4,790 questions with Microsoft Exchange Online Management tags
Why does Microsoft Enterprise Applications appear to be broken?
I'm trying to authorize an application to my Exchange Online subscription, but when I attempt to do so, the authorization never completes (just hangs with the animation at the top of the page). In an attempt to troubleshoot, I navigate to the enterprise…
How to fix Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups
I have tried to send email for a company and a person which isn't the first-time sending emails to each other but recently when I try to send emails back to them, I mails bounces back and show the below message. knowing that we have sent emails to each…
Outlook.com to Microsoft 365 Migration failed
I'm trying to migrate my Outlook.com email to Microsoft 365 with IMAP Migration, but it keeps failing with this error. Error: ImapAuthenticationException: The username or password for this account is incorrect, or IMAP access is disabled. --> Imap…
when adding send on behalf to a distribution list i get the message try again later
Hello Please i need your help on this issue. when adding send on behalf to a distribution list i get the message "try again later"
How to get the list of accounts with General as Employee number along with Mailbox and OneDrvie quota
Hello all, Is there way to pull a report for all generic accounts having General as Employee number along with Mailbox and OneDrive quota and last login details.
when i run the connect-exchangeonline to connect it it should open a authentications window but it gives the error A window handle must be configured. See https://aka.ms/msal-net-wam#parent-window-handles At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Exc
when i connect-exchangeonline i get this error : A window handle must be configured. See https://aka.ms/msal-net-wam#parent-window-handles At C:\Program…
Office add-in deployment within integrated apps: eligibility error with the Centralized Deployment
Hi, We have outlook add-in deployed via centralized deployment in "Microsoft 365 admin center > Settings. > IntegratedApps". For some time it was there and it worked. We went to update manifest file, this update didn't take any…
Configure outlook Error.
I have free licenses for my organization for learning and practice, on every user mail id is showing but when i go to configure in outlook or sending mail to that ID it's not completion please anyone can Help me out. Thanks Regards.

Gmail migration tool - stuck at NeedsApproval
Hello dear MS techs I'm pulling my hair off with having a problem with Gmail migration tool built-in Microsoft 365 admin center. I am using batch migration, not remote. I've done two pilot groups and there are many issues I'm facing with it and starting…
I am trying to connect the VPN access and I am not getting authentication message on my phone although my professional account is already being added in the Microsoft authenticator app
I am trying to connect the VPN access and I am not getting authentication message on my phone although my professional account is already being added in the Microsoft authenticator app
Send As Gmail Alias Configuration
Hi, I have previously setup a Gmail alias that allows me to "send as" my office365 email address. This is achieved in Gmail under "Settings", "Accounts and Imports" and "Send Mail As'". I have successfully set…
Basic Authentication for SMTP Deprecation
Hello, I understand that basic authentication is being discontinued later this year. Is Microsoft planning on creating temporary blocks as a way to remind users to prepare for the discontinuation? I believe they did this years ago for the TLS 1.1…
What can I do to fix Resource is unhealthy and shouldn't be accessed for Exchange 365?
I have been trying to get a new MRM policy to apply for an Exchange Online user, but have been failing over a 4 day period with the same error message. The user has an Archive mailbox enabled, and the policy was newly created to permanently delete all…
Unable to verify exchange account on iPhone 15
The exchange email suddenly stopped working on my iPhone 15. After trying several times to get into it, I deleted the account and tried again. Still nothing so I changed the password on my Mac and all devices to match. Still can't get it on my iPhone…
How to send an email on behalf of distribution group?
A distribution group email address is a virtual email address used for delivering emails to the entire group of specific users. I'd like to use it for the "From" field, so the recipient could simply reply and all group members would receive the…
DKIM signing but not authenticating
I have 2 custom domains in my tenant, one with DNS in Azure, the other using DNS in a different host. I added DKIM records to both, using the records provided by Microsoft, copied and pasted straight from the Microsoft dkim page into azure. Everything…
How to allow IMAP for a specific application, but restrict for anything else.
Hello all, Due to the risk of bad actors exploiting Legacy Authentication types, we would like to turn off access to IMAP, POP, etc. We are currently use Zoho CRM and it requires IMAP to connect to o365 mail. Is there a way to turn off legacy mail…
Need information on Microsoft Message Trace GCC Support to request OAuth Token
I'm exploring MessageTrace report API: https://reports.office365.com/ecp/reportingwebservice/reporting.svc/MessageTrace, I can see that, to generate OAuth Token I need to make a GET call to: https://login.windows.net/<tenant-id>/oauth2/token . Does…
Adding and Removing Members from a Distribution List on Meeting Invites and Calendars
I sent a meeting invite to DL members A and B. Later, I added C as a member. Will the meeting be added to C's calendar? Then, if I remove A from the DL, will the meeting be removed from A’s calendar?"
Outlook Mailbox
Hello Please i need your help on this issue. We do not have retention policy shows in the compliance center. It only shows in some individual mailboxes. I need assistance to ensure that our outlook mailboxes are kept securely is essential for potential…