Move Scrollview together with the RefreshView layout indicator (like Instagram pull to refresh)
I want to move ScrolView together with the RefreshView Layout indicator (do not place the indicator above the ScrollView, but ScrollView should be appeared below of swipe refresh indicator). Currently swipe looks like this: I want something…
String count with Powershell
I would like to write a script to count the occurrences of each string from File A, in bunch of files from remote servers. I am new to Powershell and don't have a clue how to achieve this, appreciate any help on this. For example- FileA.txt: …
Who is an owner of data rendered by IDataObject::GetData?
Documentation wording on that matter is somewhat confusing. First it states: The caller then assumes responsibility for releasing the STGMEDIUM structure then in parameters description: A pointer to the STGMEDIUM structure that indicates…
AD Connect - Sync Samaccountname
Hi, We sync AD accounts into O365 using AD Connect. We use the standard default settings with ADFS for authentication. I need to sync samaccountname from on premise using the method below. Are there any potential impacts to services or accounts…
Microsoft graph API unable to run HTTP action api call using certificate based authentication
I am getting this error "BadRequest. Could not load the certificate private key. Please check the authentication certificate password is correct and try again." when I execute HTTP api call in Logic Apps / flow
Share vnet across subscriptions
Have a really odd issue and Im not sure how it happened A colleague has created a service plan for a function app in a test subscription but has somehow attached it to the production VNet in a different subscription!! Has anyone else experienced…
nested virtualization VLAN problem
Hi. I have a following setup: physical Hyper-V Server 2019 server with a pNIC connected to a physical switch. There's a SET vSwitch in Hyper-V. The pNIC connects to a port on the pSwitch, which is configured in trunk mode with plenty of allowed VLANs…
How do I work with different icons for different theme? (iOS AssetCatalog& Android drawable)
Hi Xamarin family ! I developed an application. I want to change the theme colors and the color of my icons according to the user packages in my application. For example, if the user is using a professional package, all my application colors and icons…

How to save json file from Azure Blob Storage to On Premises SQL server using polybase
How to save json file from Azure Blob Storage to On Premises SQL server using polybase

SharePoint online forms
Hello, is there a way to incorporate a table on a SharePoint online form so users can enter multiple entries? I am building a firewall rules request form and would like a section where users can enter more than one rules. thanks, Sherazad
Registered App does not appear in IAM role assignment
Hi, I'm quite new to Azure. I have a registered App. I need to assign a role "Network Contributor" in IAM to the App. However, when I try to add the role to the registered App via IAM, the App does not appear as an option to select. I…

How do I install Hyper-V to custom location?
I have a 150GB C: partition for the OS, and yesterday I had to install Hyper-V. Needless to say, Hyper-V installed itself on the C partition like most MS apps do, taking up a bit more than 50 GB, and basically putting available storage on the red line.…
Azure Web Application Firewal and special characters
Hello Q&A, I`m having issues adding special characters such as À à È è to the WAF exclusion lists. Getting the following error message.
LINQ select first row in each group
This is sample data id | customer | total ---+----------+------ 1 | Joe | 5 2 | Sally | 3 3 | Joe | 2 4 | Sally | 1 i will select those customer name which has maximum value in SQL i can do it this way Approach 1 select * from customer c1 where…
Cannot move logs file in windows server 2012 R2
Environment details: I recently migrated on premise Windows 2012 R2 server to Azure cloud. Once migrated I enabled Azure update management and backup for the migrated virtual machine. NLA (Network level authentication) is disabled for this machine. …
Profile access unavailable
I tried to schedule a ms-700 exam, clicked on "Schedule with Pearson VUE" and got an error saying: "We can’t access your Microsoft profile to schedule your exam". See full screenshot attached. I followed two troubleshooting steps…
Problem enabling device
In the azure portal, when I enable a disabled device and the azure portal notifies that the devices is enabled however when I refresh the Devices page, that device shows disabled still. I believe this device has been added via Teams install i.e. the…
Azure Event hub to Azure SQL
Are there any way to stream eventhub event to Azure sql ?
Filter Activities in Pipeline
Hi, I am trying to Filter my APR calls. I am Trying to validate 2 cases in one activity. The second case is the current Date. It should be generated dynamically but its not working. This is the condition : "@Anonymous …
Exam schedule
Hi, I have an exam scheduled for today(Azure Fundamentals) but i have not received any link where i should join. Can you please urgently assist. Thanks