Microsoft.SecurityInsights dataConnectors 2022-12-01-preview
- Article
Bicep resource definition
The dataConnectors resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
To create a Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors@2022-12-01-preview' = {
etag: 'string'
name: 'string'
kind: 'string'
// For remaining properties, see Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors objects
Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors objects
Set the kind property to specify the type of object.
For APIPolling, use:
kind: 'APIPolling'
properties: {
connectorUiConfig: {
availability: {
isPreview: bool
status: '1'
connectivityCriteria: [
type: 'string'
value: [
customImage: 'string'
dataTypes: [
lastDataReceivedQuery: 'string'
name: 'string'
descriptionMarkdown: 'string'
graphQueries: [
baseQuery: 'string'
legend: 'string'
metricName: 'string'
graphQueriesTableName: 'string'
instructionSteps: [
description: 'string'
instructions: [
parameters: any(...)
type: 'string'
title: 'string'
permissions: {
customs: [
description: 'string'
name: 'string'
resourceProvider: [
permissionsDisplayText: 'string'
provider: 'string'
providerDisplayName: 'string'
requiredPermissions: {
action: bool
delete: bool
read: bool
write: bool
scope: 'string'
publisher: 'string'
sampleQueries: [
description: 'string'
query: 'string'
title: 'string'
pollingConfig: {
auth: {
apiKeyIdentifier: 'string'
apiKeyName: 'string'
authorizationEndpoint: 'string'
authorizationEndpointQueryParameters: any(...)
authType: 'string'
flowName: 'string'
isApiKeyInPostPayload: 'string'
isClientSecretInHeader: bool
redirectionEndpoint: 'string'
scope: 'string'
tokenEndpoint: 'string'
tokenEndpointHeaders: any(...)
tokenEndpointQueryParameters: any(...)
isActive: bool
paging: {
nextPageParaName: 'string'
nextPageTokenJsonPath: 'string'
pageCountAttributePath: 'string'
pageSize: int
pageSizeParaName: 'string'
pageTimeStampAttributePath: 'string'
pageTotalCountAttributePath: 'string'
pagingType: 'string'
searchTheLatestTimeStampFromEventsList: 'string'
request: {
apiEndpoint: 'string'
endTimeAttributeName: 'string'
headers: any(...)
httpMethod: 'string'
queryParameters: any(...)
queryParametersTemplate: 'string'
queryTimeFormat: 'string'
queryWindowInMin: int
rateLimitQps: int
retryCount: int
startTimeAttributeName: 'string'
timeoutInSeconds: int
response: {
eventsJsonPaths: [
isGzipCompressed: bool
successStatusJsonPath: 'string'
successStatusValue: 'string'
For AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail, use:
kind: 'AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail'
properties: {
awsRoleArn: 'string'
dataTypes: {
logs: {
state: 'string'
For AmazonWebServicesS3, use:
kind: 'AmazonWebServicesS3'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
logs: {
state: 'string'
destinationTable: 'string'
roleArn: 'string'
sqsUrls: [
For AzureActiveDirectory, use:
kind: 'AzureActiveDirectory'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
alerts: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For AzureAdvancedThreatProtection, use:
kind: 'AzureAdvancedThreatProtection'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
alerts: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For AzureSecurityCenter, use:
kind: 'AzureSecurityCenter'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
alerts: {
state: 'string'
subscriptionId: 'string'
For Dynamics365, use:
kind: 'Dynamics365'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
dynamics365CdsActivities: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For GenericUI, use:
kind: 'GenericUI'
properties: {
connectorUiConfig: {
availability: {
isPreview: bool
status: '1'
connectivityCriteria: [
type: 'string'
value: [
customImage: 'string'
dataTypes: [
lastDataReceivedQuery: 'string'
name: 'string'
descriptionMarkdown: 'string'
graphQueries: [
baseQuery: 'string'
legend: 'string'
metricName: 'string'
graphQueriesTableName: 'string'
instructionSteps: [
description: 'string'
instructions: [
parameters: any(...)
type: 'string'
title: 'string'
permissions: {
customs: [
description: 'string'
name: 'string'
resourceProvider: [
permissionsDisplayText: 'string'
provider: 'string'
providerDisplayName: 'string'
requiredPermissions: {
action: bool
delete: bool
read: bool
write: bool
scope: 'string'
publisher: 'string'
sampleQueries: [
description: 'string'
query: 'string'
title: 'string'
For IOT, use:
kind: 'IOT'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
alerts: {
state: 'string'
subscriptionId: 'string'
For MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity, use:
kind: 'MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
alerts: {
state: 'string'
discoveryLogs: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection, use:
kind: 'MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
alerts: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For MicrosoftThreatIntelligence, use:
kind: 'MicrosoftThreatIntelligence'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
bingSafetyPhishingURL: {
lookbackPeriod: 'string'
state: 'string'
microsoftEmergingThreatFeed: {
lookbackPeriod: 'string'
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For MicrosoftThreatProtection, use:
kind: 'MicrosoftThreatProtection'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
incidents: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For Office365, use:
kind: 'Office365'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
exchange: {
state: 'string'
sharePoint: {
state: 'string'
teams: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For Office365Project, use:
kind: 'Office365Project'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
logs: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For OfficeATP, use:
kind: 'OfficeATP'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
alerts: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For OfficeIRM, use:
kind: 'OfficeIRM'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
alerts: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For OfficePowerBI, use:
kind: 'OfficePowerBI'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
logs: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
For ThreatIntelligence, use:
kind: 'ThreatIntelligence'
properties: {
dataTypes: {
indicators: {
state: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
tipLookbackPeriod: 'string'
For ThreatIntelligenceTaxii, use:
kind: 'ThreatIntelligenceTaxii'
properties: {
collectionId: 'string'
dataTypes: {
taxiiClient: {
state: 'string'
friendlyName: 'string'
password: 'string'
pollingFrequency: 'string'
taxiiLookbackPeriod: 'string'
taxiiServer: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
userName: 'string'
workspaceId: 'string'
Property Values
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AzureActiveDirectory' (required) |
properties |
AAD (Azure Active Directory) data connector properties. |
AADDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AzureAdvancedThreatProtection' (required) |
properties |
AATP (Azure Advanced Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
AatpDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AzureSecurityCenter' (required) |
properties |
ASC (Azure Security Center) data connector properties. |
ASCDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
subscriptionId |
The subscription id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
isPreview |
Set connector as preview |
bool |
status |
The connector Availability Status |
'1' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail' (required) |
properties |
Amazon Web Services CloudTrail data connector properties. |
AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
awsRoleArn |
The Aws Role Arn (with CloudTrailReadOnly policy) that is used to access the Aws account. |
string |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AmazonWebServicesS3' (required) |
properties |
Amazon Web Services S3 data connector properties. |
AwsS3DataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AwsS3DataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
destinationTable |
The logs destination table name in LogAnalytics. |
string (required) |
roleArn |
The Aws Role Arn that is used to access the Aws account. |
string (required) |
sqsUrls |
The AWS sqs urls for the connector. |
string[] (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'APIPolling' (required) |
properties |
Codeless poling data connector properties |
ApiPollingParameters |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apiKeyIdentifier |
A prefix send in the header before the actual token |
string |
apiKeyName |
The header name which the token is sent with |
string |
authorizationEndpoint |
The endpoint used to authorize the user, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
string |
authorizationEndpointQueryParameters |
The query parameters used in authorization request, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
any |
authType |
The authentication type |
string (required) |
flowName |
Describes the flow name, for example 'AuthCode' for Oauth 2.0 |
string |
isApiKeyInPostPayload |
Marks if the key should sent in header |
string |
isClientSecretInHeader |
Marks if we should send the client secret in header or payload, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
bool |
redirectionEndpoint |
The redirect endpoint where we will get the authorization code, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
string |
scope |
The OAuth token scope |
string |
tokenEndpoint |
The endpoint used to issue a token, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
string |
tokenEndpointHeaders |
The query headers used in token request, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
any |
tokenEndpointQueryParameters |
The query parameters used in token request, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
any |
Name |
Description |
Value |
nextPageParaName |
Defines the name of a next page attribute |
string |
nextPageTokenJsonPath |
Defines the path to a next page token JSON |
string |
pageCountAttributePath |
Defines the path to a page count attribute |
string |
pageSize |
Defines the paging size |
int |
pageSizeParaName |
Defines the name of the page size parameter |
string |
pageTimeStampAttributePath |
Defines the path to a paging time stamp attribute |
string |
pageTotalCountAttributePath |
Defines the path to a page total count attribute |
string |
pagingType |
Describes the type. could be 'None', 'PageToken', 'PageCount', 'TimeStamp' |
string (required) |
searchTheLatestTimeStampFromEventsList |
Determines whether to search for the latest time stamp in the events list |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apiEndpoint |
Describe the endpoint we should pull the data from |
string (required) |
endTimeAttributeName |
This will be used the query events from the end of the time window |
string |
headers |
Describe the headers sent in the poll request |
any |
httpMethod |
The http method type we will use in the poll request, GET or POST |
string (required) |
queryParameters |
Describe the query parameters sent in the poll request |
any |
queryParametersTemplate |
For advanced scenarios for example user name/password embedded in nested JSON payload |
string |
queryTimeFormat |
The time format will be used the query events in a specific window |
string (required) |
queryWindowInMin |
The window interval we will use the pull the data |
int (required) |
rateLimitQps |
Defines the rate limit QPS |
int |
retryCount |
Describe the amount of time we should try and poll the data in case of failure |
int |
startTimeAttributeName |
This will be used the query events from a start of the time window |
string |
timeoutInSeconds |
The number of seconds we will consider as a request timeout |
int |
Name |
Description |
Value |
eventsJsonPaths |
Describes the path we should extract the data in the response |
string[] (required) |
isGzipCompressed |
Describes if the data in the response is Gzip |
bool |
successStatusJsonPath |
Describes the path we should extract the status code in the response |
string |
successStatusValue |
Describes the path we should extract the status value in the response |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
type |
type of connectivity |
'IsConnectedQuery' |
value |
Queries for checking connectivity |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
lastDataReceivedQuery |
Query for indicate last data received |
string |
name |
Name of the data type to show in the graph. can be use with {{graphQueriesTableName}} placeholder |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
baseQuery |
The base query for the graph |
string |
legend |
The legend for the graph |
string |
metricName |
the metric that the query is checking |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
description |
Instruction step description |
string |
instructions |
Instruction step details |
InstructionStepsInstructionsItem[] |
title |
Instruction step title |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
description |
The sample query description |
string |
query |
the sample query |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'GenericUI' (required) |
properties |
Codeless UI data connector properties |
CodelessParameters |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
Dynamics365DataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
parameters |
The parameters for the setting |
any |
type |
The kind of the setting |
'CopyableLabel' 'InfoMessage' 'InstructionStepsGroup' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'IOT' (required) |
properties |
IoT data connector properties. |
IoTDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
subscriptionId |
The subscription id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity' (required) |
properties |
MCAS (Microsoft Cloud App Security) data connector properties. |
McasDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
McasDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection' (required) |
properties |
MDATP (Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
MdatpDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftThreatIntelligence' (required) |
properties |
Microsoft Threat Intelligence data connector properties. |
MstiDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
lookbackPeriod |
lookback period |
string (required) |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
lookbackPeriod |
lookback period |
string (required) |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
MstiDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftThreatProtection' (required) |
properties |
MTP (Microsoft Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
MTPDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
MTPDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
Office365ProjectConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'OfficeATP' (required) |
properties |
OfficeATP (Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
OfficeATPDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'Office365' (required) |
properties |
Office data connector properties. |
OfficeDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'OfficeIRM' (required) |
properties |
OfficeIRM (Microsoft Insider Risk Management) data connector properties. |
OfficeIRMDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
OfficePowerBIConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
description |
Customs permissions description |
string |
name |
Customs permissions name |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
permissionsDisplayText |
Permission description text |
string |
provider |
Provider name |
'microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticSettings' 'Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/solutions' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/datasources' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/sharedKeys' |
providerDisplayName |
Permission provider display name |
string |
requiredPermissions |
Required permissions for the connector |
RequiredPermissions |
scope |
Permission provider scope |
'ResourceGroup' 'Subscription' 'Workspace' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
action |
action permission |
bool |
delete |
delete permission |
bool |
read |
read permission |
bool |
write |
write permission |
bool |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'ThreatIntelligence' (required) |
properties |
TI (Threat Intelligence) data connector properties. |
TIDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
TIDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
tipLookbackPeriod |
The lookback period for the feed to be imported. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'ThreatIntelligenceTaxii' (required) |
properties |
Threat intelligence TAXII data connector properties. |
TiTaxiiDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
collectionId |
The collection id of the TAXII server. |
string |
dataTypes |
The available data types for Threat Intelligence TAXII data connector. |
TiTaxiiDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
friendlyName |
The friendly name for the TAXII server. |
string |
password |
The password for the TAXII server. |
string |
pollingFrequency |
The polling frequency for the TAXII server. |
'OnceADay' 'OnceAMinute' 'OnceAnHour' (required) |
taxiiLookbackPeriod |
The lookback period for the TAXII server. |
string |
taxiiServer |
The API root for the TAXII server. |
string |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
userName |
The userName for the TAXII server. |
string |
workspaceId |
The workspace id. |
string |
ARM template resource definition
The dataConnectors resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
To create a Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"etag": "string",
"name": "string",
"kind": "string"
// For remaining properties, see Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors objects
Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors objects
Set the kind property to specify the type of object.
For APIPolling, use:
"kind": "APIPolling",
"properties": {
"connectorUiConfig": {
"availability": {
"isPreview": "bool",
"status": "1"
"connectivityCriteria": [
"type": "string",
"value": [ "string" ]
"customImage": "string",
"dataTypes": [
"lastDataReceivedQuery": "string",
"name": "string"
"descriptionMarkdown": "string",
"graphQueries": [
"baseQuery": "string",
"legend": "string",
"metricName": "string"
"graphQueriesTableName": "string",
"instructionSteps": [
"description": "string",
"instructions": [
"parameters": {},
"type": "string"
"title": "string"
"permissions": {
"customs": [
"description": "string",
"name": "string"
"resourceProvider": [
"permissionsDisplayText": "string",
"provider": "string",
"providerDisplayName": "string",
"requiredPermissions": {
"action": "bool",
"delete": "bool",
"read": "bool",
"write": "bool"
"scope": "string"
"publisher": "string",
"sampleQueries": [
"description": "string",
"query": "string"
"title": "string"
"pollingConfig": {
"auth": {
"apiKeyIdentifier": "string",
"apiKeyName": "string",
"authorizationEndpoint": "string",
"authorizationEndpointQueryParameters": {},
"authType": "string",
"flowName": "string",
"isApiKeyInPostPayload": "string",
"isClientSecretInHeader": "bool",
"redirectionEndpoint": "string",
"scope": "string",
"tokenEndpoint": "string",
"tokenEndpointHeaders": {},
"tokenEndpointQueryParameters": {}
"isActive": "bool",
"paging": {
"nextPageParaName": "string",
"nextPageTokenJsonPath": "string",
"pageCountAttributePath": "string",
"pageSize": "int",
"pageSizeParaName": "string",
"pageTimeStampAttributePath": "string",
"pageTotalCountAttributePath": "string",
"pagingType": "string",
"searchTheLatestTimeStampFromEventsList": "string"
"request": {
"apiEndpoint": "string",
"endTimeAttributeName": "string",
"headers": {},
"httpMethod": "string",
"queryParameters": {},
"queryParametersTemplate": "string",
"queryTimeFormat": "string",
"queryWindowInMin": "int",
"rateLimitQps": "int",
"retryCount": "int",
"startTimeAttributeName": "string",
"timeoutInSeconds": "int"
"response": {
"eventsJsonPaths": [ "string" ],
"isGzipCompressed": "bool",
"successStatusJsonPath": "string",
"successStatusValue": "string"
For AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail, use:
"kind": "AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail",
"properties": {
"awsRoleArn": "string",
"dataTypes": {
"logs": {
"state": "string"
For AmazonWebServicesS3, use:
"kind": "AmazonWebServicesS3",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"logs": {
"state": "string"
"destinationTable": "string",
"roleArn": "string",
"sqsUrls": [ "string" ]
For AzureActiveDirectory, use:
"kind": "AzureActiveDirectory",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"alerts": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For AzureAdvancedThreatProtection, use:
"kind": "AzureAdvancedThreatProtection",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"alerts": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For AzureSecurityCenter, use:
"kind": "AzureSecurityCenter",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"alerts": {
"state": "string"
"subscriptionId": "string"
For Dynamics365, use:
"kind": "Dynamics365",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"dynamics365CdsActivities": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For GenericUI, use:
"kind": "GenericUI",
"properties": {
"connectorUiConfig": {
"availability": {
"isPreview": "bool",
"status": "1"
"connectivityCriteria": [
"type": "string",
"value": [ "string" ]
"customImage": "string",
"dataTypes": [
"lastDataReceivedQuery": "string",
"name": "string"
"descriptionMarkdown": "string",
"graphQueries": [
"baseQuery": "string",
"legend": "string",
"metricName": "string"
"graphQueriesTableName": "string",
"instructionSteps": [
"description": "string",
"instructions": [
"parameters": {},
"type": "string"
"title": "string"
"permissions": {
"customs": [
"description": "string",
"name": "string"
"resourceProvider": [
"permissionsDisplayText": "string",
"provider": "string",
"providerDisplayName": "string",
"requiredPermissions": {
"action": "bool",
"delete": "bool",
"read": "bool",
"write": "bool"
"scope": "string"
"publisher": "string",
"sampleQueries": [
"description": "string",
"query": "string"
"title": "string"
For IOT, use:
"kind": "IOT",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"alerts": {
"state": "string"
"subscriptionId": "string"
For MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity, use:
"kind": "MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"alerts": {
"state": "string"
"discoveryLogs": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection, use:
"kind": "MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"alerts": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For MicrosoftThreatIntelligence, use:
"kind": "MicrosoftThreatIntelligence",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"bingSafetyPhishingURL": {
"lookbackPeriod": "string",
"state": "string"
"microsoftEmergingThreatFeed": {
"lookbackPeriod": "string",
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For MicrosoftThreatProtection, use:
"kind": "MicrosoftThreatProtection",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"incidents": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For Office365, use:
"kind": "Office365",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"exchange": {
"state": "string"
"sharePoint": {
"state": "string"
"teams": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For Office365Project, use:
"kind": "Office365Project",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"logs": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For OfficeATP, use:
"kind": "OfficeATP",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"alerts": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For OfficeIRM, use:
"kind": "OfficeIRM",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"alerts": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For OfficePowerBI, use:
"kind": "OfficePowerBI",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"logs": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string"
For ThreatIntelligence, use:
"kind": "ThreatIntelligence",
"properties": {
"dataTypes": {
"indicators": {
"state": "string"
"tenantId": "string",
"tipLookbackPeriod": "string"
For ThreatIntelligenceTaxii, use:
"kind": "ThreatIntelligenceTaxii",
"properties": {
"collectionId": "string",
"dataTypes": {
"taxiiClient": {
"state": "string"
"friendlyName": "string",
"password": "string",
"pollingFrequency": "string",
"taxiiLookbackPeriod": "string",
"taxiiServer": "string",
"tenantId": "string",
"userName": "string",
"workspaceId": "string"
Property Values
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AzureActiveDirectory' (required) |
properties |
AAD (Azure Active Directory) data connector properties. |
AADDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AzureAdvancedThreatProtection' (required) |
properties |
AATP (Azure Advanced Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
AatpDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AzureSecurityCenter' (required) |
properties |
ASC (Azure Security Center) data connector properties. |
ASCDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
subscriptionId |
The subscription id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
isPreview |
Set connector as preview |
bool |
status |
The connector Availability Status |
'1' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail' (required) |
properties |
Amazon Web Services CloudTrail data connector properties. |
AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
awsRoleArn |
The Aws Role Arn (with CloudTrailReadOnly policy) that is used to access the Aws account. |
string |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AmazonWebServicesS3' (required) |
properties |
Amazon Web Services S3 data connector properties. |
AwsS3DataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AwsS3DataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
destinationTable |
The logs destination table name in LogAnalytics. |
string (required) |
roleArn |
The Aws Role Arn that is used to access the Aws account. |
string (required) |
sqsUrls |
The AWS sqs urls for the connector. |
string[] (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'APIPolling' (required) |
properties |
Codeless poling data connector properties |
ApiPollingParameters |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apiKeyIdentifier |
A prefix send in the header before the actual token |
string |
apiKeyName |
The header name which the token is sent with |
string |
authorizationEndpoint |
The endpoint used to authorize the user, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
string |
authorizationEndpointQueryParameters |
The query parameters used in authorization request, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
any |
authType |
The authentication type |
string (required) |
flowName |
Describes the flow name, for example 'AuthCode' for Oauth 2.0 |
string |
isApiKeyInPostPayload |
Marks if the key should sent in header |
string |
isClientSecretInHeader |
Marks if we should send the client secret in header or payload, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
bool |
redirectionEndpoint |
The redirect endpoint where we will get the authorization code, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
string |
scope |
The OAuth token scope |
string |
tokenEndpoint |
The endpoint used to issue a token, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
string |
tokenEndpointHeaders |
The query headers used in token request, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
any |
tokenEndpointQueryParameters |
The query parameters used in token request, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
any |
Name |
Description |
Value |
nextPageParaName |
Defines the name of a next page attribute |
string |
nextPageTokenJsonPath |
Defines the path to a next page token JSON |
string |
pageCountAttributePath |
Defines the path to a page count attribute |
string |
pageSize |
Defines the paging size |
int |
pageSizeParaName |
Defines the name of the page size parameter |
string |
pageTimeStampAttributePath |
Defines the path to a paging time stamp attribute |
string |
pageTotalCountAttributePath |
Defines the path to a page total count attribute |
string |
pagingType |
Describes the type. could be 'None', 'PageToken', 'PageCount', 'TimeStamp' |
string (required) |
searchTheLatestTimeStampFromEventsList |
Determines whether to search for the latest time stamp in the events list |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apiEndpoint |
Describe the endpoint we should pull the data from |
string (required) |
endTimeAttributeName |
This will be used the query events from the end of the time window |
string |
headers |
Describe the headers sent in the poll request |
any |
httpMethod |
The http method type we will use in the poll request, GET or POST |
string (required) |
queryParameters |
Describe the query parameters sent in the poll request |
any |
queryParametersTemplate |
For advanced scenarios for example user name/password embedded in nested JSON payload |
string |
queryTimeFormat |
The time format will be used the query events in a specific window |
string (required) |
queryWindowInMin |
The window interval we will use the pull the data |
int (required) |
rateLimitQps |
Defines the rate limit QPS |
int |
retryCount |
Describe the amount of time we should try and poll the data in case of failure |
int |
startTimeAttributeName |
This will be used the query events from a start of the time window |
string |
timeoutInSeconds |
The number of seconds we will consider as a request timeout |
int |
Name |
Description |
Value |
eventsJsonPaths |
Describes the path we should extract the data in the response |
string[] (required) |
isGzipCompressed |
Describes if the data in the response is Gzip |
bool |
successStatusJsonPath |
Describes the path we should extract the status code in the response |
string |
successStatusValue |
Describes the path we should extract the status value in the response |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
type |
type of connectivity |
'IsConnectedQuery' |
value |
Queries for checking connectivity |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
lastDataReceivedQuery |
Query for indicate last data received |
string |
name |
Name of the data type to show in the graph. can be use with {{graphQueriesTableName}} placeholder |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
baseQuery |
The base query for the graph |
string |
legend |
The legend for the graph |
string |
metricName |
the metric that the query is checking |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
description |
Instruction step description |
string |
instructions |
Instruction step details |
InstructionStepsInstructionsItem[] |
title |
Instruction step title |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
description |
The sample query description |
string |
query |
the sample query |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'GenericUI' (required) |
properties |
Codeless UI data connector properties |
CodelessParameters |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
Dynamics365DataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
parameters |
The parameters for the setting |
any |
type |
The kind of the setting |
'CopyableLabel' 'InfoMessage' 'InstructionStepsGroup' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'IOT' (required) |
properties |
IoT data connector properties. |
IoTDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
subscriptionId |
The subscription id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity' (required) |
properties |
MCAS (Microsoft Cloud App Security) data connector properties. |
McasDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
McasDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection' (required) |
properties |
MDATP (Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
MdatpDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftThreatIntelligence' (required) |
properties |
Microsoft Threat Intelligence data connector properties. |
MstiDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
lookbackPeriod |
lookback period |
string (required) |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
lookbackPeriod |
lookback period |
string (required) |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
MstiDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftThreatProtection' (required) |
properties |
MTP (Microsoft Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
MTPDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
MTPDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
Office365ProjectConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'OfficeATP' (required) |
properties |
OfficeATP (Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
OfficeATPDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'Office365' (required) |
properties |
Office data connector properties. |
OfficeDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'OfficeIRM' (required) |
properties |
OfficeIRM (Microsoft Insider Risk Management) data connector properties. |
OfficeIRMDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
OfficePowerBIConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
description |
Customs permissions description |
string |
name |
Customs permissions name |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
permissionsDisplayText |
Permission description text |
string |
provider |
Provider name |
'microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticSettings' 'Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/solutions' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/datasources' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/sharedKeys' |
providerDisplayName |
Permission provider display name |
string |
requiredPermissions |
Required permissions for the connector |
RequiredPermissions |
scope |
Permission provider scope |
'ResourceGroup' 'Subscription' 'Workspace' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
action |
action permission |
bool |
delete |
delete permission |
bool |
read |
read permission |
bool |
write |
write permission |
bool |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'ThreatIntelligence' (required) |
properties |
TI (Threat Intelligence) data connector properties. |
TIDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
TIDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
tipLookbackPeriod |
The lookback period for the feed to be imported. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'ThreatIntelligenceTaxii' (required) |
properties |
Threat intelligence TAXII data connector properties. |
TiTaxiiDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
collectionId |
The collection id of the TAXII server. |
string |
dataTypes |
The available data types for Threat Intelligence TAXII data connector. |
TiTaxiiDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
friendlyName |
The friendly name for the TAXII server. |
string |
password |
The password for the TAXII server. |
string |
pollingFrequency |
The polling frequency for the TAXII server. |
'OnceADay' 'OnceAMinute' 'OnceAnHour' (required) |
taxiiLookbackPeriod |
The lookback period for the TAXII server. |
string |
taxiiServer |
The API root for the TAXII server. |
string |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
userName |
The userName for the TAXII server. |
string |
workspaceId |
The workspace id. |
string |
Usage Examples
The dataConnectors resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
To create a Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
etag = "string"
name = "string"
kind = "string"
// For remaining properties, see Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors objects
Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors objects
Set the kind property to specify the type of object.
For APIPolling, use:
kind = "APIPolling"
properties = {
connectorUiConfig = {
availability = {
isPreview = bool
status = "1"
connectivityCriteria = [
type = "string"
value = [
customImage = "string"
dataTypes = [
lastDataReceivedQuery = "string"
name = "string"
descriptionMarkdown = "string"
graphQueries = [
baseQuery = "string"
legend = "string"
metricName = "string"
graphQueriesTableName = "string"
instructionSteps = [
description = "string"
instructions = [
parameters = ?
type = "string"
title = "string"
permissions = {
customs = [
description = "string"
name = "string"
resourceProvider = [
permissionsDisplayText = "string"
provider = "string"
providerDisplayName = "string"
requiredPermissions = {
action = bool
delete = bool
read = bool
write = bool
scope = "string"
publisher = "string"
sampleQueries = [
description = "string"
query = "string"
title = "string"
pollingConfig = {
auth = {
apiKeyIdentifier = "string"
apiKeyName = "string"
authorizationEndpoint = "string"
authorizationEndpointQueryParameters = ?
authType = "string"
flowName = "string"
isApiKeyInPostPayload = "string"
isClientSecretInHeader = bool
redirectionEndpoint = "string"
scope = "string"
tokenEndpoint = "string"
tokenEndpointHeaders = ?
tokenEndpointQueryParameters = ?
isActive = bool
paging = {
nextPageParaName = "string"
nextPageTokenJsonPath = "string"
pageCountAttributePath = "string"
pageSize = int
pageSizeParaName = "string"
pageTimeStampAttributePath = "string"
pageTotalCountAttributePath = "string"
pagingType = "string"
searchTheLatestTimeStampFromEventsList = "string"
request = {
apiEndpoint = "string"
endTimeAttributeName = "string"
headers = ?
httpMethod = "string"
queryParameters = ?
queryParametersTemplate = "string"
queryTimeFormat = "string"
queryWindowInMin = int
rateLimitQps = int
retryCount = int
startTimeAttributeName = "string"
timeoutInSeconds = int
response = {
eventsJsonPaths = [
isGzipCompressed = bool
successStatusJsonPath = "string"
successStatusValue = "string"
For AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail, use:
kind = "AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail"
properties = {
awsRoleArn = "string"
dataTypes = {
logs = {
state = "string"
For AmazonWebServicesS3, use:
kind = "AmazonWebServicesS3"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
logs = {
state = "string"
destinationTable = "string"
roleArn = "string"
sqsUrls = [
For AzureActiveDirectory, use:
kind = "AzureActiveDirectory"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
alerts = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For AzureAdvancedThreatProtection, use:
kind = "AzureAdvancedThreatProtection"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
alerts = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For AzureSecurityCenter, use:
kind = "AzureSecurityCenter"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
alerts = {
state = "string"
subscriptionId = "string"
For Dynamics365, use:
kind = "Dynamics365"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
dynamics365CdsActivities = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For GenericUI, use:
kind = "GenericUI"
properties = {
connectorUiConfig = {
availability = {
isPreview = bool
status = "1"
connectivityCriteria = [
type = "string"
value = [
customImage = "string"
dataTypes = [
lastDataReceivedQuery = "string"
name = "string"
descriptionMarkdown = "string"
graphQueries = [
baseQuery = "string"
legend = "string"
metricName = "string"
graphQueriesTableName = "string"
instructionSteps = [
description = "string"
instructions = [
parameters = ?
type = "string"
title = "string"
permissions = {
customs = [
description = "string"
name = "string"
resourceProvider = [
permissionsDisplayText = "string"
provider = "string"
providerDisplayName = "string"
requiredPermissions = {
action = bool
delete = bool
read = bool
write = bool
scope = "string"
publisher = "string"
sampleQueries = [
description = "string"
query = "string"
title = "string"
For IOT, use:
kind = "IOT"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
alerts = {
state = "string"
subscriptionId = "string"
For MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity, use:
kind = "MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
alerts = {
state = "string"
discoveryLogs = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection, use:
kind = "MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
alerts = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For MicrosoftThreatIntelligence, use:
kind = "MicrosoftThreatIntelligence"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
bingSafetyPhishingURL = {
lookbackPeriod = "string"
state = "string"
microsoftEmergingThreatFeed = {
lookbackPeriod = "string"
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For MicrosoftThreatProtection, use:
kind = "MicrosoftThreatProtection"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
incidents = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For Office365, use:
kind = "Office365"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
exchange = {
state = "string"
sharePoint = {
state = "string"
teams = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For Office365Project, use:
kind = "Office365Project"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
logs = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For OfficeATP, use:
kind = "OfficeATP"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
alerts = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For OfficeIRM, use:
kind = "OfficeIRM"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
alerts = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For OfficePowerBI, use:
kind = "OfficePowerBI"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
logs = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
For ThreatIntelligence, use:
kind = "ThreatIntelligence"
properties = {
dataTypes = {
indicators = {
state = "string"
tenantId = "string"
tipLookbackPeriod = "string"
For ThreatIntelligenceTaxii, use:
kind = "ThreatIntelligenceTaxii"
properties = {
collectionId = "string"
dataTypes = {
taxiiClient = {
state = "string"
friendlyName = "string"
password = "string"
pollingFrequency = "string"
taxiiLookbackPeriod = "string"
taxiiServer = "string"
tenantId = "string"
userName = "string"
workspaceId = "string"
Property Values
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AzureActiveDirectory' (required) |
properties |
AAD (Azure Active Directory) data connector properties. |
AADDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AzureAdvancedThreatProtection' (required) |
properties |
AATP (Azure Advanced Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
AatpDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AzureSecurityCenter' (required) |
properties |
ASC (Azure Security Center) data connector properties. |
ASCDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
subscriptionId |
The subscription id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
isPreview |
Set connector as preview |
bool |
status |
The connector Availability Status |
'1' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail' (required) |
properties |
Amazon Web Services CloudTrail data connector properties. |
AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
awsRoleArn |
The Aws Role Arn (with CloudTrailReadOnly policy) that is used to access the Aws account. |
string |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'AmazonWebServicesS3' (required) |
properties |
Amazon Web Services S3 data connector properties. |
AwsS3DataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AwsS3DataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
destinationTable |
The logs destination table name in LogAnalytics. |
string (required) |
roleArn |
The Aws Role Arn that is used to access the Aws account. |
string (required) |
sqsUrls |
The AWS sqs urls for the connector. |
string[] (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'APIPolling' (required) |
properties |
Codeless poling data connector properties |
ApiPollingParameters |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apiKeyIdentifier |
A prefix send in the header before the actual token |
string |
apiKeyName |
The header name which the token is sent with |
string |
authorizationEndpoint |
The endpoint used to authorize the user, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
string |
authorizationEndpointQueryParameters |
The query parameters used in authorization request, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
any |
authType |
The authentication type |
string (required) |
flowName |
Describes the flow name, for example 'AuthCode' for Oauth 2.0 |
string |
isApiKeyInPostPayload |
Marks if the key should sent in header |
string |
isClientSecretInHeader |
Marks if we should send the client secret in header or payload, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
bool |
redirectionEndpoint |
The redirect endpoint where we will get the authorization code, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
string |
scope |
The OAuth token scope |
string |
tokenEndpoint |
The endpoint used to issue a token, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
string |
tokenEndpointHeaders |
The query headers used in token request, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
any |
tokenEndpointQueryParameters |
The query parameters used in token request, used in Oauth 2.0 flow |
any |
Name |
Description |
Value |
nextPageParaName |
Defines the name of a next page attribute |
string |
nextPageTokenJsonPath |
Defines the path to a next page token JSON |
string |
pageCountAttributePath |
Defines the path to a page count attribute |
string |
pageSize |
Defines the paging size |
int |
pageSizeParaName |
Defines the name of the page size parameter |
string |
pageTimeStampAttributePath |
Defines the path to a paging time stamp attribute |
string |
pageTotalCountAttributePath |
Defines the path to a page total count attribute |
string |
pagingType |
Describes the type. could be 'None', 'PageToken', 'PageCount', 'TimeStamp' |
string (required) |
searchTheLatestTimeStampFromEventsList |
Determines whether to search for the latest time stamp in the events list |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apiEndpoint |
Describe the endpoint we should pull the data from |
string (required) |
endTimeAttributeName |
This will be used the query events from the end of the time window |
string |
headers |
Describe the headers sent in the poll request |
any |
httpMethod |
The http method type we will use in the poll request, GET or POST |
string (required) |
queryParameters |
Describe the query parameters sent in the poll request |
any |
queryParametersTemplate |
For advanced scenarios for example user name/password embedded in nested JSON payload |
string |
queryTimeFormat |
The time format will be used the query events in a specific window |
string (required) |
queryWindowInMin |
The window interval we will use the pull the data |
int (required) |
rateLimitQps |
Defines the rate limit QPS |
int |
retryCount |
Describe the amount of time we should try and poll the data in case of failure |
int |
startTimeAttributeName |
This will be used the query events from a start of the time window |
string |
timeoutInSeconds |
The number of seconds we will consider as a request timeout |
int |
Name |
Description |
Value |
eventsJsonPaths |
Describes the path we should extract the data in the response |
string[] (required) |
isGzipCompressed |
Describes if the data in the response is Gzip |
bool |
successStatusJsonPath |
Describes the path we should extract the status code in the response |
string |
successStatusValue |
Describes the path we should extract the status value in the response |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
type |
type of connectivity |
'IsConnectedQuery' |
value |
Queries for checking connectivity |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
lastDataReceivedQuery |
Query for indicate last data received |
string |
name |
Name of the data type to show in the graph. can be use with {{graphQueriesTableName}} placeholder |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
baseQuery |
The base query for the graph |
string |
legend |
The legend for the graph |
string |
metricName |
the metric that the query is checking |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
description |
Instruction step description |
string |
instructions |
Instruction step details |
InstructionStepsInstructionsItem[] |
title |
Instruction step title |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
description |
The sample query description |
string |
query |
the sample query |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'GenericUI' (required) |
properties |
Codeless UI data connector properties |
CodelessParameters |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
Dynamics365DataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
parameters |
The parameters for the setting |
any |
type |
The kind of the setting |
'CopyableLabel' 'InfoMessage' 'InstructionStepsGroup' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'IOT' (required) |
properties |
IoT data connector properties. |
IoTDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
subscriptionId |
The subscription id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity' (required) |
properties |
MCAS (Microsoft Cloud App Security) data connector properties. |
McasDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
McasDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection' (required) |
properties |
MDATP (Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
MdatpDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftThreatIntelligence' (required) |
properties |
Microsoft Threat Intelligence data connector properties. |
MstiDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
lookbackPeriod |
lookback period |
string (required) |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
lookbackPeriod |
lookback period |
string (required) |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
MstiDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'MicrosoftThreatProtection' (required) |
properties |
MTP (Microsoft Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
MTPDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
MTPDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
Office365ProjectConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'OfficeATP' (required) |
properties |
OfficeATP (Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection) data connector properties. |
OfficeATPDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'Office365' (required) |
properties |
Office data connector properties. |
OfficeDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'OfficeIRM' (required) |
properties |
OfficeIRM (Microsoft Insider Risk Management) data connector properties. |
OfficeIRMDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
OfficePowerBIConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
description |
Customs permissions description |
string |
name |
Customs permissions name |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
permissionsDisplayText |
Permission description text |
string |
provider |
Provider name |
'microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticSettings' 'Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/solutions' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/datasources' 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/sharedKeys' |
providerDisplayName |
Permission provider display name |
string |
requiredPermissions |
Required permissions for the connector |
RequiredPermissions |
scope |
Permission provider scope |
'ResourceGroup' 'Subscription' 'Workspace' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
action |
action permission |
bool |
delete |
delete permission |
bool |
read |
read permission |
bool |
write |
write permission |
bool |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'ThreatIntelligence' (required) |
properties |
TI (Threat Intelligence) data connector properties. |
TIDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
dataTypes |
The available data types for the connector. |
TIDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
tipLookbackPeriod |
The lookback period for the feed to be imported. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
kind |
The data connector kind |
'ThreatIntelligenceTaxii' (required) |
properties |
Threat intelligence TAXII data connector properties. |
TiTaxiiDataConnectorProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
state |
Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not. |
'Disabled' 'Enabled' (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
collectionId |
The collection id of the TAXII server. |
string |
dataTypes |
The available data types for Threat Intelligence TAXII data connector. |
TiTaxiiDataConnectorDataTypes (required) |
friendlyName |
The friendly name for the TAXII server. |
string |
password |
The password for the TAXII server. |
string |
pollingFrequency |
The polling frequency for the TAXII server. |
'OnceADay' 'OnceAMinute' 'OnceAnHour' (required) |
taxiiLookbackPeriod |
The lookback period for the TAXII server. |
string |
taxiiServer |
The API root for the TAXII server. |
string |
tenantId |
The tenant id to connect to, and get the data from. |
string (required) |
userName |
The userName for the TAXII server. |
string |
workspaceId |
The workspace id. |
string |