Microsoft.RecoveryServices vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters 2024-10-01
Bicep resource definition
The vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters@2024-10-01' = {
parent: resourceSymbolicName
name: 'string'
properties: {
activeLocation: 'string'
agentClusterId: 'string'
allowedOperations: [
areAllClusterNodesRegistered: bool
clusterFqdn: 'string'
clusterNodeFqdns: [
clusterProtectedItemIds: [
clusterRegisteredNodes: [
biosId: 'string'
clusterNodeFqdn: 'string'
isSharedDiskVirtualNode: bool
machineId: 'string'
currentScenario: {
jobId: 'string'
scenarioName: 'string'
startTime: 'string'
healthErrors: [
creationTimeUtc: 'string'
customerResolvability: 'string'
entityId: 'string'
errorCategory: 'string'
errorCode: 'string'
errorId: 'string'
errorLevel: 'string'
errorMessage: 'string'
errorSource: 'string'
errorType: 'string'
innerHealthErrors: [
creationTimeUtc: 'string'
customerResolvability: 'string'
entityId: 'string'
errorCategory: 'string'
errorCode: 'string'
errorId: 'string'
errorLevel: 'string'
errorMessage: 'string'
errorSource: 'string'
errorType: 'string'
possibleCauses: 'string'
recommendedAction: 'string'
recoveryProviderErrorMessage: 'string'
summaryMessage: 'string'
possibleCauses: 'string'
recommendedAction: 'string'
recoveryProviderErrorMessage: 'string'
summaryMessage: 'string'
lastSuccessfulFailoverTime: 'string'
lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime: 'string'
policyFriendlyName: 'string'
policyId: 'string'
primaryFabricFriendlyName: 'string'
primaryFabricProvider: 'string'
primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName: 'string'
protectionClusterType: 'string'
protectionState: 'string'
protectionStateDescription: 'string'
providerSpecificDetails: {
instanceType: 'string'
// For remaining properties, see ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects
recoveryContainerId: 'string'
recoveryFabricFriendlyName: 'string'
recoveryFabricId: 'string'
recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName: 'string'
replicationHealth: 'string'
sharedDiskProperties: {
activeLocation: 'string'
allowedOperations: [
currentScenario: {
jobId: 'string'
scenarioName: 'string'
startTime: 'string'
healthErrors: [
creationTimeUtc: 'string'
customerResolvability: 'string'
entityId: 'string'
errorCategory: 'string'
errorCode: 'string'
errorId: 'string'
errorLevel: 'string'
errorMessage: 'string'
errorSource: 'string'
errorType: 'string'
innerHealthErrors: [
creationTimeUtc: 'string'
customerResolvability: 'string'
entityId: 'string'
errorCategory: 'string'
errorCode: 'string'
errorId: 'string'
errorLevel: 'string'
errorMessage: 'string'
errorSource: 'string'
errorType: 'string'
possibleCauses: 'string'
recommendedAction: 'string'
recoveryProviderErrorMessage: 'string'
summaryMessage: 'string'
possibleCauses: 'string'
recommendedAction: 'string'
recoveryProviderErrorMessage: 'string'
summaryMessage: 'string'
protectionState: 'string'
replicationHealth: 'string'
sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails: {
instanceType: 'string'
// For remaining properties, see SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
testFailoverState: 'string'
testFailoverState: 'string'
testFailoverStateDescription: 'string'
ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects
Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.
For A2A, use:
clusterManagementId: 'string'
failoverRecoveryPointId: 'string'
initialPrimaryExtendedLocation: {
name: 'string'
type: 'string'
initialPrimaryFabricLocation: 'string'
initialPrimaryZone: 'string'
initialRecoveryExtendedLocation: {
name: 'string'
type: 'string'
initialRecoveryFabricLocation: 'string'
initialRecoveryZone: 'string'
instanceType: 'A2A'
lastRpoCalculatedTime: 'string'
lifecycleId: 'string'
multiVmGroupCreateOption: 'string'
multiVmGroupId: 'string'
multiVmGroupName: 'string'
primaryAvailabilityZone: 'string'
primaryExtendedLocation: {
name: 'string'
type: 'string'
primaryFabricLocation: 'string'
recoveryAvailabilityZone: 'string'
recoveryExtendedLocation: {
name: 'string'
type: 'string'
recoveryFabricLocation: 'string'
rpoInSeconds: int
SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.
For A2A, use:
failoverRecoveryPointId: 'string'
instanceType: 'A2A'
lastRpoCalculatedTime: 'string'
managementId: 'string'
monitoringJobType: 'string'
monitoringPercentageCompletion: int
primaryFabricLocation: 'string'
protectedManagedDisks: [
allowedDiskLevelOperation: [
dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB: int
dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB: int
dekKeyVaultArmId: 'string'
diskCapacityInBytes: int
diskId: 'string'
diskName: 'string'
diskState: 'string'
diskType: 'string'
failoverDiskName: 'string'
isDiskEncrypted: bool
isDiskKeyEncrypted: bool
kekKeyVaultArmId: 'string'
keyIdentifier: 'string'
monitoringJobType: 'string'
monitoringPercentageCompletion: int
primaryDiskEncryptionSetId: 'string'
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId: 'string'
recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId: 'string'
recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId: 'string'
recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType: 'string'
recoveryReplicaDiskId: 'string'
recoveryResourceGroupId: 'string'
recoveryTargetDiskAccountType: 'string'
recoveryTargetDiskId: 'string'
resyncRequired: bool
secretIdentifier: 'string'
tfoDiskName: 'string'
recoveryFabricLocation: 'string'
rpoInSeconds: int
sharedDiskIRErrors: [
unprotectedDisks: [
diskAutoProtectionStatus: 'string'
diskLunId: int
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
allowedDiskLevelOperation | The disk level operations list. | string[] |
dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB | The data pending at source virtual machine in MB. | int |
dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB | The data pending for replication in MB at staging account. | int |
dekKeyVaultArmId | The KeyVault resource id for secret (BEK). | string |
diskCapacityInBytes | The disk capacity in bytes. | int |
diskId | The managed disk Arm id. | string |
diskName | The disk name. | string |
diskState | The disk state. | string |
diskType | The type of disk. | string |
failoverDiskName | The failover name for the managed disk. | string |
isDiskEncrypted | A value indicating whether vm has encrypted os disk or not. | bool |
isDiskKeyEncrypted | A value indicating whether disk key got encrypted or not. | bool |
kekKeyVaultArmId | The KeyVault resource id for key (KEK). | string |
keyIdentifier | The key URL / identifier (KEK). | string |
monitoringJobType | The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. | string |
monitoringPercentageCompletion | The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. | int |
primaryDiskEncryptionSetId | The primary disk encryption set Id. | string |
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId | The primary staging storage account. | string |
recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId | The recovery disk encryption set Id. | string |
recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId | Recovery original target disk Arm Id. | string |
recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType | The replica disk type. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. | string |
recoveryReplicaDiskId | Recovery replica disk Arm Id. | string |
recoveryResourceGroupId | The recovery disk resource group Arm Id. | string |
recoveryTargetDiskAccountType | The target disk type after failover. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. | string |
recoveryTargetDiskId | Recovery target disk Arm Id. | string |
resyncRequired | A value indicating whether resync is required for this disk. | bool |
secretIdentifier | The secret URL / identifier (BEK). | string |
tfoDiskName | The test failover name for the managed disk. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
clusterManagementId | The cluster management Id. | string |
failoverRecoveryPointId | The recovery point Id to which the cluster was failed over. | string |
initialPrimaryExtendedLocation | The initial primary extended location. | ExtendedLocation |
initialPrimaryFabricLocation | The initial primary fabric location. | string |
initialPrimaryZone | The initial primary availability zone. | string |
initialRecoveryExtendedLocation | The initial recovery extended location. | ExtendedLocation |
initialRecoveryFabricLocation | The initial recovery fabric location. | string |
initialRecoveryZone | The initial recovery availability zone. | string |
instanceType | Gets the Instance type. | 'A2A' (required) |
lastRpoCalculatedTime | The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. | string |
lifecycleId | An id that survives actions like switch protection which change the backing PE/CPE objects internally.The lifecycle id gets carried forward to have a link/continuity in being able to have an Id that denotes the "same" protected cluster even though other internal Ids/ARM Id might be changing. | string |
multiVmGroupCreateOption | Whether Multi VM group is auto created or specified by user. | 'AutoCreated' 'UserSpecified' |
multiVmGroupId | The multi vm group Id. | string |
multiVmGroupName | The multi vm group name. | string |
primaryAvailabilityZone | The primary availability zone. | string |
primaryExtendedLocation | The primary Extended Location. | ExtendedLocation |
primaryFabricLocation | Primary fabric location. | string |
recoveryAvailabilityZone | The recovery availability zone. | string |
recoveryExtendedLocation | The recovery Extended Location. | ExtendedLocation |
recoveryFabricLocation | The recovery fabric location. | string |
rpoInSeconds | The last RPO value in seconds. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
failoverRecoveryPointId | The recovery point id to which the Virtual node was failed over. | string |
instanceType | Gets the Instance type. | 'A2A' (required) |
lastRpoCalculatedTime | The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. | string |
managementId | The management Id. | string |
monitoringJobType | The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. | string |
monitoringPercentageCompletion | The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. | int |
primaryFabricLocation | Primary fabric location. | string |
protectedManagedDisks | The list of protected managed disks. | A2AProtectedManagedDiskDetails[] |
recoveryFabricLocation | The recovery fabric location. | string |
rpoInSeconds | The last RPO value in seconds. | int |
sharedDiskIRErrors | The IR Errors. | A2ASharedDiskIRErrorDetails[] |
unprotectedDisks | The list of unprotected disks. | A2AUnprotectedDiskDetails[] |
Name | Description | Value |
diskAutoProtectionStatus | A value indicating whether the disk auto protection is enabled. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
diskLunId | The source lun Id for the data disk. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
jobId | ARM Id of the job being executed. | string |
scenarioName | Scenario name. | string |
startTime | Start time of the workflow. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
name | The name of the extended location. | string (required) |
type | The extended location type. | 'EdgeZone' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
creationTimeUtc | Error creation time (UTC). | string |
customerResolvability | Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. | 'Allowed' 'NotAllowed' |
entityId | ID of the entity. | string |
errorCategory | Category of error. | string |
errorCode | Error code. | string |
errorId | The health error unique id. | string |
errorLevel | Level of error. | string |
errorMessage | Error message. | string |
errorSource | Source of error. | string |
errorType | Type of error. | string |
innerHealthErrors | The inner health errors. HealthError having a list of HealthError as child errors is problematic. InnerHealthError is used because this will prevent an infinite loop of structures when Hydra tries to auto-generate the contract. We are exposing the related health errors as inner health errors and all API consumers can utilize this in the same fashion as Exception -> InnerException. | InnerHealthError[] |
possibleCauses | Possible causes of error. | string |
recommendedAction | Recommended action to resolve error. | string |
recoveryProviderErrorMessage | DRA error message. | string |
summaryMessage | Summary message of the entity. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
creationTimeUtc | Error creation time (UTC). | string |
customerResolvability | Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. | 'Allowed' 'NotAllowed' |
entityId | ID of the entity. | string |
errorCategory | Category of error. | string |
errorCode | Error code. | string |
errorId | The health error unique id. | string |
errorLevel | Level of error. | string |
errorMessage | Error message. | string |
errorSource | Source of error. | string |
errorType | Type of error. | string |
possibleCauses | Possible causes of error. | string |
recommendedAction | Recommended action to resolve error. | string |
recoveryProviderErrorMessage | DRA error message. | string |
summaryMessage | Summary message of the entity. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
name | The resource name | string Constraints: Pattern = ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]$ (required) |
parent | In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource. For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource. |
Symbolic name for resource of type: vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers |
properties | The custom data. | ReplicationProtectionClusterProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
biosId | The BIOS ID. | string |
clusterNodeFqdn | The cluster node name. | string |
isSharedDiskVirtualNode | A value indicating whether this represents virtual entity hosting all the shared disks. | bool |
machineId | The machine ID. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | Set to 'A2A' for type A2AReplicationProtectionClusterDetails. | 'A2A' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
activeLocation | The Current active location of the Protection cluster. | string |
agentClusterId | The Agent cluster Id. | string |
allowedOperations | The allowed operations on the Replication protection cluster. | string[] |
areAllClusterNodesRegistered | A value indicating whether all nodes of the cluster are registered or not. | bool |
clusterFqdn | The cluster FQDN. | string |
clusterNodeFqdns | The List of cluster Node FQDNs. | string[] |
clusterProtectedItemIds | The List of Protected Item Id's. | string[] |
clusterRegisteredNodes | The registered node details. | RegisteredClusterNodes[] |
currentScenario | The current scenario. | CurrentScenarioDetails |
healthErrors | List of health errors. | HealthError[] |
lastSuccessfulFailoverTime | The last successful failover time. | string |
lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime | The last successful test failover time. | string |
policyFriendlyName | The name of Policy governing this PE. | string |
policyId | The Policy Id. | string |
primaryFabricFriendlyName | The friendly name of the primary fabric. | string |
primaryFabricProvider | The fabric provider of the primary fabric. | string |
primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName | The name of primary protection container friendly name. | string |
protectionClusterType | The type of protection cluster type. | string |
protectionState | The protection status. | string |
protectionStateDescription | The protection state description. | string |
providerSpecificDetails | The Replication cluster provider custom settings. | ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings |
recoveryContainerId | The recovery container Id. | string |
recoveryFabricFriendlyName | The friendly name of recovery fabric. | string |
recoveryFabricId | The Arm Id of recovery fabric. | string |
recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName | The name of recovery container friendly name. | string |
replicationHealth | The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. | string |
sharedDiskProperties | The shared disk properties. | SharedDiskReplicationItemProperties |
testFailoverState | The Test failover state. | string |
testFailoverStateDescription | The Test failover state description. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
activeLocation | The Current active location of the PE. | string |
allowedOperations | The allowed operations on the Replication protected item. | string[] |
currentScenario | The current scenario. | CurrentScenarioDetails |
healthErrors | List of health errors. | HealthError[] |
protectionState | The protection state of shared disk. | string |
replicationHealth | The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. | string |
sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails | The Replication provider custom settings. | SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings |
testFailoverState | The tfo state of shared disk. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | Set to 'A2A' for type A2ASharedDiskReplicationDetails. | 'A2A' (required) |
ARM template resource definition
The vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"type": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters",
"apiVersion": "2024-10-01",
"name": "string",
"properties": {
"activeLocation": "string",
"agentClusterId": "string",
"allowedOperations": [ "string" ],
"areAllClusterNodesRegistered": "bool",
"clusterFqdn": "string",
"clusterNodeFqdns": [ "string" ],
"clusterProtectedItemIds": [ "string" ],
"clusterRegisteredNodes": [
"biosId": "string",
"clusterNodeFqdn": "string",
"isSharedDiskVirtualNode": "bool",
"machineId": "string"
"currentScenario": {
"jobId": "string",
"scenarioName": "string",
"startTime": "string"
"healthErrors": [
"creationTimeUtc": "string",
"customerResolvability": "string",
"entityId": "string",
"errorCategory": "string",
"errorCode": "string",
"errorId": "string",
"errorLevel": "string",
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorSource": "string",
"errorType": "string",
"innerHealthErrors": [
"creationTimeUtc": "string",
"customerResolvability": "string",
"entityId": "string",
"errorCategory": "string",
"errorCode": "string",
"errorId": "string",
"errorLevel": "string",
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorSource": "string",
"errorType": "string",
"possibleCauses": "string",
"recommendedAction": "string",
"recoveryProviderErrorMessage": "string",
"summaryMessage": "string"
"possibleCauses": "string",
"recommendedAction": "string",
"recoveryProviderErrorMessage": "string",
"summaryMessage": "string"
"lastSuccessfulFailoverTime": "string",
"lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime": "string",
"policyFriendlyName": "string",
"policyId": "string",
"primaryFabricFriendlyName": "string",
"primaryFabricProvider": "string",
"primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName": "string",
"protectionClusterType": "string",
"protectionState": "string",
"protectionStateDescription": "string",
"providerSpecificDetails": {
"instanceType": "string"
// For remaining properties, see ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects
"recoveryContainerId": "string",
"recoveryFabricFriendlyName": "string",
"recoveryFabricId": "string",
"recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName": "string",
"replicationHealth": "string",
"sharedDiskProperties": {
"activeLocation": "string",
"allowedOperations": [ "string" ],
"currentScenario": {
"jobId": "string",
"scenarioName": "string",
"startTime": "string"
"healthErrors": [
"creationTimeUtc": "string",
"customerResolvability": "string",
"entityId": "string",
"errorCategory": "string",
"errorCode": "string",
"errorId": "string",
"errorLevel": "string",
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorSource": "string",
"errorType": "string",
"innerHealthErrors": [
"creationTimeUtc": "string",
"customerResolvability": "string",
"entityId": "string",
"errorCategory": "string",
"errorCode": "string",
"errorId": "string",
"errorLevel": "string",
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorSource": "string",
"errorType": "string",
"possibleCauses": "string",
"recommendedAction": "string",
"recoveryProviderErrorMessage": "string",
"summaryMessage": "string"
"possibleCauses": "string",
"recommendedAction": "string",
"recoveryProviderErrorMessage": "string",
"summaryMessage": "string"
"protectionState": "string",
"replicationHealth": "string",
"sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails": {
"instanceType": "string"
// For remaining properties, see SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
"testFailoverState": "string"
"testFailoverState": "string",
"testFailoverStateDescription": "string"
ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects
Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.
For A2A, use:
"clusterManagementId": "string",
"failoverRecoveryPointId": "string",
"initialPrimaryExtendedLocation": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string"
"initialPrimaryFabricLocation": "string",
"initialPrimaryZone": "string",
"initialRecoveryExtendedLocation": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string"
"initialRecoveryFabricLocation": "string",
"initialRecoveryZone": "string",
"instanceType": "A2A",
"lastRpoCalculatedTime": "string",
"lifecycleId": "string",
"multiVmGroupCreateOption": "string",
"multiVmGroupId": "string",
"multiVmGroupName": "string",
"primaryAvailabilityZone": "string",
"primaryExtendedLocation": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string"
"primaryFabricLocation": "string",
"recoveryAvailabilityZone": "string",
"recoveryExtendedLocation": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string"
"recoveryFabricLocation": "string",
"rpoInSeconds": "int"
SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.
For A2A, use:
"failoverRecoveryPointId": "string",
"instanceType": "A2A",
"lastRpoCalculatedTime": "string",
"managementId": "string",
"monitoringJobType": "string",
"monitoringPercentageCompletion": "int",
"primaryFabricLocation": "string",
"protectedManagedDisks": [
"allowedDiskLevelOperation": [ "string" ],
"dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB": "int",
"dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB": "int",
"dekKeyVaultArmId": "string",
"diskCapacityInBytes": "int",
"diskId": "string",
"diskName": "string",
"diskState": "string",
"diskType": "string",
"failoverDiskName": "string",
"isDiskEncrypted": "bool",
"isDiskKeyEncrypted": "bool",
"kekKeyVaultArmId": "string",
"keyIdentifier": "string",
"monitoringJobType": "string",
"monitoringPercentageCompletion": "int",
"primaryDiskEncryptionSetId": "string",
"primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId": "string",
"recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId": "string",
"recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId": "string",
"recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType": "string",
"recoveryReplicaDiskId": "string",
"recoveryResourceGroupId": "string",
"recoveryTargetDiskAccountType": "string",
"recoveryTargetDiskId": "string",
"resyncRequired": "bool",
"secretIdentifier": "string",
"tfoDiskName": "string"
"recoveryFabricLocation": "string",
"rpoInSeconds": "int",
"sharedDiskIRErrors": [
"unprotectedDisks": [
"diskAutoProtectionStatus": "string",
"diskLunId": "int"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
allowedDiskLevelOperation | The disk level operations list. | string[] |
dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB | The data pending at source virtual machine in MB. | int |
dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB | The data pending for replication in MB at staging account. | int |
dekKeyVaultArmId | The KeyVault resource id for secret (BEK). | string |
diskCapacityInBytes | The disk capacity in bytes. | int |
diskId | The managed disk Arm id. | string |
diskName | The disk name. | string |
diskState | The disk state. | string |
diskType | The type of disk. | string |
failoverDiskName | The failover name for the managed disk. | string |
isDiskEncrypted | A value indicating whether vm has encrypted os disk or not. | bool |
isDiskKeyEncrypted | A value indicating whether disk key got encrypted or not. | bool |
kekKeyVaultArmId | The KeyVault resource id for key (KEK). | string |
keyIdentifier | The key URL / identifier (KEK). | string |
monitoringJobType | The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. | string |
monitoringPercentageCompletion | The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. | int |
primaryDiskEncryptionSetId | The primary disk encryption set Id. | string |
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId | The primary staging storage account. | string |
recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId | The recovery disk encryption set Id. | string |
recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId | Recovery original target disk Arm Id. | string |
recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType | The replica disk type. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. | string |
recoveryReplicaDiskId | Recovery replica disk Arm Id. | string |
recoveryResourceGroupId | The recovery disk resource group Arm Id. | string |
recoveryTargetDiskAccountType | The target disk type after failover. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. | string |
recoveryTargetDiskId | Recovery target disk Arm Id. | string |
resyncRequired | A value indicating whether resync is required for this disk. | bool |
secretIdentifier | The secret URL / identifier (BEK). | string |
tfoDiskName | The test failover name for the managed disk. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
clusterManagementId | The cluster management Id. | string |
failoverRecoveryPointId | The recovery point Id to which the cluster was failed over. | string |
initialPrimaryExtendedLocation | The initial primary extended location. | ExtendedLocation |
initialPrimaryFabricLocation | The initial primary fabric location. | string |
initialPrimaryZone | The initial primary availability zone. | string |
initialRecoveryExtendedLocation | The initial recovery extended location. | ExtendedLocation |
initialRecoveryFabricLocation | The initial recovery fabric location. | string |
initialRecoveryZone | The initial recovery availability zone. | string |
instanceType | Gets the Instance type. | 'A2A' (required) |
lastRpoCalculatedTime | The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. | string |
lifecycleId | An id that survives actions like switch protection which change the backing PE/CPE objects internally.The lifecycle id gets carried forward to have a link/continuity in being able to have an Id that denotes the "same" protected cluster even though other internal Ids/ARM Id might be changing. | string |
multiVmGroupCreateOption | Whether Multi VM group is auto created or specified by user. | 'AutoCreated' 'UserSpecified' |
multiVmGroupId | The multi vm group Id. | string |
multiVmGroupName | The multi vm group name. | string |
primaryAvailabilityZone | The primary availability zone. | string |
primaryExtendedLocation | The primary Extended Location. | ExtendedLocation |
primaryFabricLocation | Primary fabric location. | string |
recoveryAvailabilityZone | The recovery availability zone. | string |
recoveryExtendedLocation | The recovery Extended Location. | ExtendedLocation |
recoveryFabricLocation | The recovery fabric location. | string |
rpoInSeconds | The last RPO value in seconds. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
failoverRecoveryPointId | The recovery point id to which the Virtual node was failed over. | string |
instanceType | Gets the Instance type. | 'A2A' (required) |
lastRpoCalculatedTime | The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. | string |
managementId | The management Id. | string |
monitoringJobType | The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. | string |
monitoringPercentageCompletion | The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. | int |
primaryFabricLocation | Primary fabric location. | string |
protectedManagedDisks | The list of protected managed disks. | A2AProtectedManagedDiskDetails[] |
recoveryFabricLocation | The recovery fabric location. | string |
rpoInSeconds | The last RPO value in seconds. | int |
sharedDiskIRErrors | The IR Errors. | A2ASharedDiskIRErrorDetails[] |
unprotectedDisks | The list of unprotected disks. | A2AUnprotectedDiskDetails[] |
Name | Description | Value |
diskAutoProtectionStatus | A value indicating whether the disk auto protection is enabled. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
diskLunId | The source lun Id for the data disk. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
jobId | ARM Id of the job being executed. | string |
scenarioName | Scenario name. | string |
startTime | Start time of the workflow. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
name | The name of the extended location. | string (required) |
type | The extended location type. | 'EdgeZone' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
creationTimeUtc | Error creation time (UTC). | string |
customerResolvability | Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. | 'Allowed' 'NotAllowed' |
entityId | ID of the entity. | string |
errorCategory | Category of error. | string |
errorCode | Error code. | string |
errorId | The health error unique id. | string |
errorLevel | Level of error. | string |
errorMessage | Error message. | string |
errorSource | Source of error. | string |
errorType | Type of error. | string |
innerHealthErrors | The inner health errors. HealthError having a list of HealthError as child errors is problematic. InnerHealthError is used because this will prevent an infinite loop of structures when Hydra tries to auto-generate the contract. We are exposing the related health errors as inner health errors and all API consumers can utilize this in the same fashion as Exception -> InnerException. | InnerHealthError[] |
possibleCauses | Possible causes of error. | string |
recommendedAction | Recommended action to resolve error. | string |
recoveryProviderErrorMessage | DRA error message. | string |
summaryMessage | Summary message of the entity. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
creationTimeUtc | Error creation time (UTC). | string |
customerResolvability | Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. | 'Allowed' 'NotAllowed' |
entityId | ID of the entity. | string |
errorCategory | Category of error. | string |
errorCode | Error code. | string |
errorId | The health error unique id. | string |
errorLevel | Level of error. | string |
errorMessage | Error message. | string |
errorSource | Source of error. | string |
errorType | Type of error. | string |
possibleCauses | Possible causes of error. | string |
recommendedAction | Recommended action to resolve error. | string |
recoveryProviderErrorMessage | DRA error message. | string |
summaryMessage | Summary message of the entity. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
apiVersion | The api version | '2024-10-01' |
name | The resource name | string Constraints: Pattern = ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]$ (required) |
properties | The custom data. | ReplicationProtectionClusterProperties |
type | The resource type | 'Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters' |
Name | Description | Value |
biosId | The BIOS ID. | string |
clusterNodeFqdn | The cluster node name. | string |
isSharedDiskVirtualNode | A value indicating whether this represents virtual entity hosting all the shared disks. | bool |
machineId | The machine ID. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | Set to 'A2A' for type A2AReplicationProtectionClusterDetails. | 'A2A' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
activeLocation | The Current active location of the Protection cluster. | string |
agentClusterId | The Agent cluster Id. | string |
allowedOperations | The allowed operations on the Replication protection cluster. | string[] |
areAllClusterNodesRegistered | A value indicating whether all nodes of the cluster are registered or not. | bool |
clusterFqdn | The cluster FQDN. | string |
clusterNodeFqdns | The List of cluster Node FQDNs. | string[] |
clusterProtectedItemIds | The List of Protected Item Id's. | string[] |
clusterRegisteredNodes | The registered node details. | RegisteredClusterNodes[] |
currentScenario | The current scenario. | CurrentScenarioDetails |
healthErrors | List of health errors. | HealthError[] |
lastSuccessfulFailoverTime | The last successful failover time. | string |
lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime | The last successful test failover time. | string |
policyFriendlyName | The name of Policy governing this PE. | string |
policyId | The Policy Id. | string |
primaryFabricFriendlyName | The friendly name of the primary fabric. | string |
primaryFabricProvider | The fabric provider of the primary fabric. | string |
primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName | The name of primary protection container friendly name. | string |
protectionClusterType | The type of protection cluster type. | string |
protectionState | The protection status. | string |
protectionStateDescription | The protection state description. | string |
providerSpecificDetails | The Replication cluster provider custom settings. | ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings |
recoveryContainerId | The recovery container Id. | string |
recoveryFabricFriendlyName | The friendly name of recovery fabric. | string |
recoveryFabricId | The Arm Id of recovery fabric. | string |
recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName | The name of recovery container friendly name. | string |
replicationHealth | The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. | string |
sharedDiskProperties | The shared disk properties. | SharedDiskReplicationItemProperties |
testFailoverState | The Test failover state. | string |
testFailoverStateDescription | The Test failover state description. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
activeLocation | The Current active location of the PE. | string |
allowedOperations | The allowed operations on the Replication protected item. | string[] |
currentScenario | The current scenario. | CurrentScenarioDetails |
healthErrors | List of health errors. | HealthError[] |
protectionState | The protection state of shared disk. | string |
replicationHealth | The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. | string |
sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails | The Replication provider custom settings. | SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings |
testFailoverState | The tfo state of shared disk. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | Set to 'A2A' for type A2ASharedDiskReplicationDetails. | 'A2A' (required) |
Usage Examples
Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition
The vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
type = "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters@2024-10-01"
name = "string"
body = jsonencode({
properties = {
activeLocation = "string"
agentClusterId = "string"
allowedOperations = [
areAllClusterNodesRegistered = bool
clusterFqdn = "string"
clusterNodeFqdns = [
clusterProtectedItemIds = [
clusterRegisteredNodes = [
biosId = "string"
clusterNodeFqdn = "string"
isSharedDiskVirtualNode = bool
machineId = "string"
currentScenario = {
jobId = "string"
scenarioName = "string"
startTime = "string"
healthErrors = [
creationTimeUtc = "string"
customerResolvability = "string"
entityId = "string"
errorCategory = "string"
errorCode = "string"
errorId = "string"
errorLevel = "string"
errorMessage = "string"
errorSource = "string"
errorType = "string"
innerHealthErrors = [
creationTimeUtc = "string"
customerResolvability = "string"
entityId = "string"
errorCategory = "string"
errorCode = "string"
errorId = "string"
errorLevel = "string"
errorMessage = "string"
errorSource = "string"
errorType = "string"
possibleCauses = "string"
recommendedAction = "string"
recoveryProviderErrorMessage = "string"
summaryMessage = "string"
possibleCauses = "string"
recommendedAction = "string"
recoveryProviderErrorMessage = "string"
summaryMessage = "string"
lastSuccessfulFailoverTime = "string"
lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime = "string"
policyFriendlyName = "string"
policyId = "string"
primaryFabricFriendlyName = "string"
primaryFabricProvider = "string"
primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName = "string"
protectionClusterType = "string"
protectionState = "string"
protectionStateDescription = "string"
providerSpecificDetails = {
instanceType = "string"
// For remaining properties, see ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects
recoveryContainerId = "string"
recoveryFabricFriendlyName = "string"
recoveryFabricId = "string"
recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName = "string"
replicationHealth = "string"
sharedDiskProperties = {
activeLocation = "string"
allowedOperations = [
currentScenario = {
jobId = "string"
scenarioName = "string"
startTime = "string"
healthErrors = [
creationTimeUtc = "string"
customerResolvability = "string"
entityId = "string"
errorCategory = "string"
errorCode = "string"
errorId = "string"
errorLevel = "string"
errorMessage = "string"
errorSource = "string"
errorType = "string"
innerHealthErrors = [
creationTimeUtc = "string"
customerResolvability = "string"
entityId = "string"
errorCategory = "string"
errorCode = "string"
errorId = "string"
errorLevel = "string"
errorMessage = "string"
errorSource = "string"
errorType = "string"
possibleCauses = "string"
recommendedAction = "string"
recoveryProviderErrorMessage = "string"
summaryMessage = "string"
possibleCauses = "string"
recommendedAction = "string"
recoveryProviderErrorMessage = "string"
summaryMessage = "string"
protectionState = "string"
replicationHealth = "string"
sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails = {
instanceType = "string"
// For remaining properties, see SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
testFailoverState = "string"
testFailoverState = "string"
testFailoverStateDescription = "string"
ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects
Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.
For A2A, use:
clusterManagementId = "string"
failoverRecoveryPointId = "string"
initialPrimaryExtendedLocation = {
name = "string"
type = "string"
initialPrimaryFabricLocation = "string"
initialPrimaryZone = "string"
initialRecoveryExtendedLocation = {
name = "string"
type = "string"
initialRecoveryFabricLocation = "string"
initialRecoveryZone = "string"
instanceType = "A2A"
lastRpoCalculatedTime = "string"
lifecycleId = "string"
multiVmGroupCreateOption = "string"
multiVmGroupId = "string"
multiVmGroupName = "string"
primaryAvailabilityZone = "string"
primaryExtendedLocation = {
name = "string"
type = "string"
primaryFabricLocation = "string"
recoveryAvailabilityZone = "string"
recoveryExtendedLocation = {
name = "string"
type = "string"
recoveryFabricLocation = "string"
rpoInSeconds = int
SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.
For A2A, use:
failoverRecoveryPointId = "string"
instanceType = "A2A"
lastRpoCalculatedTime = "string"
managementId = "string"
monitoringJobType = "string"
monitoringPercentageCompletion = int
primaryFabricLocation = "string"
protectedManagedDisks = [
allowedDiskLevelOperation = [
dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB = int
dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB = int
dekKeyVaultArmId = "string"
diskCapacityInBytes = int
diskId = "string"
diskName = "string"
diskState = "string"
diskType = "string"
failoverDiskName = "string"
isDiskEncrypted = bool
isDiskKeyEncrypted = bool
kekKeyVaultArmId = "string"
keyIdentifier = "string"
monitoringJobType = "string"
monitoringPercentageCompletion = int
primaryDiskEncryptionSetId = "string"
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId = "string"
recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId = "string"
recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId = "string"
recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType = "string"
recoveryReplicaDiskId = "string"
recoveryResourceGroupId = "string"
recoveryTargetDiskAccountType = "string"
recoveryTargetDiskId = "string"
resyncRequired = bool
secretIdentifier = "string"
tfoDiskName = "string"
recoveryFabricLocation = "string"
rpoInSeconds = int
sharedDiskIRErrors = [
unprotectedDisks = [
diskAutoProtectionStatus = "string"
diskLunId = int
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
allowedDiskLevelOperation | The disk level operations list. | string[] |
dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB | The data pending at source virtual machine in MB. | int |
dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB | The data pending for replication in MB at staging account. | int |
dekKeyVaultArmId | The KeyVault resource id for secret (BEK). | string |
diskCapacityInBytes | The disk capacity in bytes. | int |
diskId | The managed disk Arm id. | string |
diskName | The disk name. | string |
diskState | The disk state. | string |
diskType | The type of disk. | string |
failoverDiskName | The failover name for the managed disk. | string |
isDiskEncrypted | A value indicating whether vm has encrypted os disk or not. | bool |
isDiskKeyEncrypted | A value indicating whether disk key got encrypted or not. | bool |
kekKeyVaultArmId | The KeyVault resource id for key (KEK). | string |
keyIdentifier | The key URL / identifier (KEK). | string |
monitoringJobType | The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. | string |
monitoringPercentageCompletion | The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. | int |
primaryDiskEncryptionSetId | The primary disk encryption set Id. | string |
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId | The primary staging storage account. | string |
recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId | The recovery disk encryption set Id. | string |
recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId | Recovery original target disk Arm Id. | string |
recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType | The replica disk type. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. | string |
recoveryReplicaDiskId | Recovery replica disk Arm Id. | string |
recoveryResourceGroupId | The recovery disk resource group Arm Id. | string |
recoveryTargetDiskAccountType | The target disk type after failover. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. | string |
recoveryTargetDiskId | Recovery target disk Arm Id. | string |
resyncRequired | A value indicating whether resync is required for this disk. | bool |
secretIdentifier | The secret URL / identifier (BEK). | string |
tfoDiskName | The test failover name for the managed disk. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
clusterManagementId | The cluster management Id. | string |
failoverRecoveryPointId | The recovery point Id to which the cluster was failed over. | string |
initialPrimaryExtendedLocation | The initial primary extended location. | ExtendedLocation |
initialPrimaryFabricLocation | The initial primary fabric location. | string |
initialPrimaryZone | The initial primary availability zone. | string |
initialRecoveryExtendedLocation | The initial recovery extended location. | ExtendedLocation |
initialRecoveryFabricLocation | The initial recovery fabric location. | string |
initialRecoveryZone | The initial recovery availability zone. | string |
instanceType | Gets the Instance type. | 'A2A' (required) |
lastRpoCalculatedTime | The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. | string |
lifecycleId | An id that survives actions like switch protection which change the backing PE/CPE objects internally.The lifecycle id gets carried forward to have a link/continuity in being able to have an Id that denotes the "same" protected cluster even though other internal Ids/ARM Id might be changing. | string |
multiVmGroupCreateOption | Whether Multi VM group is auto created or specified by user. | 'AutoCreated' 'UserSpecified' |
multiVmGroupId | The multi vm group Id. | string |
multiVmGroupName | The multi vm group name. | string |
primaryAvailabilityZone | The primary availability zone. | string |
primaryExtendedLocation | The primary Extended Location. | ExtendedLocation |
primaryFabricLocation | Primary fabric location. | string |
recoveryAvailabilityZone | The recovery availability zone. | string |
recoveryExtendedLocation | The recovery Extended Location. | ExtendedLocation |
recoveryFabricLocation | The recovery fabric location. | string |
rpoInSeconds | The last RPO value in seconds. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
failoverRecoveryPointId | The recovery point id to which the Virtual node was failed over. | string |
instanceType | Gets the Instance type. | 'A2A' (required) |
lastRpoCalculatedTime | The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. | string |
managementId | The management Id. | string |
monitoringJobType | The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. | string |
monitoringPercentageCompletion | The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. | int |
primaryFabricLocation | Primary fabric location. | string |
protectedManagedDisks | The list of protected managed disks. | A2AProtectedManagedDiskDetails[] |
recoveryFabricLocation | The recovery fabric location. | string |
rpoInSeconds | The last RPO value in seconds. | int |
sharedDiskIRErrors | The IR Errors. | A2ASharedDiskIRErrorDetails[] |
unprotectedDisks | The list of unprotected disks. | A2AUnprotectedDiskDetails[] |
Name | Description | Value |
diskAutoProtectionStatus | A value indicating whether the disk auto protection is enabled. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
diskLunId | The source lun Id for the data disk. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
jobId | ARM Id of the job being executed. | string |
scenarioName | Scenario name. | string |
startTime | Start time of the workflow. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
name | The name of the extended location. | string (required) |
type | The extended location type. | 'EdgeZone' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
creationTimeUtc | Error creation time (UTC). | string |
customerResolvability | Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. | 'Allowed' 'NotAllowed' |
entityId | ID of the entity. | string |
errorCategory | Category of error. | string |
errorCode | Error code. | string |
errorId | The health error unique id. | string |
errorLevel | Level of error. | string |
errorMessage | Error message. | string |
errorSource | Source of error. | string |
errorType | Type of error. | string |
innerHealthErrors | The inner health errors. HealthError having a list of HealthError as child errors is problematic. InnerHealthError is used because this will prevent an infinite loop of structures when Hydra tries to auto-generate the contract. We are exposing the related health errors as inner health errors and all API consumers can utilize this in the same fashion as Exception -> InnerException. | InnerHealthError[] |
possibleCauses | Possible causes of error. | string |
recommendedAction | Recommended action to resolve error. | string |
recoveryProviderErrorMessage | DRA error message. | string |
summaryMessage | Summary message of the entity. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
creationTimeUtc | Error creation time (UTC). | string |
customerResolvability | Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. | 'Allowed' 'NotAllowed' |
entityId | ID of the entity. | string |
errorCategory | Category of error. | string |
errorCode | Error code. | string |
errorId | The health error unique id. | string |
errorLevel | Level of error. | string |
errorMessage | Error message. | string |
errorSource | Source of error. | string |
errorType | Type of error. | string |
possibleCauses | Possible causes of error. | string |
recommendedAction | Recommended action to resolve error. | string |
recoveryProviderErrorMessage | DRA error message. | string |
summaryMessage | Summary message of the entity. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
name | The resource name | string Constraints: Pattern = ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]$ (required) |
parent_id | The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. | ID for resource of type: vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers |
properties | The custom data. | ReplicationProtectionClusterProperties |
type | The resource type | "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters@2024-10-01" |
Name | Description | Value |
biosId | The BIOS ID. | string |
clusterNodeFqdn | The cluster node name. | string |
isSharedDiskVirtualNode | A value indicating whether this represents virtual entity hosting all the shared disks. | bool |
machineId | The machine ID. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | Set to 'A2A' for type A2AReplicationProtectionClusterDetails. | 'A2A' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
activeLocation | The Current active location of the Protection cluster. | string |
agentClusterId | The Agent cluster Id. | string |
allowedOperations | The allowed operations on the Replication protection cluster. | string[] |
areAllClusterNodesRegistered | A value indicating whether all nodes of the cluster are registered or not. | bool |
clusterFqdn | The cluster FQDN. | string |
clusterNodeFqdns | The List of cluster Node FQDNs. | string[] |
clusterProtectedItemIds | The List of Protected Item Id's. | string[] |
clusterRegisteredNodes | The registered node details. | RegisteredClusterNodes[] |
currentScenario | The current scenario. | CurrentScenarioDetails |
healthErrors | List of health errors. | HealthError[] |
lastSuccessfulFailoverTime | The last successful failover time. | string |
lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime | The last successful test failover time. | string |
policyFriendlyName | The name of Policy governing this PE. | string |
policyId | The Policy Id. | string |
primaryFabricFriendlyName | The friendly name of the primary fabric. | string |
primaryFabricProvider | The fabric provider of the primary fabric. | string |
primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName | The name of primary protection container friendly name. | string |
protectionClusterType | The type of protection cluster type. | string |
protectionState | The protection status. | string |
protectionStateDescription | The protection state description. | string |
providerSpecificDetails | The Replication cluster provider custom settings. | ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings |
recoveryContainerId | The recovery container Id. | string |
recoveryFabricFriendlyName | The friendly name of recovery fabric. | string |
recoveryFabricId | The Arm Id of recovery fabric. | string |
recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName | The name of recovery container friendly name. | string |
replicationHealth | The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. | string |
sharedDiskProperties | The shared disk properties. | SharedDiskReplicationItemProperties |
testFailoverState | The Test failover state. | string |
testFailoverStateDescription | The Test failover state description. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
activeLocation | The Current active location of the PE. | string |
allowedOperations | The allowed operations on the Replication protected item. | string[] |
currentScenario | The current scenario. | CurrentScenarioDetails |
healthErrors | List of health errors. | HealthError[] |
protectionState | The protection state of shared disk. | string |
replicationHealth | The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. | string |
sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails | The Replication provider custom settings. | SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings |
testFailoverState | The tfo state of shared disk. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | Set to 'A2A' for type A2ASharedDiskReplicationDetails. | 'A2A' (required) |