Select all duplicate records
How do I return all records that have the same last 6 digits or characters? For example: 000123456 009123456 123456789 100456789 201456789 987654321 112233445 I need to return: 000123456 009123456 123456789 100456789 201456789
Websockets in C# for UWP ping pong
I use this Microsoft example to build UWP app for Windows IoT Core on C#. I use npm ws client for the browser and the same npm ws for Node.js server. The Server uses standard ping (opcode 0x9) and pong frames. How to get "ping" from the…
forgot my password, no SSPR
I am learning Azure and was going through a Microsoft learn class on SSPR.....Ironically I think I changed my password without enabling SSPR and now I can't get back in. I am the only user on the subscription so I'm stuck...Whenever I go to try and reset…

ComboBox's SelectedValue doesn't work without BindsTwoWayByDefault
I've 2 custom controls: 1) Combo and 2) ComboField. Combo is based on ComboBox and defined styles for ComboBox. ComboField is a composite control with a TextBlock in first column of a Grid and Combo on the second column. In the Generic.xaml, I've these…
Linker failure when building using Visual Studio 2019
My project is being moved from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2019 and I am trying to evaluate and solve issues. When I build my project using VS2019 I get the following linker errors: libpost.lib(sucfile.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external…

Is it possible to add custom parameters (User Inputs) to an ADF Template I've created?
I saved an ADF copy pipeline as a template. When a user selects the template, in addition to the linked services, I would like to prompt the user to enter two additional string parameter values that would be used to set values in the pipeline. Is that…
Automate Flow - billing restrictions message
Dear MS team, After 2 weeks of vacation, I see the message as following 'your flow was saved, but could not be enabled because of billing restrictions.' If I click Learn More, the link leads me to a page about Data loss prevention (DLP) policies.…

Permissions for /me/drive/recent
I want to get the recent files for a user and am trying to use the /me/drive/recent API. The docs suggest that Files.ReadWrite.All should be sufficient permission for this but I get a 403 error on that call with a token that only has…

Azure Service Bus - Message storage for analytics
Hi, I'm planning to create an application that uses Azure Service Bus Topics to transport information among diverse microservices. I want to store a copy of the data that is distributed by ASB Topics so at some point I can either go back and check the…
Powershell convert json
Have a powershell script to pull alerts from graph api and converts it to a JSON file. The JSON file has to be flat (ConvertTo-Json -Compress) for use in a different system. The script works great when it only returns a single alert if multiple alerts…
/Gh causing infinite loop
Topic: mentioned that the _penter function must compile along, I countered another problem, I need to use functions from other libraries in _penter function, for example void myfunc(){ //…
System.Drawing.Image Image is not working when in run mode.
I am using ITeamExplorerNavigationItem2 to add a button in the Team Explorer. When I am using the property public System.Drawing.Image Image to control the button Icon. public System.Drawing.Image Image => null // Button comes up without any…
The MAC signature found in the HTTP request is not the same as any computed ...
I used azure-storate-blob == 12.5.0 azure-core == 1.8.2 I tried to access my blob storage account using connection string with Python v12 SDK and received the error above. The environment I'm running in is python venv in NixShell.
main function: argc is negative number
Hi fellow programmers; I am writing a cross platform linker using the Microsoft SDK but the argc argument is negative. I have written a batch script to build the test program which is called main_Test1.bat. The following is the batch script: cl.exe…
Management Points flip
We have a Primary Site Server(PS) and a segregated child domain/site serviced by a Site Server with the MP and DP roles. I can install the client without issue, but in the ClientLocation.log it shows the MP is set to the Site Server then it checks AD…

Delete Application Oauth Callback not triggered
I have approved one app & that app is listed into Enterprise applications | All applications. While deleting that app from my manage page, call back URL is not get any info(not triggered).

WSUS Offline - The latest Windows 10 update is not avilable
Hello I am performing a test of the WSUS Offline tool in a private network where there is no internet connection is available. I am using the very latest version of WSUS Offline version available form this location :…
Why i can't schedule an exam for certification DP-200
Hello, When i want schedule an exam for certification DP-200 . I have a blank Page "waiting for examregistration" Do you know why please ? Thanks, Best Regards
Remote Desktop web client is not installing the latest version
Hello, I'm trying to upgrade the Remote Desktop web client to the latest available version However, the Install-RDWebClientPackage is pulling only the previous version How to get the latest version installed? Best regards, …

Invalid memory pointer read error causing window applicatin crash
Hi, I am analyzing a crash dump of my window application which runs for 3 days and then crashes with "INVALID_POINTER_READ" error. below are the register details: CONTEXT: (.ecxr) rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000026591824f40…