How can I delete a key vault that is not being used?
I accidentally created a key vault, and I now want to delete it since it is not being used. I assigned the Key Vault Administrator to myself so am able to view the contents. There are no secrets, certificates, etc. When I attempt to delete it, I receive…
How to convert existing API Management named values from Secret type to Key Vault reference
I have received Azure Advisor recommendations regarding API Management security enhancement, specifically stating that 'API Management secret named values should be stored in Azure Key Vault.' In our organization, we have multiple API Management…
Help me for a while.
Hi i want you help me, look for a Key Vault account named Dreamerinheye this is honestly my account but the ending I blocked but I need to consider my application workplace as a Key Vault Person / Cryptographer. Are you willing to help because I'm just…
Permission issues with Web App connecting to Key Vault
When deploying our web app application, we knew that we wanted to import certificates to web app from Key vault. However, we've managed to get a lot of issues along the way and wanted to see if there is someone else who has run in to the same issues and…
How can I export or Download Private key store in Azure Key Vault ? I need to migrate keys to somewhere else.
How can I export or Download Private key store in Azure Key Vault ? I need to migrate keys to somewhere else.

Expiry time of a key vs key rotation policy
Hi all, I have a question let say i have this kind of code rsa_key = key_client.create_rsa_key(key_name, size=4096) actions = [ KeyRotationLifetimeAction( KeyRotationPolicyAction.rotate, time_before_expiry="P30D" …
confirm if BYOK is supported in Azure Key vault of China Cloud
I learned that BYOK is not supported in Azure China from , but in the supported HSM Thales' official document…
how use azure vault with managed identity on azure arc enabled k8s cluster.
we have follow the given step to install and use azure vault with our on-prem cluster. so we want to use azure managed identity with our on-prem cluster thats why we use azure arc to connect our cluster to azure. steps: connect on-prem cluster to…
Is Azure's encryption key management server solution compatible with IBM DS8000s?
Hello, We are bringing up some IBM DS8000 and TS7700 hardware in some data centers with fast connections to Azure. Is Azure's encryption key management tool(s) compatible with this IBM hardware? We are currently using IBM Security Guardium Key…
Help with PowerShell Custom Script Extension referencing Key Vault secrets for domain join and Power Automate machine group
Hi everyone, I’m trying to automate both domain joining and Power Automate registration on my Azure VM Scale Set using a PowerShell script via the Custom Script Extension. Specifically, the script needs to: Join the VM to our Windows domain (using a…
Keyvault Failover across regions with private endpoint
Hello, I've read this doc and with reference to the bullet point in that doc, quote "If you're using private link to connect to your key…
Code Signing with Azure KeyVault -You are unauthorized to view these contents.
I have an Azure account, I have gone through all the steps for an app to Business Central, and now I need to Code Signing. I have made af KeyVault, but when I want to ad the Certificate, the menu +Generet/Import is gray, and the text say You are…
How to fix SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel and key vault URL invalid error
│ Error: creating Flexible Server (Subscription: "***" │ Resource Group Name: "alle-ai-terraform-rg" │ Flexible Server Name: "alle-ai-db-fs"): polling after Create: polling failed: the Azure API returned the following…
Unable to access key vault URI
In our Azure subscription: Modymix, the key vault resource mm-blob-storage-key was created and stored the Blob storage connection string in the vault. I have tried to use console app and the ASP.NET core app to access the key vault to retrieve the…
Azure KV Secret Near Expiry is dormant/not firing
Given KV Events, the SecretNearExpiry is no longer firing or probably is going who knows where! that EventSubscription is not firing up, I'be been adding for my secret, 30 days, for instance if I create the Secret on 2/27/25 5:00 PM, I'm updating the…
How to add my Trusted Signature to my Azure Key Vault?
Hi, I created a trusted signature in my Azure account. I would like to use it to sign excel files. I understand that I need to export it as PFX. I believe I need Azure key vault to do so, correct? If I get Key vault, how do I transfer / add my trusted…

How to use environment variables instead of az login in azure cli or any other secured way?
I am trying to use Environment Variables for Azure CLI instead of the below 'az login' command az login --service-principal -u [ClientID] -p [ClientSecret]--tenant [TenantID] Can Azure CLI able to use environment variables for Azure credentials? …
Bicep deployment of key vault keys fails with error [CaeAuthorizationFailed (Unauthorized)] AKV10203
Attempting to deploy a key vault key via a bicep template fails with the following error: { "code": "CaeAuthorizationFailed", "message": "[CaeAuthorizationFailed (Unauthorized)] AKV10203: Continuous access…
Secret loading fails in Azure Data Factory Linked Services when I try to use Azure Key vault.
I am trying to allow ADF linked services to use the key vault but I am receiving the error below. I have set the ADF linked service as per below. You can also see I have tried many RBAC roles to try and get it to work.
Azure Key Vault Encrypt with AES returns 413 Request Entity Too Large
I'm using a 256 bit AES key that's stored in Azure Managed HSM and I'm trying to encrypt data using the Azure SDK. When I try to encrypt the data using the AES key, the SDK returns a 413 Request Entity Too Large error. The data is likely in JSON format…