Microsoft.RecoveryServices vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems 2021-02-10
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- 2024-04-30-preview
- 2024-04-01
- 2024-02-01
- 2024-01-01
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- 2023-06-01
- 2023-04-01
- 2023-02-01
- 2023-01-01
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- 2022-09-30-preview
- 2022-09-01-preview
- 2022-06-01-preview
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- 2022-03-01
- 2022-02-01
- 2022-01-01
- 2021-12-01
- 2021-10-01
- 2021-08-01
- 2021-07-01
- 2021-06-01
- 2021-04-01
- 2021-03-01
- 2021-02-10
- 2021-02-01
- 2021-02-01-preview
- 2021-01-01
- 2020-12-01
- 2020-10-01
- 2019-06-15
- 2019-05-13
- 2016-06-01
Bicep resource definition
The vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems@2021-02-10' = {
parent: resourceSymbolicName
eTag: 'string'
location: 'string'
name: 'string'
properties: {
backupManagementType: 'string'
backupSetName: 'string'
containerName: 'string'
createMode: 'string'
deferredDeleteTimeInUTC: 'string'
deferredDeleteTimeRemaining: 'string'
isDeferredDeleteScheduleUpcoming: bool
isRehydrate: bool
isScheduledForDeferredDelete: bool
lastRecoveryPoint: 'string'
policyId: 'string'
sourceResourceId: 'string'
workloadType: 'string'
protectedItemType: 'string'
// For remaining properties, see ProtectedItem objects
tags: {
{customized property}: 'string'
ProtectedItem objects
Set the protectedItemType property to specify the type of object.
For AzureFileShareProtectedItem, use:
extendedInfo: {
oldestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
policyState: 'string'
recoveryPointCount: int
friendlyName: 'string'
kpisHealths: {
{customized property}: {
resourceHealthDetails: [
resourceHealthStatus: 'string'
lastBackupStatus: 'string'
lastBackupTime: 'string'
protectedItemType: 'AzureFileShareProtectedItem'
protectionState: 'string'
protectionStatus: 'string'
For Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines, use:
extendedInfo: {
oldestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
policyInconsistent: bool
recoveryPointCount: int
extendedProperties: {
diskExclusionProperties: {
diskLunList: [
isInclusionList: bool
friendlyName: 'string'
healthDetails: [
healthStatus: 'string'
kpisHealths: {
{customized property}: {
resourceHealthDetails: [
resourceHealthStatus: 'string'
lastBackupStatus: 'string'
lastBackupTime: 'string'
protectedItemDataId: 'string'
protectedItemType: 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines'
protectionState: 'string'
protectionStatus: 'string'
virtualMachineId: 'string'
For Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines, use:
extendedInfo: {
oldestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
policyInconsistent: bool
recoveryPointCount: int
extendedProperties: {
diskExclusionProperties: {
diskLunList: [
isInclusionList: bool
friendlyName: 'string'
healthDetails: [
healthStatus: 'string'
kpisHealths: {
{customized property}: {
resourceHealthDetails: [
resourceHealthStatus: 'string'
lastBackupStatus: 'string'
lastBackupTime: 'string'
protectedItemDataId: 'string'
protectedItemType: 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
protectionState: 'string'
protectionStatus: 'string'
virtualMachineId: 'string'
For AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase, use:
extendedInfo: {
oldestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
policyState: 'string'
recoveryPointCount: int
friendlyName: 'string'
kpisHealths: {
{customized property}: {
resourceHealthDetails: [
resourceHealthStatus: 'string'
lastBackupErrorDetail: {}
lastBackupStatus: 'string'
lastBackupTime: 'string'
parentName: 'string'
parentType: 'string'
protectedItemDataSourceId: 'string'
protectedItemHealthStatus: 'string'
protectedItemType: 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase'
protectionState: 'string'
protectionStatus: 'string'
serverName: 'string'
For AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase, use:
extendedInfo: {
oldestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
policyState: 'string'
recoveryPointCount: int
friendlyName: 'string'
kpisHealths: {
{customized property}: {
resourceHealthDetails: [
resourceHealthStatus: 'string'
lastBackupErrorDetail: {}
lastBackupStatus: 'string'
lastBackupTime: 'string'
parentName: 'string'
parentType: 'string'
protectedItemDataSourceId: 'string'
protectedItemHealthStatus: 'string'
protectedItemType: 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase'
protectionState: 'string'
protectionStatus: 'string'
serverName: 'string'
For AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase, use:
extendedInfo: {
oldestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
policyState: 'string'
recoveryPointCount: int
friendlyName: 'string'
kpisHealths: {
{customized property}: {
resourceHealthDetails: [
resourceHealthStatus: 'string'
lastBackupErrorDetail: {}
lastBackupStatus: 'string'
lastBackupTime: 'string'
parentName: 'string'
parentType: 'string'
protectedItemDataSourceId: 'string'
protectedItemHealthStatus: 'string'
protectedItemType: 'AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase'
protectionState: 'string'
protectionStatus: 'string'
serverName: 'string'
For DPMProtectedItem, use:
backupEngineName: 'string'
extendedInfo: {
diskStorageUsedInBytes: 'string'
isCollocated: bool
isPresentOnCloud: bool
lastBackupStatus: 'string'
lastRefreshedAt: 'string'
oldestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
onPremiseLatestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
onPremiseOldestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
onPremiseRecoveryPointCount: int
protectableObjectLoadPath: {
{customized property}: 'string'
protected: bool
protectionGroupName: 'string'
recoveryPointCount: int
totalDiskStorageSizeInBytes: 'string'
friendlyName: 'string'
protectedItemType: 'DPMProtectedItem'
protectionState: 'string'
For GenericProtectedItem, use:
fabricName: 'string'
friendlyName: 'string'
policyState: 'string'
protectedItemId: int
protectedItemType: 'GenericProtectedItem'
protectionState: 'string'
sourceAssociations: {
{customized property}: 'string'
For MabFileFolderProtectedItem, use:
computerName: 'string'
deferredDeleteSyncTimeInUTC: int
extendedInfo: {
lastRefreshedAt: 'string'
oldestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
recoveryPointCount: int
friendlyName: 'string'
lastBackupStatus: 'string'
lastBackupTime: 'string'
protectedItemType: 'MabFileFolderProtectedItem'
protectionState: 'string'
For Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases, use:
extendedInfo: {
oldestRecoveryPoint: 'string'
policyState: 'string'
recoveryPointCount: int
protectedItemDataId: 'string'
protectedItemType: 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases'
protectionState: 'string'
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information with this backup item. | AzureFileshareProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the fileshare represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureFileshareProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureFileShareProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this item in the service. | string |
policyState | Indicates consistency of policy object and policy applied to this backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of available backup copies associated with this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
extendedProperties | Extended Properties for Azure IaasVM Backup. | ExtendedProperties |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the VM represented by this backup item. | string |
healthDetails | Health details on this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMHealthDetails[] |
healthStatus | Health status of protected item. | 'ActionRequired' 'ActionSuggested' 'Invalid' 'Passed' |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemDataId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
virtualMachineId | Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine represented by this item. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
extendedProperties | Extended Properties for Azure IaasVM Backup. | ExtendedProperties |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the VM represented by this backup item. | string |
healthDetails | Health details on this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMHealthDetails[] |
healthStatus | Health status of protected item. | 'ActionRequired' 'ActionSuggested' 'Invalid' 'Passed' |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemDataId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
virtualMachineId | Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine represented by this item. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this backup item. | string |
policyInconsistent | Specifies if backup policy associated with the backup item is inconsistent. | bool |
recoveryPointCount | Number of backup copies available for this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureSqlProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
protectedItemDataId | Internal ID of a backup item. Used by Azure SQL Backup engine to contact Recovery Services. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of the backed up item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this item in the service. | string |
policyState | State of the backup policy associated with this backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of available backup copies associated with this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this backup item. | string |
policyState | Indicates consistency of policy object and policy applied to this backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of backup copies available for this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the DB represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupErrorDetail | Error details in last backup | ErrorDetail |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Unhealthy' |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
parentName | Parent name of the DB such as Instance or Availability Group. | string |
parentType | Parent type of protected item, example: for a DB, standalone server or distributed | string |
protectedItemDataSourceId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemHealthStatus | Health status of the backup item, evaluated based on last heartbeat received | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'NotReachable' 'Unhealthy' |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
serverName | Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG | string |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the DB represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupErrorDetail | Error details in last backup | ErrorDetail |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Unhealthy' |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
parentName | Parent name of the DB such as Instance or Availability Group. | string |
parentType | Parent type of protected item, example: for a DB, standalone server or distributed | string |
protectedItemDataSourceId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemHealthStatus | Health status of the backup item, evaluated based on last heartbeat received | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'NotReachable' 'Unhealthy' |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
serverName | Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG | string |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the DB represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupErrorDetail | Error details in last backup | ErrorDetail |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Unhealthy' |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
parentName | Parent name of the DB such as Instance or Availability Group. | string |
parentType | Parent type of protected item, example: for a DB, standalone server or distributed | string |
protectedItemDataSourceId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemHealthStatus | Health status of the backup item, evaluated based on last heartbeat received | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'NotReachable' 'Unhealthy' |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
serverName | Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG | string |
Name | Description | Value |
diskLunList | List of Disks' Logical Unit Numbers (LUN) to be used for VM Protection. | int[] |
isInclusionList | Flag to indicate whether DiskLunList is to be included/ excluded from backup. | bool |
Name | Description | Value |
backupEngineName | Backup Management server protecting this backup item | string |
extendedInfo | Extended info of the backup item. | DPMProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the managed item | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'DPMProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Protection state of the backup engine | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
Name | Description | Value |
diskStorageUsedInBytes | Used Disk storage in bytes. | string |
isCollocated | To check if backup item is collocated. | bool |
isPresentOnCloud | To check if backup item is cloud protected. | bool |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup status information on backup item. | string |
lastRefreshedAt | Last refresh time on backup item. | string |
oldestRecoveryPoint | Oldest cloud recovery point time. | string |
onPremiseLatestRecoveryPoint | latest disk recovery point time. | string |
onPremiseOldestRecoveryPoint | Oldest disk recovery point time. | string |
onPremiseRecoveryPointCount | disk recovery point count. | int |
protectableObjectLoadPath | Attribute to provide information on various DBs. | DPMProtectedItemExtendedInfoProtectableObjectLoadPath |
protected | To check if backup item is disk protected. | bool |
protectionGroupName | Protection group name of the backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | cloud recovery point count. | int |
totalDiskStorageSizeInBytes | total Disk storage in bytes. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
diskExclusionProperties | Extended Properties for Disk Exclusion. | DiskExclusionProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
fabricName | Name of this backup item's fabric. | string |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the container. | string |
policyState | Indicates consistency of policy object and policy applied to this backup item. | string |
protectedItemId | Data Plane Service ID of the protected item. | int |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'GenericProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
sourceAssociations | Loosely coupled (type, value) associations (example - parent of a protected item) | GenericProtectedItemSourceAssociations |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
resourceHealthDetails | Resource Health Status | ResourceHealthDetails[] |
resourceHealthStatus | Resource Health Status | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'PersistentDegraded' 'PersistentUnhealthy' 'TransientDegraded' 'TransientUnhealthy' |
Name | Description | Value |
computerName | Name of the computer associated with this backup item. | string |
deferredDeleteSyncTimeInUTC | Sync time for deferred deletion in UTC | int |
extendedInfo | Additional information with this backup item. | MabFileFolderProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of this backup item. | string |
lastBackupStatus | Status of last backup operation. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'MabFileFolderProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Protected, ProtectionStopped, IRPending or ProtectionError | string |
Name | Description | Value |
lastRefreshedAt | Last time when the agent data synced to service. | string |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of backup copies associated with the backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
eTag | Optional ETag. | string |
location | Resource location. | string |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
parent | In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource. For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource. |
Symbolic name for resource of type: vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers |
properties | ProtectedItemResource properties | ProtectedItem |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
Name | Description | Value |
backupManagementType | Type of backup management for the backed up item. | 'AzureBackupServer' 'AzureIaasVM' 'AzureSql' 'AzureStorage' 'AzureWorkload' 'DefaultBackup' 'DPM' 'Invalid' 'MAB' |
backupSetName | Name of the backup set the backup item belongs to | string |
containerName | Unique name of container | string |
createMode | Create mode to indicate recovery of existing soft deleted data source or creation of new data source. | 'Default' 'Invalid' 'Recover' |
deferredDeleteTimeInUTC | Time for deferred deletion in UTC | string |
deferredDeleteTimeRemaining | Time remaining before the DS marked for deferred delete is permanently deleted | string |
isDeferredDeleteScheduleUpcoming | Flag to identify whether the deferred deleted DS is to be purged soon | bool |
isRehydrate | Flag to identify that deferred deleted DS is to be moved into Pause state | bool |
isScheduledForDeferredDelete | Flag to identify whether the DS is scheduled for deferred delete | bool |
lastRecoveryPoint | Timestamp when the last (latest) backup copy was created for this backup item. | string |
policyId | ID of the backup policy with which this item is backed up. | string |
protectedItemType | Set to 'AzureFileShareProtectedItem' for type AzureFileshareProtectedItem. Set to 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines' for type AzureIaaSClassicComputeVMProtectedItem. Set to 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' for type AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectedItem. Set to 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase' for type AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabaseProtectedItem. Set to 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase' for type AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabaseProtectedItem. Set to 'AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase' for type AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabaseProtectedItem. Set to 'DPMProtectedItem' for type DPMProtectedItem. Set to 'GenericProtectedItem' for type GenericProtectedItem. Set to 'MabFileFolderProtectedItem' for type MabFileFolderProtectedItem. Set to 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' for type AzureSqlProtectedItem. | 'AzureFileShareProtectedItem' 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase' 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase' 'AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase' 'DPMProtectedItem' 'GenericProtectedItem' 'MabFileFolderProtectedItem' 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines' 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' (required) |
sourceResourceId | ARM ID of the resource to be backed up. | string |
workloadType | Type of workload this item represents. | 'AzureFileShare' 'AzureSqlDb' 'Client' 'Exchange' 'FileFolder' 'GenericDataSource' 'Invalid' 'SAPAseDatabase' 'SAPHanaDatabase' 'Sharepoint' 'SQLDataBase' 'SQLDB' 'SystemState' 'VM' 'VMwareVM' |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Usage Examples
Azure Quickstart Samples
The following Azure Quickstart templates contain Bicep samples for deploying this resource type.
Bicep File | Description |
Azure Backup for Workload in Azure Virtual Machines | This template creates a Recovery Services Vault and a Workload specific Backup Policy. Registers VM with Backup service and Configures Protection |
Backup existing File Share using Recovery Services (Daily) | This template configures protection for an existing File Share present in an existing Storage Account. It creates a new or uses an existing Recovery Services Vault and Backup Policy based on the set parameter values. |
Backup existing File Share using Recovery Services (hourly) | This template configures protection with hourly frequency for an existing File Share present in an existing Storage Account. It creates a new or uses an existing Recovery Services Vault and Backup Policy based on the set parameter values. |
Backup existing IaasVM using Recovery Services | This template will use existing recovery services vault and existing backup policy, and configures protection of multiple classic and ARM based Azure IaasVMs. |
Backup Resource Manager VMs using Recovery Services vault | This template will use existing recovery services vault and existing backup policy, and configures backup of multiple Resource Manager VMs that belong to same resource group |
Create AVD with FSLogix and AD DS Join | This template allows you to create Azure Virtual Desktop resources such as host pool, application group, workspace, FSLogix storage account, file share, recovery service vault for file share backup a test session host, its extensions with Microsoft Entra ID join pr Active directory domain join. |
Deploy a Windows VM and enable backup using Azure Backup | This template allows you to deploy a Windows VM and Recovery Services Vault configured with the DefaultPolicy for Protection. |
ARM template resource definition
The vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"type": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems",
"apiVersion": "2021-02-10",
"name": "string",
"eTag": "string",
"location": "string",
"properties": {
"backupManagementType": "string",
"backupSetName": "string",
"containerName": "string",
"createMode": "string",
"deferredDeleteTimeInUTC": "string",
"deferredDeleteTimeRemaining": "string",
"isDeferredDeleteScheduleUpcoming": "bool",
"isRehydrate": "bool",
"isScheduledForDeferredDelete": "bool",
"lastRecoveryPoint": "string",
"policyId": "string",
"sourceResourceId": "string",
"workloadType": "string",
"protectedItemType": "string"
// For remaining properties, see ProtectedItem objects
"tags": {
"{customized property}": "string"
ProtectedItem objects
Set the protectedItemType property to specify the type of object.
For AzureFileShareProtectedItem, use:
"extendedInfo": {
"oldestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"policyState": "string",
"recoveryPointCount": "int"
"friendlyName": "string",
"kpisHealths": {
"{customized property}": {
"resourceHealthDetails": [
"resourceHealthStatus": "string"
"lastBackupStatus": "string",
"lastBackupTime": "string",
"protectedItemType": "AzureFileShareProtectedItem",
"protectionState": "string",
"protectionStatus": "string"
For Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines, use:
"extendedInfo": {
"oldestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"policyInconsistent": "bool",
"recoveryPointCount": "int"
"extendedProperties": {
"diskExclusionProperties": {
"diskLunList": [ "int" ],
"isInclusionList": "bool"
"friendlyName": "string",
"healthDetails": [
"healthStatus": "string",
"kpisHealths": {
"{customized property}": {
"resourceHealthDetails": [
"resourceHealthStatus": "string"
"lastBackupStatus": "string",
"lastBackupTime": "string",
"protectedItemDataId": "string",
"protectedItemType": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines",
"protectionState": "string",
"protectionStatus": "string",
"virtualMachineId": "string"
For Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines, use:
"extendedInfo": {
"oldestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"policyInconsistent": "bool",
"recoveryPointCount": "int"
"extendedProperties": {
"diskExclusionProperties": {
"diskLunList": [ "int" ],
"isInclusionList": "bool"
"friendlyName": "string",
"healthDetails": [
"healthStatus": "string",
"kpisHealths": {
"{customized property}": {
"resourceHealthDetails": [
"resourceHealthStatus": "string"
"lastBackupStatus": "string",
"lastBackupTime": "string",
"protectedItemDataId": "string",
"protectedItemType": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
"protectionState": "string",
"protectionStatus": "string",
"virtualMachineId": "string"
For AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase, use:
"extendedInfo": {
"oldestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"policyState": "string",
"recoveryPointCount": "int"
"friendlyName": "string",
"kpisHealths": {
"{customized property}": {
"resourceHealthDetails": [
"resourceHealthStatus": "string"
"lastBackupErrorDetail": {
"lastBackupStatus": "string",
"lastBackupTime": "string",
"parentName": "string",
"parentType": "string",
"protectedItemDataSourceId": "string",
"protectedItemHealthStatus": "string",
"protectedItemType": "AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase",
"protectionState": "string",
"protectionStatus": "string",
"serverName": "string"
For AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase, use:
"extendedInfo": {
"oldestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"policyState": "string",
"recoveryPointCount": "int"
"friendlyName": "string",
"kpisHealths": {
"{customized property}": {
"resourceHealthDetails": [
"resourceHealthStatus": "string"
"lastBackupErrorDetail": {
"lastBackupStatus": "string",
"lastBackupTime": "string",
"parentName": "string",
"parentType": "string",
"protectedItemDataSourceId": "string",
"protectedItemHealthStatus": "string",
"protectedItemType": "AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase",
"protectionState": "string",
"protectionStatus": "string",
"serverName": "string"
For AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase, use:
"extendedInfo": {
"oldestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"policyState": "string",
"recoveryPointCount": "int"
"friendlyName": "string",
"kpisHealths": {
"{customized property}": {
"resourceHealthDetails": [
"resourceHealthStatus": "string"
"lastBackupErrorDetail": {
"lastBackupStatus": "string",
"lastBackupTime": "string",
"parentName": "string",
"parentType": "string",
"protectedItemDataSourceId": "string",
"protectedItemHealthStatus": "string",
"protectedItemType": "AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase",
"protectionState": "string",
"protectionStatus": "string",
"serverName": "string"
For DPMProtectedItem, use:
"backupEngineName": "string",
"extendedInfo": {
"diskStorageUsedInBytes": "string",
"isCollocated": "bool",
"isPresentOnCloud": "bool",
"lastBackupStatus": "string",
"lastRefreshedAt": "string",
"oldestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"onPremiseLatestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"onPremiseOldestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"onPremiseRecoveryPointCount": "int",
"protectableObjectLoadPath": {
"{customized property}": "string"
"protected": "bool",
"protectionGroupName": "string",
"recoveryPointCount": "int",
"totalDiskStorageSizeInBytes": "string"
"friendlyName": "string",
"protectedItemType": "DPMProtectedItem",
"protectionState": "string"
For GenericProtectedItem, use:
"fabricName": "string",
"friendlyName": "string",
"policyState": "string",
"protectedItemId": "int",
"protectedItemType": "GenericProtectedItem",
"protectionState": "string",
"sourceAssociations": {
"{customized property}": "string"
For MabFileFolderProtectedItem, use:
"computerName": "string",
"deferredDeleteSyncTimeInUTC": "int",
"extendedInfo": {
"lastRefreshedAt": "string",
"oldestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"recoveryPointCount": "int"
"friendlyName": "string",
"lastBackupStatus": "string",
"lastBackupTime": "string",
"protectedItemType": "MabFileFolderProtectedItem",
"protectionState": "string"
For Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases, use:
"extendedInfo": {
"oldestRecoveryPoint": "string",
"policyState": "string",
"recoveryPointCount": "int"
"protectedItemDataId": "string",
"protectedItemType": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases",
"protectionState": "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information with this backup item. | AzureFileshareProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the fileshare represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureFileshareProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureFileShareProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this item in the service. | string |
policyState | Indicates consistency of policy object and policy applied to this backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of available backup copies associated with this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
extendedProperties | Extended Properties for Azure IaasVM Backup. | ExtendedProperties |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the VM represented by this backup item. | string |
healthDetails | Health details on this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMHealthDetails[] |
healthStatus | Health status of protected item. | 'ActionRequired' 'ActionSuggested' 'Invalid' 'Passed' |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemDataId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
virtualMachineId | Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine represented by this item. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
extendedProperties | Extended Properties for Azure IaasVM Backup. | ExtendedProperties |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the VM represented by this backup item. | string |
healthDetails | Health details on this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMHealthDetails[] |
healthStatus | Health status of protected item. | 'ActionRequired' 'ActionSuggested' 'Invalid' 'Passed' |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemDataId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
virtualMachineId | Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine represented by this item. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this backup item. | string |
policyInconsistent | Specifies if backup policy associated with the backup item is inconsistent. | bool |
recoveryPointCount | Number of backup copies available for this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureSqlProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
protectedItemDataId | Internal ID of a backup item. Used by Azure SQL Backup engine to contact Recovery Services. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of the backed up item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this item in the service. | string |
policyState | State of the backup policy associated with this backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of available backup copies associated with this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this backup item. | string |
policyState | Indicates consistency of policy object and policy applied to this backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of backup copies available for this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the DB represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupErrorDetail | Error details in last backup | ErrorDetail |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Unhealthy' |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
parentName | Parent name of the DB such as Instance or Availability Group. | string |
parentType | Parent type of protected item, example: for a DB, standalone server or distributed | string |
protectedItemDataSourceId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemHealthStatus | Health status of the backup item, evaluated based on last heartbeat received | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'NotReachable' 'Unhealthy' |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
serverName | Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG | string |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the DB represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupErrorDetail | Error details in last backup | ErrorDetail |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Unhealthy' |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
parentName | Parent name of the DB such as Instance or Availability Group. | string |
parentType | Parent type of protected item, example: for a DB, standalone server or distributed | string |
protectedItemDataSourceId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemHealthStatus | Health status of the backup item, evaluated based on last heartbeat received | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'NotReachable' 'Unhealthy' |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
serverName | Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG | string |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the DB represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupErrorDetail | Error details in last backup | ErrorDetail |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Unhealthy' |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
parentName | Parent name of the DB such as Instance or Availability Group. | string |
parentType | Parent type of protected item, example: for a DB, standalone server or distributed | string |
protectedItemDataSourceId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemHealthStatus | Health status of the backup item, evaluated based on last heartbeat received | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'NotReachable' 'Unhealthy' |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
serverName | Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG | string |
Name | Description | Value |
diskLunList | List of Disks' Logical Unit Numbers (LUN) to be used for VM Protection. | int[] |
isInclusionList | Flag to indicate whether DiskLunList is to be included/ excluded from backup. | bool |
Name | Description | Value |
backupEngineName | Backup Management server protecting this backup item | string |
extendedInfo | Extended info of the backup item. | DPMProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the managed item | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'DPMProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Protection state of the backup engine | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
Name | Description | Value |
diskStorageUsedInBytes | Used Disk storage in bytes. | string |
isCollocated | To check if backup item is collocated. | bool |
isPresentOnCloud | To check if backup item is cloud protected. | bool |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup status information on backup item. | string |
lastRefreshedAt | Last refresh time on backup item. | string |
oldestRecoveryPoint | Oldest cloud recovery point time. | string |
onPremiseLatestRecoveryPoint | latest disk recovery point time. | string |
onPremiseOldestRecoveryPoint | Oldest disk recovery point time. | string |
onPremiseRecoveryPointCount | disk recovery point count. | int |
protectableObjectLoadPath | Attribute to provide information on various DBs. | DPMProtectedItemExtendedInfoProtectableObjectLoadPath |
protected | To check if backup item is disk protected. | bool |
protectionGroupName | Protection group name of the backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | cloud recovery point count. | int |
totalDiskStorageSizeInBytes | total Disk storage in bytes. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
diskExclusionProperties | Extended Properties for Disk Exclusion. | DiskExclusionProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
fabricName | Name of this backup item's fabric. | string |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the container. | string |
policyState | Indicates consistency of policy object and policy applied to this backup item. | string |
protectedItemId | Data Plane Service ID of the protected item. | int |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'GenericProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
sourceAssociations | Loosely coupled (type, value) associations (example - parent of a protected item) | GenericProtectedItemSourceAssociations |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
resourceHealthDetails | Resource Health Status | ResourceHealthDetails[] |
resourceHealthStatus | Resource Health Status | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'PersistentDegraded' 'PersistentUnhealthy' 'TransientDegraded' 'TransientUnhealthy' |
Name | Description | Value |
computerName | Name of the computer associated with this backup item. | string |
deferredDeleteSyncTimeInUTC | Sync time for deferred deletion in UTC | int |
extendedInfo | Additional information with this backup item. | MabFileFolderProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of this backup item. | string |
lastBackupStatus | Status of last backup operation. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'MabFileFolderProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Protected, ProtectionStopped, IRPending or ProtectionError | string |
Name | Description | Value |
lastRefreshedAt | Last time when the agent data synced to service. | string |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of backup copies associated with the backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
apiVersion | The api version | '2021-02-10' |
eTag | Optional ETag. | string |
location | Resource location. | string |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | ProtectedItemResource properties | ProtectedItem |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
type | The resource type | 'Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems' |
Name | Description | Value |
backupManagementType | Type of backup management for the backed up item. | 'AzureBackupServer' 'AzureIaasVM' 'AzureSql' 'AzureStorage' 'AzureWorkload' 'DefaultBackup' 'DPM' 'Invalid' 'MAB' |
backupSetName | Name of the backup set the backup item belongs to | string |
containerName | Unique name of container | string |
createMode | Create mode to indicate recovery of existing soft deleted data source or creation of new data source. | 'Default' 'Invalid' 'Recover' |
deferredDeleteTimeInUTC | Time for deferred deletion in UTC | string |
deferredDeleteTimeRemaining | Time remaining before the DS marked for deferred delete is permanently deleted | string |
isDeferredDeleteScheduleUpcoming | Flag to identify whether the deferred deleted DS is to be purged soon | bool |
isRehydrate | Flag to identify that deferred deleted DS is to be moved into Pause state | bool |
isScheduledForDeferredDelete | Flag to identify whether the DS is scheduled for deferred delete | bool |
lastRecoveryPoint | Timestamp when the last (latest) backup copy was created for this backup item. | string |
policyId | ID of the backup policy with which this item is backed up. | string |
protectedItemType | Set to 'AzureFileShareProtectedItem' for type AzureFileshareProtectedItem. Set to 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines' for type AzureIaaSClassicComputeVMProtectedItem. Set to 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' for type AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectedItem. Set to 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase' for type AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabaseProtectedItem. Set to 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase' for type AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabaseProtectedItem. Set to 'AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase' for type AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabaseProtectedItem. Set to 'DPMProtectedItem' for type DPMProtectedItem. Set to 'GenericProtectedItem' for type GenericProtectedItem. Set to 'MabFileFolderProtectedItem' for type MabFileFolderProtectedItem. Set to 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' for type AzureSqlProtectedItem. | 'AzureFileShareProtectedItem' 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase' 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase' 'AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase' 'DPMProtectedItem' 'GenericProtectedItem' 'MabFileFolderProtectedItem' 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines' 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' (required) |
sourceResourceId | ARM ID of the resource to be backed up. | string |
workloadType | Type of workload this item represents. | 'AzureFileShare' 'AzureSqlDb' 'Client' 'Exchange' 'FileFolder' 'GenericDataSource' 'Invalid' 'SAPAseDatabase' 'SAPHanaDatabase' 'Sharepoint' 'SQLDataBase' 'SQLDB' 'SystemState' 'VM' 'VMwareVM' |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Usage Examples
Azure Quickstart Templates
The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.
Template | Description |
Azure Backup for Workload in Azure Virtual Machines |
This template creates a Recovery Services Vault and a Workload specific Backup Policy. Registers VM with Backup service and Configures Protection |
Backup existing File Share using Recovery Services (Daily) |
This template configures protection for an existing File Share present in an existing Storage Account. It creates a new or uses an existing Recovery Services Vault and Backup Policy based on the set parameter values. |
Backup existing File Share using Recovery Services (hourly) |
This template configures protection with hourly frequency for an existing File Share present in an existing Storage Account. It creates a new or uses an existing Recovery Services Vault and Backup Policy based on the set parameter values. |
Backup existing IaasVM using Recovery Services |
This template will use existing recovery services vault and existing backup policy, and configures protection of multiple classic and ARM based Azure IaasVMs. |
Backup Resource Manager VMs using Recovery Services vault |
This template will use existing recovery services vault and existing backup policy, and configures backup of multiple Resource Manager VMs that belong to same resource group |
Create AVD with FSLogix and AD DS Join |
This template allows you to create Azure Virtual Desktop resources such as host pool, application group, workspace, FSLogix storage account, file share, recovery service vault for file share backup a test session host, its extensions with Microsoft Entra ID join pr Active directory domain join. |
Deploy a Windows VM and enable backup using Azure Backup |
This template allows you to deploy a Windows VM and Recovery Services Vault configured with the DefaultPolicy for Protection. |
IBM Cloud Pak for Data on Azure |
This template deploys an Openshift cluster on Azure with all the required resources, infrastructure and then deploys IBM Cloud Pak for Data along with the add-ons that user chooses. |
Openshift Container Platform 4.3 |
Openshift Container Platform 4.3 |
Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition
The vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
type = "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems@2021-02-10"
name = "string"
eTag = "string"
location = "string"
tags = {
{customized property} = "string"
body = jsonencode({
properties = {
backupManagementType = "string"
backupSetName = "string"
containerName = "string"
createMode = "string"
deferredDeleteTimeInUTC = "string"
deferredDeleteTimeRemaining = "string"
isDeferredDeleteScheduleUpcoming = bool
isRehydrate = bool
isScheduledForDeferredDelete = bool
lastRecoveryPoint = "string"
policyId = "string"
sourceResourceId = "string"
workloadType = "string"
protectedItemType = "string"
// For remaining properties, see ProtectedItem objects
ProtectedItem objects
Set the protectedItemType property to specify the type of object.
For AzureFileShareProtectedItem, use:
extendedInfo = {
oldestRecoveryPoint = "string"
policyState = "string"
recoveryPointCount = int
friendlyName = "string"
kpisHealths = {
{customized property} = {
resourceHealthDetails = [
resourceHealthStatus = "string"
lastBackupStatus = "string"
lastBackupTime = "string"
protectedItemType = "AzureFileShareProtectedItem"
protectionState = "string"
protectionStatus = "string"
For Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines, use:
extendedInfo = {
oldestRecoveryPoint = "string"
policyInconsistent = bool
recoveryPointCount = int
extendedProperties = {
diskExclusionProperties = {
diskLunList = [
isInclusionList = bool
friendlyName = "string"
healthDetails = [
healthStatus = "string"
kpisHealths = {
{customized property} = {
resourceHealthDetails = [
resourceHealthStatus = "string"
lastBackupStatus = "string"
lastBackupTime = "string"
protectedItemDataId = "string"
protectedItemType = "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines"
protectionState = "string"
protectionStatus = "string"
virtualMachineId = "string"
For Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines, use:
extendedInfo = {
oldestRecoveryPoint = "string"
policyInconsistent = bool
recoveryPointCount = int
extendedProperties = {
diskExclusionProperties = {
diskLunList = [
isInclusionList = bool
friendlyName = "string"
healthDetails = [
healthStatus = "string"
kpisHealths = {
{customized property} = {
resourceHealthDetails = [
resourceHealthStatus = "string"
lastBackupStatus = "string"
lastBackupTime = "string"
protectedItemDataId = "string"
protectedItemType = "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"
protectionState = "string"
protectionStatus = "string"
virtualMachineId = "string"
For AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase, use:
extendedInfo = {
oldestRecoveryPoint = "string"
policyState = "string"
recoveryPointCount = int
friendlyName = "string"
kpisHealths = {
{customized property} = {
resourceHealthDetails = [
resourceHealthStatus = "string"
lastBackupErrorDetail = {
lastBackupStatus = "string"
lastBackupTime = "string"
parentName = "string"
parentType = "string"
protectedItemDataSourceId = "string"
protectedItemHealthStatus = "string"
protectedItemType = "AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase"
protectionState = "string"
protectionStatus = "string"
serverName = "string"
For AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase, use:
extendedInfo = {
oldestRecoveryPoint = "string"
policyState = "string"
recoveryPointCount = int
friendlyName = "string"
kpisHealths = {
{customized property} = {
resourceHealthDetails = [
resourceHealthStatus = "string"
lastBackupErrorDetail = {
lastBackupStatus = "string"
lastBackupTime = "string"
parentName = "string"
parentType = "string"
protectedItemDataSourceId = "string"
protectedItemHealthStatus = "string"
protectedItemType = "AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase"
protectionState = "string"
protectionStatus = "string"
serverName = "string"
For AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase, use:
extendedInfo = {
oldestRecoveryPoint = "string"
policyState = "string"
recoveryPointCount = int
friendlyName = "string"
kpisHealths = {
{customized property} = {
resourceHealthDetails = [
resourceHealthStatus = "string"
lastBackupErrorDetail = {
lastBackupStatus = "string"
lastBackupTime = "string"
parentName = "string"
parentType = "string"
protectedItemDataSourceId = "string"
protectedItemHealthStatus = "string"
protectedItemType = "AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase"
protectionState = "string"
protectionStatus = "string"
serverName = "string"
For DPMProtectedItem, use:
backupEngineName = "string"
extendedInfo = {
diskStorageUsedInBytes = "string"
isCollocated = bool
isPresentOnCloud = bool
lastBackupStatus = "string"
lastRefreshedAt = "string"
oldestRecoveryPoint = "string"
onPremiseLatestRecoveryPoint = "string"
onPremiseOldestRecoveryPoint = "string"
onPremiseRecoveryPointCount = int
protectableObjectLoadPath = {
{customized property} = "string"
protected = bool
protectionGroupName = "string"
recoveryPointCount = int
totalDiskStorageSizeInBytes = "string"
friendlyName = "string"
protectedItemType = "DPMProtectedItem"
protectionState = "string"
For GenericProtectedItem, use:
fabricName = "string"
friendlyName = "string"
policyState = "string"
protectedItemId = int
protectedItemType = "GenericProtectedItem"
protectionState = "string"
sourceAssociations = {
{customized property} = "string"
For MabFileFolderProtectedItem, use:
computerName = "string"
deferredDeleteSyncTimeInUTC = int
extendedInfo = {
lastRefreshedAt = "string"
oldestRecoveryPoint = "string"
recoveryPointCount = int
friendlyName = "string"
lastBackupStatus = "string"
lastBackupTime = "string"
protectedItemType = "MabFileFolderProtectedItem"
protectionState = "string"
For Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases, use:
extendedInfo = {
oldestRecoveryPoint = "string"
policyState = "string"
recoveryPointCount = int
protectedItemDataId = "string"
protectedItemType = "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases"
protectionState = "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information with this backup item. | AzureFileshareProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the fileshare represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureFileshareProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureFileShareProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this item in the service. | string |
policyState | Indicates consistency of policy object and policy applied to this backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of available backup copies associated with this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
extendedProperties | Extended Properties for Azure IaasVM Backup. | ExtendedProperties |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the VM represented by this backup item. | string |
healthDetails | Health details on this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMHealthDetails[] |
healthStatus | Health status of protected item. | 'ActionRequired' 'ActionSuggested' 'Invalid' 'Passed' |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemDataId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
virtualMachineId | Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine represented by this item. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
extendedProperties | Extended Properties for Azure IaasVM Backup. | ExtendedProperties |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the VM represented by this backup item. | string |
healthDetails | Health details on this backup item. | AzureIaaSVMHealthDetails[] |
healthStatus | Health status of protected item. | 'ActionRequired' 'ActionSuggested' 'Invalid' 'Passed' |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureIaaSVMProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemDataId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
virtualMachineId | Fully qualified ARM ID of the virtual machine represented by this item. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this backup item. | string |
policyInconsistent | Specifies if backup policy associated with the backup item is inconsistent. | bool |
recoveryPointCount | Number of backup copies available for this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureSqlProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
protectedItemDataId | Internal ID of a backup item. Used by Azure SQL Backup engine to contact Recovery Services. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of the backed up item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this item in the service. | string |
policyState | State of the backup policy associated with this backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of available backup copies associated with this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available for this backup item. | string |
policyState | Indicates consistency of policy object and policy applied to this backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of backup copies available for this backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the DB represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupErrorDetail | Error details in last backup | ErrorDetail |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Unhealthy' |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
parentName | Parent name of the DB such as Instance or Availability Group. | string |
parentType | Parent type of protected item, example: for a DB, standalone server or distributed | string |
protectedItemDataSourceId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemHealthStatus | Health status of the backup item, evaluated based on last heartbeat received | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'NotReachable' 'Unhealthy' |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
serverName | Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG | string |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the DB represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupErrorDetail | Error details in last backup | ErrorDetail |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Unhealthy' |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
parentName | Parent name of the DB such as Instance or Availability Group. | string |
parentType | Parent type of protected item, example: for a DB, standalone server or distributed | string |
protectedItemDataSourceId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemHealthStatus | Health status of the backup item, evaluated based on last heartbeat received | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'NotReachable' 'Unhealthy' |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
serverName | Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG | string |
Name | Description | Value |
extendedInfo | Additional information for this backup item. | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the DB represented by this backup item. | string |
kpisHealths | Health details of different KPIs | AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemKpisHealths |
lastBackupErrorDetail | Error details in last backup | ErrorDetail |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Unhealthy' |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
parentName | Parent name of the DB such as Instance or Availability Group. | string |
parentType | Parent type of protected item, example: for a DB, standalone server or distributed | string |
protectedItemDataSourceId | Data ID of the protected item. | string |
protectedItemHealthStatus | Health status of the backup item, evaluated based on last heartbeat received | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'NotReachable' 'Unhealthy' |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
protectionStatus | Backup status of this backup item. | string |
serverName | Host/Cluster Name for instance or AG | string |
Name | Description | Value |
diskLunList | List of Disks' Logical Unit Numbers (LUN) to be used for VM Protection. | int[] |
isInclusionList | Flag to indicate whether DiskLunList is to be included/ excluded from backup. | bool |
Name | Description | Value |
backupEngineName | Backup Management server protecting this backup item | string |
extendedInfo | Extended info of the backup item. | DPMProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the managed item | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'DPMProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Protection state of the backup engine | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
Name | Description | Value |
diskStorageUsedInBytes | Used Disk storage in bytes. | string |
isCollocated | To check if backup item is collocated. | bool |
isPresentOnCloud | To check if backup item is cloud protected. | bool |
lastBackupStatus | Last backup status information on backup item. | string |
lastRefreshedAt | Last refresh time on backup item. | string |
oldestRecoveryPoint | Oldest cloud recovery point time. | string |
onPremiseLatestRecoveryPoint | latest disk recovery point time. | string |
onPremiseOldestRecoveryPoint | Oldest disk recovery point time. | string |
onPremiseRecoveryPointCount | disk recovery point count. | int |
protectableObjectLoadPath | Attribute to provide information on various DBs. | DPMProtectedItemExtendedInfoProtectableObjectLoadPath |
protected | To check if backup item is disk protected. | bool |
protectionGroupName | Protection group name of the backup item. | string |
recoveryPointCount | cloud recovery point count. | int |
totalDiskStorageSizeInBytes | total Disk storage in bytes. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
diskExclusionProperties | Extended Properties for Disk Exclusion. | DiskExclusionProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
fabricName | Name of this backup item's fabric. | string |
friendlyName | Friendly name of the container. | string |
policyState | Indicates consistency of policy object and policy applied to this backup item. | string |
protectedItemId | Data Plane Service ID of the protected item. | int |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'GenericProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Backup state of this backup item. | 'Invalid' 'IRPending' 'Protected' 'ProtectionError' 'ProtectionPaused' 'ProtectionStopped' |
sourceAssociations | Loosely coupled (type, value) associations (example - parent of a protected item) | GenericProtectedItemSourceAssociations |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
resourceHealthDetails | Resource Health Status | ResourceHealthDetails[] |
resourceHealthStatus | Resource Health Status | 'Healthy' 'Invalid' 'PersistentDegraded' 'PersistentUnhealthy' 'TransientDegraded' 'TransientUnhealthy' |
Name | Description | Value |
computerName | Name of the computer associated with this backup item. | string |
deferredDeleteSyncTimeInUTC | Sync time for deferred deletion in UTC | int |
extendedInfo | Additional information with this backup item. | MabFileFolderProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
friendlyName | Friendly name of this backup item. | string |
lastBackupStatus | Status of last backup operation. | string |
lastBackupTime | Timestamp of the last backup operation on this backup item. | string |
protectedItemType | backup item type. | 'MabFileFolderProtectedItem' (required) |
protectionState | Protected, ProtectionStopped, IRPending or ProtectionError | string |
Name | Description | Value |
lastRefreshedAt | Last time when the agent data synced to service. | string |
oldestRecoveryPoint | The oldest backup copy available. | string |
recoveryPointCount | Number of backup copies associated with the backup item. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
eTag | Optional ETag. | string |
location | Resource location. | string |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
parent_id | The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. | ID for resource of type: vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers |
properties | ProtectedItemResource properties | ProtectedItem |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. |
type | The resource type | "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems@2021-02-10" |
Name | Description | Value |
backupManagementType | Type of backup management for the backed up item. | 'AzureBackupServer' 'AzureIaasVM' 'AzureSql' 'AzureStorage' 'AzureWorkload' 'DefaultBackup' 'DPM' 'Invalid' 'MAB' |
backupSetName | Name of the backup set the backup item belongs to | string |
containerName | Unique name of container | string |
createMode | Create mode to indicate recovery of existing soft deleted data source or creation of new data source. | 'Default' 'Invalid' 'Recover' |
deferredDeleteTimeInUTC | Time for deferred deletion in UTC | string |
deferredDeleteTimeRemaining | Time remaining before the DS marked for deferred delete is permanently deleted | string |
isDeferredDeleteScheduleUpcoming | Flag to identify whether the deferred deleted DS is to be purged soon | bool |
isRehydrate | Flag to identify that deferred deleted DS is to be moved into Pause state | bool |
isScheduledForDeferredDelete | Flag to identify whether the DS is scheduled for deferred delete | bool |
lastRecoveryPoint | Timestamp when the last (latest) backup copy was created for this backup item. | string |
policyId | ID of the backup policy with which this item is backed up. | string |
protectedItemType | Set to 'AzureFileShareProtectedItem' for type AzureFileshareProtectedItem. Set to 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines' for type AzureIaaSClassicComputeVMProtectedItem. Set to 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' for type AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectedItem. Set to 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase' for type AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabaseProtectedItem. Set to 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase' for type AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabaseProtectedItem. Set to 'AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase' for type AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabaseProtectedItem. Set to 'DPMProtectedItem' for type DPMProtectedItem. Set to 'GenericProtectedItem' for type GenericProtectedItem. Set to 'MabFileFolderProtectedItem' for type MabFileFolderProtectedItem. Set to 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' for type AzureSqlProtectedItem. | 'AzureFileShareProtectedItem' 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPAseDatabase' 'AzureVmWorkloadSAPHanaDatabase' 'AzureVmWorkloadSQLDatabase' 'DPMProtectedItem' 'GenericProtectedItem' 'MabFileFolderProtectedItem' 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines' 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' (required) |
sourceResourceId | ARM ID of the resource to be backed up. | string |
workloadType | Type of workload this item represents. | 'AzureFileShare' 'AzureSqlDb' 'Client' 'Exchange' 'FileFolder' 'GenericDataSource' 'Invalid' 'SAPAseDatabase' 'SAPHanaDatabase' 'Sharepoint' 'SQLDataBase' 'SQLDB' 'SystemState' 'VM' 'VMwareVM' |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |