Hello @razec18
Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Q&A.
Verify that the Key Vault has been made accessible to the Managed Identity of the VM Scale Set. There are two main places where permissions are required:
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in Azure: It is accurate to grant access to secrets in the Key Vault by assigning the "Key Vault Secrets User" position, as you have already explained. For this role assignment, make sure the appropriate scope (subscription, resource group, or vault) is chosen.
Access Policies: Verify that the appropriate access policies have been enabled. If your Key Vault uses Vault access policies rather than Azure RBAC, this can be especially important. In this case, the Managed Identity of your VM Scale Set must be explicitly granted access to secrets within the Key Vault.
Key Vault access policies do not support granular, object-level permissions like a specific key (or to a single key), secret (or to a single secret), or certificate (or to a single certificate). When a user is granted permission to create and delete keys, they can perform those operations on all keys in that key vault.
Key Vault access policies (Not RBACs) grant permissions separately to keys, secrets, or certificate (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/general/assign-access-policy?tabs=azure-portal).
You can grant a user access only to keys and not to secrets. Access permissions for keys, secrets, and certificates are managed at the vault level.
You can set access policies for a key vault use the Azure portal, the Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, or the Key Vault Management REST APIs.
Choose "Vault access policy". If you've created an Azure Key Vault with default option (you didn't select the permission model), it will have Azure RBAC for its permission model. The solution: delete your Azure Key Vault and create a new one with "Vault access policy".
Refer similar cases: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1489283/how-do-i-use-access-control-page-now-that-vault-ac
I hope this clarifies things.
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