You dont need to install that. If Exchange is installed, EWS is already enabled on the server. Run your scripts against that .
How to install EWS managed API 2.2 on Exchange 2016
I want to install Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices on a virtual machine that has Exchange 2016 management tools installed. Specifically, I want to install Exchange WebServices 2.2 for Exchange 2016. The VM has .NET Framework installed. I have gone through the article linked below, but I am not sure how to install because I will be using Exchange WebServices in my PowerShell scripts.
2 additional answers
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Roger Roger 6,881 Reputation points
2024-08-05T18:31:19.55+00:00 i have just installed exchange management tools on this VM, when the script is trying to execute from this VM it is looking for exchange web services path.
Roger Roger 6,881 Reputation points
2024-08-06T19:57:13.55+00:00 can anyone assist me installing Exchange WebServices 2.2 on a VM which has exchange 2016 management tools.