query for a direct method using IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SetDeviceMethodCallback()
Hi, I need to send a ASYNC reply for the direct method from azure server because a task should be managed by other H/W component. It seems that below API doesn't support IOTHUB_CLIENT_INBOUND_DEVICE_METHOD_CALLBACK. …
Getting "Server failed to parse the parking page." when creating a web app
I tried creating my first test web app for windows on my azure for students subscription. When visiting the page I don't get the place holder page that the guide I'm following tells me that I should get. Instead I just get a row of text saying…

Setting up Kudu deployment doesn't work in firefox
In the deployment center, when setting up an azure CD/CI kudu deployment, it's impossible to get past step 3. Click the continue button doesn't do anything. Work's perfectly in chrome with the same settings.

getting error when executing set MsolCompanyAllowedDataLocation command
Hello, I am trying to activate Multi Geo environment for Exchange Online. Everything is setup and works for SharePoint Online. We are in hybrid environment. We set PDL property and assigned Multi Geo Licenses. I tried to add Remote Data Centers for…

How to force the http traffic to Https in SharePoint 2019?
Office Online Documents not Opening when Redirect http to https Site enabled on SharePoint2019 IIS I have SharePoint 2019 installed on Port 80 and enabled the Https on IIS, also i have created a site for Http to https redirect to pass all the traffic…

ASP.net core Autoupdate politics
If i installed ASP.net core on my server, will it update automatticaly? If so, can I somehow turn it off?

Powershell-Question Copy folder with permissions to multiple servers
Good Morning I am new to powershell and I am struggling with the following scenario. I have a folder that is set with specific security/permissions settings on 1 server and i need to copy that 1 folder to multiple servers with the same…
Help with AADConnect Expressions
In our hybrid Dev environment, we have followed these instructions to add a custom attribute to on-prem AD signifying Guest/Member, and have that syncing into AADConnect & out to Azure as UserType. This works for provisioning on-prem users as Guests…
Non-microsoft languages commentary
I develop radar applications on Linux and I have been watching .NET for 20 years. I was excited to see the goals for .NET 5.0 and I thought it might be the time to move to .NET. But, I was disappointed to see that the goal was just…
Export Security Center recommendations to log analytics
Hello, Sentinel is connect to a log analytics workspace and through data connectors I have connected to Security Center. Security Alerts are getting synchronised in Sentinel and I'm able to query it in SecurityAlert table in LA. I wanted to bring…

Unable to use APT properly
Here is what it throw when trying to install something (grep for example) sudo apt install grep: https://i.imgur.com/A3gptjc.png Here are the logs of sudo apt --fix-broken install: https://hastebin.com/suyekefoja.sql More logs:…
How do you enable "secure renegotiation" in IIS on Windows 2012 R2
I see that my IIS web server does not support "secure renegotiation", and I'm wondering how I fix that. I don't see anywhere to toggle that setting.
How to make online website with knowledge of CSS/Javascript/html?
Hello. I know a little of each CSS, JavaScript, and html. How can I make something with these that others can go to via google? Any help is appreciated, any stupid comments are not. Thanks.
How to create Custom Command in Cognitive Services Voice Assistant and download it?
In Azure Cognitive Speech service, I am using Voice Assistant. I can create Custom Keyword in Speech Studio and I can Train that and can be download as .table file on local system. So now I can use this .table Custom Keyword file to convert keyword…
Auto number increment
Hello everyone, i have issues with auto increment in DataGridView row count. As i adding columns in table, i get numbers of rows in right order, but when i delete a row, for example number 4, my ID skip reordering and continue to add next number of the…
Windows server 2019 activation errors
Hello, community, Please assist, I keep getting error code 0x80072ee2 when I try to activate windows server 2019, i have tried using the GUI as well as the command line using DISM. The server has Hyper V configured and two of the VMs are already…
Exchange 2016 CU18 - Outlook 2016 password prompt after upgrade
On prem Exchange here Exchange 2016 CU14 + Outlook 2016 Users - Everything was ok Exchange 2016 CU18 + Outlook 2016 Users with Cached mode on - Outlook prompt for password and crash with chart.dll error file Exchange 2016 CU18 + O365 - Everything…
How to keep the docker engine running (docker desktop) in linux container mode
Hi, How can somebody keep the docker daemon / engine running on a windows server running in linux conainer mode. We have downloaded the latest docker ce and placed on a "build server" to help build out docker images. However the daemon…
error message in my account
We can’t access your Microsoft profile to schedule your exam. To resolve the issue, try these steps in this order and return to the exam page to schedule the exam: •Use Internet Explorer (version 9 or above) or Edge •Clear all cache and cookies …
Can't delete OU....it's NOT delete-protected
I have a small AD domain with one 1st-level OU that cannot be deleted. It has no child objects anymore. My account is a Domain Admin and Enterprise Admin. There's no Delete, Move, Cut or Rename command on the OU's Context menu or the MMC Action menu,…