Microsoft.RecoveryServices vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters 2024-10-01

Bicep resource definition

The vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters@2024-10-01' = {
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  name: 'string'
  properties: {
    activeLocation: 'string'
    agentClusterId: 'string'
    allowedOperations: [
    areAllClusterNodesRegistered: bool
    clusterFqdn: 'string'
    clusterNodeFqdns: [
    clusterProtectedItemIds: [
    clusterRegisteredNodes: [
        biosId: 'string'
        clusterNodeFqdn: 'string'
        isSharedDiskVirtualNode: bool
        machineId: 'string'
    currentScenario: {
      jobId: 'string'
      scenarioName: 'string'
      startTime: 'string'
    healthErrors: [
        creationTimeUtc: 'string'
        customerResolvability: 'string'
        entityId: 'string'
        errorCategory: 'string'
        errorCode: 'string'
        errorId: 'string'
        errorLevel: 'string'
        errorMessage: 'string'
        errorSource: 'string'
        errorType: 'string'
        innerHealthErrors: [
            creationTimeUtc: 'string'
            customerResolvability: 'string'
            entityId: 'string'
            errorCategory: 'string'
            errorCode: 'string'
            errorId: 'string'
            errorLevel: 'string'
            errorMessage: 'string'
            errorSource: 'string'
            errorType: 'string'
            possibleCauses: 'string'
            recommendedAction: 'string'
            recoveryProviderErrorMessage: 'string'
            summaryMessage: 'string'
        possibleCauses: 'string'
        recommendedAction: 'string'
        recoveryProviderErrorMessage: 'string'
        summaryMessage: 'string'
    lastSuccessfulFailoverTime: 'string'
    lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime: 'string'
    policyFriendlyName: 'string'
    policyId: 'string'
    primaryFabricFriendlyName: 'string'
    primaryFabricProvider: 'string'
    primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName: 'string'
    protectionClusterType: 'string'
    protectionState: 'string'
    protectionStateDescription: 'string'
    providerSpecificDetails: {
      instanceType: 'string'
      // For remaining properties, see ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects
    recoveryContainerId: 'string'
    recoveryFabricFriendlyName: 'string'
    recoveryFabricId: 'string'
    recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName: 'string'
    replicationHealth: 'string'
    sharedDiskProperties: {
      activeLocation: 'string'
      allowedOperations: [
      currentScenario: {
        jobId: 'string'
        scenarioName: 'string'
        startTime: 'string'
      healthErrors: [
          creationTimeUtc: 'string'
          customerResolvability: 'string'
          entityId: 'string'
          errorCategory: 'string'
          errorCode: 'string'
          errorId: 'string'
          errorLevel: 'string'
          errorMessage: 'string'
          errorSource: 'string'
          errorType: 'string'
          innerHealthErrors: [
              creationTimeUtc: 'string'
              customerResolvability: 'string'
              entityId: 'string'
              errorCategory: 'string'
              errorCode: 'string'
              errorId: 'string'
              errorLevel: 'string'
              errorMessage: 'string'
              errorSource: 'string'
              errorType: 'string'
              possibleCauses: 'string'
              recommendedAction: 'string'
              recoveryProviderErrorMessage: 'string'
              summaryMessage: 'string'
          possibleCauses: 'string'
          recommendedAction: 'string'
          recoveryProviderErrorMessage: 'string'
          summaryMessage: 'string'
      protectionState: 'string'
      replicationHealth: 'string'
      sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails: {
        instanceType: 'string'
        // For remaining properties, see SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
      testFailoverState: 'string'
    testFailoverState: 'string'
    testFailoverStateDescription: 'string'

ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects

Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.

For A2A, use:

  clusterManagementId: 'string'
  failoverRecoveryPointId: 'string'
  initialPrimaryExtendedLocation: {
    name: 'string'
    type: 'string'
  initialPrimaryFabricLocation: 'string'
  initialPrimaryZone: 'string'
  initialRecoveryExtendedLocation: {
    name: 'string'
    type: 'string'
  initialRecoveryFabricLocation: 'string'
  initialRecoveryZone: 'string'
  instanceType: 'A2A'
  lastRpoCalculatedTime: 'string'
  lifecycleId: 'string'
  multiVmGroupCreateOption: 'string'
  multiVmGroupId: 'string'
  multiVmGroupName: 'string'
  primaryAvailabilityZone: 'string'
  primaryExtendedLocation: {
    name: 'string'
    type: 'string'
  primaryFabricLocation: 'string'
  recoveryAvailabilityZone: 'string'
  recoveryExtendedLocation: {
    name: 'string'
    type: 'string'
  recoveryFabricLocation: 'string'
  rpoInSeconds: int

SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects

Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.

For A2A, use:

  failoverRecoveryPointId: 'string'
  instanceType: 'A2A'
  lastRpoCalculatedTime: 'string'
  managementId: 'string'
  monitoringJobType: 'string'
  monitoringPercentageCompletion: int
  primaryFabricLocation: 'string'
  protectedManagedDisks: [
      allowedDiskLevelOperation: [
      dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB: int
      dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB: int
      dekKeyVaultArmId: 'string'
      diskCapacityInBytes: int
      diskId: 'string'
      diskName: 'string'
      diskState: 'string'
      diskType: 'string'
      failoverDiskName: 'string'
      isDiskEncrypted: bool
      isDiskKeyEncrypted: bool
      kekKeyVaultArmId: 'string'
      keyIdentifier: 'string'
      monitoringJobType: 'string'
      monitoringPercentageCompletion: int
      primaryDiskEncryptionSetId: 'string'
      primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId: 'string'
      recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId: 'string'
      recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId: 'string'
      recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType: 'string'
      recoveryReplicaDiskId: 'string'
      recoveryResourceGroupId: 'string'
      recoveryTargetDiskAccountType: 'string'
      recoveryTargetDiskId: 'string'
      resyncRequired: bool
      secretIdentifier: 'string'
      tfoDiskName: 'string'
  recoveryFabricLocation: 'string'
  rpoInSeconds: int
  sharedDiskIRErrors: [
  unprotectedDisks: [
      diskAutoProtectionStatus: 'string'
      diskLunId: int

Property Values


Name Description Value
allowedDiskLevelOperation The disk level operations list. string[]
dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB The data pending at source virtual machine in MB. int
dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB The data pending for replication in MB at staging account. int
dekKeyVaultArmId The KeyVault resource id for secret (BEK). string
diskCapacityInBytes The disk capacity in bytes. int
diskId The managed disk Arm id. string
diskName The disk name. string
diskState The disk state. string
diskType The type of disk. string
failoverDiskName The failover name for the managed disk. string
isDiskEncrypted A value indicating whether vm has encrypted os disk or not. bool
isDiskKeyEncrypted A value indicating whether disk key got encrypted or not. bool
kekKeyVaultArmId The KeyVault resource id for key (KEK). string
keyIdentifier The key URL / identifier (KEK). string
monitoringJobType The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. string
monitoringPercentageCompletion The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. int
primaryDiskEncryptionSetId The primary disk encryption set Id. string
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId The primary staging storage account. string
recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId The recovery disk encryption set Id. string
recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId Recovery original target disk Arm Id. string
recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType The replica disk type. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. string
recoveryReplicaDiskId Recovery replica disk Arm Id. string
recoveryResourceGroupId The recovery disk resource group Arm Id. string
recoveryTargetDiskAccountType The target disk type after failover. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. string
recoveryTargetDiskId Recovery target disk Arm Id. string
resyncRequired A value indicating whether resync is required for this disk. bool
secretIdentifier The secret URL / identifier (BEK). string
tfoDiskName The test failover name for the managed disk. string


Name Description Value
clusterManagementId The cluster management Id. string
failoverRecoveryPointId The recovery point Id to which the cluster was failed over. string
initialPrimaryExtendedLocation The initial primary extended location. ExtendedLocation
initialPrimaryFabricLocation The initial primary fabric location. string
initialPrimaryZone The initial primary availability zone. string
initialRecoveryExtendedLocation The initial recovery extended location. ExtendedLocation
initialRecoveryFabricLocation The initial recovery fabric location. string
initialRecoveryZone The initial recovery availability zone. string
instanceType Gets the Instance type. 'A2A' (required)
lastRpoCalculatedTime The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. string
lifecycleId An id that survives actions like switch protection which change the backing PE/CPE objects internally.The lifecycle id gets carried forward to have a link/continuity in being able to have an Id that denotes the "same" protected cluster even though other internal Ids/ARM Id might be changing. string
multiVmGroupCreateOption Whether Multi VM group is auto created or specified by user. 'AutoCreated'
multiVmGroupId The multi vm group Id. string
multiVmGroupName The multi vm group name. string
primaryAvailabilityZone The primary availability zone. string
primaryExtendedLocation The primary Extended Location. ExtendedLocation
primaryFabricLocation Primary fabric location. string
recoveryAvailabilityZone The recovery availability zone. string
recoveryExtendedLocation The recovery Extended Location. ExtendedLocation
recoveryFabricLocation The recovery fabric location. string
rpoInSeconds The last RPO value in seconds. int


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
failoverRecoveryPointId The recovery point id to which the Virtual node was failed over. string
instanceType Gets the Instance type. 'A2A' (required)
lastRpoCalculatedTime The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. string
managementId The management Id. string
monitoringJobType The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. string
monitoringPercentageCompletion The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. int
primaryFabricLocation Primary fabric location. string
protectedManagedDisks The list of protected managed disks. A2AProtectedManagedDiskDetails[]
recoveryFabricLocation The recovery fabric location. string
rpoInSeconds The last RPO value in seconds. int
sharedDiskIRErrors The IR Errors. A2ASharedDiskIRErrorDetails[]
unprotectedDisks The list of unprotected disks. A2AUnprotectedDiskDetails[]


Name Description Value
diskAutoProtectionStatus A value indicating whether the disk auto protection is enabled. 'Disabled'
diskLunId The source lun Id for the data disk. int


Name Description Value
jobId ARM Id of the job being executed. string
scenarioName Scenario name. string
startTime Start time of the workflow. string


Name Description Value
name The name of the extended location. string (required)
type The extended location type. 'EdgeZone' (required)


Name Description Value
creationTimeUtc Error creation time (UTC). string
customerResolvability Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. 'Allowed'
entityId ID of the entity. string
errorCategory Category of error. string
errorCode Error code. string
errorId The health error unique id. string
errorLevel Level of error. string
errorMessage Error message. string
errorSource Source of error. string
errorType Type of error. string
innerHealthErrors The inner health errors. HealthError having a list of HealthError as child errors is problematic. InnerHealthError is used because this will prevent an infinite loop of structures when Hydra tries to auto-generate the contract. We are exposing the related health errors as inner health errors and all API consumers can utilize this in the same fashion as Exception -> InnerException. InnerHealthError[]
possibleCauses Possible causes of error. string
recommendedAction Recommended action to resolve error. string
recoveryProviderErrorMessage DRA error message. string
summaryMessage Summary message of the entity. string


Name Description Value
creationTimeUtc Error creation time (UTC). string
customerResolvability Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. 'Allowed'
entityId ID of the entity. string
errorCategory Category of error. string
errorCode Error code. string
errorId The health error unique id. string
errorLevel Level of error. string
errorMessage Error message. string
errorSource Source of error. string
errorType Type of error. string
possibleCauses Possible causes of error. string
recommendedAction Recommended action to resolve error. string
recoveryProviderErrorMessage DRA error message. string
summaryMessage Summary message of the entity. string


Name Description Value
name The resource name string

Pattern = ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]$ (required)
parent In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.

For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource.
Symbolic name for resource of type: vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers
properties The custom data. ReplicationProtectionClusterProperties


Name Description Value
biosId The BIOS ID. string
clusterNodeFqdn The cluster node name. string
isSharedDiskVirtualNode A value indicating whether this represents virtual entity hosting all the shared disks. bool
machineId The machine ID. string


Name Description Value
instanceType Set to 'A2A' for type A2AReplicationProtectionClusterDetails. 'A2A' (required)


Name Description Value
activeLocation The Current active location of the Protection cluster. string
agentClusterId The Agent cluster Id. string
allowedOperations The allowed operations on the Replication protection cluster. string[]
areAllClusterNodesRegistered A value indicating whether all nodes of the cluster are registered or not. bool
clusterFqdn The cluster FQDN. string
clusterNodeFqdns The List of cluster Node FQDNs. string[]
clusterProtectedItemIds The List of Protected Item Id's. string[]
clusterRegisteredNodes The registered node details. RegisteredClusterNodes[]
currentScenario The current scenario. CurrentScenarioDetails
healthErrors List of health errors. HealthError[]
lastSuccessfulFailoverTime The last successful failover time. string
lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime The last successful test failover time. string
policyFriendlyName The name of Policy governing this PE. string
policyId The Policy Id. string
primaryFabricFriendlyName The friendly name of the primary fabric. string
primaryFabricProvider The fabric provider of the primary fabric. string
primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName The name of primary protection container friendly name. string
protectionClusterType The type of protection cluster type. string
protectionState The protection status. string
protectionStateDescription The protection state description. string
providerSpecificDetails The Replication cluster provider custom settings. ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings
recoveryContainerId The recovery container Id. string
recoveryFabricFriendlyName The friendly name of recovery fabric. string
recoveryFabricId The Arm Id of recovery fabric. string
recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName The name of recovery container friendly name. string
replicationHealth The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. string
sharedDiskProperties The shared disk properties. SharedDiskReplicationItemProperties
testFailoverState The Test failover state. string
testFailoverStateDescription The Test failover state description. string


Name Description Value
activeLocation The Current active location of the PE. string
allowedOperations The allowed operations on the Replication protected item. string[]
currentScenario The current scenario. CurrentScenarioDetails
healthErrors List of health errors. HealthError[]
protectionState The protection state of shared disk. string
replicationHealth The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. string
sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails The Replication provider custom settings. SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings
testFailoverState The tfo state of shared disk. string


Name Description Value
instanceType Set to 'A2A' for type A2ASharedDiskReplicationDetails. 'A2A' (required)

ARM template resource definition

The vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters",
  "apiVersion": "2024-10-01",
  "name": "string",
  "properties": {
    "activeLocation": "string",
    "agentClusterId": "string",
    "allowedOperations": [ "string" ],
    "areAllClusterNodesRegistered": "bool",
    "clusterFqdn": "string",
    "clusterNodeFqdns": [ "string" ],
    "clusterProtectedItemIds": [ "string" ],
    "clusterRegisteredNodes": [
        "biosId": "string",
        "clusterNodeFqdn": "string",
        "isSharedDiskVirtualNode": "bool",
        "machineId": "string"
    "currentScenario": {
      "jobId": "string",
      "scenarioName": "string",
      "startTime": "string"
    "healthErrors": [
        "creationTimeUtc": "string",
        "customerResolvability": "string",
        "entityId": "string",
        "errorCategory": "string",
        "errorCode": "string",
        "errorId": "string",
        "errorLevel": "string",
        "errorMessage": "string",
        "errorSource": "string",
        "errorType": "string",
        "innerHealthErrors": [
            "creationTimeUtc": "string",
            "customerResolvability": "string",
            "entityId": "string",
            "errorCategory": "string",
            "errorCode": "string",
            "errorId": "string",
            "errorLevel": "string",
            "errorMessage": "string",
            "errorSource": "string",
            "errorType": "string",
            "possibleCauses": "string",
            "recommendedAction": "string",
            "recoveryProviderErrorMessage": "string",
            "summaryMessage": "string"
        "possibleCauses": "string",
        "recommendedAction": "string",
        "recoveryProviderErrorMessage": "string",
        "summaryMessage": "string"
    "lastSuccessfulFailoverTime": "string",
    "lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime": "string",
    "policyFriendlyName": "string",
    "policyId": "string",
    "primaryFabricFriendlyName": "string",
    "primaryFabricProvider": "string",
    "primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName": "string",
    "protectionClusterType": "string",
    "protectionState": "string",
    "protectionStateDescription": "string",
    "providerSpecificDetails": {
      "instanceType": "string"
      // For remaining properties, see ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects
    "recoveryContainerId": "string",
    "recoveryFabricFriendlyName": "string",
    "recoveryFabricId": "string",
    "recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName": "string",
    "replicationHealth": "string",
    "sharedDiskProperties": {
      "activeLocation": "string",
      "allowedOperations": [ "string" ],
      "currentScenario": {
        "jobId": "string",
        "scenarioName": "string",
        "startTime": "string"
      "healthErrors": [
          "creationTimeUtc": "string",
          "customerResolvability": "string",
          "entityId": "string",
          "errorCategory": "string",
          "errorCode": "string",
          "errorId": "string",
          "errorLevel": "string",
          "errorMessage": "string",
          "errorSource": "string",
          "errorType": "string",
          "innerHealthErrors": [
              "creationTimeUtc": "string",
              "customerResolvability": "string",
              "entityId": "string",
              "errorCategory": "string",
              "errorCode": "string",
              "errorId": "string",
              "errorLevel": "string",
              "errorMessage": "string",
              "errorSource": "string",
              "errorType": "string",
              "possibleCauses": "string",
              "recommendedAction": "string",
              "recoveryProviderErrorMessage": "string",
              "summaryMessage": "string"
          "possibleCauses": "string",
          "recommendedAction": "string",
          "recoveryProviderErrorMessage": "string",
          "summaryMessage": "string"
      "protectionState": "string",
      "replicationHealth": "string",
      "sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails": {
        "instanceType": "string"
        // For remaining properties, see SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
      "testFailoverState": "string"
    "testFailoverState": "string",
    "testFailoverStateDescription": "string"

ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects

Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.

For A2A, use:

  "clusterManagementId": "string",
  "failoverRecoveryPointId": "string",
  "initialPrimaryExtendedLocation": {
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string"
  "initialPrimaryFabricLocation": "string",
  "initialPrimaryZone": "string",
  "initialRecoveryExtendedLocation": {
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string"
  "initialRecoveryFabricLocation": "string",
  "initialRecoveryZone": "string",
  "instanceType": "A2A",
  "lastRpoCalculatedTime": "string",
  "lifecycleId": "string",
  "multiVmGroupCreateOption": "string",
  "multiVmGroupId": "string",
  "multiVmGroupName": "string",
  "primaryAvailabilityZone": "string",
  "primaryExtendedLocation": {
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string"
  "primaryFabricLocation": "string",
  "recoveryAvailabilityZone": "string",
  "recoveryExtendedLocation": {
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string"
  "recoveryFabricLocation": "string",
  "rpoInSeconds": "int"

SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects

Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.

For A2A, use:

  "failoverRecoveryPointId": "string",
  "instanceType": "A2A",
  "lastRpoCalculatedTime": "string",
  "managementId": "string",
  "monitoringJobType": "string",
  "monitoringPercentageCompletion": "int",
  "primaryFabricLocation": "string",
  "protectedManagedDisks": [
      "allowedDiskLevelOperation": [ "string" ],
      "dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB": "int",
      "dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB": "int",
      "dekKeyVaultArmId": "string",
      "diskCapacityInBytes": "int",
      "diskId": "string",
      "diskName": "string",
      "diskState": "string",
      "diskType": "string",
      "failoverDiskName": "string",
      "isDiskEncrypted": "bool",
      "isDiskKeyEncrypted": "bool",
      "kekKeyVaultArmId": "string",
      "keyIdentifier": "string",
      "monitoringJobType": "string",
      "monitoringPercentageCompletion": "int",
      "primaryDiskEncryptionSetId": "string",
      "primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId": "string",
      "recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId": "string",
      "recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId": "string",
      "recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType": "string",
      "recoveryReplicaDiskId": "string",
      "recoveryResourceGroupId": "string",
      "recoveryTargetDiskAccountType": "string",
      "recoveryTargetDiskId": "string",
      "resyncRequired": "bool",
      "secretIdentifier": "string",
      "tfoDiskName": "string"
  "recoveryFabricLocation": "string",
  "rpoInSeconds": "int",
  "sharedDiskIRErrors": [
  "unprotectedDisks": [
      "diskAutoProtectionStatus": "string",
      "diskLunId": "int"

Property Values


Name Description Value
allowedDiskLevelOperation The disk level operations list. string[]
dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB The data pending at source virtual machine in MB. int
dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB The data pending for replication in MB at staging account. int
dekKeyVaultArmId The KeyVault resource id for secret (BEK). string
diskCapacityInBytes The disk capacity in bytes. int
diskId The managed disk Arm id. string
diskName The disk name. string
diskState The disk state. string
diskType The type of disk. string
failoverDiskName The failover name for the managed disk. string
isDiskEncrypted A value indicating whether vm has encrypted os disk or not. bool
isDiskKeyEncrypted A value indicating whether disk key got encrypted or not. bool
kekKeyVaultArmId The KeyVault resource id for key (KEK). string
keyIdentifier The key URL / identifier (KEK). string
monitoringJobType The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. string
monitoringPercentageCompletion The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. int
primaryDiskEncryptionSetId The primary disk encryption set Id. string
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId The primary staging storage account. string
recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId The recovery disk encryption set Id. string
recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId Recovery original target disk Arm Id. string
recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType The replica disk type. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. string
recoveryReplicaDiskId Recovery replica disk Arm Id. string
recoveryResourceGroupId The recovery disk resource group Arm Id. string
recoveryTargetDiskAccountType The target disk type after failover. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. string
recoveryTargetDiskId Recovery target disk Arm Id. string
resyncRequired A value indicating whether resync is required for this disk. bool
secretIdentifier The secret URL / identifier (BEK). string
tfoDiskName The test failover name for the managed disk. string


Name Description Value
clusterManagementId The cluster management Id. string
failoverRecoveryPointId The recovery point Id to which the cluster was failed over. string
initialPrimaryExtendedLocation The initial primary extended location. ExtendedLocation
initialPrimaryFabricLocation The initial primary fabric location. string
initialPrimaryZone The initial primary availability zone. string
initialRecoveryExtendedLocation The initial recovery extended location. ExtendedLocation
initialRecoveryFabricLocation The initial recovery fabric location. string
initialRecoveryZone The initial recovery availability zone. string
instanceType Gets the Instance type. 'A2A' (required)
lastRpoCalculatedTime The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. string
lifecycleId An id that survives actions like switch protection which change the backing PE/CPE objects internally.The lifecycle id gets carried forward to have a link/continuity in being able to have an Id that denotes the "same" protected cluster even though other internal Ids/ARM Id might be changing. string
multiVmGroupCreateOption Whether Multi VM group is auto created or specified by user. 'AutoCreated'
multiVmGroupId The multi vm group Id. string
multiVmGroupName The multi vm group name. string
primaryAvailabilityZone The primary availability zone. string
primaryExtendedLocation The primary Extended Location. ExtendedLocation
primaryFabricLocation Primary fabric location. string
recoveryAvailabilityZone The recovery availability zone. string
recoveryExtendedLocation The recovery Extended Location. ExtendedLocation
recoveryFabricLocation The recovery fabric location. string
rpoInSeconds The last RPO value in seconds. int


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
failoverRecoveryPointId The recovery point id to which the Virtual node was failed over. string
instanceType Gets the Instance type. 'A2A' (required)
lastRpoCalculatedTime The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. string
managementId The management Id. string
monitoringJobType The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. string
monitoringPercentageCompletion The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. int
primaryFabricLocation Primary fabric location. string
protectedManagedDisks The list of protected managed disks. A2AProtectedManagedDiskDetails[]
recoveryFabricLocation The recovery fabric location. string
rpoInSeconds The last RPO value in seconds. int
sharedDiskIRErrors The IR Errors. A2ASharedDiskIRErrorDetails[]
unprotectedDisks The list of unprotected disks. A2AUnprotectedDiskDetails[]


Name Description Value
diskAutoProtectionStatus A value indicating whether the disk auto protection is enabled. 'Disabled'
diskLunId The source lun Id for the data disk. int


Name Description Value
jobId ARM Id of the job being executed. string
scenarioName Scenario name. string
startTime Start time of the workflow. string


Name Description Value
name The name of the extended location. string (required)
type The extended location type. 'EdgeZone' (required)


Name Description Value
creationTimeUtc Error creation time (UTC). string
customerResolvability Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. 'Allowed'
entityId ID of the entity. string
errorCategory Category of error. string
errorCode Error code. string
errorId The health error unique id. string
errorLevel Level of error. string
errorMessage Error message. string
errorSource Source of error. string
errorType Type of error. string
innerHealthErrors The inner health errors. HealthError having a list of HealthError as child errors is problematic. InnerHealthError is used because this will prevent an infinite loop of structures when Hydra tries to auto-generate the contract. We are exposing the related health errors as inner health errors and all API consumers can utilize this in the same fashion as Exception -> InnerException. InnerHealthError[]
possibleCauses Possible causes of error. string
recommendedAction Recommended action to resolve error. string
recoveryProviderErrorMessage DRA error message. string
summaryMessage Summary message of the entity. string


Name Description Value
creationTimeUtc Error creation time (UTC). string
customerResolvability Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. 'Allowed'
entityId ID of the entity. string
errorCategory Category of error. string
errorCode Error code. string
errorId The health error unique id. string
errorLevel Level of error. string
errorMessage Error message. string
errorSource Source of error. string
errorType Type of error. string
possibleCauses Possible causes of error. string
recommendedAction Recommended action to resolve error. string
recoveryProviderErrorMessage DRA error message. string
summaryMessage Summary message of the entity. string


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2024-10-01'
name The resource name string

Pattern = ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]$ (required)
properties The custom data. ReplicationProtectionClusterProperties
type The resource type 'Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters'


Name Description Value
biosId The BIOS ID. string
clusterNodeFqdn The cluster node name. string
isSharedDiskVirtualNode A value indicating whether this represents virtual entity hosting all the shared disks. bool
machineId The machine ID. string


Name Description Value
instanceType Set to 'A2A' for type A2AReplicationProtectionClusterDetails. 'A2A' (required)


Name Description Value
activeLocation The Current active location of the Protection cluster. string
agentClusterId The Agent cluster Id. string
allowedOperations The allowed operations on the Replication protection cluster. string[]
areAllClusterNodesRegistered A value indicating whether all nodes of the cluster are registered or not. bool
clusterFqdn The cluster FQDN. string
clusterNodeFqdns The List of cluster Node FQDNs. string[]
clusterProtectedItemIds The List of Protected Item Id's. string[]
clusterRegisteredNodes The registered node details. RegisteredClusterNodes[]
currentScenario The current scenario. CurrentScenarioDetails
healthErrors List of health errors. HealthError[]
lastSuccessfulFailoverTime The last successful failover time. string
lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime The last successful test failover time. string
policyFriendlyName The name of Policy governing this PE. string
policyId The Policy Id. string
primaryFabricFriendlyName The friendly name of the primary fabric. string
primaryFabricProvider The fabric provider of the primary fabric. string
primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName The name of primary protection container friendly name. string
protectionClusterType The type of protection cluster type. string
protectionState The protection status. string
protectionStateDescription The protection state description. string
providerSpecificDetails The Replication cluster provider custom settings. ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings
recoveryContainerId The recovery container Id. string
recoveryFabricFriendlyName The friendly name of recovery fabric. string
recoveryFabricId The Arm Id of recovery fabric. string
recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName The name of recovery container friendly name. string
replicationHealth The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. string
sharedDiskProperties The shared disk properties. SharedDiskReplicationItemProperties
testFailoverState The Test failover state. string
testFailoverStateDescription The Test failover state description. string


Name Description Value
activeLocation The Current active location of the PE. string
allowedOperations The allowed operations on the Replication protected item. string[]
currentScenario The current scenario. CurrentScenarioDetails
healthErrors List of health errors. HealthError[]
protectionState The protection state of shared disk. string
replicationHealth The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. string
sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails The Replication provider custom settings. SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings
testFailoverState The tfo state of shared disk. string


Name Description Value
instanceType Set to 'A2A' for type A2ASharedDiskReplicationDetails. 'A2A' (required)

Usage Examples

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters@2024-10-01"
  name = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      activeLocation = "string"
      agentClusterId = "string"
      allowedOperations = [
      areAllClusterNodesRegistered = bool
      clusterFqdn = "string"
      clusterNodeFqdns = [
      clusterProtectedItemIds = [
      clusterRegisteredNodes = [
          biosId = "string"
          clusterNodeFqdn = "string"
          isSharedDiskVirtualNode = bool
          machineId = "string"
      currentScenario = {
        jobId = "string"
        scenarioName = "string"
        startTime = "string"
      healthErrors = [
          creationTimeUtc = "string"
          customerResolvability = "string"
          entityId = "string"
          errorCategory = "string"
          errorCode = "string"
          errorId = "string"
          errorLevel = "string"
          errorMessage = "string"
          errorSource = "string"
          errorType = "string"
          innerHealthErrors = [
              creationTimeUtc = "string"
              customerResolvability = "string"
              entityId = "string"
              errorCategory = "string"
              errorCode = "string"
              errorId = "string"
              errorLevel = "string"
              errorMessage = "string"
              errorSource = "string"
              errorType = "string"
              possibleCauses = "string"
              recommendedAction = "string"
              recoveryProviderErrorMessage = "string"
              summaryMessage = "string"
          possibleCauses = "string"
          recommendedAction = "string"
          recoveryProviderErrorMessage = "string"
          summaryMessage = "string"
      lastSuccessfulFailoverTime = "string"
      lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime = "string"
      policyFriendlyName = "string"
      policyId = "string"
      primaryFabricFriendlyName = "string"
      primaryFabricProvider = "string"
      primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName = "string"
      protectionClusterType = "string"
      protectionState = "string"
      protectionStateDescription = "string"
      providerSpecificDetails = {
        instanceType = "string"
        // For remaining properties, see ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects
      recoveryContainerId = "string"
      recoveryFabricFriendlyName = "string"
      recoveryFabricId = "string"
      recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName = "string"
      replicationHealth = "string"
      sharedDiskProperties = {
        activeLocation = "string"
        allowedOperations = [
        currentScenario = {
          jobId = "string"
          scenarioName = "string"
          startTime = "string"
        healthErrors = [
            creationTimeUtc = "string"
            customerResolvability = "string"
            entityId = "string"
            errorCategory = "string"
            errorCode = "string"
            errorId = "string"
            errorLevel = "string"
            errorMessage = "string"
            errorSource = "string"
            errorType = "string"
            innerHealthErrors = [
                creationTimeUtc = "string"
                customerResolvability = "string"
                entityId = "string"
                errorCategory = "string"
                errorCode = "string"
                errorId = "string"
                errorLevel = "string"
                errorMessage = "string"
                errorSource = "string"
                errorType = "string"
                possibleCauses = "string"
                recommendedAction = "string"
                recoveryProviderErrorMessage = "string"
                summaryMessage = "string"
            possibleCauses = "string"
            recommendedAction = "string"
            recoveryProviderErrorMessage = "string"
            summaryMessage = "string"
        protectionState = "string"
        replicationHealth = "string"
        sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails = {
          instanceType = "string"
          // For remaining properties, see SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
        testFailoverState = "string"
      testFailoverState = "string"
      testFailoverStateDescription = "string"

ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings objects

Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.

For A2A, use:

  clusterManagementId = "string"
  failoverRecoveryPointId = "string"
  initialPrimaryExtendedLocation = {
    name = "string"
    type = "string"
  initialPrimaryFabricLocation = "string"
  initialPrimaryZone = "string"
  initialRecoveryExtendedLocation = {
    name = "string"
    type = "string"
  initialRecoveryFabricLocation = "string"
  initialRecoveryZone = "string"
  instanceType = "A2A"
  lastRpoCalculatedTime = "string"
  lifecycleId = "string"
  multiVmGroupCreateOption = "string"
  multiVmGroupId = "string"
  multiVmGroupName = "string"
  primaryAvailabilityZone = "string"
  primaryExtendedLocation = {
    name = "string"
    type = "string"
  primaryFabricLocation = "string"
  recoveryAvailabilityZone = "string"
  recoveryExtendedLocation = {
    name = "string"
    type = "string"
  recoveryFabricLocation = "string"
  rpoInSeconds = int

SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects

Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.

For A2A, use:

  failoverRecoveryPointId = "string"
  instanceType = "A2A"
  lastRpoCalculatedTime = "string"
  managementId = "string"
  monitoringJobType = "string"
  monitoringPercentageCompletion = int
  primaryFabricLocation = "string"
  protectedManagedDisks = [
      allowedDiskLevelOperation = [
      dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB = int
      dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB = int
      dekKeyVaultArmId = "string"
      diskCapacityInBytes = int
      diskId = "string"
      diskName = "string"
      diskState = "string"
      diskType = "string"
      failoverDiskName = "string"
      isDiskEncrypted = bool
      isDiskKeyEncrypted = bool
      kekKeyVaultArmId = "string"
      keyIdentifier = "string"
      monitoringJobType = "string"
      monitoringPercentageCompletion = int
      primaryDiskEncryptionSetId = "string"
      primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId = "string"
      recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId = "string"
      recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId = "string"
      recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType = "string"
      recoveryReplicaDiskId = "string"
      recoveryResourceGroupId = "string"
      recoveryTargetDiskAccountType = "string"
      recoveryTargetDiskId = "string"
      resyncRequired = bool
      secretIdentifier = "string"
      tfoDiskName = "string"
  recoveryFabricLocation = "string"
  rpoInSeconds = int
  sharedDiskIRErrors = [
  unprotectedDisks = [
      diskAutoProtectionStatus = "string"
      diskLunId = int

Property Values


Name Description Value
allowedDiskLevelOperation The disk level operations list. string[]
dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB The data pending at source virtual machine in MB. int
dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB The data pending for replication in MB at staging account. int
dekKeyVaultArmId The KeyVault resource id for secret (BEK). string
diskCapacityInBytes The disk capacity in bytes. int
diskId The managed disk Arm id. string
diskName The disk name. string
diskState The disk state. string
diskType The type of disk. string
failoverDiskName The failover name for the managed disk. string
isDiskEncrypted A value indicating whether vm has encrypted os disk or not. bool
isDiskKeyEncrypted A value indicating whether disk key got encrypted or not. bool
kekKeyVaultArmId The KeyVault resource id for key (KEK). string
keyIdentifier The key URL / identifier (KEK). string
monitoringJobType The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. string
monitoringPercentageCompletion The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. int
primaryDiskEncryptionSetId The primary disk encryption set Id. string
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId The primary staging storage account. string
recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId The recovery disk encryption set Id. string
recoveryOrignalTargetDiskId Recovery original target disk Arm Id. string
recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType The replica disk type. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. string
recoveryReplicaDiskId Recovery replica disk Arm Id. string
recoveryResourceGroupId The recovery disk resource group Arm Id. string
recoveryTargetDiskAccountType The target disk type after failover. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided. string
recoveryTargetDiskId Recovery target disk Arm Id. string
resyncRequired A value indicating whether resync is required for this disk. bool
secretIdentifier The secret URL / identifier (BEK). string
tfoDiskName The test failover name for the managed disk. string


Name Description Value
clusterManagementId The cluster management Id. string
failoverRecoveryPointId The recovery point Id to which the cluster was failed over. string
initialPrimaryExtendedLocation The initial primary extended location. ExtendedLocation
initialPrimaryFabricLocation The initial primary fabric location. string
initialPrimaryZone The initial primary availability zone. string
initialRecoveryExtendedLocation The initial recovery extended location. ExtendedLocation
initialRecoveryFabricLocation The initial recovery fabric location. string
initialRecoveryZone The initial recovery availability zone. string
instanceType Gets the Instance type. 'A2A' (required)
lastRpoCalculatedTime The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. string
lifecycleId An id that survives actions like switch protection which change the backing PE/CPE objects internally.The lifecycle id gets carried forward to have a link/continuity in being able to have an Id that denotes the "same" protected cluster even though other internal Ids/ARM Id might be changing. string
multiVmGroupCreateOption Whether Multi VM group is auto created or specified by user. 'AutoCreated'
multiVmGroupId The multi vm group Id. string
multiVmGroupName The multi vm group name. string
primaryAvailabilityZone The primary availability zone. string
primaryExtendedLocation The primary Extended Location. ExtendedLocation
primaryFabricLocation Primary fabric location. string
recoveryAvailabilityZone The recovery availability zone. string
recoveryExtendedLocation The recovery Extended Location. ExtendedLocation
recoveryFabricLocation The recovery fabric location. string
rpoInSeconds The last RPO value in seconds. int


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
failoverRecoveryPointId The recovery point id to which the Virtual node was failed over. string
instanceType Gets the Instance type. 'A2A' (required)
lastRpoCalculatedTime The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service. string
managementId The management Id. string
monitoringJobType The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property. string
monitoringPercentageCompletion The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property. int
primaryFabricLocation Primary fabric location. string
protectedManagedDisks The list of protected managed disks. A2AProtectedManagedDiskDetails[]
recoveryFabricLocation The recovery fabric location. string
rpoInSeconds The last RPO value in seconds. int
sharedDiskIRErrors The IR Errors. A2ASharedDiskIRErrorDetails[]
unprotectedDisks The list of unprotected disks. A2AUnprotectedDiskDetails[]


Name Description Value
diskAutoProtectionStatus A value indicating whether the disk auto protection is enabled. 'Disabled'
diskLunId The source lun Id for the data disk. int


Name Description Value
jobId ARM Id of the job being executed. string
scenarioName Scenario name. string
startTime Start time of the workflow. string


Name Description Value
name The name of the extended location. string (required)
type The extended location type. 'EdgeZone' (required)


Name Description Value
creationTimeUtc Error creation time (UTC). string
customerResolvability Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. 'Allowed'
entityId ID of the entity. string
errorCategory Category of error. string
errorCode Error code. string
errorId The health error unique id. string
errorLevel Level of error. string
errorMessage Error message. string
errorSource Source of error. string
errorType Type of error. string
innerHealthErrors The inner health errors. HealthError having a list of HealthError as child errors is problematic. InnerHealthError is used because this will prevent an infinite loop of structures when Hydra tries to auto-generate the contract. We are exposing the related health errors as inner health errors and all API consumers can utilize this in the same fashion as Exception -> InnerException. InnerHealthError[]
possibleCauses Possible causes of error. string
recommendedAction Recommended action to resolve error. string
recoveryProviderErrorMessage DRA error message. string
summaryMessage Summary message of the entity. string


Name Description Value
creationTimeUtc Error creation time (UTC). string
customerResolvability Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable. 'Allowed'
entityId ID of the entity. string
errorCategory Category of error. string
errorCode Error code. string
errorId The health error unique id. string
errorLevel Level of error. string
errorMessage Error message. string
errorSource Source of error. string
errorType Type of error. string
possibleCauses Possible causes of error. string
recommendedAction Recommended action to resolve error. string
recoveryProviderErrorMessage DRA error message. string
summaryMessage Summary message of the entity. string


Name Description Value
name The resource name string

Pattern = ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]$ (required)
parent_id The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. ID for resource of type: vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers
properties The custom data. ReplicationProtectionClusterProperties
type The resource type "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters@2024-10-01"


Name Description Value
biosId The BIOS ID. string
clusterNodeFqdn The cluster node name. string
isSharedDiskVirtualNode A value indicating whether this represents virtual entity hosting all the shared disks. bool
machineId The machine ID. string


Name Description Value
instanceType Set to 'A2A' for type A2AReplicationProtectionClusterDetails. 'A2A' (required)


Name Description Value
activeLocation The Current active location of the Protection cluster. string
agentClusterId The Agent cluster Id. string
allowedOperations The allowed operations on the Replication protection cluster. string[]
areAllClusterNodesRegistered A value indicating whether all nodes of the cluster are registered or not. bool
clusterFqdn The cluster FQDN. string
clusterNodeFqdns The List of cluster Node FQDNs. string[]
clusterProtectedItemIds The List of Protected Item Id's. string[]
clusterRegisteredNodes The registered node details. RegisteredClusterNodes[]
currentScenario The current scenario. CurrentScenarioDetails
healthErrors List of health errors. HealthError[]
lastSuccessfulFailoverTime The last successful failover time. string
lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime The last successful test failover time. string
policyFriendlyName The name of Policy governing this PE. string
policyId The Policy Id. string
primaryFabricFriendlyName The friendly name of the primary fabric. string
primaryFabricProvider The fabric provider of the primary fabric. string
primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName The name of primary protection container friendly name. string
protectionClusterType The type of protection cluster type. string
protectionState The protection status. string
protectionStateDescription The protection state description. string
providerSpecificDetails The Replication cluster provider custom settings. ReplicationClusterProviderSpecificSettings
recoveryContainerId The recovery container Id. string
recoveryFabricFriendlyName The friendly name of recovery fabric. string
recoveryFabricId The Arm Id of recovery fabric. string
recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName The name of recovery container friendly name. string
replicationHealth The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. string
sharedDiskProperties The shared disk properties. SharedDiskReplicationItemProperties
testFailoverState The Test failover state. string
testFailoverStateDescription The Test failover state description. string


Name Description Value
activeLocation The Current active location of the PE. string
allowedOperations The allowed operations on the Replication protected item. string[]
currentScenario The current scenario. CurrentScenarioDetails
healthErrors List of health errors. HealthError[]
protectionState The protection state of shared disk. string
replicationHealth The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration. string
sharedDiskProviderSpecificDetails The Replication provider custom settings. SharedDiskReplicationProviderSpecificSettings
testFailoverState The tfo state of shared disk. string


Name Description Value
instanceType Set to 'A2A' for type A2ASharedDiskReplicationDetails. 'A2A' (required)