Power Automate/ Fomrs
Buenos días, Quisiera saber si me pueden ayudar con una consulta, Estoy tratando de ingresar en flujo por medio de Power Automate las respuestas de diferentes Forms para obtener un conjunto de Datos de Power BI, lo he intenato de diferentes manera…
Como pedo desactivar onedrive lara w365BS
Buenas Soy jose romero, llevo la administración de un tenant de microsoft con 45 usuarios con w365BS y mi cliente quiere cortar el acceso a onedrive para todos los empleados que usan w365BS,, como puedo hacerlo? Gracias de antemano Saludos
az-900 badge and certificate
Hi Support, I passed the microsoft certificate az-900 on sunday but i dont see my badge and certification on my dashboard. please help.

C# remove all new line and blank line
Example of Text file: test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Expectation: I wanted to first remove all double or more blank line and replace them with a single blank line then register the number shown on the last line as a variable. Test1 Test2 Test3…
PHP on Linux WordPress image is almost out of support
I currently run WordPress on a Bitnami Linux VM with PHP 7.2.16. Support for PHP 7.2 ends in 18 days on 30 Nov 2020 [(https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php]), so I thought I would try a WordPress Linux WebApp on Azure. However I have discovered that…
Client Application loading Certificate for Identification
How does a new client load a certificate for identification? I am trying to set up a client application to get authorised against certificate. I think I have been misunderstanding to role of the Certificates section of the Azure Application…

What Is The Optimal Solution When There Is Incompatibility Between Google Chrome Driver & Google Chrome Browser
Error - " System.InvalidOperationException : session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 85 (SessionNotCreated)" Version Of Google Chrome I Am Using: Version 87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (64-bit) …
Exchange 2016 Recover Server Fails
Hello. We are trying to recover an Exchange 2016 server that failed during a CU update. However, when running setup /m:recoverserver the process fails the prereq check. Its not clear exactly why, but the last error in the setup logs is: …
Folder Redirection corruption
A sit was literally shut down and two dozen My Documents folders were manually moved from a remote server (Win server 2012) to a new server at our Main site (windows 2019 server) with the last days of that sites existance. After a long robocopy transfer…
Integrage MIcrosoft Authenticator for MFA
Hi guys, I have a question, kindly, I wanted to know if integrating Microsoft Authenticator with my application (Asp Net Core Razor Pages), to login with MFA, has some costs, or is it free? If not, what is the cost per notification? is there a site I…

Windows 10 Update
Guten Tag, zu Beginn erstmal, ich habe wirklich wenig Ahnung von Computern und diesem kompletten IT Kram, also bitte im besten fall so einfach wie möglich erklären^^. Ich habe meinen Computer nach fast 2 Jahren im Keller (unbenutzt) wieder hochgeholt…
Black screen with cursor on Windows 10 and BikLocker recovery key
Around 2 weeks ago, during my PC’s window 10 were updating, my PC was hanged and without any feedback for a long time. After restarted my PC and login to the window 10, my PC became black screen with cursor. I tried to hit the CLTR+ALT+DEL keys and…
File copy to directory when dir name is not available
Hi, I would like to copy a file (MyFile.txt) to multiple directories with a dynamically created names. In other words, I know the ParentDirectory name but not the child directories as shown in screenshot. There may be sub-directories under…
[UWP] Bug report: .Net Native compiler crashing
I am unable to compile UWP application in Release configuration when the following two lines added to the project: public struct TestStruct { } public delegate ref TestStruct TestDelegate(); The below is from the Output window: 1>------…
what this query do when delete ?
I work on SQL server only I have delete statement delete data from table trade code but I don't know when this statement delete Executed DELETE FT FROM Parts.Nop_Part pt INNER JOIN Parts.Nop_PartsFamilyAttribute fm ON…
Problème de Certification
Bonjour, Je devais passer ma certification AZ900 ce jour mais le logiciel ne fonctionnait pas. J'ai vu avec la personne en chat avec moi que je devais changer de poste. Chose faite mais je ne peux plus me connecter avec mes identifiants d'examen…

Azure migrate Server last updated time
Hi, why do servers "last update time" change so rarely? We have tens of servers which have last updates almost few weeks ago (agent has been installed maybe few mouths ago). Replication has not been started on them yet, agents has…
2016 people search error -The base type Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Internal.UI.SearchResultsLayoutPage is not allowed for this page.
We have Sharepoint 2016 on Premise. When searching for People throws an exception The base type 'Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Internal.UI.SearchResultsLayoutPage' is not allowed for this page. The type…
Duplicate resourceId for SQL Virtual Machine and the VM it runs on from Tenant resource usage rest api response
Hi there, I'm using the rest api mentioned here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure-stack/operator/azure-stack-tenant-resource-usage-api?view=azs-2008 to get instances usage information, I have a SQL Server (sqlVM) running on a Virtual Machine…
Sysprep and Capture Stalling
Hi, I'm trying to run a sysprep and capture TS that I have built. I booted to audit mode, customized my image with my preferred software, and then tried running LiteTouch.wsf from my deployment share. The LiteTouch window opens and I can select my…