My app gateway web application firewall policy deployment fails with this message "Region is not enabled for Exception feature". How do I enable the feature?
I have a bicep template defining App Gateway Web Application Firewall policy with exceptions. I am using api-version 2024-03-01…
Backend Server Health Status Conflicting with Health Probe Logs in Application Gateway
Hello Azure Community, I am encountering an issue with my Azure Application Gateway where the backend server status is reported as Healthy, but the health probe log indicates that the server cannot be reached. The log states: "Cannot connect to the…
application gateway is not able to route properly
i have created a two env qa and dev now and they both have seprate application gateway i have created a login page and association page in association there are lots of sub domian which i need to add, so in Listener type of application gateway i am using…
How can I revert back to the previous version of a certificate when renewing or uploading a new cert in application gateway if the new cert is not working or uploaded by accident
I would like to know if there is a way to use the previous version of a certificate that has been uploaded to the keyvault. Once the certificate has been uploaded to the keyvault and renewing the certificate in the Application Gateway Listener, if the…
root certificate validation failed
root certificate validation failed Error: {"code":"InvalidTemplateDeployment","message":"The template deployment 'Microsoft.ApplicationGateway-20241219114824' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The…
Failed to connect to management Endpoint...
Hello. I've recently integrated API management inside a Vnet. I've built my Application gateway successfully, and heath probes for the portal, gateway and manager are showing healthy. I've configured DNS records for the Portal, Manager and API on GoDaddy…
How do I add client IP to HTTP logs for Azure App Service sitting behind an Application Gateway
I have an App Service sitting behind an Application Gateway. It is configured to write web logs to both Storage and Analytics. However, the CIp field in these logs only appears to show the internal IPs of the gateway. Not the real client IPs. This makes…
Managing 200 Websites with Application Gateway and WAF Protection
Hello, I have a single server that is currently hosting over 200 websites. Is it possible to manage all these websites using an application gateway and protect them with a WAF?
How to integrate a application gateway with static webapp as frontend and appservice as backend
It is regrading a production set up on how to integrate a application gateway with a public ip, On hitting the public ip the frontend static webapp will be shown and in backend we have private endpoints through which we integrate that with a private…
Issue with Azure Application Gateway
Hi, I have two queries regarding Azure application gateway below: Is it possible to use the existing public IP which is associated with my AGW V1 to WAF V2? Could you please suggest me, how can we implement the disaster recovery by using Azure…
AKS Networking with Application Gateway and Azure Firewall
Hello everyone, I am currently implementing a solution in Azure that involves using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) as a backend, along with an Application Gateway for incoming traffic. Additionally, I have configured an Azure Firewall to manage outbound…
Can we get a reference to the azure WAF logs highlighting the event max size we can expect ?
Hi Team, We are working on Azure WAF connector. We are doing product setup for application gateway and Azure front door with WAF attached and sending that logs to event hub using diagnostic settings. We require information or reference link what event…
Configuring Custom Domain in Azure B2C Using Application Gateway
Is it possible to configure a custom domain in Azure B2C using an Application Gateway instead of Azure Front Door? What specific guidelines or considerations should be kept in mind for this approach?
Local Error: DNSResolution in application gateway when backend is an internal container app
I want to use Azure Application Gateway to protect an internal container app in same vnet, but the situation is quite confusing. Here are the specific configurations: Azure internal container app in vnet test-vnet, ingress restricted to vnet, listening…
Application Gateway Basic Tier pricing is off
Hey, I created a test project utilizing an Azure Application Gateway, forwarding traffic to a Hello World Container App. I am confused by the pricing model and I feel its off compared to the calculator and Azure documentation. The Azure Application…
Supporting single sign-on behind an application gateway
Hi there, We're trying to deploy an application that supports single-sign on using Microsoft Accounts. Our application is running locally as expected. We're now trying to deploy on our Azure architecture. The application runs as an App Service. The App…
How to add transactionid code in the AppGW response error page
Hi there, Application gateway inserts six additional headers to all requests before it forwards the request to the backend. These headers are: x-forwarded-for, x-forwarded-port, x-forwarded-proto, x-original-host, x-original-url, x-appgw-trace-id The…
Generate encrypted access to application hosted on Tomcat server from outside the virtual machine by configuring it through Azure Gateway using Self Signed Certificate
I generated a self-signed certificate for my application hosted on Tomcat within a virtual machine and uploaded it to Azure Application Gateway, but I'm encountering an error. The Intermediate certificate is missing from the backend server chain.…
How can I preserve Original client ip at Application Gateway?
Hey, I have been trying to whitelist specific IP using custom WAF rule and as we know Application Gateway is a proxy server and it does not preserve the original client ip. Is there any workaround or configuration we can set at App gateway side so waf…
Azure frontdoor behind Azure application gateway
I am trying to put application gateway as origins in azure front door. Can anyone point me in the right documentation