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First an intro!


 I'm Anouk Thomas, Partner Technology Specialist Dynamics AX in the Netherlands. I help out partners with sales, presales and readiness in general.

A very exciting job I have ...I must admit! I started 8 years ago in general consulting and moved very quickly into ERP consultancy. OK, I did not choose directly the "best" solution-;)rararara which one???....but is was a very good experience.

In 2004 I made one of the best decision in my life and I moved over to Dynamics AX consultancy. How does a Belgian ends up working for Microsoft in The Netherlands? Well, you can guess that I think;-)!

I hope to post here all the AX news I can get...What are the things I expect in the coming months?

Well, we are waiting for the AX2009 certifications, the benchmarkreports on AX2009 and SQL2008, some more trainingmaterial,...

Hope to talk to you soon!

Gr, Anouk