Integrate Azure Database for PostgreSQL with Azure Cognitive Services

APPLIES TO: Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server

Azure AI extension gives the ability to invoke the Azure AI Language Services such as sentiment analysis right from within the database.


  1. Enable and configure the azure_ai extension.
  2. Create a Language resource in the Azure portal to get your key and endpoint.
  3. After it deploys, select Go to resource.


You will need the key, endpoint and region from the resource you create to connect the extension to the API.

Configure azure_ai extension with Azure Cognitive Services

In the Language resource, under Resource Management > Keys and Endpoint you can find the endpoint, keys, and Location/Region for your language resource. Use the endpoint and key to enable azure_ai extension to invoke the model deployment. The Location/Region setting is only required for the translation function.

select azure_ai.set_setting('azure_cognitive.endpoint','https://<endpoint>');
select azure_ai.set_setting('azure_cognitive.subscription_key', '<API Key>');
-- the region setting is only required for the translate function
select azure_ai.set_setting('azure_cognitive.region', '<Region>');

Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis provides sentiment labels (negative,positive,neutral) and confidence scores for the text passed to the model.


azure_cognitive.analyze_sentiment(text text, language text DEFAULT NULL::text, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.analyze_sentiment(text text[], language text DEFAULT NULL::text, batch_size integer DEFAULT 10, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.analyze_sentiment(text text[], language text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], batch_size integer DEFAULT 10, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)



text or text[] single text or array of texts, depending on the overload of the function used, with the input to be processed.


text or text[] single value or array of values, depending on the overload of the function used, with the two-letter ISO 639-1 representation of the language that the input is written in. Check language support for allowed values.


integer DEFAULT 10 number of records to process at a time (only available for the overload of the function for which parameter input is of type text[]).


boolean DEFAULT false the Language service logs your input text for 48 hours solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this property to true disables input logging and might limit our ability to investigate issues that occur.


integer DEFAULT 3600000 timeout in milliseconds after which the operation is stopped.


boolean DEFAULT true on error should the function throw an exception resulting in a rollback of wrapping transactions.


integer DEFAULT 1 number of times the extension retries calling the Azure Language Service endpoint for sentiment analysis if it fails with any retryable error.


integer DEFAULT 1000 amount of time (milliseconds) that the extension waits before calling again the Azure Language Service endpoint for sentiment analysis, when it fails with any retryable error.

For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes at, and Microsoft Responsible AI principles at

Return type

azure_cognitive.sentiment_analysis_result or TABLE(result azure_cognitive.sentiment_analysis_result) a single element or a single-column table, depending on the overload of the function used, with the sentiment predictions of the input text. It contains the sentiment, which can be positive, negative, neutral, and mixed; and the score for positive, neutral, and negative found in the text represented as a real number between 0 and 1. For example in (neutral,0.26,0.64,0.09), the sentiment is neutral with positive score at 0.26, neutral at 0.64 and negative at 0.09.

Language detection

Language detection in Azure AI automatically detects the language a document.


azure_cognitive.detect_language(text text, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.detect_language(text text[], batch_size integer DEFAULT 1000, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)



text or text[] single text or array of texts, depending on the overload of the function used, with the input to be processed.


integer DEFAULT 1000 number of records to process at a time (only available for the overload of the function for which parameter input is of type text[]).


boolean DEFAULT false the Language service logs your input text for 48 hours solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this property to true disables input logging and might limit our ability to investigate issues that occur.


integer DEFAULT 3600000 timeout in milliseconds after which the operation is stopped.


boolean DEFAULT true on error should the function throw an exception resulting in a rollback of wrapping transactions.


integer DEFAULT 1 number of times the extension retries calling the Azure Language Service endpoint for language detection if it fails with any retryable error.


integer DEFAULT 1000 amount of time (milliseconds) that the extension waits before calling again the Azure Language Service endpoint for language detection, when it fails with any retryable error.

For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes at, and Microsoft Responsible AI principles at

Return type

azure_cognitive.language_detection_result or TABLE(result azure_cognitive.language_detection_result) a single element or a single-column table, depending on the overload of the function used, with the detected language name, its two-letter ISO 639-1 representation, and the confidence score for the detection. For example in (Portuguese,pt,0.97), the language is Portuguese, and detection confidence is 0.97.

Key phrase extraction

Key phrase extraction in Azure AI extracts the main concepts in a text.


azure_cognitive.extract_key_phrases(text text, language text DEFAULT NULL::text, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.extract_key_phrases(text text[], language text DEFAULT NULL::text, batch_size integer DEFAULT 10, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.extract_key_phrases(text text[], language text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], batch_size integer DEFAULT 10, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)



text or text[] single text or array of texts, depending on the overload of the function used, with the input to be processed.


text or text[] single value or array of values, depending on the overload of the function used, with the two-letter ISO 639-1 representation of the languages that the input is written in. Check language support for allowed values.


integer DEFAULT 10 number of records to process at a time (only available for the overload of the function for which parameter input is of type text[]).


boolean DEFAULT false the Language service logs your input text for 48 hours solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this property to true disables input logging and might limit our ability to investigate issues that occur.


integer DEFAULT 3600000 timeout in milliseconds after which the operation is stopped.


boolean DEFAULT true on error should the function throw an exception resulting in a rollback of wrapping transactions.


integer DEFAULT 1 number of times the extension retries calling the Azure Language Service endpoint for key phrase extraction if it fails with any retryable error.


integer DEFAULT 1000 amount of time (milliseconds) that the extension waits, before calling again the Azure Language Service endpoint for key phrase extraction, when it fails with any retryable error.

For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes at, and Microsoft Responsible AI principles at

Return type

text[] or TABLE(key_phrases text[]) a single element or a single-column table, with the key phrases identified in the text. For example, if invoked with a text set to 'For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes.', and language set to 'en', it could return {"Cognitive Services Compliance","Privacy notes",information}.

Entity linking

Entity linking in Azure AI identifies and disambiguates the identity of entities found in text linking them to a well-known knowledge base.


azure_cognitive.linked_entities(text text, language text DEFAULT NULL::text, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.linked_entities(text text[], language text DEFAULT NULL::text, batch_size integer DEFAULT 5, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.linked_entities(text text[], language text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], batch_size integer DEFAULT 5, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)



text or text[] single text or array of texts, depending on the overload of the function used, with the input to be processed.


text or text[] single value or array of values, depending on the overload of the function used, with the two-letter ISO 639-1 representation of the language that the input is written in. Check language support for allowed values.


integer DEFAULT 5 number of records to process at a time (only available for the overload of the function for which parameter input is of type text[]).


boolean DEFAULT false the Language service logs your input text for 48 hours solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this property to true disables input logging and might limit our ability to investigate issues that occur.


integer DEFAULT 3600000 timeout in milliseconds after which the operation is stopped.


boolean DEFAULT true on error should the function throw an exception resulting in a rollback of wrapping transactions.


boolean DEFAULT false the Language service logs your input text for 48 hours solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this property to true disables input logging and might limit our ability to investigate issues that occur.


integer DEFAULT 1 number of times the extension retries calling the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities if it fails with any retryable error.


integer DEFAULT 1000 amount of time (milliseconds) that the extension waits before calling again the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities, when it fails with any retryable error.

For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes at, and Microsoft Responsible AI principles at

Return type

azure_cognitive.linked_entity[] or TABLE(entities azure_cognitive.linked_entity[]) an array or a single-column table, with the key phrases identified in the text, a collection of linked entities, where each defines the name, data source entity identifier, language, data source, URL, collection of azure_cognitive.linked_entity_match (defining the text and confidence score) and finally a Bing entity search API identifier. For example, if invoked with a text set to 'For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes.', and language set to 'en', it could return {"(\"Cognitive computing\",\"Cognitive computing\",en,Wikipedia,,\"{\"\"(\\\\\"\"Cognitive Services\\\\\"\",0.78)\ "\"}\",d73f7d5f-fddb-0908-27b0-74c7db81cd8d)","(\"Regulatory compliance\",\"Regulatory compliance\",en,Wikipedia, ,\"{\"\"(Compliance,0.28)\"\"}\",89fefaf8-e730-23c4-b519-048f3c73cdbd)","(\"Information privacy\",\"Information privacy\",en,Wikipedia, /Information_privacy,\"{\"\"(Privacy,0)\"\"}\",3d0f2e25-5829-4b93-4057-4a805f0b1043)"}.


Named Entity Recognition (NER) feature in Azure AI can identify and categorize entities in unstructured text.

azure_cognitive.recognize_entities(text text, language text DEFAULT NULL::text, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.recognize_entities(text text[], language text DEFAULT NULL::text, batch_size integer DEFAULT 5, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.recognize_entities(text text[], language text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], batch_size integer DEFAULT 5, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)



text or text[] single text or array of texts, depending on the overload of the function used, with the input to be processed.


text or text[] single value or array of values, depending on the overload of the function used, with the two-letter ISO 639-1 representation of the language that the input is written in. Check language support for allowed values.


integer DEFAULT 5 number of records to process at a time (only available for the overload of the function for which parameter input is of type text[]).


boolean DEFAULT false the Language service logs your input text for 48 hours solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this property to true disables input logging and might limit our ability to investigate issues that occur.


integer DEFAULT 3600000 timeout in milliseconds after which the operation is stopped.


boolean DEFAULT true on error should the function throw an exception resulting in a rollback of wrapping transactions.


integer DEFAULT 1 number of times the extension retries calling the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities if it fails with any retryable error.


integer DEFAULT 1000 amount of time (milliseconds) that the extension waits, before calling again the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities, when it fails with any retryable error.

For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes at, and Microsoft Responsible AI principles at

Return type

azure_cognitive.entity[] or TABLE(entities azure_cognitive.entity[]) an array or a single-column table with entities, where each defines the text identifying the entity, category of the entity and confidence score of the match. For example, if invoked with a text set to 'For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes.', and language set to 'en', it could return {"(\"Cognitive Services\",Skill,\"\",0.94)"}.

Personally Identifiable data (PII) detection

Identifies PII data found in the input text and categorizes those entities into types.


azure_cognitive.recognize_pii_entities(text text, language text DEFAULT NULL::text, domain text DEFAULT 'none'::text, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT true, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.recognize_pii_entities(text text[], language text DEFAULT NULL::text, domain text DEFAULT 'none'::text, batch_size integer DEFAULT 5, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT true, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.recognize_pii_entities(text text[], language text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], domain text DEFAULT 'none'::text, batch_size integer DEFAULT 5, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT true, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)



text or text[] single text or array of texts, depending on the overload of the function used, with the input to be processed.


text or text[] single value or array of values, depending on the overload of the function used, with the two-letter ISO 639-1 representation of the language that the input is written in. Check language support for allowed values.


text DEFAULT 'none'::text, the personal data domain used for personal data Entity Recognition. Valid values are none for no domain specified and phi for Personal Health Information.


integer DEFAULT 5 number of records to process at a time (only available for the overload of the function for which parameter input is of type text[]).


boolean DEFAULT true the Language service logs your input text for 48 hours solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this property to true disables input logging and might limit our ability to investigate issues that occur.


integer DEFAULT 3600000 timeout in milliseconds after which the operation is stopped.


boolean DEFAULT true on error should the function throw an exception resulting in a rollback of wrapping transactions.


integer DEFAULT 1 number of times the extension retries calling the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities if it fails with any retryable error.


integer DEFAULT 1000 amount of time (milliseconds) that the extension waits, before calling again the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities, when it fails with any retryable error.

For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes at, and Microsoft Responsible AI principles at

Return type

azure_cognitive.pii_entity_recognition_result or TABLE(result azure_cognitive.pii_entity_recognition_result) a single value or a single-column table containing the redacted text, and entities as azure_cognitive.entity[]. Each entity contains the nonredacted text, personal data category, subcategory, and a score indicating the confidence that the entity correctly matches the identified substring. For example, if invoked with a text set to 'My phone number is +1555555555, and the address of my office is 16255 NE 36th Way, Redmond, WA 98052.', and language set to 'en', it could return ("My phone number is ***********, and the address of my office is ************************************.","{""(+1555555555,PhoneNumber,\\""\\"",0.8)"",""(\\""16255 NE 36th Way, Redmond, WA 98052\\"",Address,\\""\\"",1)""}").

Document summarization

Document summarization uses natural language processing techniques to generate a summary for documents.


Document abstractive summarization produces a summary that might not use the same words in the document but yet captures the main idea.

azure_cognitive.summarize_abstractive(text text, language text DEFAULT NULL::text, sentence_count integer DEFAULT 3, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.summarize_abstractive(text text[], language text DEFAULT NULL::text, sentence_count integer DEFAULT 3, batch_size integer DEFAULT 25, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.summarize_abstractive(text text[], language text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], sentence_count integer DEFAULT 3, batch_size integer DEFAULT 25, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)



text or text[] single text or array of texts, depending on the overload of the function used, with the input to be processed.


text or text[] single value or array of values, depending on the overload of the function used, with the two-letter ISO 639-1 representation of the language that the input is written in. Check language support for allowed values.


integer DEFAULT 3, maximum number of sentences that the summarization should contain.


integer DEFAULT 25 number of records to process at a time (only available for the overload of the function for which parameter input is of type text[]).


boolean DEFAULT false the Language service logs your input text for 48 hours solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this property to true disables input logging and might limit our ability to investigate issues that occur.


integer DEFAULT 3600000 timeout in milliseconds after which the operation is stopped.


boolean DEFAULT true on error should the function throw an exception resulting in a rollback of wrapping transactions.


integer DEFAULT 1 number of times the extension retries calling the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities if it fails with any retryable error.


integer DEFAULT 1000 amount of time (milliseconds) that the extension waits, before calling again the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities, when it fails with any retryable error.

For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes at, and Microsoft Responsible AI principles at

Return type

text[] or TABLE(summaries text[]) an array or a single-column table of summaries with each one not exceeding the defined sentence_count. For example, if invoked with a text set to 'PostgreSQL features transactions with atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability (ACID) properties, automatically updatable views, materialized views, triggers, foreign keys, and stored procedures. It is designed to handle a range of workloads, from single machines to data warehouses or web services with many concurrent users. It was the default database for macOS Server and is also available for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Windows.', and language set to 'en', it could return {"PostgreSQL is a database system with advanced features such as atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) properties. It is designed to handle a range of workloads, from single machines to data warehouses or web services with many concurrent users. PostgreSQL was the default database for macOS Server and is available for Linux, BSD, OpenBSD, and Windows."}.


Document extractive summarization produces a summary extracting key sentences within the document.

azure_cognitive.summarize_extractive(text text, language text DEFAULT NULL::text, sentence_count integer DEFAULT 3, sort_by text DEFAULT 'offset'::text, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.summarize_extractive(text text[], language text DEFAULT NULL::text, sentence_count integer DEFAULT 3, sort_by text DEFAULT 'offset'::text, batch_size integer DEFAULT 25, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.summarize_extractive(text text[], language text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], sentence_count integer DEFAULT 3, sort_by text DEFAULT 'offset'::text, batch_size integer DEFAULT 25, disable_service_logs boolean DEFAULT false, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)



text or text[] single text or array of texts, depending on the overload of the function used, with the input to be processed.


text or text[] single value or array of values, depending on the overload of the function used, with the two-letter ISO 639-1 representation of the language that the input is written in. Check language support for allowed values.


integer DEFAULT 3, maximum number of sentences to extract.


text DEFAULT ``offset``::text, order of extracted sentences. Valid values are rank and offset.


integer DEFAULT 25 number of records to process at a time (only available for the overload of the function for which parameter input is of type text[]).


boolean DEFAULT false the Language service logs your input text for 48 hours solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this property to true disables input logging and might limit our ability to investigate issues that occur.


integer DEFAULT 3600000 timeout in milliseconds after which the operation is stopped.


boolean DEFAULT true on error should the function throw an exception resulting in a rollback of wrapping transactions.


integer DEFAULT 1 number of times the extension retries calling the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities if it fails with any retryable error.


integer DEFAULT 1000 amount of time (milliseconds) that the extension waits, before calling again the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities, when it fails with any retryable error.

For more information, see Cognitive Services Compliance and Privacy notes at, and Microsoft Responsible AI principles at

Return type

azure_cognitive.sentence[] or TABLE(sentences azure_cognitive.sentence[]) an array or a single-column table of extracted sentences along with their rank score.
For example, if invoked with a text set to 'PostgreSQL features transactions with atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability (ACID) properties, automatically updatable views, materialized views, triggers, foreign keys, and stored procedures. It is designed to handle a range of workloads, from single machines to data warehouses or web services with many concurrent users. It was the default database for macOS Server and is also available for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Windows.', and language set to 'en', it could return {"(\"PostgreSQL features transactions with atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability (ACID) properties, automatically updatable views, materialized views, triggers, foreign keys, and stored procedures.\",0.16)","(\"It is designed to handle a range of workloads, from single machines to data warehouses or web services with many concurrent users.\",0)","(\"It was the default database for macOS Server and is also available for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Windows.\",1)"}.

Language translation

Azure AI Text Translation enables quick and accurate translation to target languages in real time.


azure_cognitive.translate(text text, target_language text, source_language text DEFAULT NULL::text, text_type text DEFAULT 'Plain'::text, profanity_action text DEFAULT 'NoAction'::text, profanity_marker text DEFAULT 'Asterisk'::text, suggested_source_language text DEFAULT NULL::text, source_script text DEFAULT NULL::text, target_script text DEFAULT NULL::text, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.translate(text text, target_language text[], source_language text DEFAULT NULL::text, text_type text DEFAULT 'Plain'::text, profanity_action text DEFAULT 'NoAction'::text, profanity_marker text DEFAULT 'Asterisk'::text, suggested_source_language text DEFAULT NULL::text, source_script text DEFAULT NULL::text, target_script text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.translate(text text[], target_language text, source_language text DEFAULT NULL::text, text_type text DEFAULT 'Plain'::text, profanity_action text DEFAULT 'NoAction'::text, profanity_marker text DEFAULT 'Asterisk'::text, suggested_source_language text DEFAULT NULL::text, source_script text DEFAULT NULL::text, target_script text DEFAULT NULL::text, batch_size integer DEFAULT 1000, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)
azure_cognitive.translate(text text[], target_language text[], source_language text DEFAULT NULL::text, text_type text DEFAULT 'Plain'::text, profanity_action text DEFAULT 'NoAction'::text, profanity_marker text DEFAULT 'Asterisk'::text, suggested_source_language text DEFAULT NULL::text, source_script text DEFAULT NULL::text, target_script text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], batch_size integer DEFAULT 1000, timeout_ms integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, throw_on_error boolean DEFAULT true, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 1, retry_delay_ms integer DEFAULT 1000)


Translation is only available in version 0.2.0 of azure_ai extension. To check the version, check the pg_available_extensions catalog view.

select * from pg_available_extensions where name = 'azure_ai';


For more information on parameters, see Translator API.


text or text[] single text or array of texts, depending on the overload of the function used, with the input to be processed.


text or text[] single value or array of values, depending on the overload of the function used, with the two-letter ISO 639-1 representation of the language that the input is written in. Check language support for allowed values.


text DEFAULT NULL two-letter ISO 639-1 representation of the language that the input text is written in. Check language support for allowed values. If it isn't specified, automatic language detection is applied to determine the source language.


boolean DEFAULT 'plain' Defines the type of text being translated. Valid values are 'plain' or 'html'. Any HTML needs to be well-formed.


boolean DEFAULT 'NoAction' Specifies how profanities are treated in translations. Valid values are 'NoAction', 'Marked', or 'Deleted'. 'NoAction' is the default behavior and profanity passes from source to target. 'Deleted' indicates that profane words are removed without replacement. 'Marked' replaces the marked word in the output with the profanity_marker parameter.


boolean DEFAULT 'Asterisk' Specifies how profanities are marked in translations. Possible values are 'Asterisk' that replaces profane words with *** or 'Tag' that replaces profane words with '<profanity> </profanity>' tags.


text DEFAULT NULL Specifies fallback language if the language of input text can't be identified.


text DEFAULT NULL Specific script of the input text.


text DEFAULT NULL Specific script of the input text.


integer DEFAULT 1000 number of records to process at a time (only available for the overload of the function for which parameter text is of type text[]).


integer DEFAULT 3600000 timeout in milliseconds after which the operation is stopped.


boolean DEFAULT true on error should the function throw an exception resulting in a rollback of wrapping transactions.


integer DEFAULT 1 number of times the extension retries calling the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities if it fails with any retryable error.


integer DEFAULT 1000 amount of time (milliseconds) that the extension waits, before calling again the Azure Language Service endpoint for linked identities, when it fails with any retryable error.

Return type

azure_cognitive.translated_text_result or TABLE(result azure_cognitive.translated_text_result) an array or a single-column table of translated texts. Details of the response body can be found in the response body.


Sentiment analysis examples

select b.*
from azure_cognitive.analyze_sentiment('The book  was not great, It is mediocre at best','en') b

Summarization examples

    unnest(azure_cognitive.summarize_abstractive(bill_text, 'en')) abstractive_summary
FROM bill_summaries
WHERE bill_id = '114_hr2499';

Translation examples

-- Translate into Portuguese
select  a.*
from azure_cognitive.translate('Language Translation in real time in multiple languages is quite cool', 'pt') a;

-- Translate to multiple languages
select  (unnest(a.translations)).*
from azure_cognitive.translate('Language Translation in real time in multiple languages is quite cool', array['es', 'pt', 'zh-Hans']) a;

Personal data detection examples

    'Contoso employee with email is using our awesome API' as InputColumn,
    from azure_cognitive.recognize_pii_entities('Contoso employee with email is using our awesome API', 'en') as pii_entities