816 questions with Windows App SDK tags

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0 answers

Change or Neutralize default button visual states

I am defining a style for Buttons to have different from default behavior when user interacts with it. First lets assume I want to neutralize the visual statues of the button. I still want the button to be clickable, I just don't want the click or mouse…

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
asked 2025-02-01T18:58:14.29+00:00
Eliyahu 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Win32 context menu items issues

Hello everyone, could you please tell me what can go wrong with getting context menu items via win32? First of all, do I understand correctly that the ampersand in the name is normal? But at the same time, some elements have a localized dwTypeData, some…

Windows 10
Windows 10
A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.
12,023 questions
Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
Windows API - Win32
Windows API - Win32
A core set of Windows application programming interfaces (APIs) for desktop and server applications. Previously known as Win32 API.
2,718 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
11,264 questions
Windows 11
Windows 11
A Microsoft operating system designed for productivity, creativity, and ease of use.
10,608 questions
asked 2025-01-28T15:52:31.3966667+00:00
123244 100 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-31T13:15:02.3633333+00:00
Castorix31 86,521 Reputation points
0 answers

How to Disable Scrolling in a Navigation View with WindowsAppSDK

I have a WindowsAppSDK app that uses a navigation view control for navigation. For one of the pages, scrolling should be disabled, allowing the page to shrink to fit within the navigation view's content pane. How can scrolling be disabled and the page…

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
11,264 questions
A language based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) that enables developers to specify a hierarchy of objects with a set of properties and logic.
830 questions
asked 2025-01-17T22:59:10.8633333+00:00
jm6271 20 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-31T01:52:30.9866667+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 33,596 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer

How to run the Windows Function Example Codes independently?

I am not able to test and run the sample exemplary code of IP adapter address or for that reason any other exemplary sample codes of Windows functions. How can I independently test and check if this code helps me to get all the required information which…

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
Windows API - Win32
Windows API - Win32
A core set of Windows application programming interfaces (APIs) for desktop and server applications. Previously known as Win32 API.
2,718 questions
asked 2025-01-23T05:41:06.8066667+00:00
Prem Jha 95 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-31T01:50:20.37+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 33,596 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer

Restrict printer selection while printing in WinUI app

In a WinUI app, I want to restrict the user from selecting any printer, only allowing a predefined set of printers. Additionally, the user should not be able to modify the print settings, such as altering the paper size or page range; they should only be…

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
Windows API - Win32
Windows API - Win32
A core set of Windows application programming interfaces (APIs) for desktop and server applications. Previously known as Win32 API.
2,718 questions
asked 2025-01-24T10:24:43.7566667+00:00
Navaneeth 21 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-31T01:49:30.3133333+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 33,596 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2 answers

WinUI3 TabView Binding Not Updating Correctly - Recycling Instances?

Is this a bug in TabView implementation? Or what could I be doing wrong? Summary: Binding seems to get out of sync when adding and removing tabs from tab TabView. Minimal Working Example that Demonstrates the Issue: Code for minimal working example…

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
asked 2025-01-13T17:40:45.3233333+00:00
Eric Brandt 45 Reputation points
edited the question 2025-01-24T01:19:21.6866667+00:00
Jack J Jun 24,631 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How to implement alternating row colors in a ListView using Windows App SDK

I have a Windows App SDK app that has a ListView, and I want the row colors to alternate. What is the best way to achieve this?

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
11,264 questions
A language based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) that enables developers to specify a hierarchy of objects with a set of properties and logic.
830 questions
asked 2025-01-19T20:09:53.58+00:00
jm6271 20 Reputation points
accepted 2025-01-21T17:48:42.4266667+00:00
jm6271 20 Reputation points
1 answer

Need primary window on top of another primary window using WinUI3 and win32

Hi team, I am referring the below code sample which is provided by your team. https://app.box.com/s/wbpx7rzvwyqna66z0yckfprcf6qxg9kh So now we have requirement to keep two primary window on top of another main window. and 1st main window to…

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
asked 2021-11-23T10:38:01.427+00:00
MM, Sunil 86 Reputation points
edited the question 2025-01-17T15:18:53.03+00:00
TP 102.2K Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Is it possible to verify add-on purchase in a standalone windows build

Hi, Due to compatibility issues with several SDKs, I plan to build my game as a Windows Standalone application rather than a UWP build in Unity. However, I have discovered that Microsoft Store SDKs are only available for UWP builds, which prevents me…

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
asked 2025-01-14T11:05:37.9466667+00:00
SHASHANK S 20 Reputation points
accepted 2025-01-17T07:48:32.3833333+00:00
SHASHANK S 20 Reputation points
0 answers

why GATTSetCharacteristicValue return 80070005 on windows8.1

when i use GATTSetCharacteristicValue Send data to ble device (on windows 8.1), but it return hr=80070005. it will return ok the program on windows10 or over. anybody have this problem.

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
3,837 questions
asked 2025-01-16T07:07:16.66+00:00
Agilemin 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-17T02:09:08.3466667+00:00
Jeanine Zhang-MSFT 10,526 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2 answers

Issues with Rotating ProgressBar for Vertical Orientation In WinUI App

Hi, I am working on a custom StepBar control, and the Horizontal orientation is functioning as expected. However, I am encountering issues when implementing the Vertical orientation. Since the ProgressBar control does not have an Orientation property,…

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
4,083 questions
Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
11,264 questions
asked 2025-01-08T14:04:24.5533333+00:00
Mahdi Hosseini 155 Reputation points
answered 2025-01-12T00:26:10.57+00:00
Active Server 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Smart screen security error during upload app on store

Hi Team, Could you please help me for sort this issue. I had developed app using Tauri, during submit the APP on store getting security (Smart Screen) error. While I had followed the given steps still error not resolved. Error Below: |10.2.10 Security|A…

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
asked 2024-04-30T09:58:35.7133333+00:00
ankit verma 5 Reputation points
edited a comment 2025-01-09T03:06:34.6166667+00:00
nk 0 Reputation points
0 answers

ContentPresenter Content does not shown Correctly in a ItemsRepeater

Hi, i am creating a StepBar Control, in Vertical Orientation, and Left or Right DisplayMode (for Header Text), but ContentPresenter Content does not shown correctly. as you can see BasicInfo shown as BasicInf and UploadFile shown as UploadF. and this a…

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
4,083 questions
Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
11,264 questions
asked 2025-01-06T21:20:40.16+00:00
Mahdi Hosseini 155 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-07T09:21:28.2+00:00
Mahdi Hosseini 155 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

VisualState Only Changes Once in Custom Control WinUI/WASDK App

I am working with a custom control in a WinUI/WASDK App and trying to modify the Foreground or BorderBrush of some elements using the VisualStateManager. However, I am encountering an issue where the VisualState only changes once, and after that, I am…

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
4,083 questions
Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
11,264 questions
asked 2025-01-05T13:07:12.5666667+00:00
Mahdi Hosseini 155 Reputation points
accepted 2025-01-06T17:23:11.7+00:00
Mahdi Hosseini 155 Reputation points
1 answer

Dialog box before launching of application in winui3 c++/winrt

I am working in winui3 c++/winrt and I need to show a dialog box just before the launch of my application The dialog box will say OK and Cancel on click of OK we launch the application and on cancel we exit. I tried a few approaches but it is giving…

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
3,837 questions
A language based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) that enables developers to specify a hierarchy of objects with a set of properties and logic.
830 questions
asked 2024-12-18T06:27:05.37+00:00
Vivek Rao 20 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-03T09:53:29.2666667+00:00
Vivek Rao 20 Reputation points
1 answer

WinUI3: How to print framework element using cpp

My app have to windows. Depending on which the print is called from we getting the actual hWnd. My issue is how to to get an instance of printManager or is there another way to print from winui 3? // file: MainWindow.xaml.cpp ... #include…

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
3,837 questions
asked 2024-12-24T23:57:15.6233333+00:00
Jens Tirsvad Nielsen 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-03T02:33:25.23+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 33,596 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

how to change the pointer cursor in winUI?

I am using winui3 how to change the pointer cursor.

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
asked 2023-09-21T06:31:27.35+00:00
mc 5,061 Reputation points
commented 2024-12-31T07:50:57.4666667+00:00
qingh2 0 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Starting a process in an AppContainer from a service (LOCAL_SYSTEM)

Hello, I am trying to run a process in an AppContainer. This process is created from a service, so is in session 0 running as LOCAL_SYSTEM. I have also tried CreateProcessAsUser to run it as LOCAL_SERVICE (also in session 0) and it doesn't work. …

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
asked 2021-09-17T10:25:50.1+00:00
Alex Crane 96 Reputation points
commented 2024-12-27T11:55:10.4566667+00:00
Ram 0 Reputation points
1 answer

An exception is given when trying to manipulate UI when the packageCatalogUninstalling event is triggered WinUI

Hello! I'm testing an application that uses PackageCatalog.Uninstalling event and i would like to change the UI when this event is triggered but when i try to do it an exception is given. I also tried with a dispatcher but received another error

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
A language based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) that enables developers to specify a hierarchy of objects with a set of properties and logic.
830 questions
asked 2024-12-03T19:14:54.59+00:00
edited a comment 2024-12-19T12:07:06.4666667+00:00
Anderson Rodrigues Cavalcante 316 Reputation points
0 answers

USB Controller alert in Kinect for Windows

I cannot get my kinect to register as a sensor in any 3rd party program. 3d build will show image, but will only capture a image still not a video.

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
816 questions
asked 2024-12-17T02:50:29.2766667+00:00
FireMedic541 0 Reputation points
commented 2024-12-17T06:26:50.23+00:00
Jeanine Zhang-MSFT 10,526 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor