I cannot connect to our MariaDB instance. Looks like a DNS issue
I cannot connect to our MariaDB instance. Looks like a DNS issue. Is this a MS issue?
What database does MS Dynamics 365 use to store its entities and records? Does CRM use its own database?
What database does MS Dynamics 365 use to store its entities and records? Default entities like Accounts, Contacts, etc. as well as customized ones. Is it SQL Server or does CRM use its own custom database? I didn't find much information anywhere…
Guidance With Azure DMS Tool For Maria DB Database Migration
Hello, I am currently working on a Database migration project migrating data from a MariaDB database hosted on AWS over to an Azure SQL DB as part of a cloud consolidation program using an IPsec VPN tunnel. While Azure Database for MariaDB would seem…

Maria db replication
Hey I am trying to understand the theoretical aspects of replication in MariaDB. Specifically, I am curious about the following: What replication methods are supported in MariaDB? How does MariaDB ensure data consistency during replication, especially…
How to get Employees Hierarchy
Hi, My requirement is as follows: I would like to obtain Employee Wise Hierarchy (Bottom Employees to Top Employees) using SP. Note (Role): NH is Level-1(Top Level) VH is Level-2 AVP is Level-3 RM is Level-4 DRM is Level-5 BM is Level-6 TH is Level-7…
I`m unable to create MariDB server in Azure, not even via Azure CLI
I`m trying to create an Azure Maria DB server via CLI and also portal, and I'm unable to do this, I know that is in retire, but I need to do for some tests reason. this is what I'm trying: az mariadb server create -l eastus -g rgmariadb -n maridbrvs -u…
Guidance with MariaDB migration to Azure
Hello, I am currently looking at migrating a MariaDB database hosted on AWS over to Azure as part of a cloud consolidation program. While Azure Database for MariaDB would seem like the most suitable choice, Microsoft has announced that this service will…
On your breaker alarm status column what does DBI mean?
Impact of Gateway Decommissioning on Azure Database Connectivity
Will the upcoming decommissioning of gateways by Microsoft impact my Azure database connectivity if I am using a private link? PS - Based on common issues that we have seen from customers and other sources, we are posting these questions to help the…

Migrate Azure Database for MariaDB servers
We received info about 'Azure Database for MariaDB is scheduled for retirement by September 19, 2025'. I have some questions about this. As info, We can just migrate from Azure Database for MariaDB to Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server, not…

Migrate from DB2 to Azure Database for PostgreSQL/MySQL/MariaDB
Hi, Is it possible to migrate a DB2 database to Azure database for PostgreSQL/MySQL or MariaDB? Thanks for the helping and documentation to do this process. Cordially, Albeiro Jiménez López
SSMA stopped working when we upgraded source database to MariaDB 10.11.x, how can we resolve this?
We are working on migrating from an Azure MariaDB to SQL Server on an Azure VM. The process was working until we upgraded MariaDB from 10.6.x to 10.11.x. Now we get an error stating, "Error occurred while collecting data". Additional error in…
Is their any feasibility to load the data fromm on premise Maria DB via SSL-based authentication to Azure Cloud, without using SHIR or Vnet
Is their any feasibility to load the data fromm on premise Maria DB via SSL-based authentication to Azure Cloud, without using SHIR or Vnet

REST API queries to "aria3.kusto.windows.net" versus "kusto.aria.microsoft.com"
Hello I am trying to fetch data from 2 databases in Kusto Aria using REST API calls in PowerShell script in .yml pipeline. I am fetching token using MSAL and adding that to auth headers. QUESTION: Which URL I should use…

Azure MariaDB server stuck in starting state
I tried starting my MariaDB server using Powershell commands. The server has been stuck in "starting" state since then. I tried executing server start,stop commands via Azure CLI but the server does not reponds to those commands. The commands…

Azure Linux sql federated link table opening speed is too slow
If you install MariaDB on Azure Linux and create a federated table link to the MariaDB server on a server other than Azure and open the table, it takes too long. If you do it the same way on Amazon and other clouds instead of Azure, it is faster. Why is…
Unable to connect to mariadb even with AllowAll wildcard
Hi, I have a Azure Mariadb instance working well since 3 years. I want to access it from a new remote virtual machine, so as usual, I opened a new firewall rule to grant the access to the new machine IP. Now on the new machine, when I try to connect to…

Azure MariaDB version upgrade from 10.3 in 2023
Hi I've asked this question a bit over 6 months ago, but can't find any up to date information and am curious what the current status is: Is there any intention to provide MariaDB in Azure with versions higher than 10.3? It is set to reach end-of-life in…
SKU Configuration Issue When Creating MariaDB
console "sku": { "name": "GP_Gen5_4", "tier": "GeneralPurpose", "family": "Gen5", "capacity": 4 } restApi "sku": { "name": "B_Gen5_1",…
MariaDB versions higher then 10.3
Hi Guys, What is Azure view at MariaDB versions? Because the current stable version is 10.6.8. And I can only choose for 10.3 in Azure.