Microsoft.RecoveryServices vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems 2016-08-10
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Bicep resource definition
The vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems@2016-08-10' = {
parent: resourceSymbolicName
name: 'string'
properties: {
policyId: 'string'
protectableItemId: 'string'
providerSpecificDetails: {
instanceType: 'string'
// For remaining properties, see EnableProtectionProviderSpecificInputOrReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
EnableProtectionProviderSpecificInputOrReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.
For A2A, use:
fabricObjectId: 'string'
instanceType: 'A2A'
recoveryAvailabilitySetId: 'string'
recoveryCloudServiceId: 'string'
recoveryContainerId: 'string'
recoveryResourceGroupId: 'string'
vmDisks: [
diskUri: 'string'
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId: 'string'
recoveryAzureStorageAccountId: 'string'
vmManagedDisks: [
diskId: 'string'
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId: 'string'
recoveryResourceGroupId: 'string'
For HyperVReplicaAzure, use:
disksToInclude: [
enableRDPOnTargetOption: 'string'
hvHostVmId: 'string'
instanceType: 'HyperVReplicaAzure'
logStorageAccountId: 'string'
osType: 'string'
targetAzureNetworkId: 'string'
targetAzureSubnetId: 'string'
targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId: 'string'
targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId: 'string'
targetAzureVmName: 'string'
targetStorageAccountId: 'string'
useManagedDisks: 'string'
vhdId: 'string'
vmName: 'string'
For InMage, use:
datastoreName: 'string'
diskExclusionInput: {
diskSignatureOptions: [
diskSignature: 'string'
volumeOptions: [
OnlyExcludeIfSingleVolume: 'string'
volumeLabel: 'string'
disksToInclude: [
instanceType: 'InMage'
masterTargetId: 'string'
multiVmGroupId: 'string'
multiVmGroupName: 'string'
processServerId: 'string'
retentionDrive: 'string'
runAsAccountId: 'string'
vmFriendlyName: 'string'
For InMageAzureV2, use:
disksToInclude: [
enableRDPOnTargetOption: 'string'
instanceType: 'InMageAzureV2'
logStorageAccountId: 'string'
masterTargetId: 'string'
multiVmGroupId: 'string'
multiVmGroupName: 'string'
processServerId: 'string'
runAsAccountId: 'string'
storageAccountId: 'string'
targetAzureNetworkId: 'string'
targetAzureSubnetId: 'string'
targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId: 'string'
targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId: 'string'
targetAzureVmName: 'string'
useManagedDisks: 'string'
For San, use:
instanceType: 'San'
For HyperVReplica2012, use:
instanceType: 'HyperVReplica2012'
For HyperVReplica2012R2, use:
instanceType: 'HyperVReplica2012R2'
For HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails, use:
instanceType: 'HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails'
Property values
Name | Description | Value |
fabricObjectId | The fabric specific object Id of the virtual machine. | string |
instanceType | The class type. | 'A2A' (required) |
recoveryAvailabilitySetId | The recovery availability set Id. | string |
recoveryCloudServiceId | The recovery cloud service Id. Valid for V1 scenarios. | string |
recoveryContainerId | The recovery container Id. | string |
recoveryResourceGroupId | The recovery resource group Id. Valid for V2 scenarios. | string |
vmDisks | The list of vm disk details. | A2AVmDiskInputDetails[] |
vmManagedDisks | The list of vm managed disk details. | A2AVmManagedDiskInputDetails[] |
Name | Description | Value |
diskUri | The disk Uri. | string |
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId | The primary staging storage account Id. | string |
recoveryAzureStorageAccountId | The recovery VHD storage account Id. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
diskId | The disk Id. | string |
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId | The primary staging storage account Arm Id. | string |
recoveryResourceGroupId | The target resource group Arm Id. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
policyId | The Policy Id. | string |
protectableItemId | The protectable item Id. | string |
providerSpecificDetails | The ReplicationProviderInput. For HyperVReplicaAzure provider, it will be AzureEnableProtectionInput object. For San provider, it will be SanEnableProtectionInput object. For HyperVReplicaAzure provider, it can be null. | EnableProtectionProviderSpecificInputOrReplicationProviderSpecificSettings |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | Set to 'A2A' for type A2AEnableProtectionInputOrA2AReplicationDetails. Set to 'HyperVReplicaAzure' for type HyperVReplicaAzureEnableProtectionInputOrHyperVReplicaAzureReplicationDetails. Set to 'InMage' for type InMageEnableProtectionInputOrInMageReplicationDetails. Set to 'InMageAzureV2' for type InMageAzureV2EnableProtectionInputOrInMageAzureV2ReplicationDetails. Set to 'San' for type SanEnableProtectionInput. Set to 'HyperVReplica2012' for type HyperVReplicaReplicationDetails. Set to 'HyperVReplica2012R2' for type HyperVReplicaBlueReplicationDetails. Set to 'HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails' for type HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails. | 'A2A' 'HyperVReplica2012' 'HyperVReplica2012R2' 'HyperVReplicaAzure' 'HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails' 'InMage' 'InMageAzureV2' 'San' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
disksToInclude | The list of VHD IDs of disks to be protected. | string[] |
enableRDPOnTargetOption | The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum. | string |
hvHostVmId | The Hyper-V host Vm Id. | string |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplicaAzure' (required) |
logStorageAccountId | The storage account to be used for logging during replication. | string |
osType | The OS type associated with vm. | string |
targetAzureNetworkId | The selected target Azure network Id. | string |
targetAzureSubnetId | The selected target Azure subnet Id. | string |
targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for classic deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for resource manager deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureVmName | The target azure Vm Name. | string |
targetStorageAccountId | The storage account name. | string |
useManagedDisks | A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover. | string |
vhdId | The OS disk VHD id associated with vm. | string |
vmName | The Vm Name. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplica2012R2' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplica2012' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
disksToInclude | The disks to include list. | string[] |
enableRDPOnTargetOption | The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum. | string |
instanceType | The class type. | 'InMageAzureV2' (required) |
logStorageAccountId | The storage account to be used for logging during replication. | string |
masterTargetId | The Master target Id. | string |
multiVmGroupId | The multi vm group Id. | string |
multiVmGroupName | The multi vm group name. | string |
processServerId | The Process Server Id. | string |
runAsAccountId | The CS account Id. | string |
storageAccountId | The storage account name. | string (required) |
targetAzureNetworkId | The selected target Azure network Id. | string |
targetAzureSubnetId | The selected target Azure subnet Id. | string |
targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for classic deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for resource manager deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureVmName | The target azure Vm Name. | string |
useManagedDisks | A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
diskSignatureOptions | The guest disk signature based option for disk exclusion. | InMageDiskSignatureExclusionOptions[] |
volumeOptions | The volume label based option for disk exclusion. | InMageVolumeExclusionOptions[] |
Name | Description | Value |
diskSignature | The guest signature of disk to be excluded from replication. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
datastoreName | The target data store name. | string |
diskExclusionInput | The enable disk exclusion input. | InMageDiskExclusionInput |
disksToInclude | The disks to include list. | string[] |
instanceType | The class type. | 'InMage' (required) |
masterTargetId | The Master Target Id. | string (required) |
multiVmGroupId | The multi vm group Id. | string (required) |
multiVmGroupName | The multi vm group name. | string (required) |
processServerId | The Process Server Id. | string (required) |
retentionDrive | The retention drive to use on the MT. | string (required) |
runAsAccountId | The CS account Id. | string |
vmFriendlyName | The Vm Name. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
OnlyExcludeIfSingleVolume | The value indicating whether to exclude multi volume disk or not. If a disk has multiple volumes and one of the volume has label matching with VolumeLabel this disk will be excluded from replication if OnlyExcludeIfSingleVolume is false. | string |
volumeLabel | The volume label. The disk having any volume with this label will be excluded from replication. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
parent | In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource. For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource. |
Symbolic name for resource of type: vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers |
properties | Enable protection input properties. | EnableProtectionInputPropertiesOrReplicationProtectedItemProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'San' (required) |
ARM template resource definition
The vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"type": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems",
"apiVersion": "2016-08-10",
"name": "string",
"properties": {
"policyId": "string",
"protectableItemId": "string",
"providerSpecificDetails": {
"instanceType": "string"
// For remaining properties, see EnableProtectionProviderSpecificInputOrReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
EnableProtectionProviderSpecificInputOrReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.
For A2A, use:
"fabricObjectId": "string",
"instanceType": "A2A",
"recoveryAvailabilitySetId": "string",
"recoveryCloudServiceId": "string",
"recoveryContainerId": "string",
"recoveryResourceGroupId": "string",
"vmDisks": [
"diskUri": "string",
"primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId": "string",
"recoveryAzureStorageAccountId": "string"
"vmManagedDisks": [
"diskId": "string",
"primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId": "string",
"recoveryResourceGroupId": "string"
For HyperVReplicaAzure, use:
"disksToInclude": [ "string" ],
"enableRDPOnTargetOption": "string",
"hvHostVmId": "string",
"instanceType": "HyperVReplicaAzure",
"logStorageAccountId": "string",
"osType": "string",
"targetAzureNetworkId": "string",
"targetAzureSubnetId": "string",
"targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId": "string",
"targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId": "string",
"targetAzureVmName": "string",
"targetStorageAccountId": "string",
"useManagedDisks": "string",
"vhdId": "string",
"vmName": "string"
For InMage, use:
"datastoreName": "string",
"diskExclusionInput": {
"diskSignatureOptions": [
"diskSignature": "string"
"volumeOptions": [
"OnlyExcludeIfSingleVolume": "string",
"volumeLabel": "string"
"disksToInclude": [ "string" ],
"instanceType": "InMage",
"masterTargetId": "string",
"multiVmGroupId": "string",
"multiVmGroupName": "string",
"processServerId": "string",
"retentionDrive": "string",
"runAsAccountId": "string",
"vmFriendlyName": "string"
For InMageAzureV2, use:
"disksToInclude": [ "string" ],
"enableRDPOnTargetOption": "string",
"instanceType": "InMageAzureV2",
"logStorageAccountId": "string",
"masterTargetId": "string",
"multiVmGroupId": "string",
"multiVmGroupName": "string",
"processServerId": "string",
"runAsAccountId": "string",
"storageAccountId": "string",
"targetAzureNetworkId": "string",
"targetAzureSubnetId": "string",
"targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId": "string",
"targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId": "string",
"targetAzureVmName": "string",
"useManagedDisks": "string"
For San, use:
"instanceType": "San"
For HyperVReplica2012, use:
"instanceType": "HyperVReplica2012"
For HyperVReplica2012R2, use:
"instanceType": "HyperVReplica2012R2"
For HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails, use:
"instanceType": "HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails"
Property values
Name | Description | Value |
fabricObjectId | The fabric specific object Id of the virtual machine. | string |
instanceType | The class type. | 'A2A' (required) |
recoveryAvailabilitySetId | The recovery availability set Id. | string |
recoveryCloudServiceId | The recovery cloud service Id. Valid for V1 scenarios. | string |
recoveryContainerId | The recovery container Id. | string |
recoveryResourceGroupId | The recovery resource group Id. Valid for V2 scenarios. | string |
vmDisks | The list of vm disk details. | A2AVmDiskInputDetails[] |
vmManagedDisks | The list of vm managed disk details. | A2AVmManagedDiskInputDetails[] |
Name | Description | Value |
diskUri | The disk Uri. | string |
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId | The primary staging storage account Id. | string |
recoveryAzureStorageAccountId | The recovery VHD storage account Id. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
diskId | The disk Id. | string |
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId | The primary staging storage account Arm Id. | string |
recoveryResourceGroupId | The target resource group Arm Id. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
policyId | The Policy Id. | string |
protectableItemId | The protectable item Id. | string |
providerSpecificDetails | The ReplicationProviderInput. For HyperVReplicaAzure provider, it will be AzureEnableProtectionInput object. For San provider, it will be SanEnableProtectionInput object. For HyperVReplicaAzure provider, it can be null. | EnableProtectionProviderSpecificInputOrReplicationProviderSpecificSettings |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | Set to 'A2A' for type A2AEnableProtectionInputOrA2AReplicationDetails. Set to 'HyperVReplicaAzure' for type HyperVReplicaAzureEnableProtectionInputOrHyperVReplicaAzureReplicationDetails. Set to 'InMage' for type InMageEnableProtectionInputOrInMageReplicationDetails. Set to 'InMageAzureV2' for type InMageAzureV2EnableProtectionInputOrInMageAzureV2ReplicationDetails. Set to 'San' for type SanEnableProtectionInput. Set to 'HyperVReplica2012' for type HyperVReplicaReplicationDetails. Set to 'HyperVReplica2012R2' for type HyperVReplicaBlueReplicationDetails. Set to 'HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails' for type HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails. | 'A2A' 'HyperVReplica2012' 'HyperVReplica2012R2' 'HyperVReplicaAzure' 'HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails' 'InMage' 'InMageAzureV2' 'San' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
disksToInclude | The list of VHD IDs of disks to be protected. | string[] |
enableRDPOnTargetOption | The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum. | string |
hvHostVmId | The Hyper-V host Vm Id. | string |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplicaAzure' (required) |
logStorageAccountId | The storage account to be used for logging during replication. | string |
osType | The OS type associated with vm. | string |
targetAzureNetworkId | The selected target Azure network Id. | string |
targetAzureSubnetId | The selected target Azure subnet Id. | string |
targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for classic deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for resource manager deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureVmName | The target azure Vm Name. | string |
targetStorageAccountId | The storage account name. | string |
useManagedDisks | A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover. | string |
vhdId | The OS disk VHD id associated with vm. | string |
vmName | The Vm Name. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplica2012R2' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplica2012' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
disksToInclude | The disks to include list. | string[] |
enableRDPOnTargetOption | The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum. | string |
instanceType | The class type. | 'InMageAzureV2' (required) |
logStorageAccountId | The storage account to be used for logging during replication. | string |
masterTargetId | The Master target Id. | string |
multiVmGroupId | The multi vm group Id. | string |
multiVmGroupName | The multi vm group name. | string |
processServerId | The Process Server Id. | string |
runAsAccountId | The CS account Id. | string |
storageAccountId | The storage account name. | string (required) |
targetAzureNetworkId | The selected target Azure network Id. | string |
targetAzureSubnetId | The selected target Azure subnet Id. | string |
targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for classic deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for resource manager deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureVmName | The target azure Vm Name. | string |
useManagedDisks | A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
diskSignatureOptions | The guest disk signature based option for disk exclusion. | InMageDiskSignatureExclusionOptions[] |
volumeOptions | The volume label based option for disk exclusion. | InMageVolumeExclusionOptions[] |
Name | Description | Value |
diskSignature | The guest signature of disk to be excluded from replication. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
datastoreName | The target data store name. | string |
diskExclusionInput | The enable disk exclusion input. | InMageDiskExclusionInput |
disksToInclude | The disks to include list. | string[] |
instanceType | The class type. | 'InMage' (required) |
masterTargetId | The Master Target Id. | string (required) |
multiVmGroupId | The multi vm group Id. | string (required) |
multiVmGroupName | The multi vm group name. | string (required) |
processServerId | The Process Server Id. | string (required) |
retentionDrive | The retention drive to use on the MT. | string (required) |
runAsAccountId | The CS account Id. | string |
vmFriendlyName | The Vm Name. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
OnlyExcludeIfSingleVolume | The value indicating whether to exclude multi volume disk or not. If a disk has multiple volumes and one of the volume has label matching with VolumeLabel this disk will be excluded from replication if OnlyExcludeIfSingleVolume is false. | string |
volumeLabel | The volume label. The disk having any volume with this label will be excluded from replication. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
apiVersion | The api version | '2016-08-10' |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | Enable protection input properties. | EnableProtectionInputPropertiesOrReplicationProtectedItemProperties |
type | The resource type | 'Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems' |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'San' (required) |
Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition
The vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
type = "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems@2016-08-10"
name = "string"
body = jsonencode({
properties = {
policyId = "string"
protectableItemId = "string"
providerSpecificDetails = {
instanceType = "string"
// For remaining properties, see EnableProtectionProviderSpecificInputOrReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
EnableProtectionProviderSpecificInputOrReplicationProviderSpecificSettings objects
Set the instanceType property to specify the type of object.
For A2A, use:
fabricObjectId = "string"
instanceType = "A2A"
recoveryAvailabilitySetId = "string"
recoveryCloudServiceId = "string"
recoveryContainerId = "string"
recoveryResourceGroupId = "string"
vmDisks = [
diskUri = "string"
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId = "string"
recoveryAzureStorageAccountId = "string"
vmManagedDisks = [
diskId = "string"
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId = "string"
recoveryResourceGroupId = "string"
For HyperVReplicaAzure, use:
disksToInclude = [
enableRDPOnTargetOption = "string"
hvHostVmId = "string"
instanceType = "HyperVReplicaAzure"
logStorageAccountId = "string"
osType = "string"
targetAzureNetworkId = "string"
targetAzureSubnetId = "string"
targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId = "string"
targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId = "string"
targetAzureVmName = "string"
targetStorageAccountId = "string"
useManagedDisks = "string"
vhdId = "string"
vmName = "string"
For InMage, use:
datastoreName = "string"
diskExclusionInput = {
diskSignatureOptions = [
diskSignature = "string"
volumeOptions = [
OnlyExcludeIfSingleVolume = "string"
volumeLabel = "string"
disksToInclude = [
instanceType = "InMage"
masterTargetId = "string"
multiVmGroupId = "string"
multiVmGroupName = "string"
processServerId = "string"
retentionDrive = "string"
runAsAccountId = "string"
vmFriendlyName = "string"
For InMageAzureV2, use:
disksToInclude = [
enableRDPOnTargetOption = "string"
instanceType = "InMageAzureV2"
logStorageAccountId = "string"
masterTargetId = "string"
multiVmGroupId = "string"
multiVmGroupName = "string"
processServerId = "string"
runAsAccountId = "string"
storageAccountId = "string"
targetAzureNetworkId = "string"
targetAzureSubnetId = "string"
targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId = "string"
targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId = "string"
targetAzureVmName = "string"
useManagedDisks = "string"
For San, use:
instanceType = "San"
For HyperVReplica2012, use:
instanceType = "HyperVReplica2012"
For HyperVReplica2012R2, use:
instanceType = "HyperVReplica2012R2"
For HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails, use:
instanceType = "HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails"
Property values
Name | Description | Value |
fabricObjectId | The fabric specific object Id of the virtual machine. | string |
instanceType | The class type. | 'A2A' (required) |
recoveryAvailabilitySetId | The recovery availability set Id. | string |
recoveryCloudServiceId | The recovery cloud service Id. Valid for V1 scenarios. | string |
recoveryContainerId | The recovery container Id. | string |
recoveryResourceGroupId | The recovery resource group Id. Valid for V2 scenarios. | string |
vmDisks | The list of vm disk details. | A2AVmDiskInputDetails[] |
vmManagedDisks | The list of vm managed disk details. | A2AVmManagedDiskInputDetails[] |
Name | Description | Value |
diskUri | The disk Uri. | string |
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId | The primary staging storage account Id. | string |
recoveryAzureStorageAccountId | The recovery VHD storage account Id. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
diskId | The disk Id. | string |
primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId | The primary staging storage account Arm Id. | string |
recoveryResourceGroupId | The target resource group Arm Id. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
policyId | The Policy Id. | string |
protectableItemId | The protectable item Id. | string |
providerSpecificDetails | The ReplicationProviderInput. For HyperVReplicaAzure provider, it will be AzureEnableProtectionInput object. For San provider, it will be SanEnableProtectionInput object. For HyperVReplicaAzure provider, it can be null. | EnableProtectionProviderSpecificInputOrReplicationProviderSpecificSettings |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | Set to 'A2A' for type A2AEnableProtectionInputOrA2AReplicationDetails. Set to 'HyperVReplicaAzure' for type HyperVReplicaAzureEnableProtectionInputOrHyperVReplicaAzureReplicationDetails. Set to 'InMage' for type InMageEnableProtectionInputOrInMageReplicationDetails. Set to 'InMageAzureV2' for type InMageAzureV2EnableProtectionInputOrInMageAzureV2ReplicationDetails. Set to 'San' for type SanEnableProtectionInput. Set to 'HyperVReplica2012' for type HyperVReplicaReplicationDetails. Set to 'HyperVReplica2012R2' for type HyperVReplicaBlueReplicationDetails. Set to 'HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails' for type HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails. | 'A2A' 'HyperVReplica2012' 'HyperVReplica2012R2' 'HyperVReplicaAzure' 'HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails' 'InMage' 'InMageAzureV2' 'San' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
disksToInclude | The list of VHD IDs of disks to be protected. | string[] |
enableRDPOnTargetOption | The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum. | string |
hvHostVmId | The Hyper-V host Vm Id. | string |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplicaAzure' (required) |
logStorageAccountId | The storage account to be used for logging during replication. | string |
osType | The OS type associated with vm. | string |
targetAzureNetworkId | The selected target Azure network Id. | string |
targetAzureSubnetId | The selected target Azure subnet Id. | string |
targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for classic deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for resource manager deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureVmName | The target azure Vm Name. | string |
targetStorageAccountId | The storage account name. | string |
useManagedDisks | A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover. | string |
vhdId | The OS disk VHD id associated with vm. | string |
vmName | The Vm Name. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplica2012R2' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'HyperVReplica2012' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
disksToInclude | The disks to include list. | string[] |
enableRDPOnTargetOption | The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum. | string |
instanceType | The class type. | 'InMageAzureV2' (required) |
logStorageAccountId | The storage account to be used for logging during replication. | string |
masterTargetId | The Master target Id. | string |
multiVmGroupId | The multi vm group Id. | string |
multiVmGroupName | The multi vm group name. | string |
processServerId | The Process Server Id. | string |
runAsAccountId | The CS account Id. | string |
storageAccountId | The storage account name. | string (required) |
targetAzureNetworkId | The selected target Azure network Id. | string |
targetAzureSubnetId | The selected target Azure subnet Id. | string |
targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for classic deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId | The Id of the target resource group (for resource manager deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created. | string |
targetAzureVmName | The target azure Vm Name. | string |
useManagedDisks | A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
diskSignatureOptions | The guest disk signature based option for disk exclusion. | InMageDiskSignatureExclusionOptions[] |
volumeOptions | The volume label based option for disk exclusion. | InMageVolumeExclusionOptions[] |
Name | Description | Value |
diskSignature | The guest signature of disk to be excluded from replication. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
datastoreName | The target data store name. | string |
diskExclusionInput | The enable disk exclusion input. | InMageDiskExclusionInput |
disksToInclude | The disks to include list. | string[] |
instanceType | The class type. | 'InMage' (required) |
masterTargetId | The Master Target Id. | string (required) |
multiVmGroupId | The multi vm group Id. | string (required) |
multiVmGroupName | The multi vm group name. | string (required) |
processServerId | The Process Server Id. | string (required) |
retentionDrive | The retention drive to use on the MT. | string (required) |
runAsAccountId | The CS account Id. | string |
vmFriendlyName | The Vm Name. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
OnlyExcludeIfSingleVolume | The value indicating whether to exclude multi volume disk or not. If a disk has multiple volumes and one of the volume has label matching with VolumeLabel this disk will be excluded from replication if OnlyExcludeIfSingleVolume is false. | string |
volumeLabel | The volume label. The disk having any volume with this label will be excluded from replication. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
parent_id | The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. | ID for resource of type: vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers |
properties | Enable protection input properties. | EnableProtectionInputPropertiesOrReplicationProtectedItemProperties |
type | The resource type | "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems@2016-08-10" |
Name | Description | Value |
instanceType | The class type. | 'San' (required) |