Microsoft.Authorization accessReviewScheduleSettings 2018-05-01-preview

Bicep resource definition

The accessReviewScheduleSettings resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Authorization/accessReviewScheduleSettings resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Authorization/accessReviewScheduleSettings@2018-05-01-preview' = {
  autoApplyDecisionsEnabled: bool
  defaultDecision: 'string'
  defaultDecisionEnabled: bool
  instanceDurationInDays: int
  justificationRequiredOnApproval: bool
  mailNotificationsEnabled: bool
  name: 'default'
  recommendationsEnabled: bool
  recurrence: {
    pattern: {
      interval: int
      type: 'string'
    range: {
      endDate: 'string'
      numberOfOccurrences: int
      startDate: 'string'
      type: 'string'
  reminderNotificationsEnabled: bool

Property Values


Name Description Value
interval The interval for recurrence. For a quarterly review, the interval is 3 for type : absoluteMonthly. int
type The recurrence type : weekly, monthly, etc. 'absoluteMonthly'


Name Description Value
endDate The DateTime when the review is scheduled to end. Required if type is endDate string
numberOfOccurrences The number of times to repeat the access review. Required and must be positive if type is numbered. int
startDate The DateTime when the review is scheduled to be start. This could be a date in the future. Required on create. string
type The recurrence range type. The possible values are: endDate, noEnd, numbered. 'endDate'


Name Description Value
pattern Access Review schedule definition recurrence pattern. AccessReviewRecurrencePattern
range Access Review schedule definition recurrence range. AccessReviewRecurrenceRange


Name Description Value
autoApplyDecisionsEnabled Flag to indicate whether auto-apply capability, to automatically change the target object access resource, is enabled. If not enabled, a user must, after the review completes, apply the access review. bool
defaultDecision This specifies the behavior for the autoReview feature when an access review completes. 'Approve'
defaultDecisionEnabled Flag to indicate whether reviewers are required to provide a justification when reviewing access. bool
instanceDurationInDays The duration in days for an instance. int
justificationRequiredOnApproval Flag to indicate whether the reviewer is required to pass justification when recording a decision. bool
mailNotificationsEnabled Flag to indicate whether sending mails to reviewers and the review creator is enabled. bool
name The resource name 'default' (required)
recommendationsEnabled Flag to indicate whether showing recommendations to reviewers is enabled. bool
recurrence Access Review Settings. AccessReviewRecurrenceSettings
reminderNotificationsEnabled Flag to indicate whether sending reminder emails to reviewers are enabled. bool

ARM template resource definition

The accessReviewScheduleSettings resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Authorization/accessReviewScheduleSettings resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/accessReviewScheduleSettings",
  "apiVersion": "2018-05-01-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "autoApplyDecisionsEnabled": "bool",
  "defaultDecision": "string",
  "defaultDecisionEnabled": "bool",
  "instanceDurationInDays": "int",
  "justificationRequiredOnApproval": "bool",
  "mailNotificationsEnabled": "bool",
  "recommendationsEnabled": "bool",
  "recurrence": {
    "pattern": {
      "interval": "int",
      "type": "string"
    "range": {
      "endDate": "string",
      "numberOfOccurrences": "int",
      "startDate": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "reminderNotificationsEnabled": "bool"

Property Values


Name Description Value
interval The interval for recurrence. For a quarterly review, the interval is 3 for type : absoluteMonthly. int
type The recurrence type : weekly, monthly, etc. 'absoluteMonthly'


Name Description Value
endDate The DateTime when the review is scheduled to end. Required if type is endDate string
numberOfOccurrences The number of times to repeat the access review. Required and must be positive if type is numbered. int
startDate The DateTime when the review is scheduled to be start. This could be a date in the future. Required on create. string
type The recurrence range type. The possible values are: endDate, noEnd, numbered. 'endDate'


Name Description Value
pattern Access Review schedule definition recurrence pattern. AccessReviewRecurrencePattern
range Access Review schedule definition recurrence range. AccessReviewRecurrenceRange


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2018-05-01-preview'
autoApplyDecisionsEnabled Flag to indicate whether auto-apply capability, to automatically change the target object access resource, is enabled. If not enabled, a user must, after the review completes, apply the access review. bool
defaultDecision This specifies the behavior for the autoReview feature when an access review completes. 'Approve'
defaultDecisionEnabled Flag to indicate whether reviewers are required to provide a justification when reviewing access. bool
instanceDurationInDays The duration in days for an instance. int
justificationRequiredOnApproval Flag to indicate whether the reviewer is required to pass justification when recording a decision. bool
mailNotificationsEnabled Flag to indicate whether sending mails to reviewers and the review creator is enabled. bool
name The resource name 'default' (required)
recommendationsEnabled Flag to indicate whether showing recommendations to reviewers is enabled. bool
recurrence Access Review Settings. AccessReviewRecurrenceSettings
reminderNotificationsEnabled Flag to indicate whether sending reminder emails to reviewers are enabled. bool
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Authorization/accessReviewScheduleSettings'

Usage Examples

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The accessReviewScheduleSettings resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Subscription

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Authorization/accessReviewScheduleSettings resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Authorization/accessReviewScheduleSettings@2018-05-01-preview"
  name = "string"
  autoApplyDecisionsEnabled = bool
  defaultDecision = "string"
  defaultDecisionEnabled = bool
  instanceDurationInDays = int
  justificationRequiredOnApproval = bool
  mailNotificationsEnabled = bool
  recommendationsEnabled = bool
  recurrence = {
    pattern = {
      interval = int
      type = "string"
    range = {
      endDate = "string"
      numberOfOccurrences = int
      startDate = "string"
      type = "string"
  reminderNotificationsEnabled = bool

Property Values


Name Description Value
interval The interval for recurrence. For a quarterly review, the interval is 3 for type : absoluteMonthly. int
type The recurrence type : weekly, monthly, etc. 'absoluteMonthly'


Name Description Value
endDate The DateTime when the review is scheduled to end. Required if type is endDate string
numberOfOccurrences The number of times to repeat the access review. Required and must be positive if type is numbered. int
startDate The DateTime when the review is scheduled to be start. This could be a date in the future. Required on create. string
type The recurrence range type. The possible values are: endDate, noEnd, numbered. 'endDate'


Name Description Value
pattern Access Review schedule definition recurrence pattern. AccessReviewRecurrencePattern
range Access Review schedule definition recurrence range. AccessReviewRecurrenceRange


Name Description Value
autoApplyDecisionsEnabled Flag to indicate whether auto-apply capability, to automatically change the target object access resource, is enabled. If not enabled, a user must, after the review completes, apply the access review. bool
defaultDecision This specifies the behavior for the autoReview feature when an access review completes. 'Approve'
defaultDecisionEnabled Flag to indicate whether reviewers are required to provide a justification when reviewing access. bool
instanceDurationInDays The duration in days for an instance. int
justificationRequiredOnApproval Flag to indicate whether the reviewer is required to pass justification when recording a decision. bool
mailNotificationsEnabled Flag to indicate whether sending mails to reviewers and the review creator is enabled. bool
name The resource name 'default' (required)
recommendationsEnabled Flag to indicate whether showing recommendations to reviewers is enabled. bool
recurrence Access Review Settings. AccessReviewRecurrenceSettings
reminderNotificationsEnabled Flag to indicate whether sending reminder emails to reviewers are enabled. bool
type The resource type "Microsoft.Authorization/accessReviewScheduleSettings@2018-05-01-preview"