NTFS Extended Attributes, how it works
Hi Heroes, Maybe a dumb question but I have been struggling to understand how exactly NTFS Extended Attributes works. I'm studying the Data Loss Prevention(DLP) products (like Symantec, McAfee, Forcepoint DLP products). and in the DLP products, there…
SharePoint On Premise Authentication
Hi All, I would like to ask how can I code for SharePoint On Premise Authentication? because I try the get the Calendar RSS from SharePoint On Premise. Here with my source code. string key = "iNivDmHLpUXXXXXXXXXXXXj1PVkH"; var…
Cannot upload a public cert to B2C Identity Experience Framework Policy keys
I'm working on a spike for identity provider initiated SSO (SAML 2) in B2C where there will be an external identity provider that sends a saml assertion to B2C unsolicited, and basing it on this here (except I want to have B2C pass a JWT token back to…
I don't the meaning of the icon
Hi! I have a problem with MS Teams. During my meeting I get such an icon attached to my profile. Could you tell me what does it mean? Kind regards and thanks in advance!
what should be written
can anybody tell what should be written in 4th excel sheet (who is <term>)
Teams Issues
I've got a MacBook Air and I've downloaded the Teams app and re-downloaded it but every time I sign in it says I don't have a strong enough connection. But, my Wifi is very strong and is working perfectly on any other app. Does anyone have any tips?
Nelze se přihlásit
Dobrý den, již mnoho dnů se nemohu přihlásit uživatelem ******@johanis.cz. 1 den vše fungovalo, povedlo se mi i vytvořit vlastní tým. Další dny se však nemohu ani přihlásit, není chybová hláška, jen: Prosím o prověření, co špatného se…

ARM template for Azure stack failing with cse script error
Hi All, We have a requirement to create AKS engine in Azure stack environment. Therefore we followed below tutorial to create K8 cluster. and as part of running the command we got output folder with files along with ARM templates. …

Data stored by Azure Speech
Hi I use Azure Speech for speech-to-text and text-to-speech, and I would like to know more about data storage when using this service. Which of the following elements are stored on Microsoft servers ? Audio : user's voice when using…
Upgrade Windows 10 to the Latest version with SCCM ( MECM) - Compatibilty Check
Hello SCCM engineers, I would like to take advantage of your experiance concerning the upgrade of the version of Windows 10 to the most recent version "2004". I have the latest version of SCCM (MECM 2006) and I have successfully integrated…

app without a window
hi MultiPage the above project just have two pages and no windows. Q1: how this works without window , where the Page control needs a host (frame) ? Q2: when we use user control without code behind file (usercontrol.xaml only) ? (or…

Exchange powershell directory shared URL
Hello, I have two exchange 2019 servers in DAG (like exch01.contoso.local and exch02.contoso.local). And I also have dns record like mail.contoso.com that points to those servers exactly I want to use https://mail.contoso.com/powershell URL in my…
One Exchange Account that Recieves All Emails?
Team- a consultant once set up and Exchange email account that all other emails in the domain forward to- kind of a catch-all account that all emails go to. It's an extremely time-efficient way to grab lost emails, or show that certain emails were…
OnClosing() or OnClosed() to save settings
hi should i put Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); in OnClosing() or OnClosed() event of the mainwidow and why? and is there a better way to do so, it's my first time to use settings in my app. i'm using c#, VS2019, wpf .netCore3.1 app

Remote Desktop Service
Hi, We have per device license and per user rdp license. The license mode was in per device and the per user license was not coming into utilization. To use both per device and per user license, we have changed the license mode to Per user. Now…

Compatibility between MFC versions
Hello. I have the source code of an application program for Windows XP using MFC in Visual Studio 2003. I am curious to see if the source code of this application can be compiled normally when compiled in Visual Studio 2017. Also, I am curious…
How do we get Outlook notifications that actually work on IOS14 and 14.1
How do we get Outlook notifications that actually work on IOS14 and 14.1 currently they just say open outlook to read your message, if you also have any wearables it shows the same message. devices are managed by intune and outlook is required was…

How to use Mongoose's sort() function in cosmos DB?
const user = await User.find({ level: 'user' }).sort({ class: 'asc' }).select({ password: 0 }) errmsg:'Error=2, Details=\'Response status code does not indicate success: BadRequest (400); Substatus: 0; ActivityId: f9fb7d60-da8b-4697-b77b-7a83218014e8;…
Win10 IoT Core - WinCE App Container for ARM64
Greetings, our customer is looking for Windows CE App Container support for NXP iMX8. According to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/iot-core/windows-ce-app-container it is available for ARM32 and x86 only. Could you please confirm…
New Cortana Briefings Not Sending
I was told to repost my questions here. Licensed Users are not receiving any Cortana Briefings and we do not know what to do. The admin has already gotten their introduction email about Cortana that says after two weeks everyone else will start getting…