How to retrieve user logout requests through MS Graph
Hi there! I've found very little information regarding this specific issue, but perhaps someone here has a definitive answer on how (if at all) this is possible. My use case is that I want to know not only the Sign-in timestamps for a given user, but…
Microsoft Graph - Limit Application Permission Access to Specific Shared Mail Folders for Webhook Notifications
Hi, I am trying to set up webhook notifications for mail folders (Inbox and Sent Items) in a shared mailbox using Microsoft Graph API. According to the documentation, this is only possible using Application Permissions (not Delegated…
I need help Parsing Microsoft Graph API Call Records in C#
I need help with parsing the response from the Microsoft Graph API's GET /callRecords endpoint. The JSON response I received is 3100 lines long. I have deserialized it into a Microsoft.Graph.CallRecord object and can inspect the 15 sessions it contains.…
Graph script updates first user then fails every user after first User 'username@user' not found
csv file is 2 columns UserPrincipalName and telephoneNumber Connect to Microsoft Graph Connect-MgGraph -Scopes User.ReadWrite.All Read the CSV file $users = Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\2Phone.csv" Go through each user in the CSV and update the…
PIM Group Eligible membership reporting
Hi, We use different Entra groups which have the memberships managed via PIM. Several users are added as eligible members to those groups. I am trying to generate a report of all eligible members in all of those PIM Managed groups. I tried different…
File Corruption in SharePoint Upload via Microsoft Graph API - Random Issue
Issue Description: I am using the Microsoft Graph API 5.80.0 to upload files to SharePoint from a Java Spring Boot application. The upload works fine in normal conditions, but some files become corrupted while uploading & so unable to download from…
Getting error while launching application from
I configured OIDC Single Sign on in adminconsole of Adobe. When I run the application "Adobe Identity Management (OIDC)" from it gives an error App launch failed App with ID 6aba272b-e383-44cd-8eda-34c66dfd9546 failed to…
How to Get the Latest Excel File from SharePoint | Using API GET Method
Hi, I'm using the API below to download an Excel file from SharePoint. I noticed that when we update the Excel file and download it, the downloaded file does not contain the updated changes. It takes more than 30 seconds to get the latest version of the…
Graph Explorer Data processing and storage residency
While the Data Residency portal shows that Graph is available in Canada Central region and Graph Data Connect is available in both Canada Central and Canada East. I need a way to verify that all our data at rest and processing are remaining in those…
Get Booking options Information Booking Duration (hours) &Booking window (days)
Hi, I want to get information about Booking Duration (hours) and Booking window (days) Rooms & equipment . I tried use List places and room resource type graph API, but the response doesn't include those. Also tried use 'mailboxSettings' , but it…
MS Graph Search API Error: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'searchHistoryManager')
First of all: Uploading / downloading files to our SharePoint Online site out of an Azure Synapse Analytics Python notebook with a generated OAuth2 token works flawlessly, so this is not a firewall / token generation issue or something alike. My…
Emails containing extended URL's in its description are being converted to plain text at the recipient end.
Emails containing extended URL's in its description are being converted to plain text at the recipient end. What could be the issue? Below is the link which we are trying to send in the…
Can not send teams activity successfully by using Microsoft Graph API “
Hi Team, I am trying to send teams activity by using Graph API , the response status is 202 ,but user didn't receive teams activity . Below is the detail request, kindly help to check , Thanks a lot. BTW not sure whether the value under topic is…
$select Queryparameter not working on windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities
When calling I get all my Autopilot devices back. But if I call$select=id I receive…

SignInActivity property missing in Graph API despite visible sign‐in logs
Summary We are experiencing inconsistent behavior where the signInActivity property is not returned for some users through Microsoft Graph, even though the Azure portal shows successful sign‐in events for those same accounts. This occurs in our Azure AD…
How do I perform a Graph search and only return items from SharePoint, Teams and OneDrive individually?
We are using the /graph/search endpoint to return search results, however it returns items from SharePoint, Teams and OneDrive altogether, all the time. We need the allow users to filter so they can say return SharePoint and OneDrive items, or just…
Graph API Event's referenceAttachment not showing
I followed the instructions at "event-list-attachments" to view the list of attachments for the event, but only file attachments were viewed and OneDrive attachments were not viewed. How do I get reference attachments? owa : API :…
Microsoft Planner Premium REST API
Hello, Hope you are doing great. Our team is trying to retrieve Premium Plans and Tasks, as well as task attributes, via Microsoft Graph API. However, we can only get Basic Plans and Tasks. We are wondering if there is any way to export the data from all…

HTML Formatting Tags Stripped from Microsoft Teams Messages - GraphAPI chatMessage (v1 & Beta)
Microsoft Teams Messages with HTML formatting sent through Microsoft Teams Graph API endpoints (Beta & V1) are being stripped of <div> tags & the associated formatting. Both the desktop client & webclient have stripped down HTML. Was…
How to handle "Admin Consent" in oauth flow?
I have been tasked with making this admin consent flow to work in my app. I have seen the option to use the link for the admin to give consent for everyone but we have some security conscious customers that don't want to do that.…