What is the "Windows 10 Upgrade Tool" and where can I download it and find docs
These Feature Updates are becoming quite annoying. I am a MSP. All my clients are running Windows 10. Automated Feature Updates are always a problem. Here is the latest script: Download the file…
Microsoft.subscriptions.admin not found
From the Azure portal - In the Subscriptions when I select the Resource Providers and in the Resource Provider I cannot find the Microsoft.subscriptions.admin . I have even installed the Azure Stack in the Powershell .It was installed successfully. …

How do I copy or share a folder between one sharepoint site to another
I have a folder in https://mysharepoint.sharepoint.com/site/siteA and I want to copy it or share it to https://mysharepoint.sharepoint.com/site/siteB How do I do this directly between sites?

Double DNS server entry showing in DNS Manager in Windows Server 2016 Standerd
I've installed Win 2016 Standerd Server and in the process of course I've add ADDS, DNS roles. In the beginning I didn't find anything wrong, but when I look at the DNS console now, I see two DNS servers that are seemingly identical - with exception of…
group addresses in outlook?
Evidently outlook was updated. Now I cannot find the group addresses.

Add a custom field to O365 Group Calendar
Hi, I would like to know if its possible to add a custom field (dropdown) to an O365 Group Calendar. So when an event is added, it is possible to select from the drop-down. Either through a site script / api or custom form. I possibly could use…

Log filtering on Azure Sentinel
how to optimize the logs that are being ingested to Azure Sentinel ? Either on prem logs or cloud logs . Can we do any filtering before the log sits in log analytics work space ? if so, how can we add the filtering
Help me find my certficiation on a different email.
Hello my excel certification is on my school email. I graduated and now my email is locked and I don’t have any way of accessing it. If you private message me I can send you private information including the email I used, my name, ect...

VBScript Runtime Error : Unknown runtime error: 'Application.DisplayAlerts'
When running VBScript, the Runtime Error appear "Unknown runtime error: 'Application.DisplayAlerts' Code : 800AC472 the line in the vbscript where it stopped is xlApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = False It happened randomly, e.g. once in…
Table of Contents XML: Error "Creating a table of contents? Start by applying a heading style from the Styles gallery for the selected text."
For the current project, I am trying to meet the following requirements: A DOCX document is to be constructed via XSL There are to be 4 Tables of Contents in the DOCX document: 3 with page numbers and 1 without page numbers It should be possible…

best azure products to use for signing up users to my app
i want to make accounts for a social media app I'm making and i cant find any resources that help me do this with the email and password ive looked into aad and b2c and it only use other company's login systems. i want to make app custom accounts but…

which is more speed cluster index or noncluster index and why ?
which is more speed cluster index or noncluster index and why ? I make cluster index on temp table and noncluster index on same temp table I notice that cluster index is more speed from noncluster index are this correct and why ?

How to make Forms Previewer more stable?
I find that the Xamarin Forms Previewer function is too unreliable to use regularly. It sometimes works for me, but too often either just spins forever without showing a preview, or shows some error. I try to diagnose the problem by looking at the log…

Hybrid Instalation Error
Hai Guys I need help, when installing HCW on Exchange Server 2010 SP1 the following error appears: Command not recognized. Please verify you have the correct Management Role Assign to your account. User is already a Domain Administrator,…
Email-Anhänge im Outlook öffnen nicht automatisch
Guten Morgen, ich habe seit einigen Wochen Email-Adressen über „Outlook“ erstellt. Leider lassen sich im Outlook Email-Anhänge in den Formaten „jpeg, pdf sowie alle von mir verwendeten Office-Dateien von Excel, PowerPoint und Word auf meinem PC nicht…
Can we Send data from Sharepoint online excel file to D365FO Entity
I need to create a LogicApp which reads the data from excel file resides in Sharepoint online and sends data to D365FO entity which i have created and working only first time when we upload the file second time it is failing (we upload file once every…
exchange commands in scheduled tasks not working
hello, i have the bellow script that run some audit commands that needs to be run in a scheduled task for automation purposes. if i try to run it directly, it works without any problem, but if i try to run it in a scheduled task, it does nothing. …
Stuck with Jars directory not found issue while uploading data into parquet format
Hi Team, I am working on a project in which we need to export the SQL server table data into azure blob storage in parquet format. Stuck with below error with Flexible File Destination, looks some thing related to JAVA [Flexible File Destination]…
Starting up databases after SQL Service restart
Hello, I have a SQL instance which contains 74 databases. So I had to restart the SQL Service about 1 hour and 15 minutes ago. Ever since then the SQL log is flooded with these messages. Starting up database 'DB1' Starting up database 'DB1' …
Azure Function with Event Hub Trigger works randomly when it runs on docker container locally
Scenario Azure Function with Event Hub trigger running on docker container Azure Storage Account on my Azure subscription Behaviour Running an Azure Function with Event Hub Trigger as docker container using Azure Storage Account I receive the…