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Be careful: Why getting Windows 7 "RTM" today can be like a box of chocolates

win7_setup_secrets_small.pngThere's a lot of talk on the Web and on Twitter that Windows 7 has hit the Release to Manufacturing (RTM) milestone.

Just a note that no definitive word has been released on this. I'm sure that the crew will post something on the Windows 7 Team blog when the time comes.

A word to the wise: be careful and don't download something from a less than trusted source. As noted in my post here on the Windows 7 Release Candidate, please don't use torrents or P2P to get Windows 7 bits, as has been noted in the in the news. (Also available via many people eager to get Windows 7 but may subject themselves to malware.

As Roger Halbheer (in his blog on Security) offers reasons why you should not use P2P Windows 7 Builds

"… I refrain from downloading it from any of the untrusted sources. The reason for this is pretty simple: You never know (and it is illegal).

"Years back (and I have told this story over and over again) we ran an event where we fixed PCs of consumers for free for a whole week. Pretty often, when we found an infected machine, we found P2P software on it. When we talked to the person owning the PC he/she usually told us the “my son/daughter installed that and

IMHO, getting a Windows 7 RTM build via a torrent is akin to what Forrest Gump says about a box of chocolates: You never know what you're gonna get.


Tags: articles, blogs, Windows 7.

Clubhouse Tags: Clubhouse, how-to, Windows 7, download, backup, Challenge-Windows 7

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  • Anonymous
    July 19, 2009
    So you're saying that W7 has reached RTM? :)

  • Anonymous
    July 19, 2009
    True. Even on "trusted" sources there may be an infected version.

  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2009
    Manmohanjit, no, just referencing the various discussions out there claiming that RTM bits are available. No announcement has been made.