Microsoft.DevTestLab labs/virtualmachines

Bicep resource definition

The labs/virtualmachines resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualmachines resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualmachines@2018-09-15' = {
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  location: 'string'
  name: 'string'
  properties: {
    allowClaim: bool
    artifacts: [
        artifactId: 'string'
        artifactTitle: 'string'
        deploymentStatusMessage: 'string'
        installTime: 'string'
        parameters: [
            name: 'string'
            value: 'string'
        status: 'string'
        vmExtensionStatusMessage: 'string'
    createdDate: 'string'
    customImageId: 'string'
    dataDiskParameters: [
        attachNewDataDiskOptions: {
          diskName: 'string'
          diskSizeGiB: int
          diskType: 'string'
        existingLabDiskId: 'string'
        hostCaching: 'string'
    disallowPublicIpAddress: bool
    environmentId: 'string'
    expirationDate: 'string'
    galleryImageReference: {
      offer: 'string'
      osType: 'string'
      publisher: 'string'
      sku: 'string'
      version: 'string'
    isAuthenticationWithSshKey: bool
    labSubnetName: 'string'
    labVirtualNetworkId: 'string'
    networkInterface: {
      dnsName: 'string'
      privateIpAddress: 'string'
      publicIpAddress: 'string'
      publicIpAddressId: 'string'
      rdpAuthority: 'string'
      sharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration: {
        inboundNatRules: [
            backendPort: int
            frontendPort: int
            transportProtocol: 'string'
      sshAuthority: 'string'
      subnetId: 'string'
      virtualNetworkId: 'string'
    notes: 'string'
    ownerObjectId: 'string'
    ownerUserPrincipalName: 'string'
    password: 'string'
    planId: 'string'
    scheduleParameters: [
        name: 'string'
        properties: {
          dailyRecurrence: {
            time: 'string'
          hourlyRecurrence: {
            minute: int
          notificationSettings: {
            emailRecipient: 'string'
            notificationLocale: 'string'
            status: 'string'
            timeInMinutes: int
            webhookUrl: 'string'
          status: 'string'
          targetResourceId: 'string'
          taskType: 'string'
          timeZoneId: 'string'
          weeklyRecurrence: {
            time: 'string'
            weekdays: [
        tags: {
          {customized property}: 'string'
    size: 'string'
    sshKey: 'string'
    storageType: 'string'
    userName: 'string'
  tags: {
    {customized property}: 'string'

Property Values


Name Description Value
artifactId The artifact's identifier. string
artifactTitle The artifact's title. string
deploymentStatusMessage The status message from the deployment. string
installTime The time that the artifact starts to install on the virtual machine. string
parameters The parameters of the artifact. ArtifactParameterProperties[]
status The status of the artifact. string
vmExtensionStatusMessage The status message from the virtual machine extension. string


Name Description Value
name The name of the artifact parameter. string
value The value of the artifact parameter. string


Name Description Value
diskName The name of the disk to be attached. string
diskSizeGiB Size of the disk to be attached in Gibibytes. int
diskType The storage type for the disk (i.e. Standard, Premium). 'Premium'


Name Description Value
attachNewDataDiskOptions Specifies options to attach a new disk to the virtual machine. AttachNewDataDiskOptions
existingLabDiskId Specifies the existing lab disk id to attach to virtual machine. string
hostCaching Caching option for a data disk (i.e. None, ReadOnly, ReadWrite). 'None'


Name Description Value
time The time of day the schedule will occur. string


Name Description Value
offer The offer of the gallery image. string
osType The OS type of the gallery image. string
publisher The publisher of the gallery image. string
sku The SKU of the gallery image. string
version The version of the gallery image. string


Name Description Value
minute Minutes of the hour the schedule will run. int


Name Description Value
backendPort The port to which the external traffic will be redirected. int
frontendPort The external endpoint port of the inbound connection. Possible values range between 1 and 65535, inclusive. If unspecified, a value will be allocated automatically. int
transportProtocol The transport protocol for the endpoint. 'Tcp'


Name Description Value
allowClaim Indicates whether another user can take ownership of the virtual machine bool
artifacts The artifacts to be installed on the virtual machine. ArtifactInstallProperties[]
createdDate The creation date of the virtual machine. string
customImageId The custom image identifier of the virtual machine. string
dataDiskParameters New or existing data disks to attach to the virtual machine after creation DataDiskProperties[]
disallowPublicIpAddress Indicates whether the virtual machine is to be created without a public IP address. bool
environmentId The resource ID of the environment that contains this virtual machine, if any. string
expirationDate The expiration date for VM. string
galleryImageReference The Microsoft Azure Marketplace image reference of the virtual machine. GalleryImageReference
isAuthenticationWithSshKey Indicates whether this virtual machine uses an SSH key for authentication. bool
labSubnetName The lab subnet name of the virtual machine. string
labVirtualNetworkId The lab virtual network identifier of the virtual machine. string
networkInterface The network interface properties. NetworkInterfaceProperties
notes The notes of the virtual machine. string
ownerObjectId The object identifier of the owner of the virtual machine. string
ownerUserPrincipalName The user principal name of the virtual machine owner. string
password The password of the virtual machine administrator. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
planId The id of the plan associated with the virtual machine image string
scheduleParameters Virtual Machine schedules to be created ScheduleCreationParameter[]
size The size of the virtual machine. string
sshKey The SSH key of the virtual machine administrator. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
storageType Storage type to use for virtual machine (i.e. Standard, Premium). string
userName The user name of the virtual machine. string


Name Description Value
location The location of the resource. string
name The resource name string (required)
parent In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.

For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource.
Symbolic name for resource of type: labs
properties The properties of the resource. LabVirtualMachineProperties (required)
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates


Name Description Value
dnsName The DNS name. string
privateIpAddress The private IP address. string
publicIpAddress The public IP address. string
publicIpAddressId The resource ID of the public IP address. string
rdpAuthority The RdpAuthority property is a server DNS host name or IP address followed by the service port number for RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). string
sharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration The configuration for sharing a public IP address across multiple virtual machines. SharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration
sshAuthority The SshAuthority property is a server DNS host name or IP address followed by the service port number for SSH. string
subnetId The resource ID of the sub net. string
virtualNetworkId The resource ID of the virtual network. string


Name Description Value
emailRecipient The email recipient to send notifications to (can be a list of semi-colon separated email addresses). string
notificationLocale The locale to use when sending a notification (fallback for unsupported languages is EN). string
status If notifications are enabled for this schedule (i.e. Enabled, Disabled). 'Disabled'
timeInMinutes Time in minutes before event at which notification will be sent. int
webhookUrl The webhook URL to which the notification will be sent. string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
name The name of the virtual machine or environment string
properties The properties of the schedule. ScheduleCreationParameterProperties
tags The tags of the resource. ScheduleCreationParameterTags


Name Description Value
dailyRecurrence If the schedule will occur once each day of the week, specify the daily recurrence. DayDetails
hourlyRecurrence If the schedule will occur multiple times a day, specify the hourly recurrence. HourDetails
notificationSettings Notification settings. NotificationSettings
status The status of the schedule (i.e. Enabled, Disabled) 'Disabled'
targetResourceId The resource ID to which the schedule belongs string
taskType The task type of the schedule (e.g. LabVmsShutdownTask, LabVmAutoStart). string
timeZoneId The time zone ID (e.g. China Standard Time, Greenland Standard Time, Pacific Standard time, etc.). The possible values for this property can be found in IReadOnlyCollection<string> TimeZoneConverter.TZConvert.KnownWindowsTimeZoneIds ( string
weeklyRecurrence If the schedule will occur only some days of the week, specify the weekly recurrence. WeekDetails


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
inboundNatRules The incoming NAT rules InboundNatRule[]


Name Description Value
time The time of the day the schedule will occur. string
weekdays The days of the week for which the schedule is set (e.g. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.). string[]

Usage Examples

Azure Quickstart Samples

The following Azure Quickstart templates contain Bicep samples for deploying this resource type.

Bicep File Description
Creates a lab in Azure DevTest Labs with a claimed VM This template creates a new DevTest Lab / DTL instance with a claimed Windows Server 2019 Datacenter VM in it. More Azure Resource Manager Quickstart Templates for Azure DevTest Labs available at

ARM template resource definition

The labs/virtualmachines resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualmachines resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualmachines",
  "apiVersion": "2018-09-15",
  "name": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "properties": {
    "allowClaim": "bool",
    "artifacts": [
        "artifactId": "string",
        "artifactTitle": "string",
        "deploymentStatusMessage": "string",
        "installTime": "string",
        "parameters": [
            "name": "string",
            "value": "string"
        "status": "string",
        "vmExtensionStatusMessage": "string"
    "createdDate": "string",
    "customImageId": "string",
    "dataDiskParameters": [
        "attachNewDataDiskOptions": {
          "diskName": "string",
          "diskSizeGiB": "int",
          "diskType": "string"
        "existingLabDiskId": "string",
        "hostCaching": "string"
    "disallowPublicIpAddress": "bool",
    "environmentId": "string",
    "expirationDate": "string",
    "galleryImageReference": {
      "offer": "string",
      "osType": "string",
      "publisher": "string",
      "sku": "string",
      "version": "string"
    "isAuthenticationWithSshKey": "bool",
    "labSubnetName": "string",
    "labVirtualNetworkId": "string",
    "networkInterface": {
      "dnsName": "string",
      "privateIpAddress": "string",
      "publicIpAddress": "string",
      "publicIpAddressId": "string",
      "rdpAuthority": "string",
      "sharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration": {
        "inboundNatRules": [
            "backendPort": "int",
            "frontendPort": "int",
            "transportProtocol": "string"
      "sshAuthority": "string",
      "subnetId": "string",
      "virtualNetworkId": "string"
    "notes": "string",
    "ownerObjectId": "string",
    "ownerUserPrincipalName": "string",
    "password": "string",
    "planId": "string",
    "scheduleParameters": [
        "name": "string",
        "properties": {
          "dailyRecurrence": {
            "time": "string"
          "hourlyRecurrence": {
            "minute": "int"
          "notificationSettings": {
            "emailRecipient": "string",
            "notificationLocale": "string",
            "status": "string",
            "timeInMinutes": "int",
            "webhookUrl": "string"
          "status": "string",
          "targetResourceId": "string",
          "taskType": "string",
          "timeZoneId": "string",
          "weeklyRecurrence": {
            "time": "string",
            "weekdays": [ "string" ]
        "tags": {
          "{customized property}": "string"
    "size": "string",
    "sshKey": "string",
    "storageType": "string",
    "userName": "string"
  "tags": {
    "{customized property}": "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
artifactId The artifact's identifier. string
artifactTitle The artifact's title. string
deploymentStatusMessage The status message from the deployment. string
installTime The time that the artifact starts to install on the virtual machine. string
parameters The parameters of the artifact. ArtifactParameterProperties[]
status The status of the artifact. string
vmExtensionStatusMessage The status message from the virtual machine extension. string


Name Description Value
name The name of the artifact parameter. string
value The value of the artifact parameter. string


Name Description Value
diskName The name of the disk to be attached. string
diskSizeGiB Size of the disk to be attached in Gibibytes. int
diskType The storage type for the disk (i.e. Standard, Premium). 'Premium'


Name Description Value
attachNewDataDiskOptions Specifies options to attach a new disk to the virtual machine. AttachNewDataDiskOptions
existingLabDiskId Specifies the existing lab disk id to attach to virtual machine. string
hostCaching Caching option for a data disk (i.e. None, ReadOnly, ReadWrite). 'None'


Name Description Value
time The time of day the schedule will occur. string


Name Description Value
offer The offer of the gallery image. string
osType The OS type of the gallery image. string
publisher The publisher of the gallery image. string
sku The SKU of the gallery image. string
version The version of the gallery image. string


Name Description Value
minute Minutes of the hour the schedule will run. int


Name Description Value
backendPort The port to which the external traffic will be redirected. int
frontendPort The external endpoint port of the inbound connection. Possible values range between 1 and 65535, inclusive. If unspecified, a value will be allocated automatically. int
transportProtocol The transport protocol for the endpoint. 'Tcp'


Name Description Value
allowClaim Indicates whether another user can take ownership of the virtual machine bool
artifacts The artifacts to be installed on the virtual machine. ArtifactInstallProperties[]
createdDate The creation date of the virtual machine. string
customImageId The custom image identifier of the virtual machine. string
dataDiskParameters New or existing data disks to attach to the virtual machine after creation DataDiskProperties[]
disallowPublicIpAddress Indicates whether the virtual machine is to be created without a public IP address. bool
environmentId The resource ID of the environment that contains this virtual machine, if any. string
expirationDate The expiration date for VM. string
galleryImageReference The Microsoft Azure Marketplace image reference of the virtual machine. GalleryImageReference
isAuthenticationWithSshKey Indicates whether this virtual machine uses an SSH key for authentication. bool
labSubnetName The lab subnet name of the virtual machine. string
labVirtualNetworkId The lab virtual network identifier of the virtual machine. string
networkInterface The network interface properties. NetworkInterfaceProperties
notes The notes of the virtual machine. string
ownerObjectId The object identifier of the owner of the virtual machine. string
ownerUserPrincipalName The user principal name of the virtual machine owner. string
password The password of the virtual machine administrator. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
planId The id of the plan associated with the virtual machine image string
scheduleParameters Virtual Machine schedules to be created ScheduleCreationParameter[]
size The size of the virtual machine. string
sshKey The SSH key of the virtual machine administrator. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
storageType Storage type to use for virtual machine (i.e. Standard, Premium). string
userName The user name of the virtual machine. string


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2018-09-15'
location The location of the resource. string
name The resource name string (required)
properties The properties of the resource. LabVirtualMachineProperties (required)
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
type The resource type 'Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualmachines'


Name Description Value
dnsName The DNS name. string
privateIpAddress The private IP address. string
publicIpAddress The public IP address. string
publicIpAddressId The resource ID of the public IP address. string
rdpAuthority The RdpAuthority property is a server DNS host name or IP address followed by the service port number for RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). string
sharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration The configuration for sharing a public IP address across multiple virtual machines. SharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration
sshAuthority The SshAuthority property is a server DNS host name or IP address followed by the service port number for SSH. string
subnetId The resource ID of the sub net. string
virtualNetworkId The resource ID of the virtual network. string


Name Description Value
emailRecipient The email recipient to send notifications to (can be a list of semi-colon separated email addresses). string
notificationLocale The locale to use when sending a notification (fallback for unsupported languages is EN). string
status If notifications are enabled for this schedule (i.e. Enabled, Disabled). 'Disabled'
timeInMinutes Time in minutes before event at which notification will be sent. int
webhookUrl The webhook URL to which the notification will be sent. string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
name The name of the virtual machine or environment string
properties The properties of the schedule. ScheduleCreationParameterProperties
tags The tags of the resource. ScheduleCreationParameterTags


Name Description Value
dailyRecurrence If the schedule will occur once each day of the week, specify the daily recurrence. DayDetails
hourlyRecurrence If the schedule will occur multiple times a day, specify the hourly recurrence. HourDetails
notificationSettings Notification settings. NotificationSettings
status The status of the schedule (i.e. Enabled, Disabled) 'Disabled'
targetResourceId The resource ID to which the schedule belongs string
taskType The task type of the schedule (e.g. LabVmsShutdownTask, LabVmAutoStart). string
timeZoneId The time zone ID (e.g. China Standard Time, Greenland Standard Time, Pacific Standard time, etc.). The possible values for this property can be found in IReadOnlyCollection<string> TimeZoneConverter.TZConvert.KnownWindowsTimeZoneIds ( string
weeklyRecurrence If the schedule will occur only some days of the week, specify the weekly recurrence. WeekDetails


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
inboundNatRules The incoming NAT rules InboundNatRule[]


Name Description Value
time The time of the day the schedule will occur. string
weekdays The days of the week for which the schedule is set (e.g. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.). string[]

Usage Examples

Azure Quickstart Templates

The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Creates a lab in Azure DevTest Labs with a claimed VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a new DevTest Lab / DTL instance with a claimed Windows Server 2019 Datacenter VM in it. More Azure Resource Manager Quickstart Templates for Azure DevTest Labs available at

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The labs/virtualmachines resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualmachines resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualmachines@2018-09-15"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  tags = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      allowClaim = bool
      artifacts = [
          artifactId = "string"
          artifactTitle = "string"
          deploymentStatusMessage = "string"
          installTime = "string"
          parameters = [
              name = "string"
              value = "string"
          status = "string"
          vmExtensionStatusMessage = "string"
      createdDate = "string"
      customImageId = "string"
      dataDiskParameters = [
          attachNewDataDiskOptions = {
            diskName = "string"
            diskSizeGiB = int
            diskType = "string"
          existingLabDiskId = "string"
          hostCaching = "string"
      disallowPublicIpAddress = bool
      environmentId = "string"
      expirationDate = "string"
      galleryImageReference = {
        offer = "string"
        osType = "string"
        publisher = "string"
        sku = "string"
        version = "string"
      isAuthenticationWithSshKey = bool
      labSubnetName = "string"
      labVirtualNetworkId = "string"
      networkInterface = {
        dnsName = "string"
        privateIpAddress = "string"
        publicIpAddress = "string"
        publicIpAddressId = "string"
        rdpAuthority = "string"
        sharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration = {
          inboundNatRules = [
              backendPort = int
              frontendPort = int
              transportProtocol = "string"
        sshAuthority = "string"
        subnetId = "string"
        virtualNetworkId = "string"
      notes = "string"
      ownerObjectId = "string"
      ownerUserPrincipalName = "string"
      password = "string"
      planId = "string"
      scheduleParameters = [
          name = "string"
          properties = {
            dailyRecurrence = {
              time = "string"
            hourlyRecurrence = {
              minute = int
            notificationSettings = {
              emailRecipient = "string"
              notificationLocale = "string"
              status = "string"
              timeInMinutes = int
              webhookUrl = "string"
            status = "string"
            targetResourceId = "string"
            taskType = "string"
            timeZoneId = "string"
            weeklyRecurrence = {
              time = "string"
              weekdays = [
          tags = {
            {customized property} = "string"
      size = "string"
      sshKey = "string"
      storageType = "string"
      userName = "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
artifactId The artifact's identifier. string
artifactTitle The artifact's title. string
deploymentStatusMessage The status message from the deployment. string
installTime The time that the artifact starts to install on the virtual machine. string
parameters The parameters of the artifact. ArtifactParameterProperties[]
status The status of the artifact. string
vmExtensionStatusMessage The status message from the virtual machine extension. string


Name Description Value
name The name of the artifact parameter. string
value The value of the artifact parameter. string


Name Description Value
diskName The name of the disk to be attached. string
diskSizeGiB Size of the disk to be attached in Gibibytes. int
diskType The storage type for the disk (i.e. Standard, Premium). 'Premium'


Name Description Value
attachNewDataDiskOptions Specifies options to attach a new disk to the virtual machine. AttachNewDataDiskOptions
existingLabDiskId Specifies the existing lab disk id to attach to virtual machine. string
hostCaching Caching option for a data disk (i.e. None, ReadOnly, ReadWrite). 'None'


Name Description Value
time The time of day the schedule will occur. string


Name Description Value
offer The offer of the gallery image. string
osType The OS type of the gallery image. string
publisher The publisher of the gallery image. string
sku The SKU of the gallery image. string
version The version of the gallery image. string


Name Description Value
minute Minutes of the hour the schedule will run. int


Name Description Value
backendPort The port to which the external traffic will be redirected. int
frontendPort The external endpoint port of the inbound connection. Possible values range between 1 and 65535, inclusive. If unspecified, a value will be allocated automatically. int
transportProtocol The transport protocol for the endpoint. 'Tcp'


Name Description Value
allowClaim Indicates whether another user can take ownership of the virtual machine bool
artifacts The artifacts to be installed on the virtual machine. ArtifactInstallProperties[]
createdDate The creation date of the virtual machine. string
customImageId The custom image identifier of the virtual machine. string
dataDiskParameters New or existing data disks to attach to the virtual machine after creation DataDiskProperties[]
disallowPublicIpAddress Indicates whether the virtual machine is to be created without a public IP address. bool
environmentId The resource ID of the environment that contains this virtual machine, if any. string
expirationDate The expiration date for VM. string
galleryImageReference The Microsoft Azure Marketplace image reference of the virtual machine. GalleryImageReference
isAuthenticationWithSshKey Indicates whether this virtual machine uses an SSH key for authentication. bool
labSubnetName The lab subnet name of the virtual machine. string
labVirtualNetworkId The lab virtual network identifier of the virtual machine. string
networkInterface The network interface properties. NetworkInterfaceProperties
notes The notes of the virtual machine. string
ownerObjectId The object identifier of the owner of the virtual machine. string
ownerUserPrincipalName The user principal name of the virtual machine owner. string
password The password of the virtual machine administrator. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
planId The id of the plan associated with the virtual machine image string
scheduleParameters Virtual Machine schedules to be created ScheduleCreationParameter[]
size The size of the virtual machine. string
sshKey The SSH key of the virtual machine administrator. string

Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter.
storageType Storage type to use for virtual machine (i.e. Standard, Premium). string
userName The user name of the virtual machine. string


Name Description Value
location The location of the resource. string
name The resource name string (required)
parent_id The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. ID for resource of type: labs
properties The properties of the resource. LabVirtualMachineProperties (required)
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values.
type The resource type "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualmachines@2018-09-15"


Name Description Value
dnsName The DNS name. string
privateIpAddress The private IP address. string
publicIpAddress The public IP address. string
publicIpAddressId The resource ID of the public IP address. string
rdpAuthority The RdpAuthority property is a server DNS host name or IP address followed by the service port number for RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). string
sharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration The configuration for sharing a public IP address across multiple virtual machines. SharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration
sshAuthority The SshAuthority property is a server DNS host name or IP address followed by the service port number for SSH. string
subnetId The resource ID of the sub net. string
virtualNetworkId The resource ID of the virtual network. string


Name Description Value
emailRecipient The email recipient to send notifications to (can be a list of semi-colon separated email addresses). string
notificationLocale The locale to use when sending a notification (fallback for unsupported languages is EN). string
status If notifications are enabled for this schedule (i.e. Enabled, Disabled). 'Disabled'
timeInMinutes Time in minutes before event at which notification will be sent. int
webhookUrl The webhook URL to which the notification will be sent. string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
name The name of the virtual machine or environment string
properties The properties of the schedule. ScheduleCreationParameterProperties
tags The tags of the resource. ScheduleCreationParameterTags


Name Description Value
dailyRecurrence If the schedule will occur once each day of the week, specify the daily recurrence. DayDetails
hourlyRecurrence If the schedule will occur multiple times a day, specify the hourly recurrence. HourDetails
notificationSettings Notification settings. NotificationSettings
status The status of the schedule (i.e. Enabled, Disabled) 'Disabled'
targetResourceId The resource ID to which the schedule belongs string
taskType The task type of the schedule (e.g. LabVmsShutdownTask, LabVmAutoStart). string
timeZoneId The time zone ID (e.g. China Standard Time, Greenland Standard Time, Pacific Standard time, etc.). The possible values for this property can be found in IReadOnlyCollection<string> TimeZoneConverter.TZConvert.KnownWindowsTimeZoneIds ( string
weeklyRecurrence If the schedule will occur only some days of the week, specify the weekly recurrence. WeekDetails


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
inboundNatRules The incoming NAT rules InboundNatRule[]


Name Description Value
time The time of the day the schedule will occur. string
weekdays The days of the week for which the schedule is set (e.g. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.). string[]