SSIS flexible file source Java SE is required to use ORC format
Hi I am trying to read orc files so that I can take the data from them and load into a sql database. I am using the SSIS package that was an addition to SSDT and its an azure addon (SSIS AZURE Feature pack…
Last 3 full months vs last year same 3 months dates
Hi Guys I am looking for a way to use my date in SQL Server to show me the "last 3 full months vs last year same 3 months dates" not adding the current month - this is something that I want to hard code (Store Proc) and use in SSRS in a Date…
sharepoint 2013 - right justify "stop editing and save changes"
Is there a way to right justify the "stop editing and save changes"/ "stop editing this list" text on the page - as I have shown in the attached image? This is normally left justified. I have tried css with no success. See 2…
Init container in multi-container azure webservice deployment.
We have a docker-compose file with in it 4 containers: Mongo Web App Web Api Initialization When using a multi-container webapp and using our compose file the app keeps restarting. We found this is due to the app being declared unhealthy…

BCD file locked and breaking my backups
Hi all, I have a problem with a client server where backups are being broken. We use Unitrends for backup and everything was working fine until about August 18th. We run Server 2019 Standard and now we are getting backups failing pretty much every…
what do i do after i failed an exam?

How to add Multiple Case when statement with where condition to get the Attendance Report
I have a table EmpAttendance with the following structure Create Table EmpAttendance (Empid int, EmpName varchar(max), AttendanceDate datetime, IsAttendance bit, IsHoliday bit, IsSick bit, IsDayOff bit) The Table has the following Record INSERT…
SCCM displays all results for every folder and/or query
There seems to be a horrible glitch in the SCCM that I inherited. In the folders under Device Collections, all of the collections show for every folder. For example, I have a folder called Servers. When SCCM is working properly, only the server…

Invalid memory pointer read error causing window applicatin crash
Hi, I am analyzing a crash dump of my window application which runs for 3 days and then crashes with "INVALID_POINTER_READ" error. below are the register details: CONTEXT: (.ecxr) rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000026591824f40…
Best way to check ccm.log file
I am new to SCCM. In order to troubleshoot Client Push Installation, some fellows have suggested checking the ccm.log file. May I ask what is the best way to check that Log file. Should we remote access the SCCM Server and check the log ? Is it…

is dbo rights to report users required?
Hi All, I just migrated a few SSRS reports from SQL 2012 to SQL 2016 standard edition using cmd scripts. I have also matched all the accesses from the old to the new including the roles and permissions in the SSRS that includes the site setting and…
Student discount unavailable for MS certification exams
I am unable to find out if I am eligible for a student discount; I would like to be able to speak with someone about verifying my student email in order to receive a discount for certification exams. I have already linked my student account to my…
3rd screen
pc will not detect my 3rd screen.
Set iOS Devices to Supervised Mode
Hello Community, we want to Rollout iOS Devices in Supervised mode. Our Problem is that we cant get the Devices Synced to Apple Business Manager. The following configurations have been set: We Set up the Enrollment Programm Token a…
Configuration Manager - Windows 10 Servicing Planing Considerations
SCCM Environment Blockquote A single standalone primary site with many distribution points (DPs distributed on branch offices) Blockquote strong textRequirenment What are the considerations / best practices when planing…

Using Microsoft Teams for Linux Mint. When signing in I am re-directed to my organizations sign in page then an error page stating that "We're sorry - we've run into an issue" desktop-6cb4c523-0e5c-46e2-925c-009c58ede7ea Error code - -207…
Azure App Proxy pointing to F5 Load Balancer
Hi, were trying to make internal web apps available thru Azure Application Proxy, but some of our web apps are sitting behind an F5 load balancer. We'd like to make the experience as seamless as possible for our users, so single sign-on is a must. Has…
create collections by computer name
Hi,Team. I need to create several collections because of the computer nomenclature. In this example many computers start with "ari" and another one with the word "ari" in the middle. For example aguari003. I know that I…
Access query is running slow from one site
I have two site Site A, Site B. From Site A it takes 20 sec to get the SQL query result but from Site B it takes 30-40 sec for the same query. Both of the sites are on 100MB line. Is they any test I can run to see why its taking longer from site B
Install Offline Language Pack on Windows 10 1909
Hi, How can I install a language packs on windows 10 1909 using PowerShell offline? These machines do not have access to Microsoft stores to download the language pack online. What files are needed from the FOD. how do I find which files belong to…