Microsoft.CognitiveServices accounts

Bicep resource definition

The accounts resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts@2024-10-01' = {
  identity: {
    type: 'string'
    userAssignedIdentities: {
      {customized property}: {}
  kind: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  name: 'string'
  properties: {
    allowedFqdnList: [
    amlWorkspace: {
      identityClientId: 'string'
      resourceId: 'string'
    apiProperties: {
      aadClientId: 'string'
      aadTenantId: 'string'
      eventHubConnectionString: 'string'
      qnaAzureSearchEndpointId: 'string'
      qnaAzureSearchEndpointKey: 'string'
      qnaRuntimeEndpoint: 'string'
      statisticsEnabled: bool
      storageAccountConnectionString: 'string'
      superUser: 'string'
      websiteName: 'string'
    customSubDomainName: 'string'
    disableLocalAuth: bool
    dynamicThrottlingEnabled: bool
    encryption: {
      keySource: 'string'
      keyVaultProperties: {
        identityClientId: 'string'
        keyName: 'string'
        keyVaultUri: 'string'
        keyVersion: 'string'
    locations: {
      regions: [
          customsubdomain: 'string'
          name: 'string'
          value: int
      routingMethod: 'string'
    migrationToken: 'string'
    networkAcls: {
      bypass: 'string'
      defaultAction: 'string'
      ipRules: [
          value: 'string'
      virtualNetworkRules: [
          id: 'string'
          ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint: bool
          state: 'string'
    publicNetworkAccess: 'string'
    raiMonitorConfig: {
      adxStorageResourceId: 'string'
      identityClientId: 'string'
    restore: bool
    restrictOutboundNetworkAccess: bool
    userOwnedStorage: [
        identityClientId: 'string'
        resourceId: 'string'
  sku: {
    capacity: int
    family: 'string'
    name: 'string'
    size: 'string'
    tier: 'string'
  tags: {
    {customized property}: 'string'

Property Values


Name Description Value
allowedFqdnList string[]
amlWorkspace The user owned AML workspace properties. UserOwnedAmlWorkspace
apiProperties The api properties for special APIs. ApiProperties
customSubDomainName Optional subdomain name used for token-based authentication. string
disableLocalAuth bool
dynamicThrottlingEnabled The flag to enable dynamic throttling. bool
encryption The encryption properties for this resource. Encryption
locations The multiregion settings of Cognitive Services account. MultiRegionSettings
migrationToken Resource migration token. string
networkAcls A collection of rules governing the accessibility from specific network locations. NetworkRuleSet
publicNetworkAccess Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this account. 'Disabled'
raiMonitorConfig Cognitive Services Rai Monitor Config. RaiMonitorConfig
restore bool
restrictOutboundNetworkAccess bool
userOwnedStorage The storage accounts for this resource. UserOwnedStorage[]


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
aadClientId (Metrics Advisor Only) The Azure AD Client Id (Application Id). string

Max length = 500
aadTenantId (Metrics Advisor Only) The Azure AD Tenant Id. string

Max length = 500
eventHubConnectionString (Personalization Only) The flag to enable statistics of Bing Search. string

Max length = 1000
Pattern = ^( *)Endpoint=sb://(.*);( *)SharedAccessKeyName=(.*);( *)SharedAccessKey=(.*)$
qnaAzureSearchEndpointId (QnAMaker Only) The Azure Search endpoint id of QnAMaker. string
qnaAzureSearchEndpointKey (QnAMaker Only) The Azure Search endpoint key of QnAMaker. string
qnaRuntimeEndpoint (QnAMaker Only) The runtime endpoint of QnAMaker. string
statisticsEnabled (Bing Search Only) The flag to enable statistics of Bing Search. bool
storageAccountConnectionString (Personalization Only) The storage account connection string. string

Max length = 1000
Pattern = ^(( *)DefaultEndpointsProtocol=(http|https)( *);( *))?AccountName=(.*)AccountKey=(.*)EndpointSuffix=(.*)$
superUser (Metrics Advisor Only) The super user of Metrics Advisor. string

Max length = 500
websiteName (Metrics Advisor Only) The website name of Metrics Advisor. string

Max length = 500


Name Description Value
keySource Enumerates the possible value of keySource for Encryption 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices'
keyVaultProperties Properties of KeyVault KeyVaultProperties


Name Description Value
type The identity type. 'None'
'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned'
userAssignedIdentities The list of user assigned identities associated with the resource. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName} IdentityUserAssignedIdentities


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
value An IPv4 address range in CIDR notation, such as '' (simple IP address) or '' (all addresses that start with 124.56.78). string (required)


Name Description Value
identityClientId string
keyName Name of the Key from KeyVault string
keyVaultUri Uri of KeyVault string
keyVersion Version of the Key from KeyVault string


Name Description Value
identity Identity for the resource. Identity
kind The Kind of the resource. string
location The geo-location where the resource lives string
name The resource name string

Min length = 2
Max length = 64
Pattern = ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$ (required)
properties Properties of Cognitive Services account. AccountProperties
sku The resource model definition representing SKU Sku
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates


Name Description Value
regions RegionSetting[]
routingMethod Multiregion routing methods. 'Performance'


Name Description Value
bypass Setting for trusted services. 'AzureServices'
defaultAction The default action when no rule from ipRules and from virtualNetworkRules match. This is only used after the bypass property has been evaluated. 'Allow'
ipRules The list of IP address rules. IpRule[]
virtualNetworkRules The list of virtual network rules. VirtualNetworkRule[]


Name Description Value
adxStorageResourceId The storage resource Id. string
identityClientId The identity client Id to access the storage. string


Name Description Value
customsubdomain Maps the region to the regional custom subdomain. string
name Name of the region. string
value A value for priority or weighted routing methods. int


Name Description Value
capacity If the SKU supports scale out/in then the capacity integer should be included. If scale out/in is not possible for the resource this may be omitted. int
family If the service has different generations of hardware, for the same SKU, then that can be captured here. string
name The name of the SKU. Ex - P3. It is typically a letter+number code string (required)
size The SKU size. When the name field is the combination of tier and some other value, this would be the standalone code. string
tier This field is required to be implemented by the Resource Provider if the service has more than one tier, but is not required on a PUT. 'Basic'


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
identityClientId Identity Client id of a AML workspace resource. string
resourceId Full resource id of a AML workspace resource. string


Name Description Value
identityClientId string
resourceId Full resource id of a Microsoft.Storage resource. string


Name Description Value
id Full resource id of a vnet subnet, such as '/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/test-vnet/subnets/subnet1'. string (required)
ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint Ignore missing vnet service endpoint or not. bool
state Gets the state of virtual network rule. string

Usage Examples

Azure Verified Modules

The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.

Module Description
Azure AI Services (Cognitive Services) AVM Resource Module for Azure AI Services (Cognitive Services)

Azure Quickstart Samples

The following Azure Quickstart templates contain Bicep samples for deploying this resource type.

Bicep File Description
Azure AI Studio basic setup This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with the basic setup, meaning with public internet access enabled, Microsoft-managed keys for encryption and Microsoft-managed identity configuration for the AI resource.
Azure AI Studio basic setup This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with the basic setup, meaning with public internet access enabled, Microsoft-managed keys for encryption and Microsoft-managed identity configuration for the AI resource.
Azure AI Studio basic setup This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with the basic setup, meaning with public internet access enabled, Microsoft-managed keys for encryption and Microsoft-managed identity configuration for the AI resource.
Azure AI Studio Network Restricted This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with private link and egress disabled, using Microsoft-managed keys for encryption and Microsoft-managed identity configuration for the AI resource.
Azure AI Studio Network Restricted This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with private link and egress disabled, using Microsoft-managed keys for encryption and Microsoft-managed identity configuration for the AI resource.
Azure AI Studio with Microsoft Entra ID Authentication This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with Microsoft Entra ID authentication for dependent resources, such as Azure AI Services and Azure Storage.
Basic Agent Setup API Keys This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Agent Service with the basic setup using API keys authetication for the AI Service/AOAI connection. Agents use multi-tenant search and storage resources fully managed by Microsoft. You won’t have visibility or control over these underlying Azure resources.
Basic Agent Setup Identity This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Agent Service with the basic setup using managed identity authetication for the AI Service/AOAI connection. Agents use multi-tenant search and storage resources fully managed by Microsoft. You won’t have visibility or control over these underlying Azure resources.
Deploy an Azure AI services multi-service resource This template deploys an Azure AI services resource to bring AI within reach of every developer without requiring machine learning expertise. All it takes is an API call to embed the ability to see, hear, speak, search, understand, and accelerate decision-making into your apps.
Deploy an Azure AI Translator resource This template deploys an Azure AI Translator resource to bring AI within reach of every developer without requiring machine learning expertise.
Deploy an Azure AI Vision resource This template deploys an Azure AI Vision resource to bring AI within reach of every developer without requiring machine learning expertise.
Deploy Secure Azure AI Studio with a managed virtual network This template creates a secure Azure AI Studio environment with robust network and identity security restrictions.
Network Secured Agent with User Managed Identity This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Agent Service with virtual network isolation using User Managed Identity authetication for the AI Service/AOAI connection and private network links to connect the agent to your secure data.
Standard Agent Setup This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Agent Service with the standard setup, meaning with managed identity authentication for project/hub connections and public internet access enabled. Agents use customer-owned, single-tenant search and storage resources. With this setup, you have full control and visibility over these resources, but you will incur costs based on your usage.

ARM template resource definition

The accounts resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts",
  "apiVersion": "2024-10-01",
  "name": "string",
  "identity": {
    "type": "string",
    "userAssignedIdentities": {
      "{customized property}": {
  "kind": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "properties": {
    "allowedFqdnList": [ "string" ],
    "amlWorkspace": {
      "identityClientId": "string",
      "resourceId": "string"
    "apiProperties": {
      "aadClientId": "string",
      "aadTenantId": "string",
      "eventHubConnectionString": "string",
      "qnaAzureSearchEndpointId": "string",
      "qnaAzureSearchEndpointKey": "string",
      "qnaRuntimeEndpoint": "string",
      "statisticsEnabled": "bool",
      "storageAccountConnectionString": "string",
      "superUser": "string",
      "websiteName": "string"
    "customSubDomainName": "string",
    "disableLocalAuth": "bool",
    "dynamicThrottlingEnabled": "bool",
    "encryption": {
      "keySource": "string",
      "keyVaultProperties": {
        "identityClientId": "string",
        "keyName": "string",
        "keyVaultUri": "string",
        "keyVersion": "string"
    "locations": {
      "regions": [
          "customsubdomain": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "value": "int"
      "routingMethod": "string"
    "migrationToken": "string",
    "networkAcls": {
      "bypass": "string",
      "defaultAction": "string",
      "ipRules": [
          "value": "string"
      "virtualNetworkRules": [
          "id": "string",
          "ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint": "bool",
          "state": "string"
    "publicNetworkAccess": "string",
    "raiMonitorConfig": {
      "adxStorageResourceId": "string",
      "identityClientId": "string"
    "restore": "bool",
    "restrictOutboundNetworkAccess": "bool",
    "userOwnedStorage": [
        "identityClientId": "string",
        "resourceId": "string"
  "sku": {
    "capacity": "int",
    "family": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "size": "string",
    "tier": "string"
  "tags": {
    "{customized property}": "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
allowedFqdnList string[]
amlWorkspace The user owned AML workspace properties. UserOwnedAmlWorkspace
apiProperties The api properties for special APIs. ApiProperties
customSubDomainName Optional subdomain name used for token-based authentication. string
disableLocalAuth bool
dynamicThrottlingEnabled The flag to enable dynamic throttling. bool
encryption The encryption properties for this resource. Encryption
locations The multiregion settings of Cognitive Services account. MultiRegionSettings
migrationToken Resource migration token. string
networkAcls A collection of rules governing the accessibility from specific network locations. NetworkRuleSet
publicNetworkAccess Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this account. 'Disabled'
raiMonitorConfig Cognitive Services Rai Monitor Config. RaiMonitorConfig
restore bool
restrictOutboundNetworkAccess bool
userOwnedStorage The storage accounts for this resource. UserOwnedStorage[]


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
aadClientId (Metrics Advisor Only) The Azure AD Client Id (Application Id). string

Max length = 500
aadTenantId (Metrics Advisor Only) The Azure AD Tenant Id. string

Max length = 500
eventHubConnectionString (Personalization Only) The flag to enable statistics of Bing Search. string

Max length = 1000
Pattern = ^( *)Endpoint=sb://(.*);( *)SharedAccessKeyName=(.*);( *)SharedAccessKey=(.*)$
qnaAzureSearchEndpointId (QnAMaker Only) The Azure Search endpoint id of QnAMaker. string
qnaAzureSearchEndpointKey (QnAMaker Only) The Azure Search endpoint key of QnAMaker. string
qnaRuntimeEndpoint (QnAMaker Only) The runtime endpoint of QnAMaker. string
statisticsEnabled (Bing Search Only) The flag to enable statistics of Bing Search. bool
storageAccountConnectionString (Personalization Only) The storage account connection string. string

Max length = 1000
Pattern = ^(( *)DefaultEndpointsProtocol=(http|https)( *);( *))?AccountName=(.*)AccountKey=(.*)EndpointSuffix=(.*)$
superUser (Metrics Advisor Only) The super user of Metrics Advisor. string

Max length = 500
websiteName (Metrics Advisor Only) The website name of Metrics Advisor. string

Max length = 500


Name Description Value
keySource Enumerates the possible value of keySource for Encryption 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices'
keyVaultProperties Properties of KeyVault KeyVaultProperties


Name Description Value
type The identity type. 'None'
'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned'
userAssignedIdentities The list of user assigned identities associated with the resource. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName} IdentityUserAssignedIdentities


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
value An IPv4 address range in CIDR notation, such as '' (simple IP address) or '' (all addresses that start with 124.56.78). string (required)


Name Description Value
identityClientId string
keyName Name of the Key from KeyVault string
keyVaultUri Uri of KeyVault string
keyVersion Version of the Key from KeyVault string


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2024-10-01'
identity Identity for the resource. Identity
kind The Kind of the resource. string
location The geo-location where the resource lives string
name The resource name string

Min length = 2
Max length = 64
Pattern = ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$ (required)
properties Properties of Cognitive Services account. AccountProperties
sku The resource model definition representing SKU Sku
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
type The resource type 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts'


Name Description Value
regions RegionSetting[]
routingMethod Multiregion routing methods. 'Performance'


Name Description Value
bypass Setting for trusted services. 'AzureServices'
defaultAction The default action when no rule from ipRules and from virtualNetworkRules match. This is only used after the bypass property has been evaluated. 'Allow'
ipRules The list of IP address rules. IpRule[]
virtualNetworkRules The list of virtual network rules. VirtualNetworkRule[]


Name Description Value
adxStorageResourceId The storage resource Id. string
identityClientId The identity client Id to access the storage. string


Name Description Value
customsubdomain Maps the region to the regional custom subdomain. string
name Name of the region. string
value A value for priority or weighted routing methods. int


Name Description Value
capacity If the SKU supports scale out/in then the capacity integer should be included. If scale out/in is not possible for the resource this may be omitted. int
family If the service has different generations of hardware, for the same SKU, then that can be captured here. string
name The name of the SKU. Ex - P3. It is typically a letter+number code string (required)
size The SKU size. When the name field is the combination of tier and some other value, this would be the standalone code. string
tier This field is required to be implemented by the Resource Provider if the service has more than one tier, but is not required on a PUT. 'Basic'


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
identityClientId Identity Client id of a AML workspace resource. string
resourceId Full resource id of a AML workspace resource. string


Name Description Value
identityClientId string
resourceId Full resource id of a Microsoft.Storage resource. string


Name Description Value
id Full resource id of a vnet subnet, such as '/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/test-vnet/subnets/subnet1'. string (required)
ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint Ignore missing vnet service endpoint or not. bool
state Gets the state of virtual network rule. string

Usage Examples

Azure Quickstart Templates

The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Azure AI Studio basic setup

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with the basic setup, meaning with public internet access enabled, Microsoft-managed keys for encryption and Microsoft-managed identity configuration for the AI resource.
Azure AI Studio basic setup

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with the basic setup, meaning with public internet access enabled, Microsoft-managed keys for encryption and Microsoft-managed identity configuration for the AI resource.
Azure AI Studio basic setup

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with the basic setup, meaning with public internet access enabled, Microsoft-managed keys for encryption and Microsoft-managed identity configuration for the AI resource.
Azure AI Studio Network Restricted

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with private link and egress disabled, using Microsoft-managed keys for encryption and Microsoft-managed identity configuration for the AI resource.
Azure AI Studio Network Restricted

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with private link and egress disabled, using Microsoft-managed keys for encryption and Microsoft-managed identity configuration for the AI resource.
Azure AI Studio with Microsoft Entra ID Authentication

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Studio with Microsoft Entra ID authentication for dependent resources, such as Azure AI Services and Azure Storage.
Basic Agent Setup API Keys

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Agent Service with the basic setup using API keys authetication for the AI Service/AOAI connection. Agents use multi-tenant search and storage resources fully managed by Microsoft. You won’t have visibility or control over these underlying Azure resources.
Basic Agent Setup Identity

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Agent Service with the basic setup using managed identity authetication for the AI Service/AOAI connection. Agents use multi-tenant search and storage resources fully managed by Microsoft. You won’t have visibility or control over these underlying Azure resources.
Deploy an Azure AI services multi-service resource

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Azure AI services resource to bring AI within reach of every developer without requiring machine learning expertise. All it takes is an API call to embed the ability to see, hear, speak, search, understand, and accelerate decision-making into your apps.
Deploy an Azure AI Translator resource

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Azure AI Translator resource to bring AI within reach of every developer without requiring machine learning expertise.
Deploy an Azure AI Vision resource

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Azure AI Vision resource to bring AI within reach of every developer without requiring machine learning expertise.
Deploy Secure Azure AI Studio with a managed virtual network

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a secure Azure AI Studio environment with robust network and identity security restrictions.
Network Secured Agent with User Managed Identity

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Agent Service with virtual network isolation using User Managed Identity authetication for the AI Service/AOAI connection and private network links to connect the agent to your secure data.
Standard Agent Setup

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Agent Service with the standard setup, meaning with managed identity authentication for project/hub connections and public internet access enabled. Agents use customer-owned, single-tenant search and storage resources. With this setup, you have full control and visibility over these resources, but you will incur costs based on your usage.

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The accounts resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts@2024-10-01"
  name = "string"
  identity = {
    type = "string"
    userAssignedIdentities = {
      {customized property} = {
  kind = "string"
  location = "string"
  sku = {
    capacity = int
    family = "string"
    name = "string"
    size = "string"
    tier = "string"
  tags = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      allowedFqdnList = [
      amlWorkspace = {
        identityClientId = "string"
        resourceId = "string"
      apiProperties = {
        aadClientId = "string"
        aadTenantId = "string"
        eventHubConnectionString = "string"
        qnaAzureSearchEndpointId = "string"
        qnaAzureSearchEndpointKey = "string"
        qnaRuntimeEndpoint = "string"
        statisticsEnabled = bool
        storageAccountConnectionString = "string"
        superUser = "string"
        websiteName = "string"
      customSubDomainName = "string"
      disableLocalAuth = bool
      dynamicThrottlingEnabled = bool
      encryption = {
        keySource = "string"
        keyVaultProperties = {
          identityClientId = "string"
          keyName = "string"
          keyVaultUri = "string"
          keyVersion = "string"
      locations = {
        regions = [
            customsubdomain = "string"
            name = "string"
            value = int
        routingMethod = "string"
      migrationToken = "string"
      networkAcls = {
        bypass = "string"
        defaultAction = "string"
        ipRules = [
            value = "string"
        virtualNetworkRules = [
            id = "string"
            ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint = bool
            state = "string"
      publicNetworkAccess = "string"
      raiMonitorConfig = {
        adxStorageResourceId = "string"
        identityClientId = "string"
      restore = bool
      restrictOutboundNetworkAccess = bool
      userOwnedStorage = [
          identityClientId = "string"
          resourceId = "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
allowedFqdnList string[]
amlWorkspace The user owned AML workspace properties. UserOwnedAmlWorkspace
apiProperties The api properties for special APIs. ApiProperties
customSubDomainName Optional subdomain name used for token-based authentication. string
disableLocalAuth bool
dynamicThrottlingEnabled The flag to enable dynamic throttling. bool
encryption The encryption properties for this resource. Encryption
locations The multiregion settings of Cognitive Services account. MultiRegionSettings
migrationToken Resource migration token. string
networkAcls A collection of rules governing the accessibility from specific network locations. NetworkRuleSet
publicNetworkAccess Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this account. 'Disabled'
raiMonitorConfig Cognitive Services Rai Monitor Config. RaiMonitorConfig
restore bool
restrictOutboundNetworkAccess bool
userOwnedStorage The storage accounts for this resource. UserOwnedStorage[]


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
aadClientId (Metrics Advisor Only) The Azure AD Client Id (Application Id). string

Max length = 500
aadTenantId (Metrics Advisor Only) The Azure AD Tenant Id. string

Max length = 500
eventHubConnectionString (Personalization Only) The flag to enable statistics of Bing Search. string

Max length = 1000
Pattern = ^( *)Endpoint=sb://(.*);( *)SharedAccessKeyName=(.*);( *)SharedAccessKey=(.*)$
qnaAzureSearchEndpointId (QnAMaker Only) The Azure Search endpoint id of QnAMaker. string
qnaAzureSearchEndpointKey (QnAMaker Only) The Azure Search endpoint key of QnAMaker. string
qnaRuntimeEndpoint (QnAMaker Only) The runtime endpoint of QnAMaker. string
statisticsEnabled (Bing Search Only) The flag to enable statistics of Bing Search. bool
storageAccountConnectionString (Personalization Only) The storage account connection string. string

Max length = 1000
Pattern = ^(( *)DefaultEndpointsProtocol=(http|https)( *);( *))?AccountName=(.*)AccountKey=(.*)EndpointSuffix=(.*)$
superUser (Metrics Advisor Only) The super user of Metrics Advisor. string

Max length = 500
websiteName (Metrics Advisor Only) The website name of Metrics Advisor. string

Max length = 500


Name Description Value
keySource Enumerates the possible value of keySource for Encryption 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices'
keyVaultProperties Properties of KeyVault KeyVaultProperties


Name Description Value
type The identity type. 'None'
'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned'
userAssignedIdentities The list of user assigned identities associated with the resource. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName} IdentityUserAssignedIdentities


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
value An IPv4 address range in CIDR notation, such as '' (simple IP address) or '' (all addresses that start with 124.56.78). string (required)


Name Description Value
identityClientId string
keyName Name of the Key from KeyVault string
keyVaultUri Uri of KeyVault string
keyVersion Version of the Key from KeyVault string


Name Description Value
identity Identity for the resource. Identity
kind The Kind of the resource. string
location The geo-location where the resource lives string
name The resource name string

Min length = 2
Max length = 64
Pattern = ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$ (required)
properties Properties of Cognitive Services account. AccountProperties
sku The resource model definition representing SKU Sku
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values.
type The resource type "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts@2024-10-01"


Name Description Value
regions RegionSetting[]
routingMethod Multiregion routing methods. 'Performance'


Name Description Value
bypass Setting for trusted services. 'AzureServices'
defaultAction The default action when no rule from ipRules and from virtualNetworkRules match. This is only used after the bypass property has been evaluated. 'Allow'
ipRules The list of IP address rules. IpRule[]
virtualNetworkRules The list of virtual network rules. VirtualNetworkRule[]


Name Description Value
adxStorageResourceId The storage resource Id. string
identityClientId The identity client Id to access the storage. string


Name Description Value
customsubdomain Maps the region to the regional custom subdomain. string
name Name of the region. string
value A value for priority or weighted routing methods. int


Name Description Value
capacity If the SKU supports scale out/in then the capacity integer should be included. If scale out/in is not possible for the resource this may be omitted. int
family If the service has different generations of hardware, for the same SKU, then that can be captured here. string
name The name of the SKU. Ex - P3. It is typically a letter+number code string (required)
size The SKU size. When the name field is the combination of tier and some other value, this would be the standalone code. string
tier This field is required to be implemented by the Resource Provider if the service has more than one tier, but is not required on a PUT. 'Basic'


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
identityClientId Identity Client id of a AML workspace resource. string
resourceId Full resource id of a AML workspace resource. string


Name Description Value
identityClientId string
resourceId Full resource id of a Microsoft.Storage resource. string


Name Description Value
id Full resource id of a vnet subnet, such as '/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/test-vnet/subnets/subnet1'. string (required)
ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint Ignore missing vnet service endpoint or not. bool
state Gets the state of virtual network rule. string

Usage Examples

Azure Verified Modules

The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.

Module Description
Cognitive Service AVM Resource Module for Cognitive Services account ( Open AI)