Dear all,
I'm trying to add different priorities in my customsettings.ini based on the task sequences I have, but MDT only process the first in line and skipping the last one.
Both LAB and 20H2 get the same results nomatter how I change the values or changing the settings in the task sequences for the OS deployments.
In my customsettings.ini I have the following, and it's the SkipLocalAccount I want to differ for the two OS deployment, but it doesn't work.
Properties=MakeAlias, ModelAlias, OSDPrefix, TaskSequenceID
I have tried the following:
- Tried with two Gather Local Only, one with default setting in task sequences and then added CustomSettings.ini and had it process the rules.
- Tried with two Gather Local Only, one with default setting and a custom LabSetting.ini file and had it process the rule.
- Tried with one Gather Local Only, but with only Labsetting.ini and had it process the rule.
- Also tried to add the .ini like this: %SCRIPTROOT%\LabSettings.ini or just have in the same folder as CustomSettings.ini.
- With having two new ini files like LabSettings.ini and OSdeployment.ini in the respective task sequences, I tried removed everything in CustomSettings.ini.
- I tried to add Set Task Sequence Variable: SkipLocalAccount with Value Yes and same thing for the other OSdeployment but with No instead.
- Tried to remove the priority in the CustomSettings.ini and kept [20H2] [LAB]
All of the above back and forth didn't work.
I have read about that DeployWiz_SelectTS.vbs needs to be modified to be able to use TaskSequenceID in the customsettings.ini and found this post:
I have the same DeployWiz_Select.TS.vbs from the blogpost in my MDT 6.3.8443.1000 but I'm running MDT version 6.3.8456.1000 - This didn't do the trick.
Anyone who knows how to set this up for it work properly
Thaaaank you!