Serverless Endpoints for Custom Models in Azure
Currently, Azure allows the creation of serverless endpoints only for certain models from the model catalog. Are there any plans to offer serverless endpoints for custom models from Hugging Face in the future?
How to use Azure Spark serverless compute in AML Compute?
We want to use Azure Serverless compute from our Azure python sdk. cpu_cluster = AmlCompute( name=self.cluster_name, type="amlcompute", size=self.compute_size, …
How to deploy Florence-2
Microsoft recently binned the Computer Vision Background Removal Service, with the (rather brief) advice This feature is now deprecated. On January 10, 2025, the Azure AI Image Analysis 4.0 Segment API and background removal service will be retired. All…
Local azmlinfsrv script returns Access is Denied
I recently was issued a new machine, and running the azmlinfsrv command returns "Access is Denied," regardless of whether it is run in a conda or virtuanenv environment. I have tried following the tutorial line-for-line, starting with a fresh…
Is it possible to get pandas dataframe from azure feature store client? or can we only get spark dataframe while running the job on serverless spark compute?
I made DSL pipeline to train ML models in AML studio, which runs on standard compute "Standard DS3_v2" We also set up Azure Feature Store. But while getting feature data using below code , I am getting error - "RuntimeError: Fail to get…
Service Quotas Limits (Custom neural model train quotas)
Hi everyone, The team is planning to increase the quota for custom neural model training from 20 per calendar month to 40. Could anyone confirm if this will incur additional charges? If yes, could you provide details on the additional costs? If we are…
Azure ML vs Azure Databricks ML(cost,performance)
Hi there, I would like to know which Azure machine learning or Azure Databricks performs better and which costs less? Thanks zmsoft
Data flow is not valid, Argument writer expected parquet|preppy|delimited in Azure ML Pipeline
I have an Azure ML pipeline that has been running successfully on a daily schedule. However, the pipeline failed during its latest run, producing the following error message: AzureMLException: Message: Error Code: ScriptExecution.StreamAccess.Unexpected…
In the AI Fundamentals, Explore Machine Learning Exercise, I am failing to deploy the Model
The instructions ( say to deploy the model using Standard_DS3_v3 VM types. However I cannot do this because there is not…
Azure ML Designer is not able to read dataset that is a csv file in a blob storage
Hi, I have a pipeline in AzureML designer that reads data from a blob storage and then does a very step e.g. Clean Missing Data. The data is read in the first step without any issues. I can 'Preview data' also. But I get the following error as soon as I…
Azure SDK v2 - unable to download job output using mlclient
I was using functionality from last few months, but recently started facing some issue with the below code. I'm running the code using JupyterLab and unable to download the predictions result. However, The batch endpoint is getting invoked and able to…
"azureml-dataprep" error with AutoML UI(no coding)
Hello, I'm new to Azure ML Studio. Under "Authoring" -> "Automated ML", I'm creating a new "Automated ML Job" with "Classification" Type. The job executes flawless with 10 columns/features in the model.…
How can we create a feature view in Azure ML Feature Store from a local machine without using serverless Spark compute?
Team, I'm trying to create an API on top of Azure feature store so that user can pass the below payload, and their feature view will be created automatically. { "feature_view_name": "segment_predictive_performance_view_v9", …
How to correct Error Code: ScriptExecution.StreamAccess.Unexpected
I am using AMLS for a class. First week of issues. Second week of loaded csv file is recognized by any node. I continue to receive the above error, even with a csv file containing 3 columns and 15 rows of data. I can read the data…
How can a reoccurring problem in the pipeline be fixed?
I am working on a pipeline that consists of multiple pill models. Specifically, the pills that are the most helpful for me are the Train Model, Evaluate Model, and any of the Regression Models. After building the pipeline and then configure and…
Can not use model loaded into workspace
Hi, I load a trained model into the workspace using R, and when I use xgboost to predict, it always says: feature names stored in object and newdata are different I checked the data for training and test, column names and order are the same,…
How to fix an endpoint that is perpetually stuck updating
I have a batch endpoint that I was adding a new deployment to, and the Provisioning state of the endpoint is stuck on updating. This means that I cannot take any other action concerning this endpoint, be it another deployment or deleting the endpoint, as…
Examples "too good to be true"?
Hi, From ML-Lab 6 I got: and "My" ROC-Curve does not hug the upper left - and it is a pretty bad model. But nevertheless...I do not think it at all realistic to have extreme "good" examples like here:…
Azure Machine Learning - SSH Error When Attaching Virtual Machine Compute
Hello everyone, I'm experiencing an issue with the "Attach Virtual Machine Compute" function in Azure Machine Learning. I created a virtual machine and used "User Authentication" as the authentication type. The authentication worked…
Do you require 10 or 50 min labeled images?
Hi, I'm unsure: Do you need to label a minimum of 10 or of 50 images for labeling? Or is there a difference between the labeling for images and the labeling for object detection? The text doesn't really clarify: min 10:…