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Your questions: "What do people read on your blog?" Stuff about Time, Bill Gates, Kids and shopping for a new PC. Here are some of the most popular posts.

Jenn asks today…

"What do people read the most on your blog? I found your article on how to choose a new computer and found lots more stuff."

Good question, Jenn. I didn't really know until I looked today.

Here are the top recent posts from my blog in the last couple of weeks. Seems that the most popular are the historical pieces on daylight saving time, with one of the most popular in the last couple of months my post on " Microsoft Windows August 2009 Updates to Daylight Saving Time and Time Zones " with details on Microsoft KnowledgeBase Article 970653, "August 2009 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems". (Note that details on the December 2009 cumulative time zone update will be posted next week.)

One of the most popular posts in the last quarter was " Be careful: Why getting Windows 7 "RTM" today can be like a box of chocolates " advising our customers to "be careful and don't download something from a less than trusted source. As noted in my post here on the Windows 7 Release Candidate, please don't use torrents or P2P to get Windows 7 bits, as has been noted in the in the news. (Also available via many people eager to get Windows 7 but may subject themselves to malware."

On the content side, the top post in the last year ((and still popular today) is the collection of articles titled "Halloween, Daylight Saving Time, Bill Gates' new company and other mysterious things I've read this week" – "Here's a blast from the past (December 2006): What do candy, Microsoft products and Congress have in common?  You can read more about this in the latest news on the subject.  If you thought tracking the machinations of various daylight saving time and time zone changes around the world was tough, Paul Tennant of the Eagle-Tribune reports that in Haverhill (MA), trick-or-treating is Saturday night this (and every) year rather than on Friday, October 31."

If the connection here is Bill Gates Halloween Masks, then you really want to read the article in Forbes (click the link on this link to the Halloween Masks article) from Matthew Herper back in 2003 (masks designed by Nina Gould)…

"He created a monster. In his younger days, Bill Gates was accused of being a monopolist. Microsoft is maturing, and now pays a dividend. The world's richest man is trying to remake himself as a philanthropist who uses his vast fortune to fight the scourge of AIDS in Africa. Which is the real Gates? Ask FrankenBill." Click on image for mask.

One of the all time most popular posts is this one on Your questions: 'If we installed the December 2007 Microsoft daylight saving time updates, are we covered for the changes this Fall?' 

Recently, I received a question similar to one I answered last year on daylight saving time and time zone updates to Windows:

"We updated our systems earlier this year for daylight saving time [the rules for the US and Canada].  Is there anything we need to do?  Should we also update our systems with the last DST update? [referring to the August 2008 cumulative update]

Generally, the answer is yes.  As I noted earlier here, it depends.

Next, on the top list of posts is this how-to covering one of the most popular questions: "How do I make Internet Explorer my default web browser?" 

As I work in the Windows division, a letter made its way to my office: a customer mail sent to one of our senior leaders that asked...

"How do I set up Internet Explorer to be my default web browser?"

Simple question you may say, but unfortunately in this case, the customer noted that they were unable to find the information on our web sites or using online help.  So, after first apologizing for the difficulty the customer had in locating the information, I then provided the following steps on how to configure your PC to use Internet Explorer your default web browser. 

But I digress…

Here are a few of the most popular posts from the blog in the last month or so. Seems that most of the info I share is via my feed on twitter, which I update a few times a day.

Last but not least, I'm not sure why, but my humourous post " Apologies for my ode on the Day Before Christmas " ( remains one of the top posts in the last year. My guess is that pictures of snow and kids always get folks online.


Tags: shopping, RSS, Microsoft, New PC, articles, blogs, Microsoft, Windows 7, what I read, twitter, FAQ, your questions.

Clubhouse Tags: Clubhouse, Windows Vista, Windows 7, computers, hardware, how-to

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  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2009
    Very good summary- related to this would be very interesting to read what motivates your most common themes you list in this article; what reads cause you to post them, and what you like and want to see in the future for bloggers.