Server 2012 Failed Logon Event 4625 w3wp.exe NULL SID Exchange Issue
I recently changed passwords after having a cyber attack on another server on my network. All of our firewall changes have been WAN-LAN related. On my Windows 2012R2, I was looking at my security event logs and am noticing a lot of login failure event…
Exchange 2019 - EML Viewer for e-discovery
Hello All, We are running an on premise Exchange 2019 environment. The Security officer requires to view the messages discovered using E-Discovery on the ECP itself rather than downloading it and viewing it separately which is quite a task as…
VPN Client to server wich have 2 IP
I have a VPN server with multiple Internet connections (redundancy in case of a break). There are many Windows users who need to connect to this server. Now I set up 2 connections for each user (one for each Internet channel of the server). Sometimes…

(SQL Data Tools 2015) When creating a report, how can I merge few columns for rows that have same data? (Picture included)
Hello, below screenshots show how initial data are gathered, what i have so far, and what I intend to accomplish. In second table ("What I updated to so far..." one), Initial Comments and Final Comments are merged and concatenated properly…

How to create XML based on XSD configuration from Database using SSIS Tool without any coding
Hi All, I want to create XML based on XSD configuration from Database using SSIS Tool without any coding. Is there any option where we can upload XSD and map data to XSD configuration directly from DB to generate XML for multi levels? Please help on…
SSRS Axis label problem
Hi all: I have a table call EPowerLog, The table have 2 columns Column A : LogTime (datetime) Column B : PowerValue (float) Data like this There have 382 records which record from 15:46:21.000 to 15:52:44.000 Then I use…

Unable to connect to the remote server.Azure Finction.CSOM.Share point
I have Azure Function and share point online,when I try to get item by id in azure fucntion, i get exception.I always use the service account in the code.What am I doing wrong? thanks Unable to connect to the remote server Stack: at…
Azure Sphere MT3620 dev kit - temperature reading
I have some code to try and read from the Temperature I2C, which is obtaining values but these do not make sense, nor are they changing over time. The data also fails the CRC check, further suggesting what is coming back isn't valid. Does anyone…
SSRS does not render detail rows
I have SSRS 14.0.1016.232 for VS 2015. It's newly installed on this laptop. When rendering a report within VS, the detail section will sometimes not display on screen - just blank rows. The data is present in the report - if I export the report…

Large tables with least frequently used
Hi there, I have a large table with json data with lot of records mostly for archive purposes in nature. This table resides on db that is most frequently used by our systems. Does it make sense to move this table to a difference database for not…

Report Parameters Properties/General/Data type
If we are defining a Report Parameter that includes both an ID and its Description, using the ID to do our SQL Server Stored Procedure filtering appropriately and its Description for a more aesthetic user experience as its multi-select drop-down…

OneNote Matematika
Dobrý den, potřebovala bych pomoci. Používám OneNote do matematiky. Tato funkce funguje pouze tehdy, když je zařízení offline. Jakmile zařízení připojím k síti, funkce Matematika se ztratí. Jak mohu používat Matematiku i online? Děkuji. Kateřina…

Excel rounding formulas
Hi, I need to create a rounding rule that rounds up to either 50 or 90. I've tried with CEILING but I don't know how to input multiple rules. Any advice will be much appreciated. /Anne

SSRS Report with Multi-value Parameter for use in Report Manager Portal and Subscription
I am at my wits end on this one. We have an existing report with multiple multi-value parameters that runs just fine via Report Manager Portal. Now they want to set-up Subscriptions for this report and I cannot for the life of me get this to work. …

Microsoft Word saved document history
Hi, I accidentally deleted pages from a document and saved and closed the file. How can I recover the text? I don't see the document history because I didn't have automatic saving enabled. Thank you

How to reinstall Office 365
I have recently had my laptop in for repair. When it came back, it had Windows 7 on it. I tried to install Office 365, which I have paid for, but could not. What do I need to do?

Catalina and Microsoft Office Compatabiity
What is the fix for using the desktop version of microsoft office on a Mac with IOS catalina? I don't want to have to subscribe to 365.

PowerPivot for Excel 2013 can't be loaded
I had to have my computer re-imaged and had Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus reinstalled. Now when I try to start PowerPivot I get this error (see attached for picture). Method not found: Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Common.ApplicationEdition…

One drive migartion to another tenant
I have almost 500 O365 users are using one drive and planing to move the tenant. How can I migrate all the users One drive data to new tenant.

Custom Markup snippet on Sharepoint RTE
Would like to check if it is possible to add a custom style and markup snippet for Sharepoint 2019 Rich text editor? the markup snippet to look like this div a h2 title /h2 p content /p /a /div