Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights environments 2021-06-30-preview

Bicep resource definition

The environments resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments@2021-06-30-preview' = {
  location: 'string'
  name: 'string'
  sku: {
    capacity: int
    name: 'string'
  tags: {
    {customized property}: 'string'
  kind: 'string'
  // For remaining properties, see Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments objects

Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments objects

Set the kind property to specify the type of object.

For Gen1, use:

  kind: 'Gen1'
  properties: {
    dataRetentionTime: 'string'
    partitionKeyProperties: [
        name: 'string'
        type: 'string'
    storageLimitExceededBehavior: 'string'

For Gen2, use:

  kind: 'Gen2'
  properties: {
    storageConfiguration: {
      accountName: 'string'
      managementKey: 'string'
    timeSeriesIdProperties: [
        name: 'string'
        type: 'string'
    warmStoreConfiguration: {
      dataRetention: 'string'

Property Values


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
kind The kind of the environment. 'Gen1' (required)
properties Properties used to create a Gen1 environment. Gen1EnvironmentCreationPropertiesOrGen1EnvironmentResourceProperties (required)


Name Description Value
dataRetentionTime ISO8601 timespan specifying the minimum number of days the environment's events will be available for query. string (required)
partitionKeyProperties The list of event properties which will be used to partition data in the environment. Currently, only a single partition key property is supported. TimeSeriesIdProperty[]
storageLimitExceededBehavior The behavior the Time Series Insights service should take when the environment's capacity has been exceeded. If "PauseIngress" is specified, new events will not be read from the event source. If "PurgeOldData" is specified, new events will continue to be read and old events will be deleted from the environment. The default behavior is PurgeOldData. 'PauseIngress'


Name Description Value
kind The kind of the environment. 'Gen2' (required)
properties Properties used to create a Gen2 environment. Gen2EnvironmentCreationPropertiesOrGen2EnvironmentResourceProperties (required)


Name Description Value
storageConfiguration The storage configuration provides the connection details that allows the Time Series Insights service to connect to the customer storage account that is used to store the environment's data. Gen2StorageConfigurationInputOrGen2StorageConfigurationOutput (required)
timeSeriesIdProperties The list of event properties which will be used to define the environment's time series id. TimeSeriesIdProperty[] (required)
warmStoreConfiguration The warm store configuration provides the details to create a warm store cache that will retain a copy of the environment's data available for faster query. WarmStoreConfigurationProperties


Name Description Value
accountName The name of the storage account that will hold the environment's Gen2 data. string (required)
managementKey The value of the management key that grants the Time Series Insights service write access to the storage account. This property is not shown in environment responses. string (required)


Name Description Value
kind Set to 'Gen1' for type Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParametersOrGen1EnvironmentResource. Set to 'Gen2' for type Gen2EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParametersOrGen2EnvironmentResource. 'Gen1'
'Gen2' (required)
location The location of the resource. string (required)
name The resource name string

Min length = 1
Max length = 90
Pattern = ^[-\w\._\(\)]+$ (required)
sku The sku determines the type of environment, either Gen1 (S1 or S2) or Gen2 (L1). For Gen1 environments the sku determines the capacity of the environment, the ingress rate, and the billing rate. Sku (required)
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates


Name Description Value
capacity The capacity of the sku. For Gen1 environments, this value can be changed to support scale out of environments after they have been created. int

Min value = 1
Max value = 10 (required)
name The name of this SKU. 'L1'
'S2' (required)


Name Description Value
name The name of the property. string
type The type of the property. 'String'


Name Description Value
dataRetention ISO8601 timespan specifying the number of days the environment's events will be available for query from the warm store. string (required)

ARM template resource definition

The environments resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "location": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "sku": {
    "capacity": "int",
    "name": "string"
  "tags": {
    "{customized property}": "string"
  "kind": "string"
  // For remaining properties, see Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments objects

Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments objects

Set the kind property to specify the type of object.

For Gen1, use:

  "kind": "Gen1",
  "properties": {
    "dataRetentionTime": "string",
    "partitionKeyProperties": [
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
    "storageLimitExceededBehavior": "string"

For Gen2, use:

  "kind": "Gen2",
  "properties": {
    "storageConfiguration": {
      "accountName": "string",
      "managementKey": "string"
    "timeSeriesIdProperties": [
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
    "warmStoreConfiguration": {
      "dataRetention": "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
kind The kind of the environment. 'Gen1' (required)
properties Properties used to create a Gen1 environment. Gen1EnvironmentCreationPropertiesOrGen1EnvironmentResourceProperties (required)


Name Description Value
dataRetentionTime ISO8601 timespan specifying the minimum number of days the environment's events will be available for query. string (required)
partitionKeyProperties The list of event properties which will be used to partition data in the environment. Currently, only a single partition key property is supported. TimeSeriesIdProperty[]
storageLimitExceededBehavior The behavior the Time Series Insights service should take when the environment's capacity has been exceeded. If "PauseIngress" is specified, new events will not be read from the event source. If "PurgeOldData" is specified, new events will continue to be read and old events will be deleted from the environment. The default behavior is PurgeOldData. 'PauseIngress'


Name Description Value
kind The kind of the environment. 'Gen2' (required)
properties Properties used to create a Gen2 environment. Gen2EnvironmentCreationPropertiesOrGen2EnvironmentResourceProperties (required)


Name Description Value
storageConfiguration The storage configuration provides the connection details that allows the Time Series Insights service to connect to the customer storage account that is used to store the environment's data. Gen2StorageConfigurationInputOrGen2StorageConfigurationOutput (required)
timeSeriesIdProperties The list of event properties which will be used to define the environment's time series id. TimeSeriesIdProperty[] (required)
warmStoreConfiguration The warm store configuration provides the details to create a warm store cache that will retain a copy of the environment's data available for faster query. WarmStoreConfigurationProperties


Name Description Value
accountName The name of the storage account that will hold the environment's Gen2 data. string (required)
managementKey The value of the management key that grants the Time Series Insights service write access to the storage account. This property is not shown in environment responses. string (required)


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2021-06-30-preview'
kind Set to 'Gen1' for type Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParametersOrGen1EnvironmentResource. Set to 'Gen2' for type Gen2EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParametersOrGen2EnvironmentResource. 'Gen1'
'Gen2' (required)
location The location of the resource. string (required)
name The resource name string

Min length = 1
Max length = 90
Pattern = ^[-\w\._\(\)]+$ (required)
sku The sku determines the type of environment, either Gen1 (S1 or S2) or Gen2 (L1). For Gen1 environments the sku determines the capacity of the environment, the ingress rate, and the billing rate. Sku (required)
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
type The resource type 'Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments'


Name Description Value
capacity The capacity of the sku. For Gen1 environments, this value can be changed to support scale out of environments after they have been created. int

Min value = 1
Max value = 10 (required)
name The name of this SKU. 'L1'
'S2' (required)


Name Description Value
name The name of the property. string
type The type of the property. 'String'


Name Description Value
dataRetention ISO8601 timespan specifying the number of days the environment's events will be available for query from the warm store. string (required)

Usage Examples

Azure Quickstart Templates

The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create a Pay As You Go (PAYG) Environment with an IoT Hub

Deploy to Azure
This template enables you to deploy a Pay As You Go (PAYG) Time Series Insights environment that is configured to consume events from an IoT Hub.
Create an Environment with an Event Hub Event Source

Deploy to Azure
This template enables you to deploy a Time Series Insights environment that is configured to consume events from an Event Hub.

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The environments resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  location = "string"
  name = "string"
  sku = {
    capacity = int
    name = "string"
  tags = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  kind = "string"
  // For remaining properties, see Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments objects

Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments objects

Set the kind property to specify the type of object.

For Gen1, use:

  kind = "Gen1"
  properties = {
    dataRetentionTime = "string"
    partitionKeyProperties = [
        name = "string"
        type = "string"
    storageLimitExceededBehavior = "string"

For Gen2, use:

  kind = "Gen2"
  properties = {
    storageConfiguration = {
      accountName = "string"
      managementKey = "string"
    timeSeriesIdProperties = [
        name = "string"
        type = "string"
    warmStoreConfiguration = {
      dataRetention = "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
kind The kind of the environment. 'Gen1' (required)
properties Properties used to create a Gen1 environment. Gen1EnvironmentCreationPropertiesOrGen1EnvironmentResourceProperties (required)


Name Description Value
dataRetentionTime ISO8601 timespan specifying the minimum number of days the environment's events will be available for query. string (required)
partitionKeyProperties The list of event properties which will be used to partition data in the environment. Currently, only a single partition key property is supported. TimeSeriesIdProperty[]
storageLimitExceededBehavior The behavior the Time Series Insights service should take when the environment's capacity has been exceeded. If "PauseIngress" is specified, new events will not be read from the event source. If "PurgeOldData" is specified, new events will continue to be read and old events will be deleted from the environment. The default behavior is PurgeOldData. 'PauseIngress'


Name Description Value
kind The kind of the environment. 'Gen2' (required)
properties Properties used to create a Gen2 environment. Gen2EnvironmentCreationPropertiesOrGen2EnvironmentResourceProperties (required)


Name Description Value
storageConfiguration The storage configuration provides the connection details that allows the Time Series Insights service to connect to the customer storage account that is used to store the environment's data. Gen2StorageConfigurationInputOrGen2StorageConfigurationOutput (required)
timeSeriesIdProperties The list of event properties which will be used to define the environment's time series id. TimeSeriesIdProperty[] (required)
warmStoreConfiguration The warm store configuration provides the details to create a warm store cache that will retain a copy of the environment's data available for faster query. WarmStoreConfigurationProperties


Name Description Value
accountName The name of the storage account that will hold the environment's Gen2 data. string (required)
managementKey The value of the management key that grants the Time Series Insights service write access to the storage account. This property is not shown in environment responses. string (required)


Name Description Value
kind Set to 'Gen1' for type Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParametersOrGen1EnvironmentResource. Set to 'Gen2' for type Gen2EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParametersOrGen2EnvironmentResource. 'Gen1'
'Gen2' (required)
location The location of the resource. string (required)
name The resource name string

Min length = 1
Max length = 90
Pattern = ^[-\w\._\(\)]+$ (required)
sku The sku determines the type of environment, either Gen1 (S1 or S2) or Gen2 (L1). For Gen1 environments the sku determines the capacity of the environment, the ingress rate, and the billing rate. Sku (required)
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values.
type The resource type "Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments@2021-06-30-preview"


Name Description Value
capacity The capacity of the sku. For Gen1 environments, this value can be changed to support scale out of environments after they have been created. int

Min value = 1
Max value = 10 (required)
name The name of this SKU. 'L1'
'S2' (required)


Name Description Value
name The name of the property. string
type The type of the property. 'String'


Name Description Value
dataRetention ISO8601 timespan specifying the number of days the environment's events will be available for query from the warm store. string (required)