Can't sign in to my local account using a Remote Desktop Gateway
I recently setup a Remote Desktop Gateway in the hopes of using it to connect to my home PC remotely. My issue is that I am not able to log into my local account through the gateway. I have also setup DUO 2FA as a secondary security measure. I have…
Face API I ssue
I got an error "Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face.Models.APIErrorException: 'Operation returned an invalid status code 'Conflict'' when i create person group using faceclient (await faceClient.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId,…
Cosmos DB Throttled Requests
Hi there, I have a few thousands request every 30 secs. I have autopilot mode on with 4000 RU/s. But I can see I'm getting lot of throttling requests. I'm currently storing all the insert functions into a task and then using Task.WhenAll. …
Can't upgrade 2008 R2 server using the 2012 eval ISO...
I have a 2008 R2 server that I licensed using my MAPS subscription long ago. I still have MAPS but older versions of Windows Server are not available, only the latest are available for DL. I can't seem to upgrade 2008 R2 using the 2012 eval ISO as it…
Insert/Load values into Single newly added column in already loaded table/history data
Hello, I have table called sales having fields Invoice Number,OrderCategory,Item.Its a incremental load table. Everyday day-1 data from source gets added to this table. Currently I had to add InvoiceDate column to table. Now I need to load this…
FIPS140-2 for app service
we are using azure app service for our application data store. can we claim as "we are FIPS 140-2 validated"?
questions and labs timed in AZ 500 exam?
Hi, I wanted to ask are the questions and labs timed (specifically I'd like to know if there is a time limit for each question) Is there a possibility to get more time for the exam? if there is, how can I do it? Have you ever implemented …
How to add a line break in string resource from Resources.resw file for use in TextBlock
How can the Resources.resw file be used to add a line break in a string resource? I tried the following but it didn't work: <TextBlock x:Uid="Example" /> Name: Example Value: Line 1 Line 2
why do i have to go someplace to get help with windows 10 problems nothing works with this OS
windows media can't fine my songs information ,I can install what I need and if It installs it still doesn't work what good is windows 10 anyway this is the worst OS system I've ever use .
Where do I see questions I have asked?
Hi, Is there a link someplace to see the questions I have asked (and the answers). Sometimes I need to go back to them later. This seemed to be a feature in the older technet forums. And maybe I am no longer even in the right forums - I used to…
Azure AAD Creation - Network Error
When trying to create a new Azure Active Directory, clicking on the Create a New Resource, then AAD, I get a Network Error: Extension Microsoft_AAD_IAM Content ActiveDirectoryOverviewBlade Details The request either timed out or your browser…
Unable to connect to Azure Database due to network settings/Firewall issue
Hello, I am an absolute beginner trying to start a simple project using Blazor and am trying to connect it to my SQL database but am getting this error: A connection to the server 'xxxxxxx' could not be established. This might indicate an issue…
Computer Crashed - Move Office 2019 to new computer
I purchased Office 2019 for a single computer download in June 2019. That computer crashed and I had to get a new computer, am i able to move the Office 2019 to the new computer using the same product key?
POWER BI ALLSELECTED fails when Sort Column By
If have created the following measure: Subtotal= CALCULATE(sum('Table'[Value]);ALLSELECTED('Table'[Month])) The result is a subtotal of Value by Month. Everything is fine. But then I use 'Sort Column By' to change the sorting order of Month by…
We are trying to get ‘all entities’ created in However, we do get a 200 OK response but it return a blank json
The request is like this: GET /luis/api/v2.0/apps/<app-id>/versions/0.1/entities HTTP/1.1 Host: Cache-Control: no-cache We tried other Luis APIs and they seem to work. . Only the API for ‘get all entities’…
threads in my azure virtual machine
How can I find out the number of threads in my azure virtual machine? , Also, how can I increase the number of threads in my virtual machine?
Azure - Failed to delete public IP address The client '' with object id XYZ does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/delete' over scope 'XYZ'
User is global administrator. Cannot delete resources in the tenancy. Any idea why? Failed to delete public IP address 'XYZ'. Error: The client 'Tech.XYZ@Anonymous .com' with object id 'XYZ' does not have authorization to perform action…
Data Lake Dashboard Metrics and Visualization (Azure Data Catalog for Data Lake Scope)
I don't have the need to create a common data taxonomy, lexicon, et cetera, across my tenant(s). I simply wish to be able to get visibility into individual Azure Data Lakes, at a glance, or on demand. So... Given that you have an Azure Data Lake with…
Azure Function Failing to Bind to CosmosDb
I'm following the instructions in this tutorial here: But every time I run the function, it…
Office cant open the file. Error tips, cant find files, please ensure the file name then try again
Office cant open the file. Error tips, cant find files, please ensure the file name then try again