Microsoft.MobileNetwork mobileNetworks/simPolicies 2022-03-01-preview
Bicep resource definition
The mobileNetworks/simPolicies resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies@2022-03-01-preview' = {
parent: resourceSymbolicName
location: 'string'
name: 'string'
properties: {
defaultSlice: {
id: 'string'
registrationTimer: int
rfspIndex: int
sliceConfigurations: [
dataNetworkConfigurations: [
5qi: int
additionalAllowedSessionTypes: [
allocationAndRetentionPriorityLevel: int
allowedServices: [
id: 'string'
dataNetwork: {
id: 'string'
defaultSessionType: 'string'
preemptionCapability: 'string'
preemptionVulnerability: 'string'
sessionAmbr: {
downlink: 'string'
uplink: 'string'
defaultDataNetwork: {
id: 'string'
slice: {
id: 'string'
ueAmbr: {
downlink: 'string'
uplink: 'string'
tags: {
{customized property}: 'string'
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
downlink | Downlink bit rate. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^\d+(\.\d+)? (bps|Kbps|Mbps|Gbps|Tbps)$ (required) |
uplink | Uplink bit rate. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^\d+(\.\d+)? (bps|Kbps|Mbps|Gbps|Tbps)$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
5qi | Default QoS Flow 5G QoS Indicator value. The 5QI identifies a specific QoS forwarding treatment to be provided to a flow. This must not be a standardized 5QI value selecting a GBR (Guaranteed Bit Rate) QoS. The illegal GBR 5QI values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 82, 83, 84, and 85. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the 5Qi parameter, and table 5.7.4-1 for the definition of which are the GBR 5QI values. | int Constraints: Min value = 1 Max value = 127 |
additionalAllowedSessionTypes | Allowed session types in addition to the default session type. Must not duplicate the default session type. | String array containing any of: 'IPv4' 'IPv6' |
allocationAndRetentionPriorityLevel | Default QoS Flow allocation and retention priority (ARP) level. Flows with higher priority preempt flows with lower priority, if the settings of preemptionCapability and preemptionVulnerability allow it. 1 is the highest level of priority. If this field is not specified then 5qi is used to derive the ARP value. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the ARP parameters. |
int Constraints: Min value = 1 Max value = 15 |
allowedServices | List of Services that can be used as part of this Sim Policy. The list must not contain duplicate items and must contain at least one item. | ServiceResourceId[] (required) |
dataNetwork | A reference to the Data Network that these settings apply to | DataNetworkResourceId (required) |
defaultSessionType | The default PDU session type, which is used if the UE does not request a specific session type. | 'IPv4' 'IPv6' |
preemptionCapability | Default QoS Flow preemption capability. The Preemption Capability of a QoS Flow controls whether it can preempt another QoS Flow with a lower priority level. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the ARP parameters. | 'MayPreempt' 'NotPreempt' |
preemptionVulnerability | Default QoS Flow preemption vulnerability. The Preemption Vulnerability of a QoS Flow controls whether it can be preempted by QoS Flow with a higher priority level. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the ARP parameters. | 'NotPreemptable' 'Preemptable' |
sessionAmbr | Aggregate maximum bit rate across all non-GBR QoS flows of a given PDU session. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the Session-AMBR. | Ambr (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Data Network resource ID. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^/[sS][uU][bB][sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT][iI][oO][nN][sS]/[^/?#]+/[rR][eE][sS][oO][uU][rR][cC][eE][gG][rR][oO][uU][pP][sS]/[^/?#]+/[pP][rR][oO][vV][iI][dD][eE][rR][sS]/[mM][iI][cC][rR][oO][sS][oO][fF][tT]\.[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK]/[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+/[dD][aA][tT][aA][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
location | The geo-location where the resource lives | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string Constraints: Max length = 64 Pattern = ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ (required) |
parent | In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource. For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource. |
Symbolic name for resource of type: mobileNetworks |
properties | Sim policy Properties. | SimPolicyPropertiesFormat (required) |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Service resource ID. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^/[sS][uU][bB][sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT][iI][oO][nN][sS]/[^/?#]+/[rR][eE][sS][oO][uU][rR][cC][eE][gG][rR][oO][uU][pP][sS]/[^/?#]+/[pP][rR][oO][vV][iI][dD][eE][rR][sS]/[mM][iI][cC][rR][oO][sS][oO][fF][tT]\.[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK]/[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+/[sS][eE][rR][vV][iI][cC][eE][sS]/[^/?#]+$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
defaultSlice | The default slice to use if the UE does not explicitly specify it. This slice must exist in the sliceConfigurations map. |
SliceResourceId (required) |
registrationTimer | Interval for the UE periodic registration update procedure, in seconds. | int Constraints: Min value = 30 |
rfspIndex | RAT/Frequency Selection Priority Index, defined in 3GPP TS 36.413. This is an optional setting and by default is unspecified. | int Constraints: Min value = 1 Max value = 256 |
sliceConfigurations | The allowed slices and the settings to use for them. The list must not contain duplicate items and must contain at least one item. | SliceConfiguration[] (required) |
ueAmbr | Aggregate maximum bit rate across all non-GBR QoS flows of all PDU sessions of a given UE. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the UE-AMBR. | Ambr (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
dataNetworkConfigurations | The allowed data networks and the settings to use for them. The list must not contain duplicate items and must contain at least one item. | DataNetworkConfiguration[] (required) |
defaultDataNetwork | The default data network to use if the UE does not explicitly specify it. Configuration for this object must exist in the dataNetworkConfigurations map. |
DataNetworkResourceId (required) |
slice | A reference to the Slice that these settings apply to | SliceResourceId (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Slice resource ID. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^/[sS][uU][bB][sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT][iI][oO][nN][sS]/[^/?#]+/[rR][eE][sS][oO][uU][rR][cC][eE][gG][rR][oO][uU][pP][sS]/[^/?#]+/[pP][rR][oO][vV][iI][dD][eE][rR][sS]/[mM][iI][cC][rR][oO][sS][oO][fF][tT]\.[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK]/[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+/[sS][lL][iI][cC][eE][sS]/[^/?#]+$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
Usage Examples
Azure Quickstart Samples
The following Azure Quickstart templates contain Bicep samples for deploying this resource type.
Bicep File | Description |
Create a full 5G Core deployment | This template creates all resources required to deploy a Private 5G Core, including provisioning sims and creating sample QoS policy. It can optionally be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster running on an Azure Stack Edge device. |
Create a sim policy | This template creates a service and sim policy for an existing mobile network. |
ARM template resource definition
The mobileNetworks/simPolicies resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"type": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies",
"apiVersion": "2022-03-01-preview",
"name": "string",
"location": "string",
"properties": {
"defaultSlice": {
"id": "string"
"registrationTimer": "int",
"rfspIndex": "int",
"sliceConfigurations": [
"dataNetworkConfigurations": [
"5qi": "int",
"additionalAllowedSessionTypes": [ "string" ],
"allocationAndRetentionPriorityLevel": "int",
"allowedServices": [
"id": "string"
"dataNetwork": {
"id": "string"
"defaultSessionType": "string",
"preemptionCapability": "string",
"preemptionVulnerability": "string",
"sessionAmbr": {
"downlink": "string",
"uplink": "string"
"defaultDataNetwork": {
"id": "string"
"slice": {
"id": "string"
"ueAmbr": {
"downlink": "string",
"uplink": "string"
"tags": {
"{customized property}": "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
downlink | Downlink bit rate. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^\d+(\.\d+)? (bps|Kbps|Mbps|Gbps|Tbps)$ (required) |
uplink | Uplink bit rate. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^\d+(\.\d+)? (bps|Kbps|Mbps|Gbps|Tbps)$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
5qi | Default QoS Flow 5G QoS Indicator value. The 5QI identifies a specific QoS forwarding treatment to be provided to a flow. This must not be a standardized 5QI value selecting a GBR (Guaranteed Bit Rate) QoS. The illegal GBR 5QI values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 82, 83, 84, and 85. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the 5Qi parameter, and table 5.7.4-1 for the definition of which are the GBR 5QI values. | int Constraints: Min value = 1 Max value = 127 |
additionalAllowedSessionTypes | Allowed session types in addition to the default session type. Must not duplicate the default session type. | String array containing any of: 'IPv4' 'IPv6' |
allocationAndRetentionPriorityLevel | Default QoS Flow allocation and retention priority (ARP) level. Flows with higher priority preempt flows with lower priority, if the settings of preemptionCapability and preemptionVulnerability allow it. 1 is the highest level of priority. If this field is not specified then 5qi is used to derive the ARP value. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the ARP parameters. |
int Constraints: Min value = 1 Max value = 15 |
allowedServices | List of Services that can be used as part of this Sim Policy. The list must not contain duplicate items and must contain at least one item. | ServiceResourceId[] (required) |
dataNetwork | A reference to the Data Network that these settings apply to | DataNetworkResourceId (required) |
defaultSessionType | The default PDU session type, which is used if the UE does not request a specific session type. | 'IPv4' 'IPv6' |
preemptionCapability | Default QoS Flow preemption capability. The Preemption Capability of a QoS Flow controls whether it can preempt another QoS Flow with a lower priority level. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the ARP parameters. | 'MayPreempt' 'NotPreempt' |
preemptionVulnerability | Default QoS Flow preemption vulnerability. The Preemption Vulnerability of a QoS Flow controls whether it can be preempted by QoS Flow with a higher priority level. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the ARP parameters. | 'NotPreemptable' 'Preemptable' |
sessionAmbr | Aggregate maximum bit rate across all non-GBR QoS flows of a given PDU session. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the Session-AMBR. | Ambr (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Data Network resource ID. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^/[sS][uU][bB][sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT][iI][oO][nN][sS]/[^/?#]+/[rR][eE][sS][oO][uU][rR][cC][eE][gG][rR][oO][uU][pP][sS]/[^/?#]+/[pP][rR][oO][vV][iI][dD][eE][rR][sS]/[mM][iI][cC][rR][oO][sS][oO][fF][tT]\.[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK]/[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+/[dD][aA][tT][aA][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
apiVersion | The api version | '2022-03-01-preview' |
location | The geo-location where the resource lives | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string Constraints: Max length = 64 Pattern = ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ (required) |
properties | Sim policy Properties. | SimPolicyPropertiesFormat (required) |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
type | The resource type | 'Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies' |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Service resource ID. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^/[sS][uU][bB][sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT][iI][oO][nN][sS]/[^/?#]+/[rR][eE][sS][oO][uU][rR][cC][eE][gG][rR][oO][uU][pP][sS]/[^/?#]+/[pP][rR][oO][vV][iI][dD][eE][rR][sS]/[mM][iI][cC][rR][oO][sS][oO][fF][tT]\.[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK]/[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+/[sS][eE][rR][vV][iI][cC][eE][sS]/[^/?#]+$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
defaultSlice | The default slice to use if the UE does not explicitly specify it. This slice must exist in the sliceConfigurations map. |
SliceResourceId (required) |
registrationTimer | Interval for the UE periodic registration update procedure, in seconds. | int Constraints: Min value = 30 |
rfspIndex | RAT/Frequency Selection Priority Index, defined in 3GPP TS 36.413. This is an optional setting and by default is unspecified. | int Constraints: Min value = 1 Max value = 256 |
sliceConfigurations | The allowed slices and the settings to use for them. The list must not contain duplicate items and must contain at least one item. | SliceConfiguration[] (required) |
ueAmbr | Aggregate maximum bit rate across all non-GBR QoS flows of all PDU sessions of a given UE. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the UE-AMBR. | Ambr (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
dataNetworkConfigurations | The allowed data networks and the settings to use for them. The list must not contain duplicate items and must contain at least one item. | DataNetworkConfiguration[] (required) |
defaultDataNetwork | The default data network to use if the UE does not explicitly specify it. Configuration for this object must exist in the dataNetworkConfigurations map. |
DataNetworkResourceId (required) |
slice | A reference to the Slice that these settings apply to | SliceResourceId (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Slice resource ID. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^/[sS][uU][bB][sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT][iI][oO][nN][sS]/[^/?#]+/[rR][eE][sS][oO][uU][rR][cC][eE][gG][rR][oO][uU][pP][sS]/[^/?#]+/[pP][rR][oO][vV][iI][dD][eE][rR][sS]/[mM][iI][cC][rR][oO][sS][oO][fF][tT]\.[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK]/[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+/[sS][lL][iI][cC][eE][sS]/[^/?#]+$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
Usage Examples
Azure Quickstart Templates
The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.
Template | Description |
Create a full 5G Core deployment |
This template creates all resources required to deploy a Private 5G Core, including provisioning sims and creating sample QoS policy. It can optionally be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster running on an Azure Stack Edge device. |
Create a sim policy |
This template creates a service and sim policy for an existing mobile network. |
Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition
The mobileNetworks/simPolicies resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
type = "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies@2022-03-01-preview"
name = "string"
location = "string"
tags = {
{customized property} = "string"
body = jsonencode({
properties = {
defaultSlice = {
id = "string"
registrationTimer = int
rfspIndex = int
sliceConfigurations = [
dataNetworkConfigurations = [
5qi = int
additionalAllowedSessionTypes = [
allocationAndRetentionPriorityLevel = int
allowedServices = [
id = "string"
dataNetwork = {
id = "string"
defaultSessionType = "string"
preemptionCapability = "string"
preemptionVulnerability = "string"
sessionAmbr = {
downlink = "string"
uplink = "string"
defaultDataNetwork = {
id = "string"
slice = {
id = "string"
ueAmbr = {
downlink = "string"
uplink = "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
downlink | Downlink bit rate. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^\d+(\.\d+)? (bps|Kbps|Mbps|Gbps|Tbps)$ (required) |
uplink | Uplink bit rate. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^\d+(\.\d+)? (bps|Kbps|Mbps|Gbps|Tbps)$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
5qi | Default QoS Flow 5G QoS Indicator value. The 5QI identifies a specific QoS forwarding treatment to be provided to a flow. This must not be a standardized 5QI value selecting a GBR (Guaranteed Bit Rate) QoS. The illegal GBR 5QI values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 82, 83, 84, and 85. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the 5Qi parameter, and table 5.7.4-1 for the definition of which are the GBR 5QI values. | int Constraints: Min value = 1 Max value = 127 |
additionalAllowedSessionTypes | Allowed session types in addition to the default session type. Must not duplicate the default session type. | String array containing any of: 'IPv4' 'IPv6' |
allocationAndRetentionPriorityLevel | Default QoS Flow allocation and retention priority (ARP) level. Flows with higher priority preempt flows with lower priority, if the settings of preemptionCapability and preemptionVulnerability allow it. 1 is the highest level of priority. If this field is not specified then 5qi is used to derive the ARP value. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the ARP parameters. |
int Constraints: Min value = 1 Max value = 15 |
allowedServices | List of Services that can be used as part of this Sim Policy. The list must not contain duplicate items and must contain at least one item. | ServiceResourceId[] (required) |
dataNetwork | A reference to the Data Network that these settings apply to | DataNetworkResourceId (required) |
defaultSessionType | The default PDU session type, which is used if the UE does not request a specific session type. | 'IPv4' 'IPv6' |
preemptionCapability | Default QoS Flow preemption capability. The Preemption Capability of a QoS Flow controls whether it can preempt another QoS Flow with a lower priority level. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the ARP parameters. | 'MayPreempt' 'NotPreempt' |
preemptionVulnerability | Default QoS Flow preemption vulnerability. The Preemption Vulnerability of a QoS Flow controls whether it can be preempted by QoS Flow with a higher priority level. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the ARP parameters. | 'NotPreemptable' 'Preemptable' |
sessionAmbr | Aggregate maximum bit rate across all non-GBR QoS flows of a given PDU session. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the Session-AMBR. | Ambr (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Data Network resource ID. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^/[sS][uU][bB][sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT][iI][oO][nN][sS]/[^/?#]+/[rR][eE][sS][oO][uU][rR][cC][eE][gG][rR][oO][uU][pP][sS]/[^/?#]+/[pP][rR][oO][vV][iI][dD][eE][rR][sS]/[mM][iI][cC][rR][oO][sS][oO][fF][tT]\.[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK]/[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+/[dD][aA][tT][aA][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
location | The geo-location where the resource lives | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string Constraints: Max length = 64 Pattern = ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ (required) |
parent_id | The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. | ID for resource of type: mobileNetworks |
properties | Sim policy Properties. | SimPolicyPropertiesFormat (required) |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. |
type | The resource type | "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies@2022-03-01-preview" |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Service resource ID. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^/[sS][uU][bB][sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT][iI][oO][nN][sS]/[^/?#]+/[rR][eE][sS][oO][uU][rR][cC][eE][gG][rR][oO][uU][pP][sS]/[^/?#]+/[pP][rR][oO][vV][iI][dD][eE][rR][sS]/[mM][iI][cC][rR][oO][sS][oO][fF][tT]\.[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK]/[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+/[sS][eE][rR][vV][iI][cC][eE][sS]/[^/?#]+$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
defaultSlice | The default slice to use if the UE does not explicitly specify it. This slice must exist in the sliceConfigurations map. |
SliceResourceId (required) |
registrationTimer | Interval for the UE periodic registration update procedure, in seconds. | int Constraints: Min value = 30 |
rfspIndex | RAT/Frequency Selection Priority Index, defined in 3GPP TS 36.413. This is an optional setting and by default is unspecified. | int Constraints: Min value = 1 Max value = 256 |
sliceConfigurations | The allowed slices and the settings to use for them. The list must not contain duplicate items and must contain at least one item. | SliceConfiguration[] (required) |
ueAmbr | Aggregate maximum bit rate across all non-GBR QoS flows of all PDU sessions of a given UE. See 3GPP TS23.501 section for a full description of the UE-AMBR. | Ambr (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
dataNetworkConfigurations | The allowed data networks and the settings to use for them. The list must not contain duplicate items and must contain at least one item. | DataNetworkConfiguration[] (required) |
defaultDataNetwork | The default data network to use if the UE does not explicitly specify it. Configuration for this object must exist in the dataNetworkConfigurations map. |
DataNetworkResourceId (required) |
slice | A reference to the Slice that these settings apply to | SliceResourceId (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
id | Slice resource ID. | string Constraints: Pattern = ^/[sS][uU][bB][sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT][iI][oO][nN][sS]/[^/?#]+/[rR][eE][sS][oO][uU][rR][cC][eE][gG][rR][oO][uU][pP][sS]/[^/?#]+/[pP][rR][oO][vV][iI][dD][eE][rR][sS]/[mM][iI][cC][rR][oO][sS][oO][fF][tT]\.[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK]/[mM][oO][bB][iI][lL][eE][nN][eE][tT][wW][oO][rR][kK][sS]/[^/?#]+/[sS][lL][iI][cC][eE][sS]/[^/?#]+$ (required) |
Name | Description | Value |