Upgrading cluster runtime with a PauseRack strategy

This how-to guide explains the steps to execute a cluster runtime upgrade with PauseRack strategy. Executing cluster runtime upgrade with PauseRack strategy will update a single rack in a cluster and then pause to wait for confirmation before moving to the next rack. All existing thresholds will still be honored.



Upgrades with the PauseRack strategy is available starting API version 2024-06-01-preview.

  1. The [Install Azure CLI][installation-instruction] must be installed.
  2. The networkcloud CLI extension is required. If the networkcloud extension isn't installed, it can be installed following the steps listed here.
  3. Access to the Azure portal for the target cluster to be upgraded.
  4. You must be logged in to the same subscription as your target cluster via az login
  5. Target cluster must be in a running state, with all control plane nodes healthy and 80+% of compute nodes in a running and healthy state.


  1. Enable PauseRack upgrade strategy on a Nexus cluster

    az networkcloud cluster update 
    --name $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --update-strategy strategy-type="PauseRack" wait-time-minutes=0
  2. Confirm that the cluster resource JSON in the JSON View reflects the PauseRack upgrade strategy.

    az networkcloud cluster show --cluster-name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName"
    "updateStrategy": {
      "maxUnavailable": 2,
      "strategyType": "PauseAfterRack",
      "thresholdType": "PercentSuccess",
      "thresholdValue": 70,
      "waitTimeMinutes": 15,
  3. Trigger runtime bundle upgrade as usual from Azure portal / CLI. For reference Upgrading cluster runtime from Azure CLI

  4. Once Rack 1 completes, the runtime upgrade will be paused, awaiting user action to resume the upgrade for Rack 2.

Screenshot showing Paused Runtime Upgrade.


This message will be available in logs for programtic access, for more details follow List of logs available for streaming in Azure Operator Nexus

  1. To resume the runtime upgrade, execute the following az networkcloud cli command.
az networkcloud cluster continue-update-version \
    --subscription=$SUBSCRIPTION \
    --resource-group=$RESOURCE_GROUP \
  1. Repeat step 5 for each rack until all racks have been upgraded to the latest runtime bundle.