Microsoft.Consumption budgets 2021-10-01

Bicep resource definition

The budgets resource type is an extension resource, which means you can apply it to another resource.

Use the scope property on this resource to set the scope for this resource. See Set scope on extension resources in Bicep.

Valid deployment scopes for the budgets resource are:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Consumption/budgets resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Consumption/budgets@2021-10-01' = {
  name: 'string'
  scope: resourceSymbolicName
  eTag: 'string'
  properties: {
    amount: int
    category: 'Cost'
    filter: {
      and: [
          dimensions: {
            name: 'string'
            operator: 'In'
            values: [
          tags: {
            name: 'string'
            operator: 'In'
            values: [
      dimensions: {
        name: 'string'
        operator: 'In'
        values: [
      tags: {
        name: 'string'
        operator: 'In'
        values: [
    notifications: {}
    timeGrain: 'string'
    timePeriod: {
      endDate: 'string'
      startDate: 'string'

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 1-63

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
scope Use when creating an extension resource at a scope that is different than the deployment scope. Target resource

For Bicep, set this property to the symbolic name of the resource to apply the extension resource.
eTag eTag of the resource. To handle concurrent update scenario, this field will be used to determine whether the user is updating the latest version or not. string
properties The properties of the budget. BudgetProperties


Name Description Value
amount The total amount of cost to track with the budget int (required)
category The category of the budget, whether the budget tracks cost or usage. 'Cost' (required)
filter May be used to filter budgets by user-specified dimensions and/or tags. BudgetFilter
notifications Dictionary of notifications associated with the budget. Budget can have up to five notifications. object
timeGrain The time covered by a budget. Tracking of the amount will be reset based on the time grain. BillingMonth, BillingQuarter, and BillingAnnual are only supported by WD customers 'Annually'
'Quarterly' (required)
timePeriod Has start and end date of the budget. The start date must be first of the month and should be less than the end date. Budget start date must be on or after June 1, 2017. Future start date should not be more than twelve months. Past start date should be selected within the timegrain period. There are no restrictions on the end date. BudgetTimePeriod (required)


Name Description Value
and The logical "AND" expression. Must have at least 2 items. BudgetFilterProperties[]
dimensions Has comparison expression for a dimension BudgetComparisonExpression
tags Has comparison expression for a tag object


Name Description Value
dimensions Has comparison expression for a dimension BudgetComparisonExpression
tags Has comparison expression for a tag object


Name Description Value
name The name of the column to use in comparison. string (required)
operator The operator to use for comparison. 'In' (required)
values Array of values to use for comparison string[] (required)


Name Description Value
endDate The end date for the budget. If not provided, we default this to 10 years from the start date. string
startDate The start date for the budget. string (required)

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create a Budget

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a budget under a subscription.
Create a Budget with Filter

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a budget under a subscription.
Create a Simple Budget

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a budget under a subscription.

ARM template resource definition

The budgets resource type is an extension resource, which means you can apply it to another resource.

Use the scope property on this resource to set the scope for this resource. See Set scope on extension resources in ARM templates.

Valid deployment scopes for the budgets resource are:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Consumption/budgets resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Consumption/budgets",
  "apiVersion": "2021-10-01",
  "name": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "eTag": "string",
  "properties": {
    "amount": "int",
    "category": "Cost",
    "filter": {
      "and": [
          "dimensions": {
            "name": "string",
            "operator": "In",
            "values": [ "string" ]
          "tags": {
            "name": "string",
            "operator": "In",
            "values": [ "string" ]
      "dimensions": {
        "name": "string",
        "operator": "In",
        "values": [ "string" ]
      "tags": {
        "name": "string",
        "operator": "In",
        "values": [ "string" ]
    "notifications": {},
    "timeGrain": "string",
    "timePeriod": {
      "endDate": "string",
      "startDate": "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Consumption/budgets'
apiVersion The resource api version '2021-10-01'
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 1-63

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
scope Use when creating an extension resource at a scope that is different than the deployment scope. Target resource

For JSON, set the value to the full name of the resource to apply the extension resource to.
eTag eTag of the resource. To handle concurrent update scenario, this field will be used to determine whether the user is updating the latest version or not. string
properties The properties of the budget. BudgetProperties


Name Description Value
amount The total amount of cost to track with the budget int (required)
category The category of the budget, whether the budget tracks cost or usage. 'Cost' (required)
filter May be used to filter budgets by user-specified dimensions and/or tags. BudgetFilter
notifications Dictionary of notifications associated with the budget. Budget can have up to five notifications. object
timeGrain The time covered by a budget. Tracking of the amount will be reset based on the time grain. BillingMonth, BillingQuarter, and BillingAnnual are only supported by WD customers 'Annually'
'Quarterly' (required)
timePeriod Has start and end date of the budget. The start date must be first of the month and should be less than the end date. Budget start date must be on or after June 1, 2017. Future start date should not be more than twelve months. Past start date should be selected within the timegrain period. There are no restrictions on the end date. BudgetTimePeriod (required)


Name Description Value
and The logical "AND" expression. Must have at least 2 items. BudgetFilterProperties[]
dimensions Has comparison expression for a dimension BudgetComparisonExpression
tags Has comparison expression for a tag object


Name Description Value
dimensions Has comparison expression for a dimension BudgetComparisonExpression
tags Has comparison expression for a tag object


Name Description Value
name The name of the column to use in comparison. string (required)
operator The operator to use for comparison. 'In' (required)
values Array of values to use for comparison string[] (required)


Name Description Value
endDate The end date for the budget. If not provided, we default this to 10 years from the start date. string
startDate The start date for the budget. string (required)

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create a Budget

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a budget under a subscription.
Create a Budget with Filter

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a budget under a subscription.
Create a Simple Budget

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a budget under a subscription.

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The budgets resource type is an extension resource, which means you can apply it to another resource.

Use the parent_id property on this resource to set the scope for this resource.

Valid deployment scopes for the budgets resource are:

  • Resource groups
  • Subscriptions

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Consumption/budgets resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Consumption/budgets@2021-10-01"
  name = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      amount = int
      category = "Cost"
      filter = {
        and = [
            dimensions = {
              name = "string"
              operator = "In"
              values = [
            tags = {
              name = "string"
              operator = "In"
              values = [
        dimensions = {
          name = "string"
          operator = "In"
          values = [
        tags = {
          name = "string"
          operator = "In"
          values = [
      notifications = {}
      timeGrain = "string"
      timePeriod = {
        endDate = "string"
        startDate = "string"
    eTag = "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.Consumption/budgets@2021-10-01"
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 1-63

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
parent_id The ID of the resource to apply this extension resource to. string (required)
eTag eTag of the resource. To handle concurrent update scenario, this field will be used to determine whether the user is updating the latest version or not. string
properties The properties of the budget. BudgetProperties


Name Description Value
amount The total amount of cost to track with the budget int (required)
category The category of the budget, whether the budget tracks cost or usage. "Cost" (required)
filter May be used to filter budgets by user-specified dimensions and/or tags. BudgetFilter
notifications Dictionary of notifications associated with the budget. Budget can have up to five notifications. object
timeGrain The time covered by a budget. Tracking of the amount will be reset based on the time grain. BillingMonth, BillingQuarter, and BillingAnnual are only supported by WD customers "Annually"
"Quarterly" (required)
timePeriod Has start and end date of the budget. The start date must be first of the month and should be less than the end date. Budget start date must be on or after June 1, 2017. Future start date should not be more than twelve months. Past start date should be selected within the timegrain period. There are no restrictions on the end date. BudgetTimePeriod (required)


Name Description Value
and The logical "AND" expression. Must have at least 2 items. BudgetFilterProperties[]
dimensions Has comparison expression for a dimension BudgetComparisonExpression
tags Has comparison expression for a tag object


Name Description Value
dimensions Has comparison expression for a dimension BudgetComparisonExpression
tags Has comparison expression for a tag object


Name Description Value
name The name of the column to use in comparison. string (required)
operator The operator to use for comparison. "In" (required)
values Array of values to use for comparison string[] (required)


Name Description Value
endDate The end date for the budget. If not provided, we default this to 10 years from the start date. string
startDate The start date for the budget. string (required)