Application LIfecycle
I want to focus on what an “Enterprise Application” or an “App Registration” lifecycle would be. Perhaps someone has the need to pull in data for a temporary application or is just testing RestAPI. Those applications are pulling access tokens based on…
When will AppServiceConsoleLogs be available for Windows App Service Plans?
According to the documentation ( AppServiceConsoleLogs are not yet trackable with Azure Log Analytics. This is quite frustrating as it requires special…
Azure VM Failover Clustering
We're trying to do a standard failover cluster for an application we have installed on Azure VM's. Is there a way to present a single disk to more than one VM in Azure?
MadVR settings panel not loading in converted UWP app
I have an exe installer(media player) that has madvr( which installs as part of the installation. I used the MSIX tool to package the exe installer. I tested the MSIX package and the media player runs…
[MSDN Redirect] Page events stopped working sometimes in our web services
Hi All, We created our online website and deployed in Azure web services. All the pages works fine but sometimes click events in our page are stopped working. Please help me what could be the reason behind it. I developed a site in ASP.Net the…
Getting "Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority" and "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel" when .NET console application not running as administrator
More and more customers having Windows 10 are reporting us, that they cannot communicate with server and in log they get: DateTime = 18. 2. 2020 15:51:02 Header = General exception - Message Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with…
Why can’t I make the PowerPoint Laser my mouse outside of PowerPoint?
Basically I want to change my windows mouse to the PowerPoint laser for everything.
Retrieve data from expired subscription
Hi, My VM recently expired and I would like to know if its possible to retrieve some data (1 file in particular) when the VM will not start. Thank you.
enable one time bypass to user via powershell
looking for the command for one time bypass from powershell
Trying to create a transform within AADC (Azure AD Connect)
Hi Guys Im looking for a little help on AADC and out of box ruiles Im working with a business who have acquired another company and need to synchronise identities from this new forest into AzureAD then migration mailboxes (multiforest hybrid).…
AAD connect matching attributes
When a matching is created for two ADs via hard match (consistencyGUID) how can I choose which additional attribute is the "leading one" when the attributes are synced? i.e. both source objects have different companies, departments, phone…
Azure Hybrid Benefit and Visual Studio Subscription
I have a Visual Studio Enterprise subscription which obviously includes all kinds of licensing including Windows Server. Can I use that licensing in my VMs as part of the Azure Hybrid Benefit? This is for Dev/Test workloads anyway. I would assume that…
[MSDN Redirect] Azure app services with Linux: installing linux apps through SSH don't persist
Hi, When we connect by SSH from Azure Management Portal to our Linux hosted app service, there is a warning saying "Note: Any data outside '/home' is not persisted". We need to install some libraries in order for graphics to work on Linux.…
Putting office on new netbook
I had MS Office on my old "netbook" somehow I downloaded it and used a product key I had to get it activated. That netbook died recently, and I have bought another one. Is there any way on my Microsoft account to tell what MS software I have…
Azure App Services stop communicating with each other after adding white-list addresses to firewall
We have 2 Azure App Services that communicate with each other. They work fine until I configure Access Restrictions under the Networking blade of each web service. Is there a way to white list addresses and still allow the internal web services to talk…
Limited access to Azure ressources depending on the tags
Hi, I would like to limit/allow access to certain ressources depending on the tag. For example the group of users "Dev" can only modify and access the ressources (VM for example) with the tag and the value "environnement : dev" etc…
[MSDN Redirect] Authentication to 3rd Party App
Hello. I am new to Azure and running into issues with authentication to my default AAD. I am only able to authenticate my 3rd party app using the Azure created login formatted as How do I authenticate using my…
Accessing Grafana on HDInsight Clusters
Hi All, We have multiple HDI clusters setup(Spark, Kafka, IQR). I have trouble accessing Grafana dashboards. I followed the guide ( with Ambari credentials…
Managed Kerberos configuration
Hi all, is there any deployable way to set the Kerberos configuration, e.g. auth-server-whitelist? Either chromium-style policies like /etc/chromium-browser/policies/managed or default command-line arguments like /etc/chromium-browser/default (both…
How to force a sync from azuread groups to dropbox connector?
Is there a way to force a sync from groups in dropbox connector? So the sync is AzureAD -> Dropbox