We are creating custom extraction model in azure document intelligence, once after creating a model its taking long time to perform analysis with the pdf when we are testing against the built model
Hi we created custom extraction model with azure document intelligence when we are tried to test the model with pdf we are facing too much processing time what may be the issue with this kindly help and provide references with any documentation if…
How to batch create a searchable pdf using azure document intelligence python API
Hi All, I have stored some PDFs in Azure Blob storage and I am trying to batch OCR these documents while also creating a searchable PDF. Unfortunately at the moment I'm getting a file with the following extension "filename.pdf.ocr.json" which…
Problem with new limits in version 4.0 GA for composed models
Hello, According to the documentation, version 4.0 GA offers an increased limit of models (500) that can be included in a composed model. I am able to create a classification model that contains more than 200 classes, but when I try to create a compsed…
form recognizer mistranslation when processing multiple documents
i am testing a simple logic app that translates multiple files into english. when I run one file through it, it is very good quality but when i run multiple files the translation is absolutely trash. The test file I am using is a UN paper so I can…
Document Intelligence Service hostname sometimes does not resolve
I am getting the following exception in an Azure Function, which is attempting to call Document Intelligence services. Note: All text and images lightly edited for anonymity of resources. Azure.RequestFailedException: The requested name is valid, but no…
Document Intelligence General Document model not support keyValuePair
We are getting feature not supported error when I use "prebuilt-layout" modelID and sending keyValuePair feature option as specified in this link…
Optimal Labeling Approach for Date Extraction in Custom Model
I’m seeking guidance on the best way to label date-related data for a custom extraction model. Below is an example of the type of data I need to extract, which varies in format as shown in the table. Key Questions: Should I label Day, Month, Year, and…
Logic Apps - Form recognizer (Document Intelligence) connector is not working with api version 2024-11-30
Hi, May i know when will be the new connector release that could support the V4 API of Form recognizer? the V3 connector isn't compatible with api version 2024-11-30 Gordon
How to add Confidence metric to items in a Custom Extraction Model
Hi Dears; I am using a Custom Extraction Model which I've trained on numerous receipts, but my problem is that it gives me a confidence score for the overall receipt info like transactionDate, transactionTime, merchantName etc... but not for the table of…
How to analyse custom model generated json output?
Hi Team, I am using custom extractor model from Azure document intelligence. I am not able to analyse json response from model. I want few fields to be extracted from input document. Regards, Pravin Shelake
Text Analysis in PDF Documents with Azure AI Services
Hello everyone, I am working on a project where I regularly handle extensive collections of PDF documents filled with specific technical terms and abbreviations. These documents also vary greatly in layout and formulation, presenting a unique challenge…
How to Train Custom Model in Document Intelligence Studio for Accurate Handwriting Recognition?
I am currently working on creating a custom model in Document Intelligence Studio to read PDF forms. However, I am facing issues with incorrect recognition of handwritten text. The model often misinterprets certain characters or words, leading to…
Can Azure Document Intelligence Studio be used to create a Seachable pdf
Hi , I am looking at creating searchable pdf using Azure document Intelligence I see this article about possible implementation…
Quote limit issue in Azure AI
Getting below error while deploy azure openai This operation require 40 new capacity in quota Tokens Per Minute (thousands) - GPT-35-Turbo, which is bigger than the current available capacity 30. The current quota usage is 0 and the quota limit is 30…
Unstable Table Layout with Merged Column Headers
Hello Everyone, We are currently using Azure Document Intelligence to extract table data from PDF documents. By default, we use the layout model for data extraction. However, we've encountered some issues with specific documents, particularly when: …
I am trying to extract data from pdf using azure document intelligence studio but getting this erroe
I am trying to extract data from pdf using azure document intelligence studio but getting this error InternalServerError__ An unexpected error occurred. apim-request-id: fa8611a0-a591-4327-8f1c-d840f750d5a4
Cost of Model training
I am slightly confused on the cost to train a model. This page discusses the cost of training a neural model, saying that it is free for the first 10 hours, then billing charges would apply at $3 per hour. Does this apply per month? And if I use the paid…
A regression in OCR quality and ability to find fields in REST API 2024-11-30 (GA) for receipts/invoices?
We use Document intelligence to OCR and pull out relevant information from receipts and invoices. We are currently on the API 2024-07-31-preview but saw there was a new GA release in December (API 2024-11-30 (GA)) so we tested it out. There is a small…
Query about classifier confidence
Can I look at the confidence breakdown across all class labels in my Azure Document Intelligence custom classifier. For example, if my classifier has 3 class labels: 1- Tax Return Form 2- Lease Agreement 3- Unknown forms What I mean by the confidence…
Need help on table extraction from a document
Hi All, We are having tables in a document, we need to extract it. We are invoking form recognizer using REST API, and in the OCR response, we are getting an element named tables, with all cell details. Can you please let me know if the only way to…