My sync group is stuck in the processing state
Our sync group is stuck in the processing state. The SQL data sync client service is running on and I tried restarting it. We cannot stop it, nor delete it. Here is the subsciption Id: 978dc42f-ef7d-4898-9403-eb679146abcc And the sync group is:…
check of availability on network
Is it possible to make a script that will run as a service and send the network availability status to the web server after turning on the device where the service will be installed?
Azure Security Assessment
Hi there, It is required to assess the Security (CSPM) for all our Azure PaaS & SaaS services across a number of Management Groups. Not just the security score. An in-depth Security Assessment to be carried out across:- Identity and…
Updating database c# code explanation
Hi guys, I am very thankful if anybody can explain what is happening with these few lines. private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SqlCommandBuilder customeradaptorcommand = new…
Unable to provide "Admin consent" to a permission in MS graph application
Hi there, I have an Office365 account with super admin access. As per our requirement, I have created an app for API uses. In the app registration >> API permission >> add permisson >> Microsoft graph >>application…
AZ-304 certification completed but certificate is not appearing in the dashboard
Hello, I appeared for AZ-304 Azure Architect design exam and cleared with 851 score in Centre in Cardiff ( Dominion Centre). I have the results in the score card, Dash board, transcripts but not getting the certificate after 15 days now. can you…
Issues with Azure AD B2C Authentication
Hi, I've been recieving the below screenshotted error since the last 2 days on my web apps trying to authenticate using Azure AD B2C. I tried looking up the error code, but had no luck. Let me know if anyone else is facing similar issues lately and…
Sharepoint Files query does not return all file types
Dear community, I'm using MS Graph API to search files stored into a specific folder on Sharepoint Online. The URL I'm using is : GET /sites/{site-id}/drives/{drive-id}/root:/{folder-name}:/search(q='{file-name}') Basically, each query shall…
Azure devops - export failed test cases
How to export failed test cases from test plans in Azure devops to excel sheet

Powershell - Get all columns in Microsoft Teams
Hi there, I'm using Powershell to extract information on users in the company channels. I've got their names and e-mails but not their location. Is there a way to get all information on the users within the teams? Thanks.
Logic Apps SFTP multiple folders
Hi All I have requirement to monitor 20 folders in a SFTP server and move files to another SFTP server. I have followed some of the suggestions given in SO …
Microsoft teams is deleting my messages without my knowledge!
So to be completely honest I have this chat with a girl that I look back on a lot. Please I want to know why my messages are being deleted in some sections and some not. Help.
Microsoft Teams keeps crashing on the phone and it won't accept meetings on the laptop.
Microsoft Teams keeps crashing on the phone and it won't accept meetings on the laptop. I'm currently having online classes and Teams keeps crashing at random times. Sometimes it won't let me join a meeting and it also won't let me see the shared content…
How to make my newer outlook account my default email account and to link it to MS teams
Please could you help me make my newer outlook email address my default email account and the old one secondary? I’ve followed online advice to select “file”... well I don’t even have a file button to select, and there is never an option to “select as…
My Teams Planner does not show my tasks/to-dos from Outlook
My Teams Planner does not show my tasks/to-dos from Outlook. I have installed planner on my teams and my understanding is that I should see my tasks from outlook (Offcie 365). Nothing is showing up.
Teams guest
Hello, I added two guest to a chat and both guest receive email notifications whenever they are not currently viewing their teams, however, when they attempt to open thier app the chats are not on viewable.
Domain Conroller certificate key size
Hi, On my domain controllers, I have "domain controller" certificate issued by sub-ordinate CA. Domain controller certificate is having/issued with 1024 bit key size (RSA public key) whereas issuing authority certificate is with 2048 bit…
I can not acces recoded video by my teacher
We created a demo class on teams , but when the owner POST THE VIDEO I COULDN'T access it How would we solve this problem if it occurs for our students Regards, Mona
The future of Cloud Services (Classic)
Hi guys, Given the continued popularity of Cloud Services (Classic) and the absence of a viable RM alternative for many use cases, many Dev teams find themselves in a difficult situation, having to underpin brand new solutions with Classic Azure…

cpp dll exported data array in cpp exe in debugger
I was curious why when the exe is in scope, the debugger will say an array is unavailable that is defined and exported from a dll though it can have elements assigned a value, a pointer declared and assigned, and the assigned pointer can be used to…