Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL flexibleServers
Bicep resource definition
The flexibleServers resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2024-11-01-preview' = {
identity: {
principalId: 'string'
type: 'string'
userAssignedIdentities: {
{customized property}: {
clientId: 'string'
principalId: 'string'
location: 'string'
name: 'string'
properties: {
administratorLogin: 'string'
administratorLoginPassword: 'string'
authConfig: {
activeDirectoryAuth: 'string'
passwordAuth: 'string'
tenantId: 'string'
availabilityZone: 'string'
backup: {
backupRetentionDays: int
geoRedundantBackup: 'string'
cluster: {
clusterSize: int
createMode: 'string'
dataEncryption: {
geoBackupKeyURI: 'string'
geoBackupUserAssignedIdentityId: 'string'
primaryKeyURI: 'string'
primaryUserAssignedIdentityId: 'string'
type: 'string'
highAvailability: {
mode: 'string'
standbyAvailabilityZone: 'string'
maintenanceWindow: {
customWindow: 'string'
dayOfWeek: int
startHour: int
startMinute: int
network: {
delegatedSubnetResourceId: 'string'
privateDnsZoneArmResourceId: 'string'
publicNetworkAccess: 'string'
pointInTimeUTC: 'string'
replica: {
promoteMode: 'string'
promoteOption: 'string'
role: 'string'
replicationRole: 'string'
sourceServerResourceId: 'string'
storage: {
autoGrow: 'string'
iops: int
storageSizeGB: int
throughput: int
tier: 'string'
type: 'string'
version: 'string'
sku: {
name: 'string'
tier: 'string'
tags: {
{customized property}: 'string'
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
activeDirectoryAuth | If Enabled, Azure Active Directory authentication is enabled. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
passwordAuth | If Enabled, Password authentication is enabled. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
tenantId | Tenant id of the server. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
backupRetentionDays | Backup retention days for the server. | int |
geoRedundantBackup | A value indicating whether Geo-Redundant backup is enabled on the server. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
Name | Description | Value |
clusterSize | The node count for the cluster. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
geoBackupKeyURI | URI for the key in keyvault for data encryption for geo-backup of server. | string |
geoBackupUserAssignedIdentityId | Resource Id for the User assigned identity to be used for data encryption for geo-backup of server. | string |
primaryKeyURI | URI for the key in keyvault for data encryption of the primary server. | string |
primaryUserAssignedIdentityId | Resource Id for the User assigned identity to be used for data encryption of the primary server. | string |
type | Data encryption type to depict if it is System Managed vs Azure Key vault. | 'AzureKeyVault' 'SystemManaged' |
Name | Description | Value |
mode | The HA mode for the server. | 'Disabled' 'SameZone' 'ZoneRedundant' |
standbyAvailabilityZone | availability zone information of the standby. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
customWindow | indicates whether custom window is enabled or disabled | string |
dayOfWeek | day of week for maintenance window | int |
startHour | start hour for maintenance window | int |
startMinute | start minute for maintenance window | int |
Name | Description | Value |
identity | Describes the identity of the application. | UserAssignedIdentity |
location | The geo-location where the resource lives | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string Constraints: Min length = 3 Max length = 63 Pattern = ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)* (required) |
properties | Properties of the server. | ServerProperties |
sku | The SKU (pricing tier) of the server. | Sku |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
Name | Description | Value |
delegatedSubnetResourceId | Delegated subnet arm resource id. This is required to be passed during create, in case we want the server to be VNET injected, i.e. Private access server. During update, pass this only if we want to update the value for Private DNS zone. | string |
privateDnsZoneArmResourceId | Private dns zone arm resource id. This is required to be passed during create, in case we want the server to be VNET injected, i.e. Private access server. During update, pass this only if we want to update the value for Private DNS zone. | string |
publicNetworkAccess | public network access is enabled or not | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
Name | Description | Value |
promoteMode | Sets the promote mode for a replica server. This is a write only property. | 'standalone' 'switchover' |
promoteOption | Sets the promote options for a replica server. This is a write only property. | 'forced' 'planned' |
role | Used to indicate role of the server in replication set. | 'AsyncReplica' 'GeoAsyncReplica' 'None' 'Primary' |
Name | Description | Value |
administratorLogin | The administrator's login name of a server. Can only be specified when the server is being created (and is required for creation). | string |
administratorLoginPassword | The administrator login password (required for server creation). | string Constraints: Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter. |
authConfig | AuthConfig properties of a server. | AuthConfig |
availabilityZone | availability zone information of the server. | string |
backup | Backup properties of a server. | Backup |
cluster | Cluster properties of a server. | Cluster |
createMode | The mode to create a new PostgreSQL server. | 'Create' 'Default' 'GeoRestore' 'PointInTimeRestore' 'Replica' 'ReviveDropped' 'Update' |
dataEncryption | Data encryption properties of a server. | DataEncryption |
highAvailability | High availability properties of a server. | HighAvailability |
maintenanceWindow | Maintenance window properties of a server. | MaintenanceWindow |
network | Network properties of a server. This Network property is required to be passed only in case you want the server to be Private access server. | Network |
pointInTimeUTC | Restore point creation time (ISO8601 format), specifying the time to restore from. It's required when 'createMode' is 'PointInTimeRestore' or 'GeoRestore' or 'ReviveDropped'. | string |
replica | Replica properties of a server. These Replica properties are required to be passed only in case you want to Promote a server. | Replica |
replicationRole | Replication role of the server | 'AsyncReplica' 'GeoAsyncReplica' 'None' 'Primary' |
sourceServerResourceId | The source server resource ID to restore from. It's required when 'createMode' is 'PointInTimeRestore' or 'GeoRestore' or 'Replica' or 'ReviveDropped'. This property is returned only for Replica server | string |
storage | Storage properties of a server. | Storage |
version | PostgreSQL Server version. | '11' '12' '13' '14' '15' '16' '17' |
Name | Description | Value |
name | The name of the sku, typically, tier + family + cores, e.g. Standard_D4s_v3. | string (required) |
tier | The tier of the particular SKU, e.g. Burstable. | 'Burstable' 'GeneralPurpose' 'MemoryOptimized' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
autoGrow | Flag to enable / disable Storage Auto grow for flexible server. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
iops | Storage tier IOPS quantity. This property is required to be set for storage Type PremiumV2_LRS and UltraSSD_LRS. | int |
storageSizeGB | Max storage allowed for a server. | int |
throughput | Storage throughput for the server. This is required to be set for storage Type PremiumV2_LRS and UltraSSD_LRS. | int |
tier | Name of storage tier for IOPS. | 'P1' 'P10' 'P15' 'P2' 'P20' 'P3' 'P30' 'P4' 'P40' 'P50' 'P6' 'P60' 'P70' 'P80' |
type | Storage type for the server. Allowed values are Premium_LRS, PremiumV2_LRS, and UltraSSD_LRS. Default is Premium_LRS if not specified | 'PremiumV2_LRS' 'Premium_LRS' 'UltraSSD_LRS' |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
principalId | the identity principal Id of the server. | string |
type | the types of identities associated with this resource | 'None' 'SystemAssigned' 'SystemAssigned,UserAssigned' 'UserAssigned' (required) |
userAssignedIdentities | represents user assigned identities map. | UserAssignedIdentityMap |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
clientId | the client identifier of the Service Principal which this identity represents. | string |
principalId | the object identifier of the Service Principal which this identity represents. | string |
Usage Examples
Azure Verified Modules
The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.
Module | Description |
DB for Postgre SQL Flexible Server | AVM Resource Module for DB for Postgre SQL Flexible Server |
Azure Quickstart Samples
The following Azure Quickstart templates contain Bicep samples for deploying this resource type.
Bicep File | Description |
Create PgFlex server & enable protection via Backup Vault | Template that creates a PostgreSQL Flexible Server and enables protection via Backup Vault |
Deploy Azure Database for PostgreSQL (flexible) with AAD | This template provides a way to deploy a Flexible server Azure database for PostgreSQL with AAD integration. |
Deploy Azure Database for PostgreSQL (flexible) with VNet | This template provides a way to deploy a Flexible server Azure database for PostgreSQL with VNet integration. |
SonarQube on Web App with PostgreSQL and VNet integration | This template provides easy to deploy SonarQube to Web App on Linux with PostgreSQL Flexible Server, VNet integration and private DNS. |
ARM template resource definition
The flexibleServers resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"type": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers",
"apiVersion": "2024-11-01-preview",
"name": "string",
"identity": {
"principalId": "string",
"type": "string",
"userAssignedIdentities": {
"{customized property}": {
"clientId": "string",
"principalId": "string"
"location": "string",
"properties": {
"administratorLogin": "string",
"administratorLoginPassword": "string",
"authConfig": {
"activeDirectoryAuth": "string",
"passwordAuth": "string",
"tenantId": "string"
"availabilityZone": "string",
"backup": {
"backupRetentionDays": "int",
"geoRedundantBackup": "string"
"cluster": {
"clusterSize": "int"
"createMode": "string",
"dataEncryption": {
"geoBackupKeyURI": "string",
"geoBackupUserAssignedIdentityId": "string",
"primaryKeyURI": "string",
"primaryUserAssignedIdentityId": "string",
"type": "string"
"highAvailability": {
"mode": "string",
"standbyAvailabilityZone": "string"
"maintenanceWindow": {
"customWindow": "string",
"dayOfWeek": "int",
"startHour": "int",
"startMinute": "int"
"network": {
"delegatedSubnetResourceId": "string",
"privateDnsZoneArmResourceId": "string",
"publicNetworkAccess": "string"
"pointInTimeUTC": "string",
"replica": {
"promoteMode": "string",
"promoteOption": "string",
"role": "string"
"replicationRole": "string",
"sourceServerResourceId": "string",
"storage": {
"autoGrow": "string",
"iops": "int",
"storageSizeGB": "int",
"throughput": "int",
"tier": "string",
"type": "string"
"version": "string"
"sku": {
"name": "string",
"tier": "string"
"tags": {
"{customized property}": "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
activeDirectoryAuth | If Enabled, Azure Active Directory authentication is enabled. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
passwordAuth | If Enabled, Password authentication is enabled. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
tenantId | Tenant id of the server. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
backupRetentionDays | Backup retention days for the server. | int |
geoRedundantBackup | A value indicating whether Geo-Redundant backup is enabled on the server. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
Name | Description | Value |
clusterSize | The node count for the cluster. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
geoBackupKeyURI | URI for the key in keyvault for data encryption for geo-backup of server. | string |
geoBackupUserAssignedIdentityId | Resource Id for the User assigned identity to be used for data encryption for geo-backup of server. | string |
primaryKeyURI | URI for the key in keyvault for data encryption of the primary server. | string |
primaryUserAssignedIdentityId | Resource Id for the User assigned identity to be used for data encryption of the primary server. | string |
type | Data encryption type to depict if it is System Managed vs Azure Key vault. | 'AzureKeyVault' 'SystemManaged' |
Name | Description | Value |
mode | The HA mode for the server. | 'Disabled' 'SameZone' 'ZoneRedundant' |
standbyAvailabilityZone | availability zone information of the standby. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
customWindow | indicates whether custom window is enabled or disabled | string |
dayOfWeek | day of week for maintenance window | int |
startHour | start hour for maintenance window | int |
startMinute | start minute for maintenance window | int |
Name | Description | Value |
apiVersion | The api version | '2024-11-01-preview' |
identity | Describes the identity of the application. | UserAssignedIdentity |
location | The geo-location where the resource lives | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string Constraints: Min length = 3 Max length = 63 Pattern = ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)* (required) |
properties | Properties of the server. | ServerProperties |
sku | The SKU (pricing tier) of the server. | Sku |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
type | The resource type | 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers' |
Name | Description | Value |
delegatedSubnetResourceId | Delegated subnet arm resource id. This is required to be passed during create, in case we want the server to be VNET injected, i.e. Private access server. During update, pass this only if we want to update the value for Private DNS zone. | string |
privateDnsZoneArmResourceId | Private dns zone arm resource id. This is required to be passed during create, in case we want the server to be VNET injected, i.e. Private access server. During update, pass this only if we want to update the value for Private DNS zone. | string |
publicNetworkAccess | public network access is enabled or not | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
Name | Description | Value |
promoteMode | Sets the promote mode for a replica server. This is a write only property. | 'standalone' 'switchover' |
promoteOption | Sets the promote options for a replica server. This is a write only property. | 'forced' 'planned' |
role | Used to indicate role of the server in replication set. | 'AsyncReplica' 'GeoAsyncReplica' 'None' 'Primary' |
Name | Description | Value |
administratorLogin | The administrator's login name of a server. Can only be specified when the server is being created (and is required for creation). | string |
administratorLoginPassword | The administrator login password (required for server creation). | string Constraints: Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter. |
authConfig | AuthConfig properties of a server. | AuthConfig |
availabilityZone | availability zone information of the server. | string |
backup | Backup properties of a server. | Backup |
cluster | Cluster properties of a server. | Cluster |
createMode | The mode to create a new PostgreSQL server. | 'Create' 'Default' 'GeoRestore' 'PointInTimeRestore' 'Replica' 'ReviveDropped' 'Update' |
dataEncryption | Data encryption properties of a server. | DataEncryption |
highAvailability | High availability properties of a server. | HighAvailability |
maintenanceWindow | Maintenance window properties of a server. | MaintenanceWindow |
network | Network properties of a server. This Network property is required to be passed only in case you want the server to be Private access server. | Network |
pointInTimeUTC | Restore point creation time (ISO8601 format), specifying the time to restore from. It's required when 'createMode' is 'PointInTimeRestore' or 'GeoRestore' or 'ReviveDropped'. | string |
replica | Replica properties of a server. These Replica properties are required to be passed only in case you want to Promote a server. | Replica |
replicationRole | Replication role of the server | 'AsyncReplica' 'GeoAsyncReplica' 'None' 'Primary' |
sourceServerResourceId | The source server resource ID to restore from. It's required when 'createMode' is 'PointInTimeRestore' or 'GeoRestore' or 'Replica' or 'ReviveDropped'. This property is returned only for Replica server | string |
storage | Storage properties of a server. | Storage |
version | PostgreSQL Server version. | '11' '12' '13' '14' '15' '16' '17' |
Name | Description | Value |
name | The name of the sku, typically, tier + family + cores, e.g. Standard_D4s_v3. | string (required) |
tier | The tier of the particular SKU, e.g. Burstable. | 'Burstable' 'GeneralPurpose' 'MemoryOptimized' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
autoGrow | Flag to enable / disable Storage Auto grow for flexible server. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
iops | Storage tier IOPS quantity. This property is required to be set for storage Type PremiumV2_LRS and UltraSSD_LRS. | int |
storageSizeGB | Max storage allowed for a server. | int |
throughput | Storage throughput for the server. This is required to be set for storage Type PremiumV2_LRS and UltraSSD_LRS. | int |
tier | Name of storage tier for IOPS. | 'P1' 'P10' 'P15' 'P2' 'P20' 'P3' 'P30' 'P4' 'P40' 'P50' 'P6' 'P60' 'P70' 'P80' |
type | Storage type for the server. Allowed values are Premium_LRS, PremiumV2_LRS, and UltraSSD_LRS. Default is Premium_LRS if not specified | 'PremiumV2_LRS' 'Premium_LRS' 'UltraSSD_LRS' |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
principalId | the identity principal Id of the server. | string |
type | the types of identities associated with this resource | 'None' 'SystemAssigned' 'SystemAssigned,UserAssigned' 'UserAssigned' (required) |
userAssignedIdentities | represents user assigned identities map. | UserAssignedIdentityMap |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
clientId | the client identifier of the Service Principal which this identity represents. | string |
principalId | the object identifier of the Service Principal which this identity represents. | string |
Usage Examples
Azure Quickstart Templates
The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.
Template | Description |
Create PgFlex server & enable protection via Backup Vault |
Template that creates a PostgreSQL Flexible Server and enables protection via Backup Vault |
Deploy Azure Database for PostgreSQL (flexible) with AAD |
This template provides a way to deploy a Flexible server Azure database for PostgreSQL with AAD integration. |
Deploy Azure Database for PostgreSQL (flexible) with VNet |
This template provides a way to deploy a Flexible server Azure database for PostgreSQL with VNet integration. |
SonarQube on Web App with PostgreSQL and VNet integration |
This template provides easy to deploy SonarQube to Web App on Linux with PostgreSQL Flexible Server, VNet integration and private DNS. |
Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition
The flexibleServers resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
type = "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2024-11-01-preview"
name = "string"
identity = {
principalId = "string"
type = "string"
userAssignedIdentities = {
{customized property} = {
clientId = "string"
principalId = "string"
location = "string"
sku = {
name = "string"
tier = "string"
tags = {
{customized property} = "string"
body = jsonencode({
properties = {
administratorLogin = "string"
administratorLoginPassword = "string"
authConfig = {
activeDirectoryAuth = "string"
passwordAuth = "string"
tenantId = "string"
availabilityZone = "string"
backup = {
backupRetentionDays = int
geoRedundantBackup = "string"
cluster = {
clusterSize = int
createMode = "string"
dataEncryption = {
geoBackupKeyURI = "string"
geoBackupUserAssignedIdentityId = "string"
primaryKeyURI = "string"
primaryUserAssignedIdentityId = "string"
type = "string"
highAvailability = {
mode = "string"
standbyAvailabilityZone = "string"
maintenanceWindow = {
customWindow = "string"
dayOfWeek = int
startHour = int
startMinute = int
network = {
delegatedSubnetResourceId = "string"
privateDnsZoneArmResourceId = "string"
publicNetworkAccess = "string"
pointInTimeUTC = "string"
replica = {
promoteMode = "string"
promoteOption = "string"
role = "string"
replicationRole = "string"
sourceServerResourceId = "string"
storage = {
autoGrow = "string"
iops = int
storageSizeGB = int
throughput = int
tier = "string"
type = "string"
version = "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
activeDirectoryAuth | If Enabled, Azure Active Directory authentication is enabled. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
passwordAuth | If Enabled, Password authentication is enabled. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
tenantId | Tenant id of the server. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
backupRetentionDays | Backup retention days for the server. | int |
geoRedundantBackup | A value indicating whether Geo-Redundant backup is enabled on the server. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
Name | Description | Value |
clusterSize | The node count for the cluster. | int |
Name | Description | Value |
geoBackupKeyURI | URI for the key in keyvault for data encryption for geo-backup of server. | string |
geoBackupUserAssignedIdentityId | Resource Id for the User assigned identity to be used for data encryption for geo-backup of server. | string |
primaryKeyURI | URI for the key in keyvault for data encryption of the primary server. | string |
primaryUserAssignedIdentityId | Resource Id for the User assigned identity to be used for data encryption of the primary server. | string |
type | Data encryption type to depict if it is System Managed vs Azure Key vault. | 'AzureKeyVault' 'SystemManaged' |
Name | Description | Value |
mode | The HA mode for the server. | 'Disabled' 'SameZone' 'ZoneRedundant' |
standbyAvailabilityZone | availability zone information of the standby. | string |
Name | Description | Value |
customWindow | indicates whether custom window is enabled or disabled | string |
dayOfWeek | day of week for maintenance window | int |
startHour | start hour for maintenance window | int |
startMinute | start minute for maintenance window | int |
Name | Description | Value |
identity | Describes the identity of the application. | UserAssignedIdentity |
location | The geo-location where the resource lives | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string Constraints: Min length = 3 Max length = 63 Pattern = ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)* (required) |
properties | Properties of the server. | ServerProperties |
sku | The SKU (pricing tier) of the server. | Sku |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. |
type | The resource type | "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2024-11-01-preview" |
Name | Description | Value |
delegatedSubnetResourceId | Delegated subnet arm resource id. This is required to be passed during create, in case we want the server to be VNET injected, i.e. Private access server. During update, pass this only if we want to update the value for Private DNS zone. | string |
privateDnsZoneArmResourceId | Private dns zone arm resource id. This is required to be passed during create, in case we want the server to be VNET injected, i.e. Private access server. During update, pass this only if we want to update the value for Private DNS zone. | string |
publicNetworkAccess | public network access is enabled or not | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
Name | Description | Value |
promoteMode | Sets the promote mode for a replica server. This is a write only property. | 'standalone' 'switchover' |
promoteOption | Sets the promote options for a replica server. This is a write only property. | 'forced' 'planned' |
role | Used to indicate role of the server in replication set. | 'AsyncReplica' 'GeoAsyncReplica' 'None' 'Primary' |
Name | Description | Value |
administratorLogin | The administrator's login name of a server. Can only be specified when the server is being created (and is required for creation). | string |
administratorLoginPassword | The administrator login password (required for server creation). | string Constraints: Sensitive value. Pass in as a secure parameter. |
authConfig | AuthConfig properties of a server. | AuthConfig |
availabilityZone | availability zone information of the server. | string |
backup | Backup properties of a server. | Backup |
cluster | Cluster properties of a server. | Cluster |
createMode | The mode to create a new PostgreSQL server. | 'Create' 'Default' 'GeoRestore' 'PointInTimeRestore' 'Replica' 'ReviveDropped' 'Update' |
dataEncryption | Data encryption properties of a server. | DataEncryption |
highAvailability | High availability properties of a server. | HighAvailability |
maintenanceWindow | Maintenance window properties of a server. | MaintenanceWindow |
network | Network properties of a server. This Network property is required to be passed only in case you want the server to be Private access server. | Network |
pointInTimeUTC | Restore point creation time (ISO8601 format), specifying the time to restore from. It's required when 'createMode' is 'PointInTimeRestore' or 'GeoRestore' or 'ReviveDropped'. | string |
replica | Replica properties of a server. These Replica properties are required to be passed only in case you want to Promote a server. | Replica |
replicationRole | Replication role of the server | 'AsyncReplica' 'GeoAsyncReplica' 'None' 'Primary' |
sourceServerResourceId | The source server resource ID to restore from. It's required when 'createMode' is 'PointInTimeRestore' or 'GeoRestore' or 'Replica' or 'ReviveDropped'. This property is returned only for Replica server | string |
storage | Storage properties of a server. | Storage |
version | PostgreSQL Server version. | '11' '12' '13' '14' '15' '16' '17' |
Name | Description | Value |
name | The name of the sku, typically, tier + family + cores, e.g. Standard_D4s_v3. | string (required) |
tier | The tier of the particular SKU, e.g. Burstable. | 'Burstable' 'GeneralPurpose' 'MemoryOptimized' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
autoGrow | Flag to enable / disable Storage Auto grow for flexible server. | 'Disabled' 'Enabled' |
iops | Storage tier IOPS quantity. This property is required to be set for storage Type PremiumV2_LRS and UltraSSD_LRS. | int |
storageSizeGB | Max storage allowed for a server. | int |
throughput | Storage throughput for the server. This is required to be set for storage Type PremiumV2_LRS and UltraSSD_LRS. | int |
tier | Name of storage tier for IOPS. | 'P1' 'P10' 'P15' 'P2' 'P20' 'P3' 'P30' 'P4' 'P40' 'P50' 'P6' 'P60' 'P70' 'P80' |
type | Storage type for the server. Allowed values are Premium_LRS, PremiumV2_LRS, and UltraSSD_LRS. Default is Premium_LRS if not specified | 'PremiumV2_LRS' 'Premium_LRS' 'UltraSSD_LRS' |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
principalId | the identity principal Id of the server. | string |
type | the types of identities associated with this resource | 'None' 'SystemAssigned' 'SystemAssigned,UserAssigned' 'UserAssigned' (required) |
userAssignedIdentities | represents user assigned identities map. | UserAssignedIdentityMap |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
clientId | the client identifier of the Service Principal which this identity represents. | string |
principalId | the object identifier of the Service Principal which this identity represents. | string |
Usage Examples
Azure Verified Modules
The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.
Module | Description |
DB for Postgre SQL Flexible Server | AVM Resource Module for DB for Postgre SQL Flexible Server |