Microsoft.Network trafficmanagerprofiles 2015-11-01

Bicep resource definition

The trafficmanagerprofiles resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/trafficmanagerprofiles resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Network/trafficmanagerprofiles@2015-11-01' = {
  location: 'string'
  name: 'string'
  properties: {
    dnsConfig: {
      fqdn: 'string'
      relativeName: 'string'
      ttl: int
    endpoints: [
        id: 'string'
        name: 'string'
        properties: {
          endpointLocation: 'string'
          endpointMonitorStatus: 'string'
          endpointStatus: 'string'
          minChildEndpoints: int
          priority: int
          target: 'string'
          targetResourceId: 'string'
          weight: int
        type: 'string'
    monitorConfig: {
      path: 'string'
      port: int
      profileMonitorStatus: 'string'
      protocol: 'string'
    profileStatus: 'string'
    trafficRoutingMethod: 'string'
  tags: {
    {customized property}: 'string'

Property values


Name Description Value
fqdn Gets or sets the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Traffic Manager profile. This is formed from the concatenation of the RelativeName with the DNS domain used by Azure Traffic Manager. string
relativeName Gets or sets the relative DNS name provided by this Traffic Manager profile. This value is combined with the DNS domain name used by Azure Traffic Manager to form the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the profile. string
ttl Gets or sets the DNS Time-To-Live (TTL), in seconds. This informs the local DNS resolvers and DNS clients how long to cache DNS responses provided by this Traffic Manager profile. int


Name Description Value
id Gets or sets the ID of the Traffic Manager endpoint. string
name Gets or sets the name of the Traffic Manager endpoint. string
properties Class representing a Traffic Manager endpoint properties. EndpointProperties
type Gets or sets the endpoint type of the Traffic Manager endpoint. string


Name Description Value
endpointLocation Specifies the location of the external or nested endpoints when using the ‘Performance’ traffic routing method. string
endpointMonitorStatus Gets or sets the monitoring status of the endpoint. string
endpointStatus Gets or sets the status of the endpoint.. If the endpoint is Enabled, it is probed for endpoint health and is included in the traffic routing method. Possible values are 'Enabled' and 'Disabled'. string
minChildEndpoints Gets or sets the minimum number of endpoints that must be available in the child profile in order for the parent profile to be considered available. Only applicable to endpoint of type 'NestedEndpoints'. int
priority Gets or sets the priority of this endpoint when using the ‘Priority’ traffic routing method. Possible values are from 1 to 1000, lower values represent higher priority. This is an optional parameter. If specified, it must be specified on all endpoints, and no two endpoints can share the same priority value. int
target Gets or sets the fully-qualified DNS name of the endpoint. Traffic Manager returns this value in DNS responses to direct traffic to this endpoint. string
targetResourceId Gets or sets the Azure Resource URI of the of the endpoint. Not applicable to endpoints of type 'ExternalEndpoints'. string
weight Gets or sets the weight of this endpoint when using the 'Weighted' traffic routing method. Possible values are from 1 to 1000. int


Name Description Value
location Resource location string
name The resource name string (required)
properties Class representing the Traffic Manager profile properties. ProfileProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates


Name Description Value
path Gets or sets the path relative to the endpoint domain name used to probe for endpoint health. string
port Gets or sets the TCP port used to probe for endpoint health. int
profileMonitorStatus Gets or sets the profile-level monitoring status of the Traffic Manager profile. string
protocol Gets or sets the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) used to probe for endpoint health. string


Name Description Value
dnsConfig Gets or sets the DNS settings of the Traffic Manager profile. DnsConfig
endpoints Gets or sets the list of endpoints in the Traffic Manager profile. Endpoint[]
monitorConfig Gets or sets the endpoint monitoring settings of the Traffic Manager profile. MonitorConfig
profileStatus Gets or sets the status of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values are 'Enabled' and 'Disabled'. string
trafficRoutingMethod Gets or sets the traffic routing method of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values are 'Performance', 'Weighted', or 'Priority'. string


Name Description Value

Quickstart samples

The following quickstart samples deploy this resource type.

Bicep File Description
Azure Traffic Manager external endpoint example This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile using external endpoints.
Azure Traffic Manager VM example This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile load-balancing across multiple virtual machines.
Azure Traffic Manager web app example This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile for an App Service.

ARM template resource definition

The trafficmanagerprofiles resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/trafficmanagerprofiles resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Network/trafficmanagerprofiles",
  "apiVersion": "2015-11-01",
  "name": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "properties": {
    "dnsConfig": {
      "fqdn": "string",
      "relativeName": "string",
      "ttl": "int"
    "endpoints": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "properties": {
          "endpointLocation": "string",
          "endpointMonitorStatus": "string",
          "endpointStatus": "string",
          "minChildEndpoints": "int",
          "priority": "int",
          "target": "string",
          "targetResourceId": "string",
          "weight": "int"
        "type": "string"
    "monitorConfig": {
      "path": "string",
      "port": "int",
      "profileMonitorStatus": "string",
      "protocol": "string"
    "profileStatus": "string",
    "trafficRoutingMethod": "string"
  "tags": {
    "{customized property}": "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
fqdn Gets or sets the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Traffic Manager profile. This is formed from the concatenation of the RelativeName with the DNS domain used by Azure Traffic Manager. string
relativeName Gets or sets the relative DNS name provided by this Traffic Manager profile. This value is combined with the DNS domain name used by Azure Traffic Manager to form the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the profile. string
ttl Gets or sets the DNS Time-To-Live (TTL), in seconds. This informs the local DNS resolvers and DNS clients how long to cache DNS responses provided by this Traffic Manager profile. int


Name Description Value
id Gets or sets the ID of the Traffic Manager endpoint. string
name Gets or sets the name of the Traffic Manager endpoint. string
properties Class representing a Traffic Manager endpoint properties. EndpointProperties
type Gets or sets the endpoint type of the Traffic Manager endpoint. string


Name Description Value
endpointLocation Specifies the location of the external or nested endpoints when using the ‘Performance’ traffic routing method. string
endpointMonitorStatus Gets or sets the monitoring status of the endpoint. string
endpointStatus Gets or sets the status of the endpoint.. If the endpoint is Enabled, it is probed for endpoint health and is included in the traffic routing method. Possible values are 'Enabled' and 'Disabled'. string
minChildEndpoints Gets or sets the minimum number of endpoints that must be available in the child profile in order for the parent profile to be considered available. Only applicable to endpoint of type 'NestedEndpoints'. int
priority Gets or sets the priority of this endpoint when using the ‘Priority’ traffic routing method. Possible values are from 1 to 1000, lower values represent higher priority. This is an optional parameter. If specified, it must be specified on all endpoints, and no two endpoints can share the same priority value. int
target Gets or sets the fully-qualified DNS name of the endpoint. Traffic Manager returns this value in DNS responses to direct traffic to this endpoint. string
targetResourceId Gets or sets the Azure Resource URI of the of the endpoint. Not applicable to endpoints of type 'ExternalEndpoints'. string
weight Gets or sets the weight of this endpoint when using the 'Weighted' traffic routing method. Possible values are from 1 to 1000. int


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2015-11-01'
location Resource location string
name The resource name string (required)
properties Class representing the Traffic Manager profile properties. ProfileProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Network/trafficmanagerprofiles'


Name Description Value
path Gets or sets the path relative to the endpoint domain name used to probe for endpoint health. string
port Gets or sets the TCP port used to probe for endpoint health. int
profileMonitorStatus Gets or sets the profile-level monitoring status of the Traffic Manager profile. string
protocol Gets or sets the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) used to probe for endpoint health. string


Name Description Value
dnsConfig Gets or sets the DNS settings of the Traffic Manager profile. DnsConfig
endpoints Gets or sets the list of endpoints in the Traffic Manager profile. Endpoint[]
monitorConfig Gets or sets the endpoint monitoring settings of the Traffic Manager profile. MonitorConfig
profileStatus Gets or sets the status of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values are 'Enabled' and 'Disabled'. string
trafficRoutingMethod Gets or sets the traffic routing method of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values are 'Performance', 'Weighted', or 'Priority'. string


Name Description Value

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Azure Traffic Manager + Application Gateways Demo Setup

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to quickly deploy Azure Traffic Manager on top of Application Gateways demo to test traffic distribution between different regions.
Azure Traffic Manager Demo Setup

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to quickly deploy Azure Traffic Manager demo to test traffic distribution between different regions.
Azure Traffic Manager external endpoint example

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile using external endpoints.
Azure Traffic Manager multi-value routing

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile using nested endpoints with min-child and multi-value routing.
Azure Traffic Manager VM example

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile load-balancing across multiple virtual machines.
Azure Traffic Manager VM example with Availability Zones

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile load-balancing across multiple virtual machines placed in Availability Zones.
Azure Traffic Manager web app example

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile for an App Service.
Multi tier traffic manager, L4 ILB, L7 AppGateway

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Virtual Network, segregates the network through subnets, deploys VMs and configures load balancing

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The trafficmanagerprofiles resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/trafficmanagerprofiles resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Network/trafficmanagerprofiles@2015-11-01"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  tags = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      dnsConfig = {
        fqdn = "string"
        relativeName = "string"
        ttl = int
      endpoints = [
          id = "string"
          name = "string"
          properties = {
            endpointLocation = "string"
            endpointMonitorStatus = "string"
            endpointStatus = "string"
            minChildEndpoints = int
            priority = int
            target = "string"
            targetResourceId = "string"
            weight = int
          type = "string"
      monitorConfig = {
        path = "string"
        port = int
        profileMonitorStatus = "string"
        protocol = "string"
      profileStatus = "string"
      trafficRoutingMethod = "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
fqdn Gets or sets the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Traffic Manager profile. This is formed from the concatenation of the RelativeName with the DNS domain used by Azure Traffic Manager. string
relativeName Gets or sets the relative DNS name provided by this Traffic Manager profile. This value is combined with the DNS domain name used by Azure Traffic Manager to form the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the profile. string
ttl Gets or sets the DNS Time-To-Live (TTL), in seconds. This informs the local DNS resolvers and DNS clients how long to cache DNS responses provided by this Traffic Manager profile. int


Name Description Value
id Gets or sets the ID of the Traffic Manager endpoint. string
name Gets or sets the name of the Traffic Manager endpoint. string
properties Class representing a Traffic Manager endpoint properties. EndpointProperties
type Gets or sets the endpoint type of the Traffic Manager endpoint. string


Name Description Value
endpointLocation Specifies the location of the external or nested endpoints when using the ‘Performance’ traffic routing method. string
endpointMonitorStatus Gets or sets the monitoring status of the endpoint. string
endpointStatus Gets or sets the status of the endpoint.. If the endpoint is Enabled, it is probed for endpoint health and is included in the traffic routing method. Possible values are 'Enabled' and 'Disabled'. string
minChildEndpoints Gets or sets the minimum number of endpoints that must be available in the child profile in order for the parent profile to be considered available. Only applicable to endpoint of type 'NestedEndpoints'. int
priority Gets or sets the priority of this endpoint when using the ‘Priority’ traffic routing method. Possible values are from 1 to 1000, lower values represent higher priority. This is an optional parameter. If specified, it must be specified on all endpoints, and no two endpoints can share the same priority value. int
target Gets or sets the fully-qualified DNS name of the endpoint. Traffic Manager returns this value in DNS responses to direct traffic to this endpoint. string
targetResourceId Gets or sets the Azure Resource URI of the of the endpoint. Not applicable to endpoints of type 'ExternalEndpoints'. string
weight Gets or sets the weight of this endpoint when using the 'Weighted' traffic routing method. Possible values are from 1 to 1000. int


Name Description Value
location Resource location string
name The resource name string (required)
properties Class representing the Traffic Manager profile properties. ProfileProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values.
type The resource type "Microsoft.Network/trafficmanagerprofiles@2015-11-01"


Name Description Value
path Gets or sets the path relative to the endpoint domain name used to probe for endpoint health. string
port Gets or sets the TCP port used to probe for endpoint health. int
profileMonitorStatus Gets or sets the profile-level monitoring status of the Traffic Manager profile. string
protocol Gets or sets the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) used to probe for endpoint health. string


Name Description Value
dnsConfig Gets or sets the DNS settings of the Traffic Manager profile. DnsConfig
endpoints Gets or sets the list of endpoints in the Traffic Manager profile. Endpoint[]
monitorConfig Gets or sets the endpoint monitoring settings of the Traffic Manager profile. MonitorConfig
profileStatus Gets or sets the status of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values are 'Enabled' and 'Disabled'. string
trafficRoutingMethod Gets or sets the traffic routing method of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values are 'Performance', 'Weighted', or 'Priority'. string


Name Description Value