Entra Domain Services considerations
Hi All! I am considering using Entra domain services (PaaS) as an option for extending (not replacing) our AD infrastructure into the cloud (as opposed to sticking a VM in Azure with AD running on it). It looks like a good option since I like the idea of…
Multi-Tenant Private DNS Zone Management for Consistent DNS Name Resolution
Current workflow I'm hosting a platform where multiple consumers can share a single subscription and resource-group. user-facing API accepts a DNS name from consumers and in return creates a private DNS zone and a record, which is mapped to the…
Azure Firewall DNS Proxy Failing to Resolve SCM Records in Private DNS Zones
I have a hub-and-spoke architecture in Azure where I'm using Azure Firewall in the hub as a DNS proxy. I have multiple private DNS zones configured in the hub and have established VNet links to my spoke networks. I've also added A records for my function…
Adding Custom Domain
Hi, I added a custom domain and also added TXT record to the DNS with the registrar IONOS. I let it propagate for few hours and tried to verify from Azure custom domains but got an error 'failed to verify domain name'. This is a brand new domain and…
How to fix the following error
Following a lab from Cyberinsight for creating private dns zone which has been created and it showing in virtual network links. Next step is to create a virtual machine to test the configuration, but I'm getting this error, " New-AzResourceGroup: A…
DNS Resolver failing to deploy
We have a DNS Resolver as part of our Bicep configuration. This resource was first deployed some time ago, and the Bicep definition has not recently chagned. Our DevOps pipeline therefore does not need to modify it. Starting this morning, however, the…
Azure Public DNS query/logging capability?
Please advise if there is a way to log Azure Public DNS queries requests so that we can run a query to see DNS trends, etc. I don't see any option to configure diagnostic settings to configure LogAnytics workspace. Thx!
Issue-I wanted to transfer my domain from AWS to Azure, but transfer domain option not coming on app services domain page
I wanted to transfer my domain from AWS to Azure. I have done all the process on AWS the domain is unlocked with authentication code. I have created the DNS zone in azure also. Now when I am going to transfer domains on app services domain page , i cant…
Local Error: DNSResolution in application gateway when backend is an internal container app
I want to use Azure Application Gateway to protect an internal container app in same vnet, but the situation is quite confusing. Here are the specific configurations: Azure internal container app in vnet test-vnet, ingress restricted to vnet, listening…
Not resolving private dns zone over point to site VPN connection into Azure
Having issues getting a private DNS setup, attached to a vnet, to resolve over a point to site VPN connection. My point to site VPN connection is working and I am able to ping the IP and get to IIS on the server. I've set the private DNS up and it's…
Why can't I see DNS responses in Azure Firewall Log?
This is mostly a logging/KQL question, I think... I have an Azure firewall (Premium SKU) with a rule that allows DNS requests on the standard port and it works fine. I can use dig @<dns-ip> ... and get the response I would expect to see. However,…
Resolving DNS names for Azure private endpoint of another company, when using private endpoint ourselves
Hello, It was hard to find an explicit title for that issue... We got a DNS server hosted in Azure which serves as a relay/conditional forwarder for the private DNS zones we have in our Azure tenant. Following the Microsoft documentation for…
Supporting single sign-on behind an application gateway
Hi there, We're trying to deploy an application that supports single-sign on using Microsoft Accounts. Our application is running locally as expected. We're now trying to deploy on our Azure architecture. The application runs as an App Service. The App…
Map subdomain in Azure DNS Zone to website hosted on Azure VM (Cpanel)
I have a domain (xyz.org) on Azure DNS Zone that points to a website hosted on Azure App Service, and I created a subdomain (abc.xyz.org) but will like to point this subdomain to a website hosted on Azure Virtual Machine (Cpanel). I already entered the…
Impact of Public IP Basic SKU Retirement on SBC DNS Records
Is there any expected impact on DNS record sets pointing to Microsoft public IPs for our SBC server due to the retirement of the Public IP Basic SKU? We currently do not have any public IPs in Azure, but I want to confirm this before I just ignore the…
Typo in Private DNS Quickstart page
Hi, I found a typo in the documentation for creating a Private DNS Zone in the Azure Portal. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/dns/private-dns-getstarted-portal
Azure DNS Zone - domain not found by nslookup
Hello, I've created a DNS Zone in Azure and DNS records doesn't seem to work. I tryed pointing them to both public nad private addresses, yet on nslookup command it can't find my domain. I also created an Public IP and created it as an alias to this…
Unable to connect to my storage account from a Virtual Machine Via private end point
I have a storage account with a SMB file share in it, the public access to the storage account is blocked, a private end point is linked to it, we have an existing private DNS zone, and a A record is created in that zone. The VNet where the PE is located…
Change vNet DNS servers with Powershell
I have several hundred vNets over several hundred subscriptions. We have updated the IP of our DNS server that we use in the vNet of each subscription. I would like to use Powershell to check each vNet in each Subscription for the list of DNS servers…
How to replace TLS certificate from New to OLD?
Hello Yesterday I want to renew my TLS certificate but by mistakenly I selected wrong acme name and cert was created But I want to roll back that previous cert and again want to renew with correct acme name. how do I do now ?