Dutch Partner Technology Advisors blog
If it ain't Dutch ...
Dynamics NAV 2009 Launch Portal
The Dynamics NAV Launch Portal is up for quite some time now, and filling up rapidly. You can find...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/13/2008
Hyper-V op je laptop
Is een uitdaging, maar gaat wel fantastisch werken. Zeker als je 64 bit werkt. Maar waarom zou je....
Author: Freekv Date: 09/12/2008
Interoperability Content Management Services (CMIS) Specifications
Goed nieuws, er is een gezamelijk ontwikkelde specificatie tot stand gebracht tussen Microsoft, ECM...
Author: Andre Kieft Date: 09/10/2008
Dynamics NAV Style Sheet tool
The Style Sheet feature in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 has been enhanced with a tool that allows you...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/09/2008
How to obtain NAV local functionality, from across the world
Are you looking for the local functionality from a specific country? Maybe in need for the Help...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/09/2008
Dynamics NAV 2009 Training in Nederland
I'll put this post up in Dutch, since it is only relevant for our Dutch partners Vanaf oktober 2008...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/05/2008
Patrick Tisseghem passed away
Sad news folks. Patrick Tisseghem, a well known person in the SharePoint community, passed away last...
Author: Andre Kieft Date: 09/05/2008
Windows Server 2008 - SQL Server 2008 compatibility with Dynamics AX 4.0 and AX 2009 explained
Both Dynamics AX 2009 as Dynamics AX 4.0 support Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/05/2008
Customersource voor Dynamics klanten....hoe krijg je daar toegang toe?
Hi, Ik krijg de laatste tijd veel vragen omtrent Customersource. Wat is het nu eigenlijk?...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/05/2008
Dynamics AX2009 klanten...jawel, zij zijn reeds up and running!
Lees meer over Dynamics AX 2009 bij de volgende klanten. Hopelijk kunnen hun ervaringen u...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/05/2008
Technical Sales Assistance and Technical Advisory Services
Edit: Beschrijvingen van de diensten zijn nu ook volledig te vinden op de officiƫle partner site:...
Author: Andre Kieft Date: 09/04/2008
NAV 2009 UI Introduction
If you have shown an demo of NAV 2009 to someone who has never seen the new UI before, you know that...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/03/2008
Server virtualization as it was meant to be!
Looking at the evolution of server virtualization it's obvious that it's starting to become a...
Author: Edievdb Date: 09/02/2008
Dynamics AX Software Plus Services Propositie
Wat betekent nu eigenlijk Software plus Services met Dynamics AX? Hoe kan het bedrijven helpen met...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/02/2008
Dynamics NAV: Windows 2008 and SQL 2008 compatability
In beginning of August 2008 we finalized testing of compatibility of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0 SP3...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 09/01/2008
Licensing Microsoft Server Products in Virtual Environments
Finally a new version of the Licensing Microsoft Server Products in Virtual Environments whitepaper...
Author: Edievdb Date: 08/30/2008
What is Core IO and what is it good for?
Microsoft Optimization consists of three optimization models. Application Platform Infrastructure...
Author: Edievdb Date: 08/29/2008
First an intro!
Hi, I'm Anouk Thomas, Partner Technology Specialist Dynamics AX in the Netherlands. I help out...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 08/29/2008
SEPA voor Dynamics NAV en AX
SEPA betekent: Single European Payment Area. Het SEPA initiatief verandert de Europese financiƫle...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 08/29/2008
Silverlight demo
Check out this promo for messenger on windows mobile. Pretty cool!...
Author: Andre Kieft Date: 08/29/2008
Dynamics NAV 2009 Marketing Beta
We are happy to announce that the Marketing Beta VPC package will be uploaded to PartnerSource in...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 08/29/2008
First post by Martijn
Following the others, I would like to introduce myself before making my first NAV post: My name is...
Author: TechNet Archive Date: 08/29/2008
On frequent basis I get questions about how to set up MOSS in an OTAP environment (Dutch: Ontwikkel,...
Author: Andre Kieft Date: 08/29/2008
First post by Edie
Hello everyone, My name is Edie van den Berge and I'm also a PTS in the Dutch PTS team. This is my...
Author: Edievdb Date: 08/26/2008
First post by Andre
Hi all, This is Andre Kieft from the Dutch PTS team. So let me first introduce myself and then see...
Author: Andre Kieft Date: 08/26/2008
Reviving the Dutch PTS blog!
We are currently in the process of reviving this blog. The information posted on this blog will...
Author: Edievdb Date: 08/20/2008