synchronization of outlook contacts / exchange 2016
Hello, We need to automatically synchronize contacts into our outlook (on premise / exchange 2016). Those contacts are created into our CRM and we can extract them with an API. How to create them into outlook? We do not want to use csv import, and we…
How is the default language/timezone is decided for Shared Mailboxes?
Hello, For User Mailboxes, the use is prompted when they sign in for the first time to OWA to decide their language and time zone. This decides the language they have for their Default folders (Inbox, Spam...) When they use Outlook Desktop, I assume…
Help on APIs
Hi All, I am using an Exchange 2016 hybrid environment where we create users on-premises and migrate them to Exchange Online. Let's say I have a mailbox user, User1, and I want to provide calendar access to User1's calendar for User2. Additionally, I…
New-AuditLogReport: The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input
Hi guys, I've always run the script below since exchange server 2013 and after applying the exchange server 2019 CU11 and exchange server 2016 CU22 updates I've been getting the error below. I tried in various ways to get around and was not…
Exchange Server Subscription Edition support for Edge Transport Sever
Hi We have an Exchange 2019 hybrid setup that includes Exchange Edge Transport servers. Will this scenario still be supported with Exchange Server Subscription Edition?Is there an Edge Transport Server Subscription Edition, or can we use an Exchange…
install oos
Good afternoon. I am trying to find OOS for download and the Volume Licensing Server is no more. I cannot find it in the O365 Admin Center. Thank you for your help with this.
outlook account via IMAP overrides the "to" email.
I have a python app that saves draft email via IMAP. Outlook overrides the "To" no matter what i try. message["To"] = Remy
How to restrict users form updating Timezone and Regional Settings (Exchange 2019)
Hello! I am trying to stop users from updating or changing Timezone and Language (Regional Settings) using OWA or Outlook Desktop. All the users are on Exchange Server and some of the users are shared mailboxes too. I am aware that I can use the…
Need information on Microsoft Message Trace GCC Support to request OAuth Token
I'm exploring MessageTrace report API:, I can see that, to generate OAuth Token I need to make a GET call to:<tenant-id>/oauth2/token . Does…
How to generate a list in exchange, user have set a rules in Auto Forwarding emails to Another Mailbox using powershell
Please help me to generate a report via in a powershell, to view the list of mailbox name, Inbox rule, Forward to, Redirect to Forward as Attachment and rule status. Thank you
Exchange 2019 Database Seeding Issue in DAG Environment
I am encountering an issue with an Exchange 2019 database. My environment consists of four Exchange servers (two in the DC site and two in the DR site) configured in a Database Availability Group (DAG) running CU 13. The database has a copy on the two…
EWS API : In-Place Archive Folder Item Count Issue.
Hi everyone, I’m working on a C# application using the Exchange Web Services API to retrieve the email count from In-Place Archive folders, including nested ones. Here’s the code I’m using to get folder Item…

When sending an email, an error was reported in the email tracking query: 550 "Sender" is invalid
Use the Java code in Microsoft AP user: sendMail, An error occurred while sending. Before the error occurred, everything was normal when using this, but after a few days, the error appeared Another phenomenon is that this error only occurs when Azure…
How to install EWS managed API 2.2 on Exchange 2016
I want to install Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices on a virtual machine that has Exchange 2016 management tools installed. Specifically, I want to install Exchange WebServices 2.2 for Exchange 2016. The VM has .NET Framework installed. I have gone through…
High Volume Email - Send email Oauth
Hello, Based on this documentation: I'm trying to connect and send email using Oauth authentication using certificate, as explained here:…

Inconsistent Conversation ID Retrieval in Office JS Using getSelectedItemsAsync
When using Office.js to retrieve selected items with Office.context.mailbox.getSelectedItemsAsync, the conversationId value returns a string value "[object Object]". However, accessing the conversationId of the same emails through…
How to Retrieve Attachments Larger Than 5MB Using EWS
I'm working with Exchange Web Services (EWS) and need assistance on how to retrieve attachments that are larger than 5MB. By default, EWS seems to limit the attachment size for retrieval, but I need to ensure that larger attachments can be fetched. Could…
O365 EWS w/ Impersonation UploadItems worked March 2024 - now 'access denied' error. All other features work.
I spent quite a few weeks earlier this year writing a PowerShell utility to copy mail between users in a O365 Tenant (including the ability to place copied mail in a unique 'root' folder tree). After much trial and error I had a working script that did…
Setup Exchange Server 2019 on Azure VM with Azure Load Balancer
I am required to setup exchange client access service availability through azure internal load balancer I am required to migrate exchange server onpremises to azure vm, there is a VPN setup that passes traffic from onpremises to azure datacenter using…
Need Help: IMAP OAuth2 Authentication Issue for
Hey everyone, we're hitting a wall trying to get IMAP access for an mailbox using OAuth2. We're always getting an AUTHENTICATE failed error, even though we've set up Azure AD, got the right permissions, and grabbed the access tokens. We're…