowedMultiSizes | List of comma separated strings describing which VM sizes are allowed for front-ends | string |
allowedWorkerSizes | List of comma separated strings describing which VM sizes are allowed for workers | string |
apiManagementAccountId | Api Management Account associated with this Hosting Environment | string |
clusterSettings | Custom settings for changing the behavior of the hosting environment | NameValuePair[] |
databaseEdition | Edition of the metadata database for the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) e.g. "Standard" | string |
databaseServiceObjective | Service objective of the metadata database for the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) e.g. "S0" | string |
dnsSuffix | DNS suffix of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
environmentCapacities | Current total, used, and available worker capacities | StampCapacity[] |
environmentIsHealthy | True/false indicating whether the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) is healthy | bool |
environmentStatus | Detailed message about with results of the last check of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
internalLoadBalancingMode | Specifies which endpoints to serve internally in the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) VNET | 'None' 'Publishing' 'Web' |
ipsslAddressCount | Number of IP SSL addresses reserved for this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | int |
lastAction | Last deployment action on this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
lastActionResult | Result of the last deployment action on this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
location | Location of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment), e.g. "West US" | string |
maximumNumberOfMachines | Maximum number of VMs in this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | int |
multiRoleCount | Number of front-end instances | int |
multiSize | Front-end VM size, e.g. "Medium", "Large" | string |
name | Name of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
networkAccessControlList | Access control list for controlling traffic to the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | NetworkAccessControlEntry[] |
provisioningState | Provisioning state of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | 'Canceled' 'Deleting' 'Failed' 'InProgress' 'Succeeded' |
resourceGroup | Resource group of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
status | Current status of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | 'Deleting' 'Preparing' 'Ready' 'Scaling' (required) |
subscriptionId | Subscription of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
suspended | True/false indicating whether the hostingEnvironment is suspended. The environment can be suspended e.g. when the management endpoint is no longer available (most likely because NSG blocked the incoming traffic) |
bool |
upgradeDomains | Number of upgrade domains of this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | int |
vipMappings | Description of IP SSL mapping for this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | VirtualIPMapping[] |
virtualNetwork | Description of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | VirtualNetworkProfile |
vnetName | Name of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | string |
vnetResourceGroupName | Resource group of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | string |
vnetSubnetName | Subnet of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | string |
workerPools | Description of worker pools with worker size ids, VM sizes, and number of workers in each pool | WorkerPool[] |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource | string |
location | Resource Location | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | HostingEnvironmentPropertiesOrManagedHostingEnvironmentProperties | |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
Name | Description | Value |
name | Pair name | string |
value | Pair value | string |
Name | Description | Value |
action | 'Deny' 'Permit' |
description | string | |
order | int | |
remoteSubnet | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
capacity | Current number of instances assigned to the resource | int |
family | Family code of the resource sku | string |
name | Name of the resource sku | string |
size | Size specifier of the resource sku | string |
tier | Service Tier of the resource sku | string |
Name | Description | Value |
availableCapacity | Available capacity (# of machines, bytes of storage etc...) | int |
computeMode | Shared/Dedicated workers | 'Dedicated' 'Dynamic' 'Shared' |
excludeFromCapacityAllocation | If true it includes basic sites Basic sites are not used for capacity allocation. |
bool |
isApplicableForAllComputeModes | Is capacity applicable for all sites? | bool |
name | Name of the stamp | string |
siteMode | Shared or Dedicated | string |
totalCapacity | Total capacity (# of machines, bytes of storage etc...) | int |
unit | Name of the unit | string |
workerSize | Size of the machines | 'Default' 'Large' 'Medium' 'Small' |
workerSizeId | Size Id of machines: 0 - Small 1 - Medium 2 - Large |
int |
Name | Description | Value |
internalHttpPort | Internal HTTP port | int |
internalHttpsPort | Internal HTTPS port | int |
inUse | Is VIP mapping in use | bool |
virtualIP | Virtual IP address | string |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Resource id of the virtual network | string |
name | Name of the virtual network (read-only) | string |
subnet | Subnet within the virtual network | string |
type | Resource type of the virtual network (read-only) | string |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Resource Id | string |
kind | Kind of resource | string |
location | Resource Location | string (required) |
name | Resource Name | string |
properties | WorkerPoolProperties | |
sku | Describes a sku for a scalable resource | SkuDescription |
tags | Resource tags | ResourceTags |
type | Resource type | string |
Name | Description | Value |
computeMode | Shared or dedicated web app hosting | 'Dedicated' 'Dynamic' 'Shared' |
instanceNames | Names of all instances in the worker pool (read only) | string[] |
workerCount | Number of instances in the worker pool | int |
workerSize | VM size of the worker pool instances | string |
workerSizeId | Worker size id for referencing this worker pool | int |
ARM template resource definition
The managedHostingEnvironments resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.Web/managedHostingEnvironments resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"type": "Microsoft.Web/managedHostingEnvironments",
"apiVersion": "2015-08-01",
"name": "string",
"kind": "string",
"location": "string",
"properties": {
"allowedMultiSizes": "string",
"allowedWorkerSizes": "string",
"apiManagementAccountId": "string",
"clusterSettings": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"databaseEdition": "string",
"databaseServiceObjective": "string",
"dnsSuffix": "string",
"environmentCapacities": [
"availableCapacity": "int",
"computeMode": "string",
"excludeFromCapacityAllocation": "bool",
"isApplicableForAllComputeModes": "bool",
"name": "string",
"siteMode": "string",
"totalCapacity": "int",
"unit": "string",
"workerSize": "string",
"workerSizeId": "int"
"environmentIsHealthy": "bool",
"environmentStatus": "string",
"internalLoadBalancingMode": "string",
"ipsslAddressCount": "int",
"lastAction": "string",
"lastActionResult": "string",
"location": "string",
"maximumNumberOfMachines": "int",
"multiRoleCount": "int",
"multiSize": "string",
"name": "string",
"networkAccessControlList": [
"action": "string",
"description": "string",
"order": "int",
"remoteSubnet": "string"
"provisioningState": "string",
"resourceGroup": "string",
"status": "string",
"subscriptionId": "string",
"suspended": "bool",
"upgradeDomains": "int",
"vipMappings": [
"internalHttpPort": "int",
"internalHttpsPort": "int",
"inUse": "bool",
"virtualIP": "string"
"virtualNetwork": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"subnet": "string",
"type": "string"
"vnetName": "string",
"vnetResourceGroupName": "string",
"vnetSubnetName": "string",
"workerPools": [
"id": "string",
"kind": "string",
"location": "string",
"name": "string",
"properties": {
"computeMode": "string",
"instanceNames": [ "string" ],
"workerCount": "int",
"workerSize": "string",
"workerSizeId": "int"
"sku": {
"capacity": "int",
"family": "string",
"name": "string",
"size": "string",
"tier": "string"
"tags": {
"{customized property}": "string"
"type": "string"
"tags": {
"{customized property}": "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
allowedMultiSizes | List of comma separated strings describing which VM sizes are allowed for front-ends | string |
allowedWorkerSizes | List of comma separated strings describing which VM sizes are allowed for workers | string |
apiManagementAccountId | Api Management Account associated with this Hosting Environment | string |
clusterSettings | Custom settings for changing the behavior of the hosting environment | NameValuePair[] |
databaseEdition | Edition of the metadata database for the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) e.g. "Standard" | string |
databaseServiceObjective | Service objective of the metadata database for the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) e.g. "S0" | string |
dnsSuffix | DNS suffix of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
environmentCapacities | Current total, used, and available worker capacities | StampCapacity[] |
environmentIsHealthy | True/false indicating whether the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) is healthy | bool |
environmentStatus | Detailed message about with results of the last check of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
internalLoadBalancingMode | Specifies which endpoints to serve internally in the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) VNET | 'None' 'Publishing' 'Web' |
ipsslAddressCount | Number of IP SSL addresses reserved for this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | int |
lastAction | Last deployment action on this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
lastActionResult | Result of the last deployment action on this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
location | Location of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment), e.g. "West US" | string |
maximumNumberOfMachines | Maximum number of VMs in this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | int |
multiRoleCount | Number of front-end instances | int |
multiSize | Front-end VM size, e.g. "Medium", "Large" | string |
name | Name of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
networkAccessControlList | Access control list for controlling traffic to the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | NetworkAccessControlEntry[] |
provisioningState | Provisioning state of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | 'Canceled' 'Deleting' 'Failed' 'InProgress' 'Succeeded' |
resourceGroup | Resource group of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
status | Current status of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | 'Deleting' 'Preparing' 'Ready' 'Scaling' (required) |
subscriptionId | Subscription of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
suspended | True/false indicating whether the hostingEnvironment is suspended. The environment can be suspended e.g. when the management endpoint is no longer available (most likely because NSG blocked the incoming traffic) |
bool |
upgradeDomains | Number of upgrade domains of this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | int |
vipMappings | Description of IP SSL mapping for this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | VirtualIPMapping[] |
virtualNetwork | Description of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | VirtualNetworkProfile |
vnetName | Name of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | string |
vnetResourceGroupName | Resource group of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | string |
vnetSubnetName | Subnet of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | string |
workerPools | Description of worker pools with worker size ids, VM sizes, and number of workers in each pool | WorkerPool[] |
Name | Description | Value |
apiVersion | The api version | '2015-08-01' |
kind | Kind of resource | string |
location | Resource Location | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | HostingEnvironmentPropertiesOrManagedHostingEnvironmentProperties | |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
type | The resource type | 'Microsoft.Web/managedHostingEnvironments' |
Name | Description | Value |
name | Pair name | string |
value | Pair value | string |
Name | Description | Value |
action | 'Deny' 'Permit' |
description | string | |
order | int | |
remoteSubnet | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
capacity | Current number of instances assigned to the resource | int |
family | Family code of the resource sku | string |
name | Name of the resource sku | string |
size | Size specifier of the resource sku | string |
tier | Service Tier of the resource sku | string |
Name | Description | Value |
availableCapacity | Available capacity (# of machines, bytes of storage etc...) | int |
computeMode | Shared/Dedicated workers | 'Dedicated' 'Dynamic' 'Shared' |
excludeFromCapacityAllocation | If true it includes basic sites Basic sites are not used for capacity allocation. |
bool |
isApplicableForAllComputeModes | Is capacity applicable for all sites? | bool |
name | Name of the stamp | string |
siteMode | Shared or Dedicated | string |
totalCapacity | Total capacity (# of machines, bytes of storage etc...) | int |
unit | Name of the unit | string |
workerSize | Size of the machines | 'Default' 'Large' 'Medium' 'Small' |
workerSizeId | Size Id of machines: 0 - Small 1 - Medium 2 - Large |
int |
Name | Description | Value |
internalHttpPort | Internal HTTP port | int |
internalHttpsPort | Internal HTTPS port | int |
inUse | Is VIP mapping in use | bool |
virtualIP | Virtual IP address | string |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Resource id of the virtual network | string |
name | Name of the virtual network (read-only) | string |
subnet | Subnet within the virtual network | string |
type | Resource type of the virtual network (read-only) | string |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Resource Id | string |
kind | Kind of resource | string |
location | Resource Location | string (required) |
name | Resource Name | string |
properties | WorkerPoolProperties | |
sku | Describes a sku for a scalable resource | SkuDescription |
tags | Resource tags | ResourceTags |
type | Resource type | string |
Name | Description | Value |
computeMode | Shared or dedicated web app hosting | 'Dedicated' 'Dynamic' 'Shared' |
instanceNames | Names of all instances in the worker pool (read only) | string[] |
workerCount | Number of instances in the worker pool | int |
workerSize | VM size of the worker pool instances | string |
workerSizeId | Worker size id for referencing this worker pool | int |
Usage Examples
Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition
The managedHostingEnvironments resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.Web/managedHostingEnvironments resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
type = "Microsoft.Web/managedHostingEnvironments@2015-08-01"
name = "string"
location = "string"
tags = {
{customized property} = "string"
body = {
kind = "string"
properties = {
allowedMultiSizes = "string"
allowedWorkerSizes = "string"
apiManagementAccountId = "string"
clusterSettings = [
name = "string"
value = "string"
databaseEdition = "string"
databaseServiceObjective = "string"
dnsSuffix = "string"
environmentCapacities = [
availableCapacity = int
computeMode = "string"
excludeFromCapacityAllocation = bool
isApplicableForAllComputeModes = bool
name = "string"
siteMode = "string"
totalCapacity = int
unit = "string"
workerSize = "string"
workerSizeId = int
environmentIsHealthy = bool
environmentStatus = "string"
internalLoadBalancingMode = "string"
ipsslAddressCount = int
lastAction = "string"
lastActionResult = "string"
location = "string"
maximumNumberOfMachines = int
multiRoleCount = int
multiSize = "string"
name = "string"
networkAccessControlList = [
action = "string"
description = "string"
order = int
remoteSubnet = "string"
provisioningState = "string"
resourceGroup = "string"
status = "string"
subscriptionId = "string"
suspended = bool
upgradeDomains = int
vipMappings = [
internalHttpPort = int
internalHttpsPort = int
inUse = bool
virtualIP = "string"
virtualNetwork = {
id = "string"
name = "string"
subnet = "string"
type = "string"
vnetName = "string"
vnetResourceGroupName = "string"
vnetSubnetName = "string"
workerPools = [
id = "string"
kind = "string"
location = "string"
name = "string"
properties = {
computeMode = "string"
instanceNames = [
workerCount = int
workerSize = "string"
workerSizeId = int
sku = {
capacity = int
family = "string"
name = "string"
size = "string"
tier = "string"
tags = {
{customized property} = "string"
type = "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
allowedMultiSizes | List of comma separated strings describing which VM sizes are allowed for front-ends | string |
allowedWorkerSizes | List of comma separated strings describing which VM sizes are allowed for workers | string |
apiManagementAccountId | Api Management Account associated with this Hosting Environment | string |
clusterSettings | Custom settings for changing the behavior of the hosting environment | NameValuePair[] |
databaseEdition | Edition of the metadata database for the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) e.g. "Standard" | string |
databaseServiceObjective | Service objective of the metadata database for the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) e.g. "S0" | string |
dnsSuffix | DNS suffix of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
environmentCapacities | Current total, used, and available worker capacities | StampCapacity[] |
environmentIsHealthy | True/false indicating whether the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) is healthy | bool |
environmentStatus | Detailed message about with results of the last check of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
internalLoadBalancingMode | Specifies which endpoints to serve internally in the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) VNET | 'None' 'Publishing' 'Web' |
ipsslAddressCount | Number of IP SSL addresses reserved for this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | int |
lastAction | Last deployment action on this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
lastActionResult | Result of the last deployment action on this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
location | Location of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment), e.g. "West US" | string |
maximumNumberOfMachines | Maximum number of VMs in this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | int |
multiRoleCount | Number of front-end instances | int |
multiSize | Front-end VM size, e.g. "Medium", "Large" | string |
name | Name of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
networkAccessControlList | Access control list for controlling traffic to the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | NetworkAccessControlEntry[] |
provisioningState | Provisioning state of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | 'Canceled' 'Deleting' 'Failed' 'InProgress' 'Succeeded' |
resourceGroup | Resource group of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
status | Current status of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | 'Deleting' 'Preparing' 'Ready' 'Scaling' (required) |
subscriptionId | Subscription of the hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | string |
suspended | True/false indicating whether the hostingEnvironment is suspended. The environment can be suspended e.g. when the management endpoint is no longer available (most likely because NSG blocked the incoming traffic) |
bool |
upgradeDomains | Number of upgrade domains of this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | int |
vipMappings | Description of IP SSL mapping for this hostingEnvironment (App Service Environment) | VirtualIPMapping[] |
virtualNetwork | Description of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | VirtualNetworkProfile |
vnetName | Name of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | string |
vnetResourceGroupName | Resource group of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | string |
vnetSubnetName | Subnet of the hostingEnvironment's (App Service Environment) virtual network | string |
workerPools | Description of worker pools with worker size ids, VM sizes, and number of workers in each pool | WorkerPool[] |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource | string |
location | Resource Location | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | HostingEnvironmentPropertiesOrManagedHostingEnvironmentProperties | |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. |
type | The resource type | "Microsoft.Web/managedHostingEnvironments@2015-08-01" |
Name | Description | Value |
name | Pair name | string |
value | Pair value | string |
Name | Description | Value |
action | 'Deny' 'Permit' |
description | string | |
order | int | |
remoteSubnet | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
capacity | Current number of instances assigned to the resource | int |
family | Family code of the resource sku | string |
name | Name of the resource sku | string |
size | Size specifier of the resource sku | string |
tier | Service Tier of the resource sku | string |
Name | Description | Value |
availableCapacity | Available capacity (# of machines, bytes of storage etc...) | int |
computeMode | Shared/Dedicated workers | 'Dedicated' 'Dynamic' 'Shared' |
excludeFromCapacityAllocation | If true it includes basic sites Basic sites are not used for capacity allocation. |
bool |
isApplicableForAllComputeModes | Is capacity applicable for all sites? | bool |
name | Name of the stamp | string |
siteMode | Shared or Dedicated | string |
totalCapacity | Total capacity (# of machines, bytes of storage etc...) | int |
unit | Name of the unit | string |
workerSize | Size of the machines | 'Default' 'Large' 'Medium' 'Small' |
workerSizeId | Size Id of machines: 0 - Small 1 - Medium 2 - Large |
int |
Name | Description | Value |
internalHttpPort | Internal HTTP port | int |
internalHttpsPort | Internal HTTPS port | int |
inUse | Is VIP mapping in use | bool |
virtualIP | Virtual IP address | string |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Resource id of the virtual network | string |
name | Name of the virtual network (read-only) | string |
subnet | Subnet within the virtual network | string |
type | Resource type of the virtual network (read-only) | string |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Resource Id | string |
kind | Kind of resource | string |
location | Resource Location | string (required) |
name | Resource Name | string |
properties | WorkerPoolProperties | |
sku | Describes a sku for a scalable resource | SkuDescription |
tags | Resource tags | ResourceTags |
type | Resource type | string |
Name | Description | Value |
computeMode | Shared or dedicated web app hosting | 'Dedicated' 'Dynamic' 'Shared' |
instanceNames | Names of all instances in the worker pool (read only) | string[] |
workerCount | Number of instances in the worker pool | int |
workerSize | VM size of the worker pool instances | string |
workerSizeId | Worker size id for referencing this worker pool | int |