Microsoft.Web hostingEnvironments 2024-04-01
Bicep resource definition
The hostingEnvironments resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments@2024-04-01' = {
kind: 'string'
location: 'string'
name: 'string'
properties: {
clusterSettings: [
name: 'string'
value: 'string'
customDnsSuffixConfiguration: {
kind: 'string'
properties: {
certificateUrl: 'string'
dnsSuffix: 'string'
keyVaultReferenceIdentity: 'string'
dedicatedHostCount: int
dnsSuffix: 'string'
frontEndScaleFactor: int
internalLoadBalancingMode: 'string'
ipsslAddressCount: int
multiSize: 'string'
networkingConfiguration: {
kind: 'string'
properties: {
allowNewPrivateEndpointConnections: bool
ftpEnabled: bool
inboundIpAddressOverride: 'string'
remoteDebugEnabled: bool
upgradePreference: 'string'
userWhitelistedIpRanges: [
virtualNetwork: {
id: 'string'
subnet: 'string'
zoneRedundant: bool
tags: {
{customized property}: 'string'
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
clusterSettings | Custom settings for changing the behavior of the App Service Environment. | NameValuePair[] |
customDnsSuffixConfiguration | Full view of the custom domain suffix configuration for ASEv3. | CustomDnsSuffixConfiguration |
dedicatedHostCount | Dedicated Host Count | int |
dnsSuffix | DNS suffix of the App Service Environment. | string |
frontEndScaleFactor | Scale factor for front-ends. | int |
internalLoadBalancingMode | Specifies which endpoints to serve internally in the Virtual Network for the App Service Environment. | 'None' 'Publishing' 'Web' 'Web, Publishing' |
ipsslAddressCount | Number of IP SSL addresses reserved for the App Service Environment. | int |
multiSize | Front-end VM size, e.g. "Medium", "Large". | string |
networkingConfiguration | Full view of networking configuration for an ASE. | AseV3NetworkingConfiguration |
upgradePreference | Upgrade Preference | 'Early' 'Late' 'Manual' 'None' |
userWhitelistedIpRanges | User added ip ranges to whitelist on ASE db | string[] |
virtualNetwork | Description of the Virtual Network. | VirtualNetworkProfile (required) |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this App Service Environment is zone-redundant. | bool |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource. | string |
properties | AseV3NetworkingConfiguration resource specific properties | AseV3NetworkingConfigurationProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
allowNewPrivateEndpointConnections | Property to enable and disable new private endpoint connection creation on ASE | bool |
ftpEnabled | Property to enable and disable FTP on ASEV3 | bool |
inboundIpAddressOverride | Customer provided Inbound IP Address. Only able to be set on Ase create. | string |
remoteDebugEnabled | Property to enable and disable Remote Debug on ASEV3 | bool |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource. | string |
properties | CustomDnsSuffixConfiguration resource specific properties | CustomDnsSuffixConfigurationProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
certificateUrl | The URL referencing the Azure Key Vault certificate secret that should be used as the default SSL/TLS certificate for sites with the custom domain suffix. | string |
dnsSuffix | The default custom domain suffix to use for all sites deployed on the ASE. | string |
keyVaultReferenceIdentity | The user-assigned identity to use for resolving the key vault certificate reference. If not specified, the system-assigned ASE identity will be used if available. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource. If the resource is an app, you can refer to for details supported values for kind. | string |
location | Resource Location. | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | Core resource properties | AppServiceEnvironment |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
Name | Description | Value |
name | Pair name. | string |
value | Pair value. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Resource id of the Virtual Network. | string (required) |
subnet | Subnet within the Virtual Network. | string |
Usage Examples
Azure Verified Modules
The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.
Module | Description |
App Service Environment | AVM Resource Module for App Service Environment |
Azure Quickstart Samples
The following Azure Quickstart templates contain Bicep samples for deploying this resource type.
Bicep File | Description |
App Service Environment with Hosting Plan and Azure WebApp | Creates an App Service Environment v2 with an ILB Address in a existing virtual network that will be privately availible. The App Service Environment will contain a Hosting Plan and a Azure Web App |
Create an App Service Environment v2 | Creates an App Service Environment v2 in your virtual network |
Create an AppServicePlan and App in an ASEv3 | Create an AppServicePlan and App in an ASEv3 |
ARM template resource definition
The hostingEnvironments resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"type": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments",
"apiVersion": "2024-04-01",
"name": "string",
"kind": "string",
"location": "string",
"properties": {
"clusterSettings": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"customDnsSuffixConfiguration": {
"kind": "string",
"properties": {
"certificateUrl": "string",
"dnsSuffix": "string",
"keyVaultReferenceIdentity": "string"
"dedicatedHostCount": "int",
"dnsSuffix": "string",
"frontEndScaleFactor": "int",
"internalLoadBalancingMode": "string",
"ipsslAddressCount": "int",
"multiSize": "string",
"networkingConfiguration": {
"kind": "string",
"properties": {
"allowNewPrivateEndpointConnections": "bool",
"ftpEnabled": "bool",
"inboundIpAddressOverride": "string",
"remoteDebugEnabled": "bool"
"upgradePreference": "string",
"userWhitelistedIpRanges": [ "string" ],
"virtualNetwork": {
"id": "string",
"subnet": "string"
"zoneRedundant": "bool"
"tags": {
"{customized property}": "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
clusterSettings | Custom settings for changing the behavior of the App Service Environment. | NameValuePair[] |
customDnsSuffixConfiguration | Full view of the custom domain suffix configuration for ASEv3. | CustomDnsSuffixConfiguration |
dedicatedHostCount | Dedicated Host Count | int |
dnsSuffix | DNS suffix of the App Service Environment. | string |
frontEndScaleFactor | Scale factor for front-ends. | int |
internalLoadBalancingMode | Specifies which endpoints to serve internally in the Virtual Network for the App Service Environment. | 'None' 'Publishing' 'Web' 'Web, Publishing' |
ipsslAddressCount | Number of IP SSL addresses reserved for the App Service Environment. | int |
multiSize | Front-end VM size, e.g. "Medium", "Large". | string |
networkingConfiguration | Full view of networking configuration for an ASE. | AseV3NetworkingConfiguration |
upgradePreference | Upgrade Preference | 'Early' 'Late' 'Manual' 'None' |
userWhitelistedIpRanges | User added ip ranges to whitelist on ASE db | string[] |
virtualNetwork | Description of the Virtual Network. | VirtualNetworkProfile (required) |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this App Service Environment is zone-redundant. | bool |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource. | string |
properties | AseV3NetworkingConfiguration resource specific properties | AseV3NetworkingConfigurationProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
allowNewPrivateEndpointConnections | Property to enable and disable new private endpoint connection creation on ASE | bool |
ftpEnabled | Property to enable and disable FTP on ASEV3 | bool |
inboundIpAddressOverride | Customer provided Inbound IP Address. Only able to be set on Ase create. | string |
remoteDebugEnabled | Property to enable and disable Remote Debug on ASEV3 | bool |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource. | string |
properties | CustomDnsSuffixConfiguration resource specific properties | CustomDnsSuffixConfigurationProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
certificateUrl | The URL referencing the Azure Key Vault certificate secret that should be used as the default SSL/TLS certificate for sites with the custom domain suffix. | string |
dnsSuffix | The default custom domain suffix to use for all sites deployed on the ASE. | string |
keyVaultReferenceIdentity | The user-assigned identity to use for resolving the key vault certificate reference. If not specified, the system-assigned ASE identity will be used if available. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
apiVersion | The api version | '2024-04-01' |
kind | Kind of resource. If the resource is an app, you can refer to for details supported values for kind. | string |
location | Resource Location. | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | Core resource properties | AppServiceEnvironment |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
type | The resource type | 'Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments' |
Name | Description | Value |
name | Pair name. | string |
value | Pair value. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Resource id of the Virtual Network. | string (required) |
subnet | Subnet within the Virtual Network. | string |
Usage Examples
Azure Quickstart Templates
The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.
Template | Description |
App Service Environment with Azure SQL backend |
This template creates an App Service Environment with an Azure SQL backend along with private endpoints along with associated resources typically used in an private/isolated environment. |
App Service Environment with Hosting Plan and Azure WebApp |
Creates an App Service Environment v2 with an ILB Address in a existing virtual network that will be privately availible. The App Service Environment will contain a Hosting Plan and a Azure Web App |
Create an App Service Environment |
Creates an App Service Environment in your virtual network |
Create an App Service Environment v2 |
Creates an App Service Environment v2 in your virtual network |
Create an AppServicePlan and App in an ASEv3 |
Create an AppServicePlan and App in an ASEv3 |
Create App Service Environment v2 with an ILB Address |
Creates an App Service Environment v2 in your virtual network with a private internal load balancer address |
Create App Service Environment with an ILB Address |
Creates an App Service Environment in your virtual network with a private internal load balancer address |
Create Azure App Service Environment With An Web App Added |
Creates an Azure App Service Environment inside A Virtual Network Subnet. This template also adds a Azure Web App inside the App Service Environment. Template originally authored by Callum Brankin of PixelPin |
ILB App Service Environment with Azure Firewall |
Resource Manager templates and parameters demonstrating how to deploy App Service environment with Azure Firewall integration |
SSL certificate for an ILB ASE or an ILB ASE v2 |
Configures the default SSL certificate for an ILB ASE or an ILB ASE v2 |
Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition
The hostingEnvironments resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
type = "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments@2024-04-01"
name = "string"
location = "string"
tags = {
{customized property} = "string"
body = {
kind = "string"
properties = {
clusterSettings = [
name = "string"
value = "string"
customDnsSuffixConfiguration = {
kind = "string"
properties = {
certificateUrl = "string"
dnsSuffix = "string"
keyVaultReferenceIdentity = "string"
dedicatedHostCount = int
dnsSuffix = "string"
frontEndScaleFactor = int
internalLoadBalancingMode = "string"
ipsslAddressCount = int
multiSize = "string"
networkingConfiguration = {
kind = "string"
properties = {
allowNewPrivateEndpointConnections = bool
ftpEnabled = bool
inboundIpAddressOverride = "string"
remoteDebugEnabled = bool
upgradePreference = "string"
userWhitelistedIpRanges = [
virtualNetwork = {
id = "string"
subnet = "string"
zoneRedundant = bool
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
clusterSettings | Custom settings for changing the behavior of the App Service Environment. | NameValuePair[] |
customDnsSuffixConfiguration | Full view of the custom domain suffix configuration for ASEv3. | CustomDnsSuffixConfiguration |
dedicatedHostCount | Dedicated Host Count | int |
dnsSuffix | DNS suffix of the App Service Environment. | string |
frontEndScaleFactor | Scale factor for front-ends. | int |
internalLoadBalancingMode | Specifies which endpoints to serve internally in the Virtual Network for the App Service Environment. | 'None' 'Publishing' 'Web' 'Web, Publishing' |
ipsslAddressCount | Number of IP SSL addresses reserved for the App Service Environment. | int |
multiSize | Front-end VM size, e.g. "Medium", "Large". | string |
networkingConfiguration | Full view of networking configuration for an ASE. | AseV3NetworkingConfiguration |
upgradePreference | Upgrade Preference | 'Early' 'Late' 'Manual' 'None' |
userWhitelistedIpRanges | User added ip ranges to whitelist on ASE db | string[] |
virtualNetwork | Description of the Virtual Network. | VirtualNetworkProfile (required) |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this App Service Environment is zone-redundant. | bool |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource. | string |
properties | AseV3NetworkingConfiguration resource specific properties | AseV3NetworkingConfigurationProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
allowNewPrivateEndpointConnections | Property to enable and disable new private endpoint connection creation on ASE | bool |
ftpEnabled | Property to enable and disable FTP on ASEV3 | bool |
inboundIpAddressOverride | Customer provided Inbound IP Address. Only able to be set on Ase create. | string |
remoteDebugEnabled | Property to enable and disable Remote Debug on ASEV3 | bool |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource. | string |
properties | CustomDnsSuffixConfiguration resource specific properties | CustomDnsSuffixConfigurationProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
certificateUrl | The URL referencing the Azure Key Vault certificate secret that should be used as the default SSL/TLS certificate for sites with the custom domain suffix. | string |
dnsSuffix | The default custom domain suffix to use for all sites deployed on the ASE. | string |
keyVaultReferenceIdentity | The user-assigned identity to use for resolving the key vault certificate reference. If not specified, the system-assigned ASE identity will be used if available. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource. If the resource is an app, you can refer to for details supported values for kind. | string |
location | Resource Location. | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | Core resource properties | AppServiceEnvironment |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. |
type | The resource type | "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments@2024-04-01" |
Name | Description | Value |
name | Pair name. | string |
value | Pair value. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Resource id of the Virtual Network. | string (required) |
subnet | Subnet within the Virtual Network. | string |
Usage Examples
Azure Verified Modules
The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.
Module | Description |
App Service Environment | AVM Resource Module for App Service Environment |