422,726 questions

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2 answers

IFileDialogCustomize::SetControlItemState() not working?

In the attachment you find a small program which shows a FileSaveDialog with a custom checkbox and combobox. It uses IFileDialogControlEvents to modify the visible items in the combobox when the checkbox is toggled. I find that the contents of the…

Windows API - Win32
Windows API - Win32
A core set of Windows application programming interfaces (APIs) for desktop and server applications. Previously known as Win32 API.
2,749 questions
asked 2021-01-20T10:27:59.7+00:00
de Vos, Gert-Jan 1 Reputation point
commented 2021-01-20T23:52:57.63+00:00
David Lowndes 4,721 Reputation points
1 answer

Azure AD connect sync - initial setup questions

Hi, I'd like to ask a few questions regarding initial first synchronization between on-premise Active Directory controller and Azure environment. In which format do I specify an organization unit to be synchronized? It's just a text box. Like this:…

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
23,733 questions
asked 2021-01-08T16:51:21.09+00:00
Martin Čermák 1 Reputation point
answered 2021-01-20T23:48:41.92+00:00
James Hamil 27,016 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

Compatibility problem using VSTO + MSAL.net

Hello All I need to do is to just create an Outlook VSTO project and use the MSAL.net nuget package. So I start my new project: Then I go to the Package Manager Console and I type: Install-Package Microsoft.Identity.Client -Version…

Office Development
Office Development
Office: A suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, email, presentations, and data management and analysis.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
4,320 questions
Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
23,733 questions
asked 2021-01-05T14:56:01.54+00:00
Pablo Glomby 186 Reputation points
commented 2021-01-20T23:42:53.593+00:00
James Hamil 27,016 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Xamarin Share Extension works fine in Debug, but not when released through TestFlight/AppCenter

I've been working on a project for a few months, and it is a fairly simple app and a share extension component. For some reason the share extension has stopped working when I deliver the app through AppCenter/TestFlight. It works exactly as intended…

A Microsoft open-source app platform for building Android and iOS apps with .NET and C#.
5,377 questions
asked 2021-01-20T22:12:08.72+00:00
Steven Brough 1 Reputation point
commented 2021-01-20T23:33:15.867+00:00
Steven Brough 1 Reputation point
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Can these Office 97 features accessed? Can they still be accessed now in later Versions?

Hi I have a multi part question. I happened across an article in an old PC mag and it identified the following as having Easter Eggs Excel called Halls of lost souls 97 Excel as having a flight simulator 97 Access as having Magic 8 Pool and …

Office Management
Office Management
Office: A suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, email, presentations, and data management and analysis.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
2,330 questions
Word Management
Word Management
Word: A family of Microsoft word processing software products for creating web, email, and print documents.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
985 questions
Excel Management
Excel Management
Excel: A family of Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
1,828 questions
asked 2021-01-19T23:38:08.447+00:00
❤️♫Vendetta69♫❤️ 41 Reputation points
accepted 2021-01-20T23:28:53.44+00:00
❤️♫Vendetta69♫❤️ 41 Reputation points
1 answer

SCSM No offering found

Hello I just installed scsm 2019 fresh installation , I have created integration with SCO i tried to create service offering for create AD but i cannot see the service offering on my portal , i have tested by Admin account. I follow the…

Service Manager
Service Manager
A family of System Center products for managing incidents and problems.
263 questions
asked 2020-12-26T22:29:22.297+00:00
Moonlight 176 Reputation points
commented 2021-01-20T23:22:56.797+00:00
Andreas Baumgarten 118.9K Reputation points MVP
0 answers

The managed domain is experiencing a network error - can't find the problem

Hi, we got the following error for our AZ AD Domain Services: Severity Critical ID AADDS104 Raised Tue, Jan 19, 2021, 07:56:44 UTC Last detected Tue, Jan 19, 2021, 07:56:45 UTC Diagnostics for Domain Services: Diagnostics…

Microsoft Entra
asked 2021-01-20T08:37:43.673+00:00
Philipp Marx 1 Reputation point
commented 2021-01-20T23:21:00.693+00:00
James Hamil 27,016 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

Access 365 Pro Plus 64 bit and Oracle 11g 32 bit ODBC driver

On Win 10 64 bit too. No problems with Office 2016, but IT just upgraded us to 365. ODBC 32 bit has a User DSN entry using an Oracle 11g 32 bit driver, and it tests OK. ODBC 64 bit also lists the same named User DSN entry but the Oracle 32…

Office Management
Office Management
Office: A suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, email, presentations, and data management and analysis.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
2,330 questions
asked 2021-01-20T06:30:38.767+00:00
Keeping, Tim (DEM) 1 Reputation point
commented 2021-01-20T23:18:31.38+00:00
Keeping, Tim (DEM) 1 Reputation point
1 answer

This App Bundle contains Java/Kotlin code

Hi, I am getting this error while uploading my Xamarin Forms' android app to the Google Play Console. This App Bundle contains Java/Kotlin code, which might be obfuscated. We recommend you upload a deobfuscation file to make your crashes and ANRs…

A Microsoft open-source app platform for building Android and iOS apps with .NET and C#.
5,377 questions
asked 2021-01-20T19:42:50.793+00:00
jrahma 116 Reputation points
answered 2021-01-20T23:14:24.7+00:00
James Montemagno 351 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Android Cortana

I liked the "time to leave for work", Traffic and Commute notifications that I used to receive on my phone. Was disappointed when the Windows phones were no longer supported. I have the Microsoft Launcher on my Adroid phone (and Cortana) but…

Windows 10 Security
Windows 10 Security
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.Security: The precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage, or another threat.
3,022 questions
asked 2021-01-20T20:49:17.89+00:00
David Rossi 21 Reputation points
accepted 2021-01-20T22:54:00.393+00:00
David Rossi 21 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How to bind "new filter" button to a hotkey?

There are filters instead of folders in mvs 2017 Every time I need to logically distribute my sources and headers in project I have to use mouse to create new filter for that. It's just boring and long. Is there any way to bind some key sequence to…

Visual Studio
Visual Studio
A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices.
5,448 questions
asked 2021-01-20T02:47:11.98+00:00
Bulat Man 21 Reputation points
commented 2021-01-20T22:41:07.147+00:00
Bulat Man 21 Reputation points
0 answers

Troubleshoot 'The specified resource does not exist. ' from Azure Data Factory Custom Batch Run

I have a simple "Rscript test.r" batch Command that runs a R script which just prints the message "greetings". When i trigger the pipeline manually and look at the output. It says: <Error> …

Azure Batch
Azure Batch
An Azure service that provides cloud-scale job scheduling and compute management.
363 questions
Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
11,358 questions
asked 2020-07-01T21:30:20.023+00:00
Dan 21 Reputation points
commented 2021-01-20T22:03:21.417+00:00
Patrick GRANDJEAN 1 Reputation point
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Block database access for encryption

We are planning to add Always Encrypted to our SQL 2016 database. It is used by thousands of web users. We are blocking new access to db at a specific time but not sure who may be already in web app when we do this. Is there a way to best block access…

SQL Server
SQL Server
A family of Microsoft relational database management and analysis systems for e-commerce, line-of-business, and data warehousing solutions.
14,492 questions
asked 2021-01-19T20:41:40.587+00:00
David Chase 681 Reputation points
commented 2021-01-20T22:01:35.983+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.8K Reputation points MVP
4 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Group Policy Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon. Enable the policy option Show clear logon background is Missing

Hi, I want to disable the blur of the Windows background screen but when I go to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon - Show clear logon background. - This option is not showing or available to me. I am running Windows Server…

Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2019
A Microsoft server operating system that supports enterprise-level management updated to data storage.
3,985 questions
A family of Microsoft operating systems that run across personal computers, tablets, laptops, phones, internet of things devices, self-contained mixed reality headsets, large collaboration screens, and other devices.
5,821 questions
asked 2021-01-20T01:03:00.147+00:00
DoBongSoon 546 Reputation points
answered 2021-01-20T21:59:42.463+00:00
DoBongSoon 546 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

SQL Server Management Studio 2012 Rounding numbers without asking?

I’m fairly new to SQL. My job uses SQL SMS 2012. We had an issue where our raw mainframe data was showing 0.0025 as the rate for an account but when I pulled the data with a SQL query it came out rounded to 0.0030. The original query without the cast…

A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
4,693 questions
asked 2021-01-19T22:11:37.013+00:00
Michael 21 Reputation points
commented 2021-01-20T21:57:52.077+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.8K Reputation points MVP
2 answers

WVD - mac Keyboard

Hi, How do you correctly map a mac keyboard layout to a (WVD) Windows 10 Session Host which is connecting using the WVD mac client.

Azure Virtual Desktop
Azure Virtual Desktop
A Microsoft desktop and app virtualization service that runs on Azure. Previously known as Windows Virtual Desktop.
1,715 questions
asked 2021-01-19T17:05:11.983+00:00
matt 6 Reputation points
answered 2021-01-20T21:56:09.49+00:00
matt 6 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

work or school account sync error

Hello, I have a problem with my Win 10 devices: after autopilot hybrid deployment when the user sign in there is an error: the sync was not fully comleted....

Microsoft Intune Enrollment
Microsoft Intune Enrollment
Microsoft Intune: A Microsoft cloud-based management solution that offers mobile device management, mobile application management, and PC management capabilities.Enrollment: The process of requesting, receiving, and installing a certificate.
1,455 questions
asked 2021-01-20T21:06:11.79+00:00
Amayak Osyan 101 Reputation points
accepted 2021-01-20T21:37:03.297+00:00
Amayak Osyan 101 Reputation points
1 answer

AzureVPN connectivity with RDWeb

Hello, We have RDWeb Server hosted in Azure. The connection is fast when we access it from the office which has Site to Site VPN with Azure. But if we access it from a Point to Site connection using AzureVPN client. The session takes very long to…

Azure VPN Gateway
Azure VPN Gateway
An Azure service that enables the connection of on-premises networks to Azure through site-to-site virtual private networks.
1,688 questions
asked 2021-01-19T18:31:02.123+00:00
MG Titanium 1 Reputation point
commented 2021-01-20T21:28:38.737+00:00
MG Titanium 1 Reputation point
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure DevOps Pipelines: How to know what to write to a YAML file?

Hi, I'm stuck with understanding the concept of using YAML for defining Azure DevOps Pipelines. Perhaps someone may help me to get on the track ... From the docs I understand I should be creating Azure DevOps Pipelines using YAML, which is a text…

Not Monitored
Not Monitored
Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
42,807 questions
asked 2021-01-20T21:17:51.177+00:00
AxD 671 Reputation points
accepted 2021-01-20T21:28:36.483+00:00
AxD 671 Reputation points
5 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

metered connection issue

We have a number of computers with LTE capabilities. When they were configured, we went to Settings|Network & Internet|Cellular|Advanced options and turned off the metered connection setting. However, some of them continue to be prompted with the…

Not Monitored
Not Monitored
Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
42,807 questions
asked 2020-06-10T22:28:05.083+00:00
Kenneth Kemp 116 Reputation points
accepted 2021-01-20T21:25:24.017+00:00
Kenneth Kemp 116 Reputation points